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Frequently Asked Questions

This series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) provides useful information, interesting facts and related reading about the States Assembly and its Members.

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States Assembly FAQs

  • There is no limit to the number of political terms an individual can be elected as a States Member.

  • There are 54 Members of the States Assembly. 49 of these are elected States Members, which includes 37 Deputies and 12 Connétables. The remaining Members are not elected and include the Bailiff, the Lieutenant-Governor, HM Attorney General and HM Solicitor General, and the Dean.

  • There are 21 female and 28 male States Members in the current States Assembly.

  • The States Assembly meets every three weeks, usually from 9:30am until 12:45pm and from 2:15pm until 5:30pm. Meetings typically begin on Tuesday and continue into Wednesday, Thursday and Friday if there are any outstanding items of public business. Check out our calendar to find out more about upcoming States Meetings. 
  • Any elected States Member can lodge propositions and amendments.  They can do so independently and in their own name, in their role as Deputy or Connétable, or as a Minister (if they serve in Government).  Certain bodies, such as the Council of Minsters or Scrutiny Panels, can also lodge propositions.

  • All States Members receive the same annual salary. This is currently set at £57,296.40.

  • Although Deputies do not have to live in their constituency, Connétables do have to live in the Parish they represent.

  • You can watch a States Meeting live either online or in person.

    To watch in person, the entrance to the States Chamber can be found at the top end of Halkett Place, St Helier. 

    You can watch online by visiting Watch on Demand when the States Assembly is meeting.

    To find out when the States Assembly is scheduled to meet, visit our What's On section.
  • Yes. These are held in the States Building. Please access through the Royal Court entrance; an usher will show you to the meeting room where the hearing is being held.

Voting and election FAQs

  • Yes, you can access how all elected States Members vote in the Assembly. All results are available on the Debate Votes page or you can visit the individual page of your elected representatives to see how they have voted on the issues that matter to you. 
  • Yes, there are currently two active political parties that are represented in the Assembly: However, other Members are independent of any political party. 
  • To be eligible to vote, you need to be aged 16 or over and to have lived in Jersey for two years; or to have lived in Jersey for six months, plus earlier periods that total five years.

  • You need to register in advance of elections in order to be on the main electoral register. There are three ways you can register:
    1. Online at
    2. By returning the printed form sent to your home each year by your Parish Hall
    3. By visiting your Parish Hall in person
  • Elections to the States Assembly in Jersey take place every four years. The last election took place in 2022 and the next will take place in 2026. For more information about elections in Jersey, please head to - The Official Voting Guide for Jersey

If you have any other questions, please get in touch with the States Greffe at or on 01534 441020.