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Joint Review launched on Covid-19 response and recovery strategy


24 June 2020

The Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel and the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel have today launched a joint review focussing on the Government's COVID-19 response measures and recovery strategy. The Panels are keen to hear the views of Islanders, business owners, economists, business leaders and sector specific associations on the challenges they have faced and are facing as they look to the future.

As such, the Panels are keen to gather evidence regarding the support that will be required for a successful economic recovery and for ensuring the effective use of public finances.     


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused Jersey's Government to make substantial decisions which impact lives, the economy, international affairs and public finances in the short, medium and long terms.  The Corporate Services and Economic and International Affairs Panels have identified collaborative opportunities within their work streams for a joint scrutiny review which will enable a more productive use of resources. 

The joint review will focus on the effectiveness, cost and sustainability of the emergency actions and financial interventions of Government in response to the pandemic. The Panels will also evaluate the potential impact and resilience of Government decision making in the short, medium and long terms for personal finance, the economy, international trade and public finance.   

Senator Kristina Moore, Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Chair, adds "During these unprecedented times when the Government is being afforded sweeping powers and making substantial commitments with public finances it is crucial that Scrutiny ensures that the Government is held to account, that any potential challenges are considered and that constructive solutions are sourced now and for the future recovery of our economy and public finances."

Deputy Kirsten Morel, Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel Chair, said: "Our island's economic recovery will take a considerable amount of time and so it's imperative that we scrutinise the plans for recovery to ensure that the right decisions are made to get the economy back on track as quickly as possible. Doing so is the best way to protect islanders' livelihoods. During this review, we will work constructively with Ministers to hold them to account on their plans and measures for a sustainable economic recovery."    

Islanders can get involved by commenting via the States Assembly social media pages, via the States Assembly website ( and by email at