Have your say on the Government's tax and spending plans
27 September 2019
The Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel is reviewing the Government’s tax and spending plans for 2020 and we want to hear what you think about the planned tax increases and how your taxes are spent.
Government Plan
The Government Plan 2020-23 contains the Government’s plans to spend £914 million in 2020 on providing public services and looking after infrastructure such as schools and roads. This spending will rise to over £1 billion by 2023.
The Plan also explains the actions that the Government will take to implement its five strategic priorities. Other parts of the Plan include new funding to tackle climate change (partly paid for by an increase in fuel duty), tax increases on alcohol and tobacco, and plans to save £40 million in 2020 by running the government more efficiently.
How to get involved
We have published a list of questions on our review page that we are seeking answers to.
You can get involved by commenting on the States Assembly social media pages, via the Have your say section on the States Assembly website or by emailing scrutiny@gov.je.
Panel Chair, Senator Kristina Moore, commented:
“The Government Plan shows that government spending will rise to over £1 billion by 2023. We want to know what Islanders think about this. Is the government targeting taxpayers’ money in the right places? Do Islanders mind paying more for petrol in order to fund work to tackle climate change? What about the 1% increase to the Long Term Care Charge? Is the Government right to spend much larger amounts than in previous years on infrastructure projects and internal government modernisation?
Many of the proposals in the Government Plan will directly impact on Islanders in 2020 and beyond. It is important that we hear the views of members of the public, local businesses and other interested groups. We encourage islanders to get in touch with us on social media or by writing to us directly”