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Lodged au Greffe on 2nd July 2002 by the Policy and Resources Committee
150 2002 P.70 Amd.(2)
Price code: A
In paragraph (b) of the proposition, after the words "dated 25th April 2002" insert the words - "e x c e p t that -
(i ) in Section 1.3 of the said Appendix, the words Committee for Postal Administration' shall be deleted in item
5 of the Table;
(ii ) a f ter item 11 in the Table there shall be inserted the following item -
12. Committee for Postal (No change) Will become an incorporated body Administration
(ii i ) re number items 12 and 13 as 13 and 14 respectively." POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE
The purpose of this amendment is to respond to a change in circumstances that has arisen since the Policy and Resources Committee lodged au Greffe' its report and proposition on the Machinery of Government: Proposed Departmental Structure and Transitional Arrangements' (P.70/2002).
In the report accompanying P.70/2002 the Committee commented on the situation with regard to Jersey Post and noted that -
b e fo re the next elections (in October/November 2002) it is likely that Jersey Telecoms and Jersey Post will become
limited liability companies and the functions of the Telecommunications Board and the Committee for Postal Administration that are to be transferred to the Economic Development Committee will therefore be the residual functions that remain with the States.'
The report goes on to state -
H o w e v er, should this not happen in time, then either or both will continue as transitional committees'.
It now appears unlikely that Jersey Post will be incorporated before the autumn, and the Committee therefore proposes to amend its proposition to enable the Committee for Postal Administration to remain as a committee in the transitional period leading up to a ministerial system. It is also proposed that the Committee for Postal Administration should be the twelfth committee in the order of appointment by the States. This would be immediately after the Harbours and Airport Committee, and would correspond to the committee's current position in the order of appointment.
There are no additional manpower or financial implications arising from this amendment.