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Scrutiny Panel seeks to amend Common Strategic Policy and 2019 Budget


20 November 2018

​A Scrutiny Panel has lodged amendments today which seek to amend the Council of Ministers’ proposed Common Strategic Policy and the 2019 Budget. The amendments, from the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel, introduce a new strategic priority “Nurturing a Diverse and Inclusive Society” within the Common Strategic Policy, and a change to the stamp duty bands for residential property in the Budget.

Common Strategic Policy
The amendment to the Common Strategic Policy would introduce a sixth Strategic Priority of “Nurturing a Diverse and Inclusive Society”. The amendment sets out the Panel’s rationale for proposing this new priority as well as the outcomes that the Government needs to focus on.

Panel Chairman Senator Kristina Moore commented:

“During the course of our review of the Council of Ministers’ Common Strategic Policy, we were concerned by the absence of any references to diversity. The purpose of our amendment is to place greater emphasis on diversity and inclusion with the Policy.

Budget 2019
The proposed amendment to the 2019 Budget would introduce the following changes:

  • Reduce the number of stamp duty bands for residential property, and adjust the corresponding stamp duty rates.
  • Purchasers of property between £600,000 and £1 million would pay less stamp duty under the Panel’s amendment; and
  • Purchasers of property above £1 million would pay more. The proposals for First Time Buyer relief in the Budget are not affected.

Senator Moore said of the Panel’s proposition:

“Our amendment to the 2019 Budget will simplify the stamp duty system and should also particularly help buyers who are looking to buy a family home or move up the property ladder. The rates for people purchasing property valued at over £1 million would be increased to pay for this.”