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Deputy Tom Binet
Minister for Health and Social Services
11th March 2025
Dear Minister,
Health and Social Security Panel Suspension of Home Birth Service
I am writing to seek clarification, following the recent Health and Social Services Scrutiny Panel's Quarterly Public Hearing, on a number of points regarding the home birth service.
During the hearing, and in previous correspondence it was mentioned that the home birth service has not been fully operational for many years. Could you please clarify what is meant by ‘fully operational’ and when was the last time the service was considered to be fully operational.
Additionally, could you provide information on the comparative costs of different birth options, using averages if necessary:
• An elective caesarean section
• An emergency caesarean section
• A home birth (low risk pregnancy/low intervention/vaginal birth)
• A hospital birth (low risk pregnancy/low intervention/vaginal birth)
• An induced vaginal birth in hospital
Furthermore, the Panel would like to understand why the current position appears to be that the Maternity Unit should be the default location for births when many women and healthcare professionals consider home birth a perfectly natural and safe choice for low-risk pregnancies. Given the positive outcomes associated with planned home births in low-risk scenarios, the Panel would appreciate insight into the rationale behind this stance.
Finally, the Panel would like to ask whether you are aware of the significant level of public interest in the availability of home birth services. Many families believe that the option of home birth for those with low-risk pregnancies should be regarded as an essential part of maternity care. Could you clarify what steps are being taken to ensure that this choice is both protected and promoted within Jersey’s health system?
The Panel would be grateful, given the level of interest in this issue and the correspondence received from affected parties, that a response to the letter be provided to the Panel by Tuesday 18th March.
Yours sincerely,
Deputy Louise Doublet
Chair, Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel
Scrutiny Office | States Greffe | Morier House | St Helier | Jersey | JE1 1DD Tel: 01534 441080 | Fax: 01534 441077 | email: