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Privileges and Procedures Committee

The Privileges and Procedures Committee (PPC) is responsible for the procedures of the States Assembly, for Members' facilities and the Code of Conduct for Members.

Terms of reference

  • To review the composition, the practices and the procedures of the States Assembly and to bring forward amendments to the States of Jersey Law 2005 and Standing Orders as appropriate.

  • To review the rules for enfranchisement and for the conduct of elections and to bring forward amendments to the Elections (Jersey) Law 2002 as appropriate.

  • To be responsible, in accordance with the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019, for the preparation of the estimates of income and expenditure for the States Assembly and its services, and to ensure that the Assembly's budget  is used in the most effective and cost-effective manner.

  • To be responsible for the provision of accommodation, services and facilities for States Members and to bring forward improvements and changes to these facilities.

  • To liaise with the States Members' Remuneration Reviewer on all matters relating to States Members' remuneration and expenses, and to bring forward proposals relating to the terms of reference of the Reviewer or to the arrangements for the remuneration of elected Members.

  • To take the necessary steps for the enforcement of the Code of Conduct for Elected States Members, to promote high standards amongst Members and to champion and defend their privileges.

  • To be responsible for the provision of information to the public about the work of the States Assembly, the Scrutiny Panels, and the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), and to keep these public information services under review.

  • To keep under review the procedures relating to public access to official information and to access to information by States Members.

  • To publish, in consultation with the Bailiff, the Scrutiny Liaison Committee and the Greffier, an annual report on the work of the States Assembly and its Committees and Panels.

  • To appoint Sub-Committees, including the Machinery of Government Sub-Committee, the Diversity Forum and the Political Awareness and Education Sub-Committee 

The Privileges and Procedures Committee: Proceedings contains further information about how PPC works.

Upcoming Meetings

Monday 28 April 2025 Privileges and Procedures Committee Meeting (in private)

This meeting is closed to the public

10:00am to 1:00pm

Agenda to follow

Monday 19 May 2025 Privileges and Procedures Committee Meeting (in private)

This meeting is closed to the public

10:00am to 1:00pm

Agenda to follow
