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New Public Finances Law to be examined by Scrutiny


21 March 2019

The Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel is to review the Government’s planned new Public Finances Law. The Panel is writing to a wide range of stakeholders to gather their views.

The Draft Public Finances (Jersey) Law is due to be debated by the States Assembly on 30th April 2019. The new law would replace the way in which the public finances of Jersey are currently regulated, controlled, supervised and administered, including the way in which amounts from public finances are appropriated for particular purposes. The Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel will be joined by Senator Sarah Ferguson, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, to assist its review.

In addition to the written submissions, the Panel will take evidence on the draft law through a number of public hearings. At the end of the review, the Panel will publish its independent report on the draft law, including any findings and recommendations for the Government to take into consideration.

Panel Chairman, Senator Kristina Moore, commented:
“The Draft Law arrives in a time of great change to the way the Government of Jersey operates, and amidst wider political and economic uncertainty. If approved, the Draft Law would have a significant impact on the way Public Finances in Jersey are handled. It is therefore crucial that this legislation receives the scrutiny it requires.”

Anybody interested in the matter can follow the Panel’s the work and submit views via the States Assembly website or by email at