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Presented to the States on 18th November 2022 by the States Employment Board
2022 P.107 Com.
The States Employment Board and Council of Ministers have considered P/107/2022 and is pleased to accept the Proposition, subject to the clarifications in this Comment, for enhanced reporting of States salary statistics, which will further improve openness and transparency in relation to the composition of the public sector workforce.
The annual report of the States Employment Board (SEB) – as well as the Annual Report and Accounts of the States - already includes key workforce information such as headcount by department and fair pay ratios. We have committed to being more transparent and accountable and this Proposition is supported. This can be expanded to include more detailed data, as requested by the Deputy , on salary bands and consultant remuneration and the percentage of payroll expenditure.
For the avoidance of doubt and consistency, information provided about consultants will use the same definition and data used to present the P.59 Report to the States. For smaller departments and functions across the public service, where the data may identify individuals, we may aggregate those departments (for example the separate functions of the Bailiff , Viscounts, Courts, Law Officers Department will be combined into a single non-ministerial department' for the purposes of reporting).
It is crucial that the public sector delivers value for money - and in support of this, is transparent and open, producing reporting that aids accountability and action. This proposition is accepted as a positive step in this direction.
Comment under Standing Order 37A
This comment was submitted shortly after the noon deadline in order that final checks and due diligence could be undertaken. We apologise to Members for this delay.
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P.107/2022 Com.