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Scrutiny examines Government’s infrastructure remit


14 October 2021

Scrutiny's Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel held a public hearing on Tuesday 12 October to examine various infrastructure related areas.

The Minister for Infrastructure (Deputy Kevin Lewis), along with Government Officers from Infrastructure, Housing and Environment (IHE) answered questions and provided clarification on these important issues that impact all Islanders:

1.    Our Hospital

  • The Our Hospital planning application is being finalised and will be submitted soon. There are ongoing conversations with retailer, Pets Paradise regarding parking and the IHE department will have a solution for the pet shop soon.
  • The IHE department are working on the traffic management and access to Our Hospital with the highway management department, St Helier Parish and the Our Hospital Group. The departments will work to come to an agreement to strengthen vehicle access.

2.    Vehicle Testing Centre

  • Officers from Driver and Vehicle Standards advised the Panel that the funding for a vehicle testing centre has been removed from the capital programme.
  • Officers from Driver and Vehicle Standards confirmed that a procurement process to select an organisation to carry out the vehicle testing in Jersey will be launched soon.
  • It was made clear that the IHE department would like as many local people as possible to carry out the inspections but if an off-Island business is awarded the contract then the organisation may bring members of their management team to Jersey.

3.    Bellozanne Sewage Treatment Works Project

  • The Minister for Infrastructure commented that the IHE department have been cognisant of the financial position of the Sewage Treatment Works lead contractor for some time and senior members of the department and lawyers are working on a resolution.
  • There is a contract in place and the department are going through an assessment process and it is hoped that the IHE department will be able to publicly announce the next steps for the project soon. It was also stated that the priority project is 65% complete and will provide a better standard of sewage treatment, which includes odour controls.
  • There was discussion regarding the budget increase of the project and the IHE department agreed to provide further information to the Panel in this regard.

4.    Foreshore Encroachment Policy

  • Jersey Property Holdings updated the Panel about current work on the new policy but stated that it is not progressing as swiftly as it should be due to resourcing issues within Jersey Property Holdings. 

5.    Recycling in schools

  • The Minister for Infrastructure informed the Panel that St Martin and St Ouen have recently introduced kerbside recycling and encouraged schools to work with the Parishes to set up their collections.
  • A new commercial and recycling manager will be joining the Government on 8 November.

6.    Taxi Fares for large groups and families

  • The Minister for Infrastructure stated that the IHE department sets the maximum fare but taxis are able to charge less.
  • Transport Officer confirmed there was a major restructure with fares and the IHE department have recently encouraged multi-seat provision into the industry. The Minister for Infrastructure signed off a Ministerial decision in 2020 to ensure new taxis provide more than four seats and must be eco-friendly.

Connétable Mike Jackson, Chair of The Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel, commented: "We are grateful to the Minister for Infrastructure and officers for providing updates to the panel and members of the public. We look forward to receiving further updates including the budget amendments to the Sewage Treatment project at Bellozanne, the Our Hospital access, the new vehicle testing centre, Broad Street access and the long-awaited implementation of the revised foreshore policy."