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States Assembly decisions on 27th March 2019

States Assembly

28 March 2019

​The States agreed yesterday (Wednesday 27 March 2019) that the reorganisation of the Justice and Home Affairs Department should not be implemented until the Assembly has agreed the law changes needed.

The proposition had been brought by Deputy Trevor Pointon.  It was successfully amended by Connétable Deidre Mezbourian, who wanted to maintain within the reorganisation a recognisable States of Jersey Police Force; Customs and Immigration Service; Fire and Rescue Service; and Ambulance Service. 

Earlier in the day, the States rejected a proposition from Deputy Geoff Southern to use money from the Consolidated Fund to meet public sector pay claims (P.20/2019).  The Assembly also agreed the principles of the Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People Law.  The Law will now be examined by the Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel and the debate will continue on 30th April 2019. 

Yesterday, the States also appointed five members of the Rate Appeal Board (P.22/2019) and approved Regulations to enable Jersey to continue to meet its United Nations sactions obligations, whilst taking into account the uncertainties of Brexit (P.35/2019).

Read the decisions made by the States on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 March 2019.

See how members voted on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 March 2019.