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States Meeting Summary: 17-19 July

States Assembly

19 July 2023

States Meeting Summary 17 July

To begin this week's States Meeting, the States Assembly paid tribute to the recently deceased former Deputy, Jean Pierre Vernon Falle, known as John Falle, who was a Deputy of St. Saviour from 1963 to 1969.

The Deputy Ballif then announced the resignation of Connétable Marcus Troy from the Economic and Imternational Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

Question Time

Questions with notice 
The States Assembly then asked States Members' questions with notice. Skip to page 4 of the Order Paper to find out which questions were asked and watch from 14 minutes into this morning's recording to hear questions with notice in full. 

Questions without notice 
States Members then asked the Minister for the Environment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, the Minister for International Development, Deputy Carolyn Labey and Deputy Ian Gorst on behalf of the Chief Minister, questions without notice for 15 minutes each.
Skip to 2 hours and 37 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the beginning of questions without notice.

The States Meeting then adjourned and will continue tomorrow morning at 09:30am.

Stream tomorrow's meeting live online here:
Tuesday 18 July morning session: 9:30am
Tuesday 18 July afternoon session: 2:15pm

States Meeting Summary 18 July

Public Business

La Collette Waste Management Site – Development Plan
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Tom Binet, proposed to support the short/medium term Plan for Waste Management at La Collette Reclamation Site Phase II and proposed that in this period, the long-term plan is developed.
The Minister asked that his proposition should be debated as amended by his second amendment, which made multiple changes to the proposition, such as the inclusion of public amenities around the perimeter of the site.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Tom Binet's proposition, with 39 votes for, 3 votes against and 2 abstentions.

Go to 10 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate.

Draft EU Legislation (Information Accompanying Transfers of Funds) (Amendment) (Jersey) Regulations
Chief Minister Kristina Moore proposed to amend the EU Legislation (Jersey) Regulations 2017. This would bring Virtual Asset Service Providers and Money or Value Transfer Services into the scope of the Wire Transfers Regulations.
Deputy Elaine Millar acted as Rapporteur for this proposition.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Chief Minister's proposition, with 40 votes for, no votes against and no abstentions.

Go to 2 hours and 8 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate.

Draft Employment (Amendment No. 13) (Jersey) Law
The Minister for Social Security proposed amendments to the Jersey Employment Law 2003. They would allow the Minister to set the minimum wage offset rates (amounts employers may deduct from wages for food and/or accommodation) by Ministerial Order.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Minister for Social Security's proposition in third reading, by a standing vote.

Go to 2 hours and 15 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate.

Draft Public Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) (Licensing) (Jersey) Regulations
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, proposed new Public Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) (Jersey) Regulations. If adopted, it would be a requirement for rented dwellings to be licensed.
Go to 2 hours and 30 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate, which continued in this afternoon's meeting. Watch from the beginning of this afternoon's recording to watch the remainder of the debate on the principles of the proposition.  
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the principles of the Minister's proposition, with 34 votes for, 10 votes against and 0 abstentions.
The proposition was then called in by the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel. This means that the Panel will now have the opportunity to further examine the regulations before they are debated in more detail in a future States Meeting.

Draft Proceeds of Crime (Financial Intelligence – Commencement of Amendment Regulations) (Jersey) Act
The Chief Minister proposed to bring into force the Proceeds of Crime (Financial Intelligence) Regulations 2022, which were approved by the Assembly in March 2022 and define the status, role, and function of Jersey's Financial Intelligence Unit.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Chief Minister's proposition in a standing vote.

Go to 2 hours and 39 minutes into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate in full.

States Of Jersey Development Company Limited: re-appointment of a Non-Executive Director.
Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Ian Gorst, proposed to re-appoint Nicholas Winsor MBE as the Non-Executive Director of the States of Jersey Development Company Limited for a further period of up to three years.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Gorst's proposition, with 35 votes for, 2 votes against and 2 abstentions.

Go to 2 hours and 45 minutes into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.

Whistleblowing – Introduction of Legislation
Deputy Carin Alves proposed that Whistleblowing legislation should be introduced and that the Chief Minister, in consultation with the Council of Ministers, should bring forward the necessary legislation for approval by the Assembly before the end of June 2024.
Deputy Alves accepted the amendment brought forward by Deputy Elaine Millar, which gives responsibility to Deputy Millar, rather than the Chief Minister, to bring forward this legislation, and extends the deadline to the end of December 2024.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Alves' proposition unanimously, with 42 votes for.

Go to 3 hours into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.

The States Meeting then adjourned and will resume tomorrow at 09:30am.
Stream tomorrow's meeting live online here:
Wednesday 19 July morning session: 9.30
Wednesday 19 July afternoon session: 2.15

States Meeting Summary 19 July

Mortgage Repayment Assistance
Deputy Geoff Southern proposed that Ministers engage with local mortgage & credit providers to support consumers who are struggling to make repayments, for instance by ensuring that homes will not be repossessed until one year after a mortgage payment is missed.
The States Assembly voted to REJECT Deputy Southern's proposition, with 19 votes for, 24 votes against and no abstentions.
Go to 7 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate.

Entitlement to work – reduction in residency requirement
Deputy Raluca Kovacs proposed that a temporary scheme be implemented by September 2023 allowing Registered individuals who have continuously resided in Jersey since December 2020 to be eligible for Entitled to Work status until December 2025, or until they attain 5-year residency.
The States Assembly voted to REJECT Deputy Kovac's proposition, with 11 votes for, 31 votes against and 1 abstention.
Go to 1 hour and 7 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate.

Supplementary Planning Guidance – Parking Strategy
Connétable Simon Crowcroft proposed that the Minister for the Environment should defer approval of the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance on residential parking standards until a parking strategy has been developed & presented to the Assembly.
The States Assembly has voted to REJECT Connétable Crowcroft's proposition, with 19 votes for, 24 votes against and 1 abstention.
Go to 3 hours and 4 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the beginning of this debate.

Financial support for parents of babies needing additional neonatal care
Deputy Raluca Kovacs proposed that provision should be established to support parents who have preterm babies, or babies requiring neonatal care, and that the Minister for Social Security should bring forward proposals for this by the end of June 2024.
Deputy Kovacs proposed this as amended by the Minister for Social Security, Deputy Elaine Millar's, amendment. This amendment extends the timeframe for her to bring forward proposals for approval by the Assembly until the end of December 2024.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Kovac's proposition unanimously, with 43 votes for.

Go to 1 hour and 38 minutes into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.

Negotiation of purchase for the site of the Seaside Café, Grève de Lecq
Deputy  Lyndon Farnham proposed that the States of Jersey should purchase the former Seaside Café and carpark site at Grève de Lecq for a use that will benefit the public, and that the Assembly should approve the price before completion of purchase.
This was proposed as amended by an amendment from Deputy Lucy Stephenson which specifies that the site price should be independently assessed, that the site should be used to provide environmental, cultural and social benefits, and that Government should be notified when other properties or areas of significant value become available.
The States Assembly has voted to APPROVE Deputy Farnham's proposition, with 32 votes for, 10 votes against and 1 abstention.

Go to 1 hour and 47 minutes into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.

The States Meeting then adjourned and will resume after the summer recess on Tuesday 12th September at 09:30am.