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New Chair and Members for PAC


20 October 2020

A new Chair of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has been appointed by the States Assembly. Deputy Inna Gardiner will take on the role, following the Bailiff’s announcement of Senator Sarah Ferguson’s resignation from the PAC in today’s States meeting.


Upon the appointment of Deputy Inna Gardiner, Assembly rules mean that existing members of the PAC ‘fall’. The new committee – made up of States Members and up to three members of the public – will be appointed over the coming weeks.


The PAC is responsible for ensuring public money is spent efficiently and assessing whether sound financial practices are applied throughout the public sector.


The new Chair of PAC, Deputy Inna Gardiner, comments, saying, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Senator Sarah Ferguson for the outstanding work she has carried out over the last two and a half years as Chair of the PAC, and throughout her longstanding and hugely influential association with the Committee. She has made an invaluable contribution to helping to ensure public services are run efficiently and achieve value for money. I would also like to thank the other members of the PAC for their hard work and valuable contributions this term.’’


“I am grateful to be appointed to this position and will be working extremely hard to make a positive impact between now and 2022. The PAC is a unique Committee, whose membership includes lay members of the community, and we are now seeking interested professionals, who are passionate about the Island, to join.’'


Senior local professionals with a successful track record in their particular environment, and who are interested in how public funds are spent, are encouraged to apply. Those interested in one of the voluntary roles with the PAC can contact the Greffier of the States, Dr Mark Egan, by emailing for an informal discussion or to submit their CV and covering statement.


The closing date for applications is 2 November 2020 and interviews will be held before 14 November 2020.  The States Assembly has a strong commitment to diversity and is seeking for PAC to be a balanced group of people in terms of gender, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, experience and skills.