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Letter - Children, Education and Home Affairs - CEHA Chair - 20 March 2025

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States Greffe

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Minister for Justice and Home Affairs BY EMAIL

20th March 2025 Dear Minister,

P.22/2025 – Draft Jersey Gas Company Amendment Law 202-

I write regarding the proposition Draft Jersey Gas Company Amendment Law 202- [P.22/2025] (the draft Amendment Law'), lodged on 11th March 2025. The Panel notes that the draft Amendment Law focuses exclusively on the Jersey Gas Company Limited (the "Gas Company"). The Panel would appreciate clarification on the intention behind referencing this single entity within the Amendment and how the new powers are expected to operate if or when other gas- related undertakings are introduced in future.

Specifically, the Panel seek further information on the following:

  1. The Draft Amendment Law appears to place new obligations and reporting requirements solely on the Jersey Gas Company. Are there provisions or contingency measures to govern other potential suppliers or distributors of gas in Jersey, should they emerge?
  2. The Draft Amendment Law enables the Minister to undertake benchmarking exercises to compare the Gas Company's safety measures and service standards with international best practices. However, it is unclear how this will apply in a wider context if additional businesses were to supply gas in Jersey. Could you clarify whether it is intended that other suppliers would be made subject to similar obligations in future?
  3. P.22/2025 grants the States a power to make further amendments (by Regulations) to the Jersey Gas Company (Jersey) Law 1989 and any other enactment relating to gas safety, security, and supply. In practice, does the Government envisage using this Regulation- making power to capture any other gas entities, or is it intended to remain specific to the Gas Company only?
  4. The Draft Amendment Law imposes a requirement to notify the Minister should there be a "change of control" in the Gas Company. However, the text predominantly refers to that single company's ownership or structure. If Jersey were to liberalise its energy market, might these requirements extend equally to new entrants?

Thank you in advance for your assistance. The Panel looks forward to your formal response and would request this is received by Thursday 27th March 2025. Please be aware that it is the Panel's intention to publish the response it receives on the States Assembly website.

Yours sincerely,

Deputy Catherine Curtis


Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel