This week's States Meeting
16 November 2020
The next meeting of the States Assembly will commence tomorrow, Tuesday, 17 November, at 9.30am. The entire sitting will be broadcast live using Microsoft Teams via the following links:
The first item for the Assembly will be the nomination and appointment of a new Minister for Children and Housing following Senator Sam Mézec’s resignation.
There will then be two hours of oral questions, details of which can be found in the Order Paper. The Minister for Home Affairs, Constable Len Norman, and the Minister for International Development, Deputy Carolyn Labey, will then answer questions without notice for 15 minutes each.
After question time, the following topics will be debated (in this order):
Topics | More information |
Jersey and the UK exchaing trading data following Brexit | |
Overdale as the new general hospital site | |
The acquisition of land and properties to build the new hospital at Overdale | |
Replacing current maternity benefits with a parental benefits system available to both parents from the beginning of 2021 | |
Making basic information about people holding the role of director and equivalent positions publicly available | |
Increasing annual fees payable by Limited Partnerships to the Jersey Financial Services Commission by £30 | |
Compliance with the Marrakesh Treaty - improving access to copyright works for visually impaired and blind people by 1 January 2021 | |
Establishing a £50 million 'Fiscal Stimulus Fund' to enable the economy to recover more quixkly than would otherwise be the case | |
Formalising the use of remote and 'hybrid' States meeting formats (whereby States Members join via video rather than attending the States Chamber in person), in light of COVID-19 |
Additions to the Carbon Neutral Strategy and Sustainable Transport Policy, designed to reduce car-usage | |
Agreeing a date (Appointed Day Act) for the law making basic information about people holding the role of directgor and equivalent positions, publicly available | |
Putting in place a requirement for at least 32 States Members to vote in favour of any changes affecting the make-up of the States Assembly in order for the changes to be adopted |
Anotification when each debate begins, a summary of the proposal and the results of each debate will be shared on the States Assembly Twitter and Facebook pages throughout the sitting, which is expected to extend beyond Tuesday.