Citizens' Assembly concludes second content block
1 April 2021
Yesterday, Jersey's Citizens' Assembly on climate change completed the second of its four content blocks. The virtual sessions, which took place between 17 to 31 March, focused on two key areas: the contribution of transport to Jersey's emissions and how we might offset our emissions.
Following presentations from technical experts and those who may be directly impacted by proposed changes, participants discussed the issues in groups and engaged in Q&A sessions with the presenters. The participants have started formulating recommendations on these issues, which will be included in their final report to the States Assembly.
Chair-Convenor of the Citizens' Assembly, Emelita Robbins, commented: "Transport is currently Jersey's largest source of Scope 1 emissions, meaning this has been an area of particular focus for the Citizens' Assembly. It was incredibly insightful to hear the views of young people and those with disabilities on how their lives are impacted by current transport options on Island and how any changes may affect them in the future. Considering the varied needs of our entire community will be imperative when the participants make their recommendations.
"Getting to grips with the complexity of the cost implications, timescales, different solutions and potential trade-offs we may need to consider on the journey to becoming carbon neutral has been fascinating. Recognising that we all need to work together to lower our greenhouse gas emissions before we can begin paying to offset has been of particular interest to us all."
Following all 14 sessions, the Citizens' Assembly will come up with a set of recommendations as to how Jersey can achieve its goal to become carbon neutral.
All speaker presentations and factsheets are available on Jersey's Climate Conversation website.