States business update
11 October 2019
These propositions, amendments, comments and reports have been lodged for debate by the States, or presented to the States, since Monday 7th October 2019.
Lodgings and Presentations on Friday 11th October 2019
Title: Family Friendly Employment Rights: Follow-up Report
Presented by: Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Reference: S.R.11/2019
Lodgings and Presentations on Thursday 10th October 2019
Lodgings and Presentations on Wednesday 9th October 2019
Title: Commissioner for Standards: Annual Report 2018-2019
Presented by: Privileges and Procedures Committee
Reference: R.128/2019
Lodgings and Presentations on Tuesday 8th October 2019
Title: Draft Employment (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 201- (P.100/2019): third amendment
Lodged by: Deputy Steve Luce
Reference: P.100/2019 Amd.(3)
Lodgings and Presentations on Monday 7th October 2019
Title: Draft Employment (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 201- (P.100/2019): amendment
Lodged by: Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Reference: P.100/2019 Amd.
Title: Draft Employment (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Law 201- (P.100/2019): second amendment
Lodged by: Connétable John Le Bailly
Reference: P.100/2019 Amd.(2)
Title: States of Jersey Development Company Limited: re-appointment of Non-Executive Directors
Lodged by: Minister for Treasury and Resources
Reference: P.108/2019
Title: Organisations receiving grants of over £75,000: 2018 Accounts
Presented by: Minister for Treasury and Resources
Reference: R.127/2019
This page is updated daily with any documents that have been lodged for debate by the States Assembly or presented to the States Assembly this week.
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