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States Assembly Decision Tracker

States Assembly Decision Tracker

​The decision tracker is designed to improve transparency around outstanding matters that have been approved by the Assembly. The Assembly agreed, further to a proposition debated on 17 January 2024 (P.93/2023), that the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey should be amended to include the development and maintenance of a States decision tracker - with the tracker to be updated every quarter and published on the States Assembly website to ensure accessibility by States Members and the public.

The tracker is provided below with those actions that are not yet completed. Where no deadline is cited, a deadline was not included within the wording of the original proposition. The tracker reflects the position as of 31 December 2024.


PropDateProposerTitleResponsibilityType of actionAction
P.82/202410/12/2024Deputy Raluca KovacsSupport Scheme for individuals qualifying to represent Jersey in off-island competitionsSEDFundingto request the Minister for Sustainable Economic Development to establish a permanent support scheme through Jersey  Sport, funded through the Arts, Heritage, and Culture budget, or other relevant sources, to a maximum of £300,000 per annum, for sporting associations or other appropriate bodies to provide travel grants of up to £1,000 per individual per year for costs related to off-Island participation  in  sports or other similar competitions for those representing Jersey, with such subsidies to be accessible to fund relevant travel, accommodation, competition fees, and associated costs for a responsible carer to accompany a participating minor or an adult with care and support needs; and to commence the subsidy  scheme in the  first quarter of 2025, according to feasibility and existing resources, with a view to full development and implementation of the scheme before the end of 2025.
P.82/202410/12/2024Deputy Raluca KovacsSupport Scheme for individuals qualifying to represent Jersey in off-island competitionsSED
to request the Minister for Sustainable Economic Development to undertake, before the end of January 2025, a review of the associations, individuals, or organisations eligible for this funding with a view to ensuring that a wide range of those representing Jersey are in scope of this funding.
P.70/2024 (as amended)12/11/2024Deputy Catherine CurtisPets in Rental PropertiesHOUSActionto request the Minister for Housing to bring forward, before 31st March 2025, guidance to tenants and landlords so that any tenant of a rental property be permitted to request to keep, or acquire, a pet or pets unless the landlord of the property provides a reasonable reason for not permitting this, and for the criteria determining these reasons to be defined within the relevant guidance.
P.37/202425/06/2024Deputy Helen MilesAffordable and right-size housing providion on the waterfrontTRYConditionsto request the Minister for Treasury and Resources, as shareholder representative, to instruct the States of Jersey Development Company that, in any new proposals or plans for housing developments on the Waterfront by the States of Jersey Development Company –
 (a) any such proposals must include a minimum provision of no less than 50% of the homes to be offered with an assisted purchase product for first time buyers, where the phasing of delivery is agreed by the Minister for Housing and the Regeneration Steering Group; and
 (b) any such proposals must include a minimum of 15% of housing designed to encourage and enable Islanders who are looking to right-size, in line with the delivery of the right-sizing policy set out in R.85/2024, where the phasing of delivery is agreed by the Minister for Housing and the Regeneration Steering Group
P.31/202426/06/2024Deputy Tom ColesCannabis: Decriminalisation of Personal Possession and Recreational UseCoMAction(b) to request the Council of Ministers to bring forward proposals for consideration by the Assembly by November 2025, to include (but not be limited to) –
 • potential approaches to the decriminalisation, legalisation 
 and regulation of cannabis;
 • use in the presence of minors;
 • personal cultivation and preparation;
 • social supply;
 • restrictions on the sale to minors;
 • approaches to minors or vulnerable people coerced into 
 cannabis related activities;
 • total acceptable gram allowance;
 • restrictions on areas of consumption;
 • restrictions on driving under the influence of cannabis;
 • relevant roadside capacity tests; 
 total acceptable cultivation allowance
P.31/202426/06/2024Deputy Tom ColesCannabis: Decriminalisation of Personal Possession and Recreational UseMHSSConsultation(c) that the personal possession and recreational use of cannabinol and cannabinol derivatives (as defined in the Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978) should be decriminalised, with this provision included in the legislation to be brought forward under Paragraph (b), and to request the Minister for Health and Social Services to consult the Misuse of Drugs Advisory Council about reclassifying cannabinol and cannabinol derivatives, except where contained in cannabis or cannabis resin, from Class A controlled drugs to Class B controlled drugs, as defined within the same Law;
P.28/202411/06/2024Deputy Raluca KovacsYouth Service Statutory provisionMC&FReviewto request the Minister for Children and Families to undertake an evaluation, with input from (but not limited to) young people, the Youth Service and Parishes, to consider the benefits and disbenefits of making the Youth Service a statutory service under the Minister, or his successor in title, and enshrined in the Education (Jersey) Law 1999 or other legislation as appropriate and to take the necessary steps to ensure that the results of the evaluation are brought back to the Assembly by the end of March 2026, with the funding of any actions identified for implementation to be included in the 2027 Government Plan, if required.
P.12/2024 (as amended)19/03/2024Deputy Inna GardinerUpdate of Higher Education Student Funding (as amended)ELLReview and Legislationexplore new additional funding options for distance learning courses and bring forward the necessary legislative changes to the Education (Grants and Allowances) (Jersey) Order 2018 to implement any outcomes, subject to the necessary funding being allocated, with such changes to take effect from the start of the academic year in September 2025
P.12/2024 (as amended)19/03/2024Deputy Inna GardinerUpdate of Higher Education Student Funding (as amended)ELLReview and Legislationreview the classification criteria for an independent student, taking into account the criteria elsewhere in the British Isles, and consider the implementation of changes that would deliver enhanced targeted support and bring forward the necessary legislative changes to the Education (Grants and Allowances) (Jersey) Order 2018 to implement any outcomes, subject to the necessary funding being allocated, with such changes to take effect from the start of the academic year in September 2025
P.12/2024 (as amended)19/03/2024Deputy Inna GardinerUpdate of Higher Education Student Funding (as amended)ELLReview and Legislation(c) consider the inclusion of ‘related subjects’ as eligible for a clinical component grant, if appropriate;
 (d) work with the Minister for Health and Social Services to review the scope for the clinical course allowance for ‘related subjects’, including consideration of the following areas, if appropriate –
 (i) Paramedic science;
 (ii) Pharmacy;
 (iii) Occupational Therapy;
 (iv) Podiatry; and
 (v) Physiotherapy/Chiropractic/Osteopathy;
 and bring forward the necessary legislative changes to the Education (Grants and Allowances) (Jersey) Order 2018 to implement any outcomes, subject to the necessary funding being allocated, with such changes to take effect from the start of the academic year in September 2025
P.12/2024 (as amended)19/03/2024Deputy Inna GardinerUpdate of Higher Education Student Funding (as amended)ELLReview and Legislationupdate thresholds for means tested funding in line with inflation and relative earnings in a sustainable and affordable way, subject to the necessary funding being allocated and bring forward the necessary legislative changes to the Education (Grants and Allowances) (Jersey) Order 2018 to implement any outcomes, subject to the necessary funding being allocated, with such changes to take effect from the start of the academic year in September 2025
P.12/2024 (as amended)19/03/2024Deputy Inna GardinerUpdate of Higher Education Student Funding (as amended)ELLReview and Legislationresearch and consider introducing a sliding scale for the amount of tuition fees that may be awarded and bring forward the necessary legislative changes to the Education (Grants and Allowances) (Jersey) Order 2018 to implement any outcomes, subject to the necessary funding being allocated, with such changes to take effect from the start of the academic year in September 2025
P.12/2024 (as amended)19/03/2024Deputy Inna GardinerUpdate of Higher Education Student Funding (as amended)ELLReviewreview the threshold for relevant assets detailed within Article 12A of the Education (Grants and Allowances) (Jersey) Order 2018, and to report back to the Assembly on the findings and recommendations of such review no later than December 2025
P.12/2024 (as amended)19/03/2024Deputy Inna GardinerUpdate of Higher Education Student Funding (as amended)ELLReviewwork with the Minister for Treasury and Resources to assess the long-term financial viability of any student loan scheme for Island students and undertake a consultation if appropriate
P.10/2024 (as amended)19/03/2024Deputy Lucy StephensonCash Payment at Government Sports Facilities (as amended)INFActionreintroduce the ability for members of the public to pay in cash at Government run sport facilities that have previously accepted cash payments
P.72/2023 (Amd)(12)12/12/2023Corporate Services Scrutiny PanelProposed Government Plan 2024-2027 (P.72/2023): Twelth Amendment Value for Money SavingsCoMActionall subsequent Government Plans will –
 (i) clearly distinguish the specific areas and projects to which Value for Money savings are attached;
 (ii) include a report on all Value for Money savings which were made during the duration of the previous Government Plan; and
 (iii) identify and provide full details of the monitoring process that has been undertaken on the Value for Money programme during the duration of the previous Government Plan.
P.72/2023 (Amd)(5)12/12/2023Deputy Tom ColesProposed Government Plann 2024-2027 (P.72/2023): Fifth Amendment A Scheme for Right-SizingHOUSAction, except that in the section “Improving access to housing” on page 9 there should be inserted a fifth bullet point with the words “We will develop a scheme to encourage and incentivise right-sizing, to be presented to the States Assembly before 31st May 2024, with the financial implications forming part of the Government Plan 2025-2027
P.87/202328/11/2023Deputy Tom ColesMinimum Residential Space StandardsMENVReviewto review the minimum standards for residential spaces and to consider – 
(a) making the minimum standard for a 1-bedroom 2-person apartment the minimum standard for all 1-bedroom apartments by removing the occupancy criteria
P.65/202313/09/2023Deputy Catherine CurtisReinstate the re-use centre at La ColletteINFActionreinstate the re-use centre at La Collette by April 2024, in the existing purpose-built building, to allow for the current tender process for operation of the service to be completed and, if this is not successful, to look at the feasibility of the re-use centre being operated by Government of Jersey employees.
P.47/202318/07/2023Deputy Carina AlvesWhistleblowing - introduction of legislationCMLegislationrequest the Chief Minister, in consultation with the Council of Ministers, to bring forward the necessary legislation for approval by the Assembly prior to the end of June 2024
P.35/202314/06/2023Deputy Lyndon FarnhamThe Grindadrap Festival in the Faroe Islands – condemnation of the hunting of sea mammals.CoMActionto request the Government of Jersey to continue to engage with the Faroe Islands Government on this matter as part of its wider programme of work to develop productive and constructive ties with fellow small-island communities.
P.34/202314/06/2023Deputy Rob WardProvision of Carpets in Andium Homes Properties SSAction(a) to request the Minister for Social Security, prior to the lodging of the next Government Plan, to –
 (i) implement provision of special payment grants to any Andium Homes tenants who require carpets in new rentals and who would otherwise be eligible for a loan from the States of Jersey for such purpose; and
 (ii) terminate any outstanding loan payments relating to the provision of carpets; and
P.31/202314/06/2023Deputy Max AndrewsBreakdown of Gender PaySEBActionSEB to publish annually a breakdown of gender pay relative to salary bands for each Government department, commencing January 2024;
P.31/202314/06/2023Deputy Max AndrewsBreakdown of Gender PaySEBActionSEB to publish annually a breakdown of gender pay for full-time and part-time Government employees, commencing January 2024; and
P.31/202314/06/2023Deputy Max AndrewsBreakdown of Gender PaySEBActionSEB to publish annually a report of the income ratio of the highest and lowest income earners within each Government department, commencing January 2024. 
P18/202302/05/2023Deputy Sam MezecRent Control MeasuresHOUSActionprovide for the establishment of a body, such as a Rent Tribunal or Housing Commission, to adjudicate on disputes arising from rent control or breaches of contract which may necessitate the termination of a tenancy;
P.14/202318/04/2023Deputy Raluca KovacsDevelopment LeviesTRYActionto agree that, to further the aim of a fair tax system, a land development tax or an equivalent charging mechanism should be introduced to raise revenue for the States from any significant uplift in the value of land arising from when the land is rezoned or from when planning permission has been granted;
P.14/202318/04/2023Deputy Raluca KovacsDevelopment LeviesTRYActionto request the Minister for Treasury and Resources to bring forward for approval the necessary legislation to give effect to the decision by 31st March 2024; and [Delayed:Development Levies. Amendment [P.14/2023 Amd.] - moved date to 31 March 2025 (adopted by standing vote)]
P.13/202318/04/2023Deputy Max AndrewsRegulation of Estate AgentsEDTSCActionto request the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture to establish, following consultation with stakeholders and no later than December 2024 – (a) a statutory requirement for Estate Agents to obtain membership of an  independent redress scheme, approved by the Government of Jersey. ((P.13/2023): Amendment)
P.6/202301/03/2023Deputy Sam MezecAssembly Consideration of the Bilateral Investment Treaty with the United Arab EmiratesCoMActionto request the Council of Ministers, in consultation with the Privileges and Procedures Committee, to bring forward a process by which all Bilateral Investment Treaties are subject to full consultation with, and approval by, the States Assembly before they come into force. [Amended to " Legislation Advisory Panel, in consultation with the Privileges and Procedures Committee" (P.6/2023 (Amd)) - see Minutes, 1 March 2023, p. 51]
P.6/202301/03/2023Deputy Sam MezecAssembly Consideration of the Bilateral Investment Treaty with the United Arab EmiratesEXTActionTo request the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services to take the necessary steps to ensure the Bilateral Investment Treaty with the United Arab Emirates does not come into force until such time as the Treaty has been considered by the States Assembly
P.97/2022(Amd)(6)16/12/2022Connétable Simon CrowcroftProposed Government Plan 2023-2026 (P.97/2022): sixth amendment Walking and Cycling routesINFActionincluding the design and implementation of walking and cycling routes, to be overseen by a political steering group which will report back to the States Assembly on progress at regular intervals
P.97/2022(Amd)(13)15/12/2022Deputy Stephen LuceProposed Government Plan 2023-2026 (P.97/2022): thirteenth amendment Enhanced Capital AllowanceTRYLegislationFrom 1st January 2024 a new capital allowance will be introduced for small and medium sized businesses, allowing them to offset 100% of capital expenditure for investment in the fiscal year that it is incurred
P.97/2022(Amd)(24)(Re-issue)14/12/2022Connétable Simon CrowcroftProposed Government Plan 2023-2026 (P.97/2022): twenty-fourth amendment St. Helier Urban Renewal Programme, including Havre des PasINFActionexcept that that in Summary Table 5(ii) the 2023 Head of Expenditure for Infrastructure Rolling Vote and Regeneration including St Helier will include preparatory work for St Helier urban renewal work including Havre des Pas, with additional funding of £300,000 in 2024 and £350,000 in each of 2025 and 2026 to be included in future Government Plans
P.97/2022(Amd)(15)13/12/2022Deputy Rob WardProposed Government Plan 2023-2026 (P.97/2022): fifteenth amendment Off-island medical treatmentHSSActionallocate funds to enable the extension of the provision of travel for individuals accompanying patients travelling out of the island to receive treatment arranged by the Health and Community Services Department, such funding to be informed by a review of the process by which travel is provided and purchased for travel, in order to ensure the provision is patient centred and the best value for money is being achieved
P.98/2022(Amd)(5)23/11/2022Deputy Rob WardCommon Strategic Policy (P.98/2022): fifth amendmentTRYConditionssupport the Island’s financial sector to become a leading sustainable finance centre and in doing so, become a leader of green finance
P.98/2022(Amd)(7)22/11/2022Deputy Lyndsay FelthamCommon Strategic Policy (P.98/2022): seventh amendmentCoMConditionsWe will continue to work towards ensuring that the services and facilities provided by the Government are accessible and that the government departments have access and inclusion plans in place so that all people are treated equitably
P.98/2022(Amd)(6)22/11/2022Deputy Sam MézecCommon Strategic Policy (P.98/2022): sixth amendmentCoMConditionsMultiple commitments
P.98/2022(Amd)(4)22/11/2022Deputy Lyndsay FelthamCommon Strategic Policy (P.98/2022): fourth amendmentCoMConditions to strive to achieve the long-term vision of Future Jersey and work towards delivering the ten desired community outcomes arising from it
P.98/2022(Amd)22/11/2022Connétable Simon CrowcroftCommon Strategic Policy (P.98/2022): amendmentCoMConditionsMultiple commitments
P.78/202226/09/2022Deputy Sam MezecMinimum Wage:Align with the Living WageSSActionand (b) to request that the Minister for Social Security, further to the Act of the States dated 26th November 2021 (in which P.98/2021 (as amended) was adopted), ensures that all consultation and engagement with the Employment Forum in relation to the feasibility of devising a scheme to be brought to the States to convert the Minimum Wage over time to a Living Wage, including any legislative changes that may be necessary, be completed by end of December 2022 and such a scheme be bought to the States by the end of June 2023. [Amended P.78/2022 - due date moved to December 2023]
P.89/202221/09/2022Deputy Geoff SouthernComposition or Rent Tribunal (amendment)HOUSActionto request the Minister for Housing and Communities to amend Article 3 of the Dwelling Houses (Rent Control) (Jersey) Law 1946, as part of a wider modernisation of the Law, to appoint a Rent Control Tribunal which is constituted as follows – (a) 1 member to act as Chair of the Tribunal (b) 1 member who is a landlord; (c) 1 member who is a tenant; (d) 1 member from the charitable sector with an understanding of homeless/consumer issues; and (e) Additional members as necessary to maintain a balanced and expert Tribunal able to make informed judgements
P.73/202229/04/2022Connétable JacksonParishes' Green wasteINFActionto request the Minister for Infrastructure to initiate arrangements in order that green waste from the Parishes’ dedicated household kerbside collection scheme may be received free of charge at the green waste facility at La Collette.
P.65/202228/04/2022Senator Tracey ValloisMonitoring of Arm’s Length organisations and Green and White PapersTRYActionthat a Committee comprising Executive and non-Executive States Members should be established in order to monitor the performance of Arm’s Length Organisations and to support responsible Ministers and the Assembly in discharging their responsibilities, and to request the Council of Ministers, to commission officers to draw up options for this, so that a projet can be considered by the next States Assembly by no later than 31st October 2022; 
P.65/202228/04/2022Senator Tracey ValloisMonitoring of Arm’s Length organisations and Green and White PapersCMReport that clear, agreed criteria for the preparation of initial consultations on policy or legislative proposals and detailed proposals for legislation should be established, and to request the Chief Minister to commission officers to draw up proposals for this, with a view to a report being presented to the States on the outcome of the work by no later than 30th September 2022.
P.63/202228/04/2022Deputy Inna GardinerStates Meetings – Remote participation and Proxy votingPPCLegislation(a) that, at any time when remote participation in States meetings is permitted generally, members should be able to participate remotely from outside Jersey in the event that unforeseen circumstances prevent their participation from in the Island, with the circumstances permitting such participation to be determined in accordance with guidance issued by the Bailiff; 
(c) to request the Privileges and Procedures to draft the necessary amendments to the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey to implement paragraphs (a) and(b).
P.62/202227/04/2022Deputy Rowland HuelinAccommodation for temporary workersCoMReportto request the Council of Ministers to establish a departmental investigation into longer-term solutions for the housing of temporary workers (beyond the use of temporary accommodation), with a view to a report on the options available being presented to the next States Assembly in December 2022.
P.61/202227/04/2022Connétable Simon CrowcroftHavre Des Pas LidoINFActionto ensure that the Property Holdings Department, in consultation with the steering group established in paragraph (b), upholds its full obligations as landlord of the Lido at Havre des Pas with immediate effect, including to make reasonable endeavours to maintain the facility as watertight in respect of rainwater penetration through the roof (barring extremes of weather) and ensuring that the public toilets at the pool are available all year round;
P.61/202227/04/2022Connétable Simon CrowcroftHavre Des Pas LidoINFActionto initiate negotiations with the current operator of the Lido facility for a new 9-year lease, with standard break clauses
P.52/202226/04/2022Deputy John YoungMinisterial ResponsibilitiesCoMConsultationfor each department of the States there should be one Minister who is ultimately accountable for all aspects of the work of that department, and to request the Council of Ministers in consultation with the States Employment Board to commission officers to draw up options for achieving this, for presentation to the new Council of Ministers in autumn 2022
P.52/202226/04/2022Deputy John YoungMinisterial ResponsibilitiesCMLegislationthat the proposed establishment of a single legal entity for the Government of Jersey, in place of ministerial corporations sole, as set out in the Machinery of Government (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Jersey) Law 2018, should not be proceeded with and the part of that legislation dealing with this matter should be rescinded, and to request the Chief Minister to issue law drafting instructions to this effect, so a projet can be considered by the next States Assembly in autumn 2022
P.52/202226/04/2022Deputy John YoungMinisterial ResponsibilitiesCMReportthe Chief Minister should be requested to review ministerial portfolios within the six months following a general election, with a view to presenting a report, before 1st January 2023 and annually thereafter, in accordance with Article 30A of the States of Jersey Law 2005, to the States on the outcome of that review and bringing forward Standing Order changes to alter ministerial portfolios or legislative or Standing Order changes to address any other matters relating to the selection of ministers and ministerial roles arising from the outcome of the review.
P.18/202230/03/2022Deputy Kirsten MorelMaintenance of Jersey’s credit ratingCoMConditionsfor any issuance of new debt proposed in future Government Plans, the Plan should include a forecast of the likely effect of the debt on Jersey’s credit ratings, and the rates of interest that might be levied on the deb
P.18/202230/03/2022Deputy Kirsten MorelMaintenance of Jersey’s credit ratingCoMConditionsexcept in periods of emergency, the Council of Ministers should endeavour to ensure that the States of Jersey’s long-term credit rating should be maintained at a level of BBB or above (Standard & Poors) or the equivalent for other ratings agencies
P.37/202203/03/2022Deputy Jess PerchardImmigration of Ukrainian NationalsEXTConsultationthe Minister for External Relations and Minister for Home Affairs to liaise with the relevant authorities in the UK to seek agreement that the current definition of “relative”, in relation to the immigration of people displaced from Ukraine, which includes spouses, civil partners, children, siblings and dependent parents, should be expanded in Jersey to include extended family members
P.37/202203/03/2022Deputy Jess PerchardImmigration of Ukrainian NationalsEXTActionto request the Minister for External Relations and other relevant Ministers to work with the UK authorities and the authorities in other jurisdictions, as necessary, to make arrangements for the longer term settlement of any Ukrainian people that temporary visas are issued to
P.37/202203/03/2022Deputy Jess PerchardImmigration of Ukrainian NationalsCoMReportto request the Council of Minister to present a report to the States outlining the cost implications in excess of departmental budgets arising from this proposition, if any, and to request approval for the lodging of a proposition to request additional funding, should this be necessary, including, if necessary, during the election period when Standing Order 19A applies
P.26/202202/03/2022Deputy Louise DoubletLegal parent status and parental responsibility for same sex parentsC&EDULegislationrequest the Minister for Children and Education to prioritise work on legislation to remove the discrimination in our law with regards to legal parent status and parental responsibility for same sex parents, so that a draft Law on the matter can be lodged in time for debate before the election
P.14/202202/03/2022Senator Sam MézecStates-owned bodies – accreditation as Living Wage employersTRYActionrequest the Minister for Treasury and Resources, in her capacity as shareholder representative, to inform those incorporated bodies of which the States of Jersey is sole shareholder or majority shareholder of the Assembly’s intention that they should seek accreditation as Living Wage employers by the end of 2022; and to take such measures as are necessary to urge and assist these bodies to achieve this
P.2/202210/02/2022Senator Sam MézecTenancy notice periodHOUSReviewto request the Minister for Housing and Communities, as part of his current modernisation review of the Residential Tenancy (Jersey) Law 2011, to bring forward proposals to improve security of tenure protection.
P.116/202207/02/2022Deputy Max AndrewsSkills Development FundCoMReview(b) to request the Population and Skills Ministerial Group to undertake a review and feasibility study into the establishment of Individual Lifelong Learning Accounts to be allocated to all working age residents of Jersey to enable lifelong reskilling and upskilling and that such a review should establish the feasibility of such accounts as well as provide options for their operation and their potential sources of funding, with the review being presented to the States Assembly no later than December 2024
P.116/202207/02/2022Deputy Max AndrewsSkills Development FundC&EDUReportc) to request the Minister for Children and Education to engage with the Population and Skills Ministerial Group and other Stakeholders and to report back to the Assembly with proposed funding requirements for the Skills Development Fund no later than December 2023, such funding to be included within the Government Plan 2024-27;
P.116/202207/02/2022Deputy Max AndrewsSkills Development FundTRYLegislation(d) to request the Minister for Treasury and Resources to create the fund no later than January 2024.
P.115/202119/01/2022Senator Steve PallettRe-opening of Samares WardHSSConditions ensure that a purpose-built rehabilitation unit offering the full suite of stroke
 and injury rehabilitation service facilities and beds formerly offered at Samarès
 Ward is delivered as part of the development of a new hospital campus at
 Overdale, or at another suitable location.
P.99/202126/11/2021Connétable Shenton-StoneActions to mitigate the use of Palm OilCoMActiontake the necessary steps for the Government of Jersey to lead by example and only use and procure products that contain credibly certified sustainable palm oil where practical and 
P.99/202126/11/2021Connétable Shenton-StoneActions to mitigate the use of Palm OilENVLegislationbring forward legislation, in a timeframe deemed reasonable by the Minister, to the effect that any food item produced in Jersey is labelled with a clear statement of whether the food item contains palm oil or any palm oil derivatives
P.99/202126/11/2021Connétable Shenton-StoneActions to mitigate the use of Palm OilENVConsultationin a timeframe deemed reasonable by the Minister, to consult with local businesses and organisations, consumers, schools, charities and community groups to develop an Island-wide palm oil campaign that raises public awareness of the issue of its use.
P.98/202126/11/2021Deputy SouthernMinimum wage increaseSSActionSet the objective of raising the minimum wage to two-thirds of median earnings by the end of 2024, subject to consideration of economic conditions and the impact on competitiveness and employment of the low paid in Jersey; and to request the Employment Forum to have regard to this objective when making its recommendations on the level of the minimum wage to the Minister for Social Security
P.69/202122/07/2021Senator MézecAffordable Homes in the South Hill DevelopmentCMActionCM to use Control of Work Law to apply conditions on South Hill properties
P.69/202122/07/2021Senator MézecAffordable Homes in the South Hill DevelopmentTRYActionMinTRY to instruct SOJDC accordingly
P.67/202122/07/2021Connétable CrowcroftSpringfield - protection of amendity space and facilitiesINFConditionsFacilitate regular meetings with the local residents’ association and elected representatives of the area in order that the needs of the local community can be taken into consideration both for the current use of the Park and in any future plans
P.67/202122/07/2021Connétable CrowcroftSpringfield - protection of amendity space and facilitiesINFConditionsMaintain the current lease arrangements with the day nursery on the site , with only cost of living increases implemented until such time as the nursery’s management is satisfied with the terms of any new lease Jersey Property Holdings wishes to negotiate
P.67/202122/07/2021Connétable CrowcroftSpringfield - protection of amendity space and facilitiesINFReport Review the use of the car park within the Robin Hood gyratory and report back to the States on the options for increasing the benefits of the site for the operation of Springfield;
P.67/202122/07/2021Connétable CrowcroftSpringfield - protection of amendity space and facilitiesINFActionInclude Springfield Park and Stadium on the route for the proposed new Town ‘Hopper’ bus service
P.67/202122/07/2021Connétable CrowcroftSpringfield - protection of amendity space and facilitiesINFConditionsFacilitate regular meetings with the tenants of the stadium, the local residents’ association and elected representatives of the area in order that the needs of the local community can be taken into consideration both for the current use of the Stadium, and in any future plans.
P.43/202120/07/2021Deputy GardinerAllocation of former SOJP site to Rouge Bouillon SchoolCoMConditionsRestrict allocation of Gov. Properties until a new primary school is allocated in St. Helier or St. Saviour
P.28/202112/05/2021Connétable CrowcroftPedestrian priority in Broad StreetINFConditionsWork with POSH to facilitate improvements to the pedestrian area
P.28/202112/05/2021Connétable CrowcroftPedestrian priority in Broad StreetINFReviewReview on street parking for disabled drivers in centre of town
P.32/202111/05/2021Deputy SouthernRegulation of Zero-hour contractsSSActionAny necessary legislation to be bought forward for debate and implementation before the end of 2022
P.32/202111/05/2021Deputy SouthernRegulation of Zero-hour contractsSSActionAdditional funding to be allocated in the Government plan to support these actions and to publicise rights under zero hours contracts
P.34/202122/04/2021Safer Travel Guidelines Review Panel Adjustment of travel categorisationCoMConditionsEnsure that Scrutiny and States Members are briefed ahead of any changes to 
 the Safer Travel Policy.
P.166/202019/01/2021Senator MézecAmendment to SO to provide for Political partiesPPCActionStanding Orders to be amended to allow political parties (Investigation then amendments)
P.105/202006/10/2020Deputy AshDrinks PromotionsEDTSCAction(para (a)) Bars, pubs and restaurants should be permitted to offer and advertise promotions on drinks for a limited period until 31st December 2021, and take the necessary steps to ensure the Licensing Assembly is informed of the States Assembly’s decision, and to request that the Licensing Assembly take that decision into immediate consideration;
P.105/202006/10/2020Deputy AshDrinks PromotionsEDTSCLegislation(para (c )) bring forward amendments to the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 by 31st December 2021 to establish a framework whereby licensing policy decisions are vested in the States Assembly
P.101/202022/09/2020Deputy of GrouvilleForeshoreINFConditions(para (a) )No further land transactions should take place between the Public and third parties in respect of strips or parcels of reclaimed foreshore until a revised foreshore encroachment policy has been debated
P.101/202022/09/2020Deputy of GrouvilleForeshoreINFAction(para (c )) Upon a revised policy being agreed by the Assembly, the Minister should re-consider Finding 8.15 of the States of Jersey Complaints Board’s report (R.71/2018) in respect of refunding the difference (if any) between the considerations paid under the two respective land transactions and the considerations that would have been paid had the new policy been in place at the time
P.101/202022/09/2020Deputy of GrouvilleForeshoreINFReport(para (d)) Publish by the end of Quarter 1 of 2021, a map of all public accesses, footpaths and rights of way to the foreshore
P.101/202022/09/2020Deputy of GrouvilleForeshoreINFReportMin of Inf structure to report back to the Scrutiny Panel with his proposals for setting out, in a map or plan, the public boundary
P.93/202022/09/2020Deputy HigginsEstablishment of a digital register of all commercial and residential propertiesCOMActionCreation of a digital register (not later than end of 2021) of all commercial and residential properties in the Island that contains details of the ultimate beneficial ownership of those properties for the purposes of aiding policy formation and if necessary the regulation of the housing and commercial property markets
P.91/202022/09/2020Connétable TaylorMobile speed camerasINFLegislationLegislation to permit the Honorary Police to use unattended mobile speed cameras and to permit the data recorded by such cameras to be admissible as evidence in a criminal case
P.82/202016/07/2020Deputy HuelinInvestigation into the establishment of a digital register of landlords and tenants COMReportInvestigate the provisions and administration of the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012, the Lodging Houses (Registration) (Jersey) Law 1962 and any other legislation or data source deemed relevant in order to determine the feasibility of using this legislation and these data sources to establish a digital register of landlords and tenants, with the register to cover landlords and tenants of accommodation and to report back to the Assembly with the findings of this investigation, identifying (where appropriate) prospective changes that could be made to the legislation and that would increase the feasibility of using the Laws for the purpose of establishing such a register.
P.79/202015/07/2020Deputy WardGreen lanes and quiet lanes: priority to pedestrians, cyclists and horse ridersComité des ConnétablesAction(b) to request the Comité des Connétables, to designate roads in Parishes where priority should be given, as requested in paragraph (a);
P.79/202015/07/2020Deputy WardGreen lanes and quiet lanes: priority to pedestrians, cyclists and horse ridersComité des ConnétablesLegislation(c) to request the Comité des Connétables, in consultation with the Minister for Infrastructure, to bring forward for approval the necessary changes to legislation to give effect to paragraphs (a) and (b) by the first quarter of 2021, if considered practicable by the Comité and the Minister; 
P.79/202015/07/2020Deputy WardGreen lanes and quiet lanes: priority to pedestrians, cyclists and horse ridersComité des ConnétablesAction(d) to request the Comité des Connétables, in consultation with the Minister for Infrastructure, to update the current road signs and markings for designated roads in order to show that priority is given in the use of designated roads to pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders; and
P.79/202015/07/2020Deputy WardGreen lanes and quiet lanes: priority to pedestrians, cyclists and horse ridersComité des ConnétablesAction(e) to request the Comité des Connétables to undertake a public awareness campaign in conjunction with third parties, as appropriate, regarding the use of designated roads and the 
 priority given to pedestrians, cyclist and horse riders.
P.118/201911/03/2020Deputy MaconDiversity Working GroupCoMActionto provide the necessary officer assistance to the Diversity Forum to consider the development and options for implementation of policies which proactively encourage greater diversity in applicants wishing to sit on various Statesowned or funded Boards and arm’s-length bodies;
P.118/201911/03/2020Deputy MaconDiversity Working GroupPPCAction to mandate the creation of a central website, within one year of the adoption of this proposition, which contains relevant information for individuals seeking to serve on States-appointed boards, tribunals, panels and related bodies;
P.118/201911/03/2020Deputy MaconDiversity Working GroupCMActionto examine within the next 6 months whether it should be mandatory for all Ministers and Assistant Ministers to undertake unconscious bias training
P.9/202004/02/2020Deputy TadierPublic Holidays: designation of 27th September 2021 – commemoration of the Corn Riots and the Code of 1771CMConditionswith reference to its Act of 20th November 2012, in which it agreed that 28th September should be recognised annually by the States of Jersey as ‘Reform Day’ to mark the anniversary of the events in Jersey of 28th September 1769, to agree instead that 28th September should henceforth be recognised annually by the States of Jersey as the anniversary of ‘the Corn Riots’;
P.9/202004/02/2020Deputy TadierPublic Holidays: designation of 27th September 2021 – commemoration of the Corn Riots and the Code of 1771CMActionthe events of 28th September 1769 and the subsequent democratic reforms of 1771 be added to the citizenship curriculum in schools
P.9/202004/02/2020Deputy TadierPublic Holidays: designation of 27th September 2021 – commemoration of the Corn Riots and the Code of 1772CMConditionsthere shall be an open day of the Royal Court and States Assembly building every year, where possible, on or around this anniversary
P.122/201922/01/2020Deputy GardinerPolicy Development BoardsCMConditionstake the steps necessary to ensure that information concerning all current and future policy development boards is published online in a transparent and timely manner, including terms of reference, consultation documents, membership, anticipated duration, the budget allocated to the board to complete its work and any interim or final reports;
P.122/201922/01/2020Deputy GardinerPolicy Development BoardsCMConditionsonce a scoping document and terms of reference for a policy development board have been approved by the Chief Minister, the appropriate scrutiny or review panel will be advised of the proposed terms of reference and membership of a policy development board, estimated duration and allocated budget, if any; the Chief Minister will give consideration to any feedback received from a scrutiny or review panel; and no ministerial decision to appoint a policy development board should be signed until at least one month has elapsed since the relevant panel was first advised of the proposed terms of reference and membership
P.54/201924/10/2019Deputy DoubletEmployment (Jersey) Law 2003: review of parental leave rights amendmentsSSReviewto conduct a full review of the ‘family-friendly’ elements of the Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 24 months after the parental leave rights amendments outlined in the Draft Employment (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 201- (P.100/2019) have been implemented, and to consider bringing forward for debate recommendations to provide support (financial or otherwise) for any businesses which may have struggled to comply with the Law and families that may have struggled to access the rights set out in the Law - the review should include the following, but not be limited to –
 (i) consultation with families, including an assessment of the impact on children and the extent of uptake by parents;
 (ii) consultation with local businesses, including an assessment of impact on finances and supply of cover staff.
P.94/201908/10/2019Deputy WardStates' expenditure: classification in accordance with international best practiceTRYActionworking with Statistics Jersey, to require all States’ expenditure to be classified in accordance with the United Nations Classification of the Functions of Government system, so that the Annual Accounts of the States of Jersey 2020 and all subsequent government documents presenting financial information (including the Government Plan 2022) classify public spending in accordance with international best practice
P.59/201916/07/2019Deputy MorelConsultants: reporting on their use by the Government of JerseyCMConditionsto present a report to the States on a sixmonthly basis on the use of consultants by the Government of Jersey, with the first such report to be presented by 1st December 2019 and
 with each report to include specific information in relation to total number of consultants employed or engaged by the Government of Jersey for a contract value of £20,000 or greater, 
 within the previous six-month period
P.52/201919/06/2019Deputy Rob WardBus Services: Proposal to Make free of chargeINFAction(c) to prepare a plan by the end of 2020 for working towards and then enabling free bus transport for everyone in Jersey, subject to full funding being provided.
P33/201921/05/2019Deputy PallettLe Port Car park- rescindment of parking restrictionsINFConsultationpart (a) withdrawn. Part (b)to request the Minister for Infrastructure to consult with the Comité des Connétables and other key stakeholder groups to identify and agree a list of designated areas for motorhome use around the Island and to bring forward policy guidelines, including a potential fee structure for the use of those aforementioned designated areas, for consideration by the Assembly; 
P33/201921/05/2019Deputy PallettLe Port Car park- rescindment of parking restrictionsENVReviewpart (c) to request the Minister for the Environment to review the permits relating to motorhome/campervan use to ensure that any habitable use in the Island is limited to 24 hours within any 7 day period within a designated area and in accordance with any revised policy guidelines and fees arising from paragraph (b).
P.24/201927/03/2019Deputy Pointon (amd Constable Mezbourian)Justice and Home Affairs: cessation of restructureCoMLegislation(a) to request the Council of Ministers to bring forward for debate the necessary legislative changes required to implement the proposed reorganisation of the Department of Justice and Home Affairs and to cease implementation of the proposed reorganisation (including any transfers of staff and budget but excluding any consultation or investigation) until those legislative changes have been adopted; and
P104/201806/03/2019Connetable CrowcroftImportation of waste for the treatment in the Jersey Energy from waste plant (Amendment)ENVActionto approve the principle of waste importation into Jersey for treatment in the Island’s Energy from Waste (“EfW”) plant for recovery and to agree that any surplus revenue derived from the processing of off-Island waste will be earmarked for spending on the following projects – (a) environmental improvements on the eastern side of the incinerator at La Collette, St. Helier, including tree planting; (b) interpretation facilities relating to the RAMSAR site which abuts the promontory of La Collette II; (c) improvements to encourage access for walking, cycling and such leisure activities as may be feasible in the vicinity of La Collette, including fishing, boating and swimming; (d) improvements in the area surrounding the incinerator, including the promenade, La Collette Gardens and the wooded areas of South Hill; (e) any other environmental improvement projects which the Minister for the Environment deems appropriate
P.6/201926/02/2019Deputy YoungPublic elections (expenditure and Donations) (Jersey) Law 2014PPCDebateto request the Privileges and Procedures Committee to bring forward for debate the necessary legislative changes to the Public Elections (Expenditure and Donations) (Jersey) Law 2014 to require the publication of candidates’ statutory declarations of election expenses on an appropriate public website after the expiry of the statutory period for such declarations, providing sufficient detail of the expenses declared.
P.143/201813/02/2019Deputy Tadier's and  Dep Macon's amendmentsVote for Jerrais:Promotion by the public sector (amd)CoMAction(2) requested the Council of Ministers to agree –
 (a) that all official and departmental letter-headings produced and used by the Public Sector in Jersey should include Jèrriais as well as English, subject to paragraph (b);
 (b) that within 4 months, it would produce guidelines for how Jèrriais would be incorporated into all official signage and letter headings produced and used by the Public Sector in Jersey;
 (c) that the aforementioned guidelines should have the default position that Jèrriais was used, and would seek to incorporate Jèrriais as much as was reasonably possible;
 (d) that, in so far as is reasonably practicable, this policy should also extend to the courts and those bodies wholly or partly owned by the States or in receipt of States funding, with implementation plans to be included in their next annual reports;
 (e) that the implementation of the aforementioned should be as and when materials were renewed, replaced or rebranded;
 (f) that L’Office du Jèrriais should be consulted for any translation service as an official authoritative body;
 (g) that the practicalities of implementing the above policy for publications, websites and social media should be explored and a report presented by the Council of Ministers to the Assembly within 12 months of the proposition being approved
P.3/201912/02/2019Deputy Macon Credit related checksCoMDebateto agree – (a) to request that any Minister(s) seeking to introduce consumer lendingrelated legislation will undertake to consult with lenders in the first instance, whether and how account rental payment history and Parish rates payment history is taken into account when assessing a borrower’s creditworthiness for a mortgage; (b) that any consultation will also include consideration of the appropriate use of the aforementioned data in creditworthiness assessments for other types of lending to consumers; and (c) to request that the relevant Minister(s) bring forward the necessary legislative changes for debate by the States Assembly no later than April 2022
P.137/201806/12/2018Deputy SouthernPublic Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 -amendment to medium term financial plan 2019TRYAmendmentthat the Minister for Treasury and Resources is requested to bring forward an amendment to the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 in order to provide for there to be a revised Medium Term Financial Plan for 2019, in which the maximum amount of net States expenditure from the Consolidated Fund is increased above the limit set in 2015, so that additional monies can be made available to fund public sector pay claims, or additional investment to deliver CSP priorities such as “children first”; and the Council of Ministers is accordingly requested to bring forward a draft Medium Term Financial Plan for 2019
P.99/201811/09/2018Deputy PerchardEntitled Status on Social and Economic Grounds: Changes to LegislationCMAction(c) that policy guidance issued under the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 should be amended to include defined and measurable criteria for the application of Regulation 2(1)(e) of the Control of Housing and Work (Residential and Employment Status) (Jersey) Regulations 2013
P.99/201811/09/2018Deputy PerchardEntitled Status on Social and Economic Grounds: Changes to LegislationCMAction(d) that decisions to grant Entitled status under Regulation 2(1)(e) of the Control of Housing and Work (Residential and Employment Status) (Jersey) Regulations 2013 should be taken by the Housing and Work Advisory Group; and
P.99/201811/09/2018Deputy PerchardEntitled Status on Social and Economic Grounds: Changes to LegislationCMLegislation(e) to request the Chief Minister to bring forward the necessary policy and legislative changes by 31st March 2019 to give effect to these measures.