Reinstatement of independent JCRA to be scrutinised
29 April 2021
The Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel has launched a follow-up review to conclude last year’s scrutiny of the demerger of CICRA (Channel Islands Competition and Regulatory Authority) and reinstatement of JCRA (Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority) as an independent entity.
Whilst the review was not completed in 2020 due to competing workloads and the previous Chair’s resignation, the reconstituted Panel has agreed to complete this review with focus on JCRA’s future work rather than the demerger of CICRA.
Deputy David Johnson, Chair of the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel, said “Since the decision to demerge CICRA was announced in April 2020 and the JCRA began functioning independently from July 2020, the Panel acknowledged the Minister’s view that re-establishing the independence of the JCRA would better address competition issues relevant to Jersey. The Panel notes a substantial amount of work was undertaken by the previously constituted Panel, and that this review will conclude that work and focus on the future operations of the JCRA.”
CICRA was created in 2010 as an administrative arrangement between the JCRA and the GCRA (Guernsey Competition Regulatory Authority) to share costs and expertise to work more efficiently across the two Islands. The Panel will incorporate information and evidence gathered from the previous review into its report as background.