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Privileges and Procedures Committee members appointed

States Assembly

26 June 2018

​The States Assembly appointed the members of the Privileges and Procedures Committee this morning (Tuesday 26th June 2018).

The Privileges and Procedures Committee (PPC) is Chaired by Deputy Russell Labey and keeps the procedures of the States under review.

The Committee's membership consists of three elected members who are not Ministers or Assistant Ministers, as well as two members who are Ministers or Assistant Ministers, and a representative of the Scrutiny Chairmen's Committee.

Deputy Labey nominated Deputy Carina Alves, Deputy Scott Wickenden and Connétable Simon Crowcroft of St. Helier as the three elected members who are neither Ministers nor Assistant Ministers. There were no other nominations for those posts, so all three members were appointed.

Deputy Labey then nominated Deputy Jeremy Maçon and Connétable Chris Taylor of St. John for the two available places for members who are Ministers or Assistant Ministers. Deputy Geoff Southern then nominated Deputy Montfort Tadier for one of the posts. Members held an election and the vote was as follows:

  • Deputy Jeremy Maçon: 32
  • Connétable of St. John, Chris Taylor: 26
  • Deputy Montfort Tadier: 17

Deputy Maçon and the Connétable of St. John were accordingly elected as the non-Ministerial members of PPC and Deputy Mary Le Hegarat was later appointed as the Chairmen’s Committee representative.

Deputy Labey told the States that he plans to hold the first Committee meeting this week.