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Lodged au Greffe on 9th July 2002 by the Policy and Resources Committee
150 2002 P.70 Amd.(3)
Price code: B
In paragraph (a) after the words "dated 25th April 2002," insert the words - "e x c e p t that in the said Appendix 2 –
- in Section 1.7.2 the words "Health and Safety Inspectorate (currently with the Employment and Social Security Department)" shall be deleted;
- f or Section 1.10 the revised Section 1.10set out in the Appendix to the report of the Policy and Resources Committee dated 8th July 2002 shall be substituted;
- in Section 1.11.1 for the words "the tax/benefit interface, and overall policy on the Social Security Funds" there shall be substituted the words "mutual responsibility with the Social Security Department for the tax/benefit interface" ".
As a result of comments expressed to the Policy and Resources Committee by the Employment and Social Security Committee, it has been agreed that relevant sections of the original Appendix 2 to P.70/2002 be modified to reflect a better understanding of those issues. They broadly reflect the approach outlined in section 4.10.3 of the report of the Policy and Resources Committee dated 25th April 2002 attached to the original proposition. As a result of discussions between the two Committees, it has been agreed that the Health and Safety Inspectorate will remain with the Employment and Social Security Department for the time being.
The amendments now proposed have been drafted in consultation with, and have the support of, the Employment and Social Security Committee.
There are no financial or manpower implications arising from this amendment.
8th July 2002
1.10 So cial Security
- T he key roles of the Department would be to enhance social development and, in particular, social cohesion, within its field of operation, by minimising social and material deprivation. Responsibilities would include -
• id e ntifying and commenting on social/labour issues at a macro' level;
• d ev eloping strategies and polices for presentation to the Council of Ministers, and thereafter;
• b e ing responsible for their implementation (in conjunction with other Departments or Agencies where appropriate);
• m o nitoring, evaluating and reporting on their outcomes, and
being accountable for their implementation.
The Department would have a service wing which would operate as a one-stop-shop' and initially encompass -
• E m ployment en hancing work opportunities and self-sufficiency, and protecting individuals in the workplace;
• B e nefits e n s u rin g full and adequate coverage across all aspects of the benefit system, ultimately including Housing benefit (to be subsumed into a new low income support scheme);
• Pe nsions a g r o wing area of activity especially in relation to links with pensions derived in, or payable in, other countries.
- T his department will be responsible for the benefits and contributions' side of the current Employment and Social Security Department, together with the Social Security Fund and the Social Security Reserve Fund. There will be a clear liaison with the new Treasury and Resources Department with which it will have mutual responsibility for managing the tax and benefits interface.
- T he department will also be responsible, once the proposed Low Income Support System is in place, for the housing benefits function currently within the Housing Department, i.e. in order to provide a single line of accountability forall benefits policy and payments.
- A lthough the policy lead at a macro' level on employment matters, and on training and skills (including the Training and Employment Partnership), will move to the Department for Economic Development delivery of employment services, and legislation, related to individuals, will remain with Social Security.
- T he department will retain responsibility for the Health and Safety Inspectorate for the present, to retain the linkages between accident prevention and benefit savings.