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Next week's States Meeting: Tuesday 25 June

States Assembly

21 June 2024

On Tuesday 25 June, the next meeting of the States Assembly will commence at 9:30am. The meeting takes place in the States Chamber and is open for the public to attend, as well as being broadcast live via Public-I and on the States Assembly YouTube channel.  

Oral Questions 

States Members will question Ministers for up to 2 hours and 20 minutes. These oral questions will have been issued to them in advance (i.e. ‘with notice’). Details of next week’s oral questions with notice can be found on page 6 of the Order Paper


The following Ministers will then answer oral questions which they have not been given in advance of the meeting (i.e., ‘without notice’) for 15 minutes each: 


  • Minister for Infrastructure, Connétable Andy Jehan 

  • Minister for International Development, Deputy Carolyn Labey 

  • Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham 


Public Business 

The States Assembly will then begin debating the following topics, PLEASE NOTE that at the time of writing this, the Amendment to the Bank Holiday Act has not yet been lodged in relation to the Royal visit on 15 July. However, we are expecting this to be debated, probably second in the order, assuming that Members agree to the late notice: 



More information:  

Amendment to the Mental Health (Jersey) Law 2016 (please note that due to the late lodging time, this is dependent on the States Assemblyagreeing to debate this) 

The Minister for Justice and Home Affairs’ proposition 


Appointment of Members to the Jersey Employment and Discrimination Tribunal 

The Minister for Social Security’s proposition 

Decriminalisation of the Personal Possession and Recreational Use of Cannabis 

Deputy Tom Coles’ proposition 

Deputy Inna Gardiner’s amendment 

Minister for Health and Social Services’ amendment to the amendment 

The Council of Ministers’ second amendment 

Deputy Tom Coles’ third amendment 

Deputy Alex Curtis’ fourth amendment 

Transfer of 2024 Departmental Underspend into the Stabilisation Fund 

Deputy Max Andrews’ proposition 

Affordable and Right-Size Housing Provision on the Waterfront 

Deputy Helen Miles’ proposition 

The Council of Ministers’ amendment 

Develop a long-term funding plan to increase the value of the Strategic Reserve Fund 

Deputy Max Andrews’ proposition 

Deputy Max Andrews’ amendment 


A notification when each debate begins, a summary of the proposal and the results of each debate will be shared on the States Assembly X page (formerly Twitter) throughout the meeting. A summary of the meeting will be shared at the end of each day on the news section of the States Assembly website.