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Assisted Dying Review Panel
Records of Meetings
Year: 2025
The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed
Assisted Dying Review Panel
Present | Deputy Louise Doublet , Chair Deputy Catherine Curtis , Vice Chair Deputy Phillip Bailhache , Member |
In attendance | Ben Walker , Acting Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Conflict of Interest The Panel noted that there were no new conflicts of interests at that time. |
2. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of meetings held on 2nd and 11th July, 8th October and 3rd December 2024, subject to an amendment to the Conflict of Interest' item of each minute, to note that no new conflicts of interest had been declared. | BW |
3. Correspondence: Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel noted the correspondence sent to the Minister for Health and Social Services on 9th January 2025 with follow-up questions about the Assisted Dying Working Group. The Panel noted that it was due to receive a response by 16th January 2025. |
4. Assisted Dying: Draft Law timeframe The Panel noted the provisional 2025 timeframe for the development of the draft Law on Assisted Dying. The Panel requested that the Officer provide confirmation on whether the timeframe was confidential or in the public domain. The Panel agreed to request additional information about the status of Assisted Dying within the United Kingdom following a Bill approved in principle that supported the adoption of assisted dying and requested the Officer to produce a briefing paper on the matter. | BW/KC BW/KC |
5. Briefing: Assisted Dying Working Group The Panel noted that it was scheduled to receive Government Officers for a private briefing to update it on the work of the Assisted Dying Working Group on 5th March 2025 at 10:30am. |
6. Site visit: Jersey Hospice Care The Panel noted its scheduled visit to Jersey Hospice Care for a tour of the site facilities and a meeting to discuss Assisted Dying on 16th January 2025. The Panel considered a list of discussion points provided by Jersey Hospice Care and requested the Officer to provide an additional number of topics. | BW/KC |
7. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled to take place on 5th March 2024 at 9:30am in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building. |
Present | Deputy Louise Doublet , Chair Deputy Catherine Curtis , Vice Chair Deputy Phillip Bailhache , Member |
In attendance | Mike Palfreman, Chief Executive, Jersey Hospice Care Rose Naylor, Director of Palliative Care Services, Jersey Hospice Care Ashling Adams, Lead Nurse, Inpatient Unit, Jersey Hospice Care Gail Caddell, Lead Author, Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy, Jersey Hospice Care Cheri Strudwick, Director of Income Generation and Marketing, Jersey Hospice Care Rachel Smith, Director of Finance, Jersey Hospice Care Ben Walker , Acting Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Site Visit: Jersey Hospice Care The Panel attended a site visit at Jersey Hospice Care where it received Mike Palfreman, Chief Executive, Jersey Hospice Care, and colleagues for a tour and briefing to discuss the mechanics and operations of Jersey Hospice Care, the Palliative and End of Life Care Strategy and the Assisted Dying proposals. The meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35. A private detailed file note was made of the meeting, classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended). |