States Meeting Summary 8 - 9 February
9 February 2022
The Bailiff read out a congratulatory message to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II regarding the Platinum Jubilee.
Oral questions with notice
States Members asked Ministers oral questions with notice for two hours and 20 minutes. See what questions were asked by skipping to page eleven of the Order Paper.
Oral questions without notice
After questions with notice, non-executive States Members asked the following Ministers questions without notice for 45 minutes (15 minutes each):
- The Minister for International Development, Deputy Carolyn Labey
- The Minister for Social Security, Deputy Judy Martin
- The Deputy Chief Minister, Senator Lyndon Farnham (The Deputy Chief Minister answered questions in the Chief Minister's absence).
Public business
Draft Children and Young People Law
The Minister for Children & Education Deputy Scott Wickenden proposed a law which seeks to introduce a series of specific measures to promote & support the wellbeing and safeguard the welfare of children & young people particularly the most vulnerable.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Minister's proposed law. 41 States Members voted in favour of the proposition.
Amendment to the "Companies Law"
Connétable Richard Buchanan proposed, on behalf of the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services, an amendment to the "Companies Law" to allow a creditor to apply for a company which can't pay its debts to be closed by a liquidator.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the proposed amendment, this means that a creditor (not just a shareholder) will be allowed to apply for a company which can't pay its debts to be closed by a liquidator. 41 States Members voted in favour of the proposition.
Changes to the regulation of pension advice
Connétable Richard Buchanan proposed, on behalf of the Minister for External Relations & Financial Services, an amendment to the Financial Services Law which aims to improve the regulation of pension advice given to customers.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the amendment, 44 States Members voted in favour of the proposition.
Radiotherapy Unit
Deputy Tadier proposed, in principle, that Jersey is provided with its own Radiotherapy Unit to treat cancer patients, and that the Minister for Health & Social Services present the Assembly with an option appraisal for this before April. The Minister for Health & Social Services proposed an amendment to the proposition to rather than agree to an on-Island Radiotherapy Unit in principle, the Minister will propose options, including an off-Island alternative, to the Assembly before April.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Tadier's proposal as amended by the Minister for Health and Social Services. This means that the Radiotherapy Unit has not been agreed in principle, rather is subject to the outcome of an option appraisal which will be presented to the States Assembly by the Minister before April this year. The option appraisal will consider off-Island radiotherapy options as well as on-Island.
Changes to importation of goods into Jersey
The Assistnat Minister for the Environment proposed, on behalf of the Minister for the Environment, to replace EU legislation with new legislation which allows the Minister to determine how official controls are applied to the importation of goods into Jersey.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the proposition. 41 States Members voted in favour of the proposition.
Common Population Policy
Deputy Rowland Huelin, on behalf of the Council of Ministers proposed that the States Assembly accept the proposed Common Population Policy for Jersey, and that a population policy should be included in future Government Plans from 2023 onwards.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the proposition.
Licensing scheme for Commercial Vehicle Operators
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, proposed a licensing scheme for Commercial Vehicle Operators. This would require operators of goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes to hold an operator's license and be of good repute.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the proposition.
Draft Taxation (Enveloped Property Transactions) Law
The Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, proposed a Law which seeks to introduce a tax equivalent to Stamp Duty on the transfer of property which is enveloped (e.g., held within a company).
The Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel proposed an amendment to the Enveloped Property Transactions Tax to remove the requirement of companies to provide a receipt as evidence of having paid the tax before transferring shares.
The Minister for Treasury and Resources proposed an amendment to the Enveloped Property Transactions Tax that, if adopted, the Law will come into force on 4 April '22, as opposed to 7 days after it is approved by the States.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the proposition as amended by the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel and the Minister for Treasury and Resources.
This means that the requirement of companies to provide a receipt as evidence of having paid the tax before transferring shares has been removed. This Taxation Law will introduce a tax equivalent to Stamp Duty on the transfer of property which is enveloped (e.g., held within a company). It will cover transactions involving enveloped residential which fall outside the Stamp Duty Law and Land Transactions Law. The Taxation Law will come into force on 4 April 2022.
Minimum Earnings Threshold
The Minister for Social Security, Deputy Judy Martin, proposed that, from 1 Jan '23, the requirement to pay Class 1 Social Security contributions (£438 per month rather than 8 hours per week) will increase each year in line with the Minimum Wage.
The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Minister for Social Security's proposal to increase the Minimum Earnings Threshold for Class 1 Social Security contributions in line with the Minimum Wage from 1 January 2023. As it currently stands, employers and employees must pay contributions for earnings of £438 per month, or £101 per week, and above.
Rent Safe Scheme
Senator Kristina Moore proposed that the Minister for the Environment make it mandatory for all landlords to register with the Rent Safe Scheme and develop a process for the regular renewal of Rent Safe registration based on a risk rating approach.
The States Assembly will continue to debate the Rent Safe Scheme tomorrow.
The States Meeting will resume tomorrow, Thursday 10 February at 9:30am and will be broadcast live via Microsoft Teams.