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Approved Panel Minutes - Economic and International Affairs Panel - 2023

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Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Records of Meetings 2023

The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed


Deputy Moz Scott

Record of Meeting

Date:  12th January 2023



Deputy Moz Scott (Chair)

Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews

In attendance

John  Vautier,  Sector  Lead  for  Rural  and  Marine,  Department  for  the Economy

Kathyrn Flemming, Sector Officer, Rural and Marine, Department for the Economy

Heath Harvey, Head of Local Economy, Department for the Economy

Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing on Rural Initiative Scheme – Scoring system

The Panel received a private briefing from Departmental officers on the Rural Initiative Scheme scoring system.

A  private  detailed  file  note  was  made  of  the  briefing,  classified  as  exempt  in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


Record of Meeting

Date:  13th January 2023



Deputy Moz Scott (Chair)

Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews



In attendance

Tom Le Feuvre, Director of Global Markets and International Markets Joe Pennell, External Relations officer, Chief Ministers Department Hussein Haeri, Withers

Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer Rosalyn Sharp Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing on Bilateral Investment Treaty (BITs) between Jersey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The Panel received a private briefing from Departmental officers and an external consultant on the signing of the BIT between Jersey and the United Arab Emirates and the next steps in the process.

A  private  detailed  file  note  was  made  of  the  briefing,  classified  as  exempt  in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


2. Panel Meeting to Discuss Briefing on Bilateral Investment Treaty (BITs) between Jersey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The Panel discussed the briefing and agreed it would formulate some questions to ask of the Minister at the all States Members briefing on 20th January. The Panel requested if any information on work undertaken by the previous EIA Panel be circulated to help inform question areas.


Record of Meeting

Date:  16th January 2023



Deputy Moz Scott (Chair)

Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews



In attendance

Louise Richardson, Associate Director, Financial Services Frank de Mita, Associate Director, Financial Services

Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing on LLC's (Consequential and Miscellaneous) (Jersey) Regulations 202-

The Panel received a briefing from Departmental officers on the recently lodged proposition  P.119/2022  Draft  Limited  Liability  Companies  (Winding  Up  and


Dissolution) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations 202- which were due for debate no

earlier at the States sitting week commencing 7th February 2023.

The Panel was informed that since the commencement of the Limited Liability Companies (Winding Up and Dissolution) (Jersey) Regulations 2022 (the "LLC WU Regulations"), amendments had been made to the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 (the "Companies Law"). These amendments would permit a creditor with a debt of £3,000 or more to apply to the court for an insolvent company to be wound up and for a liquidator to be appointed to conduct that winding up. The Liquidator must be listed on the Approved List of Liquidators' maintained by the Viscount. The current LLC WU Regulations are based on the winding up provisions within the Companies Law as they were, and the Panel was informed that it was seen as appropriate for changes reflecting the Companies Law amendments to be made to the LLC WU Regulations so that this remedy is available for a creditor of an LLC also.

The proposed draft Regulations would follow the changes made to the Companies Law subject to necessary adjustments where necessary to cater for the particular nature of an LLC (for example that there is a manager and not a director).

The Panel was informed that the proposed amendments would allow Jersey to compete in the American financial market (in particular, with the Cayman Islands) as whilst the American market predominately used LLP's, LLC's were available to outside investors. The Panel asked what, if any, engagement had been undertaken with the United States of America (USA) and was informed that there had been no official engagement. The Panel asked for clarity on what it was that the proposed Amendments to the Regulations would modify and was informed that the LLC would be registered in line with international standards, with the registration being contained within the body of the document whereas currently, there is no need to register it in this way.


The Panel was taken through each of the Regulations and it was explained how each of them would change, should the Regulations be approved by the Assembly. The Panel  was  satisfied  that  the  proposed  changes  followed  the  wording  already contained within the Companies Law and major disruptions were unlikely.

The Panel asked around the consultation process and how this had been carried out. It  was  informed  that  a  consultation  paper  seeking  comment  on  the  proposed amendments was prepared by Government and circulated by Jersey Finance Limited (JFL) amongst its membership on 21st November 2022. The consultation remained open until 1st December 2022. In addition, an online virtual town hall' consultation was organised by JFL on 24th November 2022. No comments, adverse or otherwise, were received during the virtual town hall' event, nor were any responses received by the consultation closing date of 1st December 2022.

The Panel asked about the time period for the destruction of confidential documents relating to LLC's in the regulations and its consistency with the Companies Law. It was agreed that this information would be provided in due course to the officer via email.

The Panel thanked the officers for their time, and they left the meeting.


2.  Panel  post  meeting  re  Briefing  on  LLC's  (Consequential  and Miscellaneous) (Jersey) Regulations 202-  

The Panel agreed it was satisfied with the Amendments to the Regulations as proposed and agreed that whilst it may have questions in the future, no further action was required at this stage and it supported the Amendments.


3.  P.115/2023 The Draft Sea Fisheries (TCA - Licensing of Fishing Boats) (Amendment of Law and Regulations (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-

The Panel discussed the recently lodged proposition P.115/2023 The Draft Sea Fisheries (TCA - Licensing of Fishing Boats) (Amendment of Law and Regulations


(No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202- by the Minister for the Environment as it was concerned there may be an economic impact on the fisheries industry as a result of the proposed Regulations, and as a result, could fall under the remit of the Panel to review. The Panel was informed that as the proposition had been lodged by the Minister for the Environment, it would automatically fall under the remit of the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel (EHI). The Panel agreed that the Chair would speak with the Chair of the EHI Panel in the first instance to obtain some understanding of his position and with the Chair of the EHI Panel to identify what work, if any, the EHI Panel would be undertaking and if there was any participation required from the EIA Panel, perhaps in the form of cross panel working.

Record of Meeting

Date:  19th January 2023



Deputy Moz Scott (Chair)

Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews

Connétable Richard Honeycombe Connétable Marcus Troy



In attendance

Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer

Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 29th November, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th December 2022.


2. Welcome to New Members

The Panel welcomed Connétable Richard Honeycombe and Connétable Marcus Troy as members having been appointed during the States' sitting on 18th January 2023. The new members had been provided with background on Scrutiny and an introduction pack via email prior to the meeting and were informed that any training issues or further questions should be raised with the Panel officer.


3. Bilateral Investment Treaty (BITs)

The Panel recalled the recent private briefing it had received from Departmental officers regarding BITs and noted the upcoming briefing to all States Members on Friday 13th January at 10am. The Panel discussed the previously circulated briefing document on BITs and the proposed questions contained therein. The Panel agreed it would raise these questions at the States Members briefing and, depending on the response from the Minister, would discuss the next steps, if any.


4. Potential Reviews/Work Programme

The Panel discussed its work programme with a view to identifying potential review topics and the guiding principles by which it would prioritise each topic.

Government Plan 2023-26

The  Panel  was  informed  that  the  Ministerial  Responses  to  its  review  on  the Government Plan 2023-26 were due on 31st January 2023. It was discussed that these responses may identify potential areas of follow up work and it was agreed this would be discussed further once the responses had been received. The Panel also recalled it had planned a briefing with the Chief Economist in December, however, other work commitments had taken priority and this was due to be rescheduled. It was agreed this would be revisited together with the Ministerial Responses.



It was further agreed that the confidential business plans from the Government Plan be circulated to the new members, in particular, the business plan for the Department of the Economy.

Arms'  Length  Organisations  (ALOs)  and  Memorandums  of  Understanding (MoUs)

The Panel had previously expressed an interest in looking at this topic, however, it was recalled that the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture  (MEDTSC)  had  informed  it  that  a  review  would  be  undertaken  by Government in Q2 2023. The Panel agreed that this would be kept under review with questions asked of the Minister at upcoming hearings.

The Panel recalled that it had asked for the terms of reference for this review, however, as it had yet to be launched, these had not been received. The Panel also recalled that within the Government Plan 2023-26, a budget of £30,000 per year had been approved for the employment of a member of staff to manage ALOs. It was agreed that the status of this review be followed up together with the status of the employment vacancy.

The Panel was informed that the previous Economic and International Affairs (EIA) Panel had undertaken some background work on ALOs and MOUs. The Panel was reminded  of r.56/2022 - The New Memoranda of Understanding between the






Minister for Treasury and Resources and the wholly owned States-Owned Entities

which had been presented to the States Assembly in May 2022. This report was the presentation of the existing MoUs following a review undertaken by Treasury and Resources with the assistance of PwC and took effect on 1st May 2022. The Panel requested the MoUs for all ALOs be circulated together with r.56/2022 for further consideration, together with a briefing document showing the work that had been undertaken by the previous EIA Panel and the current Panel's options.

Jersey Aircraft Registry (JAR)

The Panel discussed the closure of the JAR and asked if it was still being funded and if so, by how much and for what reason. It was agreed that this information be circulated to the Panel as soon as possible.

Arts and Heritage Strategy

The Panel discussed the Arts and Heritage Strategy with a view to reviewing how grants were distributed. It was agreed that the Strategy, together with the report from the Comptroller and Auditor General on the Strategy, be circulated for members to consider and this would be tabled at the Panel's next scheduled meeting. It was also agreed that the Vice Chair would provide some questions with regards to the refurbishment of the Jersey Opera House which would be discussed at the next meeting.

Financial Services Legislation

The Panel discussed the upcoming MONEYVAL assessment due in September 2023 and  the  various  pieces  of  financial  legislation  which  the  Minister  for  External Relations and Financial Services (MERFS) would be lodging as propositions in due course. The Panel recalled it had been given very little time in which to review the last two pieces of legislation and was informed that a condensed list of all financial services legislation had been requested from both the financial crime team and the financial services team to show lodging dates and potential debate dates. This would hopefully provide the Panel with an opportunity to seek briefings sooner rather than later with regards to this legislation, should it wish to undertake further work.

Outline Economic Strategy (OES)

The Panel recalled it had agreed in October 2022 that it would undertake a review of the OES. It noted that the OES had been presented by the previous Minister for EDTSC and was a vision for the next 40 years. The Panel asked that terms of reference and a scoping document be drafted for further consideration.

Technology Accelerator Fund

The Panel recalled it had received briefings with the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel, however, agreed it would await further instruction from the Department for the Economy as to how the fund was progressing and being designed.


5. Upcoming and Proposed Briefings

Cyber Defence

The Panel noted the upcoming briefing on Cyber Defence due on 26th January 2023 and asked that this be rescheduled to accommodate members of the Panel who were unable to attend on that date.

Export Strategy

The Panel noted the upcoming briefing for the Export Strategy which was due on 6th February and recalled that questions had been circulated by Deputy Andrews . The Panel asked that the Strategy be recirculated together with the questions from Deputy Andrews , which Panel members would add to in preparation for the briefing.

Ports of Jersey (PoJ)

The Panel requested a briefing with PoJ regarding its general remit and an overview of the development of Jersey Harbour to ensure key milestones were being met and the project was on time and budget. The Panel also asked if the Memorandum and Articles of PoJ could be obtained and the MoU circulated.

Performance Measures

The Panel requested a briefing in relation to how performance was measured within Government across various Departments and to ensure its consistency.

Supply Chain Resilience

The Panel noted recent media articles indicating issues with potential supply chain resilience on the Island and asked that a briefing be arranged to address issues and raise further questions. It was also agreed that further research be undertaken to ascertain what Government was doing in the short term to address the problem, with a briefing document circulated in due course.

Support for the Fishing Industry

The Chair informed the Panel that the Minister for EDTSC had offered the Panel a briefing on the recently announced support for the fishing industry and asked that this be arranged as soon as possible.

Tourism Strategy

The Panel recalled the previous Tourism Strategy which was presented to the Council of Ministers in April 2022 had not been taken forward and a new approach was being undertaken by Government. The Panel noted that an industry-wide consultation Panel was due to be formed and asked to be provided with further details of who would be on the Panel, together with a list of the stakeholders the industry Panel planned to consult with. The Panel also requested a briefing be arranged following receipt of these responses.






6. Upcoming Public Hearing with Minister for Economic Development Tourism Sport and Culture (MEDTSC)


The Panel provided high level areas of questioning for the upcoming public hearing with the Minister for EDTSC and requested that a draft question plan be circulated for further consideration.


7. Follow Up Areas

The Panel noted the correspondence recently received from the MEDTSC regarding the loan to Blue Islands and questioned whether further questions could be asked based on the response. The Panel queried how much of the loan had been repaid; how much interest had been charged; and whether any further funding would be provided to Blue Islands.


8. Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due on 2nd February 2023 but asked that this be rescheduled to accommodate the upcoming Jurat Election which Members were required to attend.

The Panel also noted that both new members were members of the Planning Committee which took place once a month on a Tuesday and a Thursday. It was agreed that should any Planning Committee meeting clash with upcoming EIA Panel scheduled meetings or hearings, these should be rearranged, where possible.


Date: 31st January 2023



Deputy Moz Scott , Chair

Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Vice-Chair Deputy Max Andrews

Connétable Marcus Troy


Connétable Richard Honeycombe

In attendance

Item 1 only

John Vautier, Sector Lead for Rural & Marine, Department for the Economy

Kathyrn Flemming, Sector Officer, Rural and Marine, Department for the Economy

Heath Harvey, Head of Local Economy, Department for the Economy

Item 2 only

Elisabeth Blampied, Senior Policy Officer, Department for the Economy Stephanie   Luce ,  Sector  Officer,  Strategic  Policy,  Planning  and Performance Department

Matt Palmer, Director, Cyber Emergency Response Team

Ben   Jehan ,  Private  Secretary  to  the  Minister  for  Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing on Funding to Fisheries

The Panel received John Vautier (Sector Lead for Rural & Marine), Kathyrn Flemming (Sector Officer – Rural and Marine) and Heath Harvey (Head of Local  Economy)  for  an  informal  briefing  on  the  scheme  that  was  being designed to provide financial support to the fishing industry.

The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


2. Panel post-meeting debrief - Funding to Fisheries Briefing

The Panel discussed the briefing and any actions to follow. It was agreed that a timeline showing key milestones and objectives be requested from the Department  for  the  Economy  and  circulated  to  the  Panel  for  further consideration.



3. Briefing on Cyber Defence

The Panel received Departmental officers for an informal briefing on cyber defence and the advancement of the cyber defence project.

The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


4. Panel post-meeting debrief - Briefing on Cyber Defence

The Panel discussed the briefing and any actions to follow. It was agreed that a letter be drafted for approval by the Chair with follow up questions for further consideration.


Date: 6th February 2023



Deputy Moz Scott , Chair

Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Vice-Chair Deputy Max Andrews

Connétable Marcus Troy


Connétable Richard Honeycombe

In attendance

Item 1 only

Dan Marcos, Head of International Compliance, Department for the Economy

Harry Gibbon, External Relations Officer, Department for the Economy Peter Longstaffe, Law Officers Department

Charlotte Martin, Legislative Drafter

Item 2 only

Thomas Holvey, Chief Economic Adviser, Department for the Economy

Kirsty Pearson, Economy Development Officer, Department for

the Economy

Toby Gladwin, Economic Programmes Manager, Department for the Economy

Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer

Item 3 only

Deputy Sam Mézec , Chair, Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Deputy Ian Gorst , Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Philip Ozouf , Minister for External Relations and Financial Services

Deputy Lyndon Farnham , Member, Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Tom Le Feuvre, Director of Global Markets and International Markets, Office of The Chief Executive

Cora  O'Brien,   Deputy  Comptroller  of  Revenue,  Treasury  and Exchequer

Emma Nielson, Senior Specialist Officer, Treasury and Exchequer Jeremiah Coder, Senior Specialist Officer, Treasury and Exchequer Monique Magalhaes, Committee and Panel Officer

Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing on Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Jersey) Law 2019 ("SAFL") and the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Implementation of External Sanctions) (Jersey) Order 2021



The Panel received a private briefing from Departmental officers regarding the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Jersey) Law 2019 ("SAFL") and the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Implementation of External Sanctions) (Jersey) Order 2021.

The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


2.  Panel  post-meeting  debrief  -  Briefing  on  Sanctions  and  Asset- Freezing (Jersey) Law 2019 ("SAFL") and the Sanctions and Asset- Freezing (Implementation of External Sanctions) (Jersey) Order 2021  

The Panel discussed the briefing and any actions to follow. It was agreed that the Panel would request a call for evidence from key industry stakeholders to understand what involvement they had had in the draft regulations, if any. The Panel also agreed it would present comments on the proposition in time for the debate scheduled for the States' sitting on 21st March 2023.


3.  Briefing  on  Outline  Economic  Strategy  and  Future  Economic Programme  

The Panel received Officers for an informal meeting on the Island's Economic Outlook and the Future Economy Programme.

The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


4.  Panel  post-meeting  debrief  -  Briefing  on  the  Outline  Economic Strategy and Future Economic Programme  

The Panel recalled it had previously agreed that a Terms of Reference and Scoping Document be drafted for a review into the Outline Economic Strategy. However, following the briefing, it was agreed that this be put on hold and an additional briefing arranged for the Panel to ask further questions with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture in attendance. It was agreed that following the briefing with the Minister, the Panel would discuss its next steps.


5.  Briefing  on  Organisation  for  Economic  Co-operation  and Development (OECD) Pillar Workstreams

The Panel received a private briefing held jointly with the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel (CSSP) from the Minister for External Relations, the Minister for Treasury and Resources and Departmental officers on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Pillar Workstreams.

The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


Date: 10th February 2023



Deputy Moz Scott , Chair

Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Vice-Chair Deputy Max Andrews

Connétable Marcus Troy


Connétable Richard Honeycombe

In attendance

Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Meeting – Discussion of Question Plan for upcoming Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

The Panel discussed the recently circulated question plan for the upcoming hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture (MEDTSC).

The Chair explained the overall strategy for the question plan and the hearing and how time limitations could impact on the Panel's ability to ask the full list of questions. The Chair went on to inform the Panel that any questions not asked at the hearing, could be followed up in writing and it was important that the key questions were asked in order to get the information in the public domain.

The Panel made a number of amendments and agreed that some of the questions on the Outline Economic Strategy and Tourism Strategy be removed as briefings on these topics had been arranged to take place in early March. The Panel also agreed that the questions regarding Digital Jersey be reviewed and condensed.

The  Panel  asked  if  the  questions  could  be  compared  with  the  recently presented 2023 Ministerial Plan to ensure that any responses to the questions were not already in the public domain.


2. Any Other Business

The Panel recalled the recent briefings it had attended on the Monday prior to the States' sitting and requested, where possible, briefings were not confirmed for this date, to allow preparation for the States' sitting.

The Panel discussed a letter received regarding Medicinal Cannabis and decided it would discuss this further at the next meeting.


Date:  16th February 2023  



Deputy Moz Scott (Chair)

Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews


Connétable Richard Honeycombe Connétable Marcus Troy

In attendance

Item 4

Deputy Kirsten Morel , Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

Deputy Alex Curtis , Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture (Digital Economy)

Deputy Lucy Stephenson , Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture (Sport)

Daniel Houseago, Group Director – Economy, Department for the Economy Heath Harvey, Head of Local Economy, Department for the Economy Thomas Holvey, Chief Economic Advisor, Department for the Economy Ben   Jehan ,  Private  Secretary,  Minister  for  Economic  Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research and Project Officer

Emily Thomas, States Greffe Campaign Manager (items 4 and 5 only)


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 12th, 13th, 16th and 19th January 2023.

The  Panel  requested  the  Committee  and  Panel  Officer  (CPO)  to  confirm  with Government Officers discussion of communication plans that had taken place in the meeting of the 10th January 2023 and agreed records of that meeting would be recirculated for consideration and approval.


2.  Update on Potential Reviews/Work Programme

The Panel requested and received an update from the CPO on potential reviews and work programme as discussed in its meeting on the 19th January 2023.

The Panel agreed to add discussion of Ministerial Responses to its Review of the Government Plan 2023 – 26 to its agenda for the meeting of the 24th February 2023.


3.  Review of the Government of Jersey's Planning Services

The  Chair  informed  the  Panel  that  she  had  been  invited  to  meet  with  James Mackinnon CBE to discuss the review of the Government of Jersey's Planning Services on the 8th March 2023. Although the Chair indicated that it was unclear if the invitation was made in her scrutiny capacity or as an independent member, the



Panel was invited to provide any relevant questions to her, on behalf of industry, prior to the meeting.


4.  Public  Hearing  with  the  Minister  for  Economic  Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture (the Minister), both Assistant Ministers for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and Officers to a Quarterly Public Hearing. The proceedings were streamed live to the public and a recording was taken so that a written transcript could be produced.


5.  Discussion following Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

The Panel discussed the Public Hearing with the Minister.

The Panel agreed that a press release would be formed to communicate points of interest from the hearing:

The Arts and Heritage Strategy was not specifically costed;

Countering reduction in bed capacity would be a key element of the Tourism Strategy and that the Visit Jersey Tourism Office had been closed following only an estimated 4% of tourists using it in 2019;

That no major sport events, such as the Island Games, were currently planned to take place in Jersey, that accommodation would be a challenge in hosting any of these and that there was potential consideration in working with Guernsey in this area;

The  Minister  was  calling  for  engagement  from  the  private  sector  in establishing greater southern trade routes and did not have concerns about the viability of the northern trade route should both be in operation; and,

The Panel had heard that it was likely that although inflation was likely to remain high it was forecast that this would taper off at the end of 2023, and that it was further forecast that interest rates would remain stable.

The Panel agreed that a letter would be sent to the Minister to clarify points discussed in the hearing and formally request information and briefings that had been offered during the course of the briefing, this included:

The Arts House Jersey business plan;

The membership of the Supply Chain Cell, to be provided in confidence if required;

A list of which Strategic Partnership Agreements were coming up for renewal, what KPIs these currently included and if there was inconsistent delivery under these currently;

The Business Case and Terms of Reference for the barriers to business work being undertaken by Jersey Business;

Extracts of the Community Risk Register regarding supply chain;

How sports would impact the Island Public Estate Strategy;

How objective industry input was sought during the formation of strategies, including from individuals;

Clarification of the Luxury Hotel Group discussed in the hearing;

The  proposed  process  of  allocation  of  funding  through  the  Technology Accelerator Fund and the membership of the decision board; and,

A briefing on the digital strategies, such as Digital Skills and Digital Economy.



6.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due on 24th February 2023 to take place in the Seymour Room, Morier House and include a briefing from Government



Officers  on  the  Export  Strategy.  It  was  agreed  that  draft  questions  previously discussed by the Panel on the Export Strategy would be circulated for consideration.