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Investing in Tourism's future (P.170-2001) - second amendments

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Lodged au Greffe on 27th November 2001 by Deputy A. Breckon of St. Saviour




180             2 0 0 1 P . 1 7 0 Am  d .( 2 )  

Price code: A


I n   p a ra graph (b) delete all the words after “used to implement” (including sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii)) and

substitute the following words -

“ a p r o g ra m  m e with an operator or operators of air travel to stimulate and support lower cost air travel in and

out of the Island from a variety of new and existing destinations;”



My amendment seeks to give direct financial support to an air operator (or operators), the object being to encourage visitors and locals alike to use a service that will generally benefit the Island’s economy.

Attractions within the Island can add to the quality of life for locals and add to the amusement of visitors; however, on their own they will not bring people to Jersey. The biggest single disincentive is the high cost of air fares, despite advertised “low price” offers - the reality is rather different.

My amendment seeks to set aside funds so that meaningful discussions can be held with existing air operators and others, in order to provide lower cost air fares to a number of places.

Without wishing to enter into detail - the object will be to seek a service level agreement(s), for the provision of lower cost air fares over a number of years, to agreed destinations.

This, I believe, will attract more visitors to the Island and provide more opportunity for Jersey residents to travel - especially lower income families and pensioners.

Financial and manpower implications

The comments of the Finance and Economics Committee attached to P.170/2001 have been noted. There are no manpower implications for the States arising from this amendment.

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