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Presented to the States on 24th April 2001 by the Planning and Environment Committee
180 2 0 0 1 P . 5 0 Am d .( 2 )
Price code: A
F o r p a r agraph (1) substitute the following paragraph -
(1 ) T his Article applies in respect of an application for planning permission for development -
( a) th at falls within the area of responsibility or concern of a Committee (other than the Harbours and Airport Committee or the Public Service Committee) or a body or person created by statute; or
(b ) th at is development of a type or class, or within an area of the Island, in respect of which a body or
person created by statute has informed the Committee that it has an interest or concern.
The amendment is merely a drafting improvement intended to express the intention of the Article more clearly.
The primary intention of the Article is to require the Committee to seek the comments of any other Committee, a body of persons, or a statutory body that clearly has an interest in any proposed development.
An additional intention is to provide that where a body of persons or a statutory body has an interest in a particular type of development or development within a particular part of the Island the body should be able to register its interest with the Committee and thereafter be informed of any proposed development within its area of interest and have its views sought. For example, the National Trust of Jersey could be expected to register its interest in respect of the proposed development of buildings and sites of archaeological interest.
This proposed amendment has no additional implications for the financial or manpower resources of the States.