Do you want to add your views on whether there is a gender pay gap in Jersey?
20 November 2018
The Gender Pay Gap Review Panel has been undertaking a review to establish whether there is a gender pay gap in Jersey. A gender pay gap is the difference between wages earned by men and wages earned by women across a workforce. It is not the same as unequal pay which is paying men and women differently for doing the same (or similar) work.
As part of its evidence gathering, the Panel has commissioned 4insight (a research agency) to facilitate 5 focus groups. 4insight are members of marketing research professional bodies and abide by Codes of Conduct to ensure confidentiality.
The purpose of the focus groups is to generate discussion points and ideas about gender pay and the associated issues. The sessions will last 90 minutes at 4insight's bespoke facility.
The groups will be taking place at either breakfast, lunch or evening time slots on:
Thursday 29th November
Monday 10th December
Tuesday 11th December
Wednesday 12th December
Thursday 13th December
Refreshments will be provided and participants will receive a £40 thank you for their time from 4insight. Anyone interested in taking part in the focus groups should contact 4insight on:
01534 859300