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Machinery of Government - proposed departmental structure and transitional arrangements (P.70-2002) - fourth amendments

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In paragraph (a) after the words "dated 25th April 2002," insert the words - "e x c e p t that in the said Appendix 2 -

( i) in Section 1.2.2 the words "Overseas Aid (with an Advisory Board to be established under the political

responsibility of the Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers)" shall be deleted;

(ii ) a f ter Section 1.12 there shall be inserted the following Section - "1 . 1 3 . O v e r s e as Aid

  1 .1 3 . 1  An Overseas Aid Commission, reporting directly to the States, will be established outside the executive

structure of government to manage the overseas aid function. The Chairman of the Commission will be a member of the States appointed by the States. There will be six other members appointed by the States, three of whom shall be members of the States and three of whom shall be non-States members.

1 .1 3 . 2 Fu nding for Overseas Aid will be agreed by the States and reviewed every 5 years to ensure that appropriate

funding is provided for the Commission.

1 .1 3 . 3 D etailed proposals and terms of reference for the Commission will be brought forward by the Overseas Aid

Committee during the transitional period. (Draft terms of reference are set out in the Appendix to the report of the Overseas Aid Committee dated 23rd July 2002." "



The Overseas Aid Committee has met with a delegation of the Policy and Resources Committee to discuss the proposals for the administration of overseas aid under the Ministerial system and is grateful to the Policy and Resources Committee for the time it has given to consider the matter.

The success of overseas aid in the past 34  years can be in large measure attributed to the work done and time given by the several Overseas Aid Committees and the voluntary workers who have, over that period, given of their time free of charge and on many occasions at very short notice to deal with, in particular, emergency and disaster aid.

It is significant that in a recent letter (29th May 2002) to the Honorary Executive Officer of the Overseas Aid Committee (Mr. Leslie Crapp) PLAN UK wrote -

" We   a r e extremely appreciative of the swift reactions to these emergencies by the Jersey Overseas Aid without which it would not have been possible to organise the food relief programmes that are so necessary to avoid widespread disease and starvation."

The Overseas Aid Committee is of the strong view that the current form of administration is positive, able to react quickly to appeals for emergency aid and is extremely thorough in its allocation of funds for grant aid and community work projects.

In simple terms it sees no purpose in changing the current administration and fears that its purpose, focus and sympathetic approach will not be so readily available in the bureaucracy of ministerial government notwithstanding the desire of a Minister or of the Chief Minister to be so focussed. The demands, particularly in the early years, of ministerial government will not, in the estimation of the Overseas Aid Committee, allow this.

The Committee proposes that an Overseas Aid Commission be established which will work on similar lines to the Jersey Arts Trust and The Jersey Heritage Trust as provided in paragraph  1.4.2. of Appendix  2 of the Report to the Machinery o Government: proposed departmental structure and transitional arrangements (P.70/2002).

In general terms the Overseas Aid Committee sees the Terms of Reference of a Commission to be in principle as hereunder but subject to review during the transitional period.

There are no additional financial or manpower implications arising out of this amendment.

23rd July 2002 APPENDIX


  1. T he Commission will be established to administer the monies voted annually by the States of Jersey for overseas aid and shall have independent status under the sponsorship of the States. The Commission shall have lead responsibilities for the allocation of all funds voted by the States for overseas aid.
  2. T he Commission shall be established by the States who will appoint a Chairman, who shall be an elected member of the States, and six members, three of whom shall be elected members of the States and three shall be non-States members. The Chairman shall have a casting vote in the event of an equality of votes.
  3. T he Quorum at any meeting of the Commission shall be four - two of whom shall be States members.
  4. T he Commission shall have the power to co-opt additional members but such co-optedmembers shall not have a vote.
  5. T he policies and procedures of the Commission shall be reviewed annually by the Commission to ensure that the funds allocated are used in the most effective and economical manner and shall be subject to the approval of the States.

The Mission of the Commission shall be -

to join with others in reducing poverty in poorer countries by making contributions by way of grants (including to Jersey Charities working abroad), emergency and disaster relief, and promoting community work projects.

In particular the Commission will contribute to -

  (a ) b as ic health care;

  (b ) m e dical care;

  (c ) ef f ective education;

  (d ) sa f e drinking water and food security;

  (e ) p ro jects to assist self-sufficiency;

  (f ) em  ergency and humanitarian needs;

  (g ) w o rking towards the elimination of child labour and abuse.

T he Commission will pursue this by -

  (a )  w o r king closely with the private and voluntary sectors;

  (b ) e n suring the consistency of policies affecting poorer countries;

  (c ) u sing recourses efficiently and effectively.

The Commission in allocating monies shall, until otherwise sanctioned by the States, work within the following guidelines -

G rant Aid -

   (a ) I n an y o n e year there shall be a limit of a maximum of 90% of the total budget allocated to Grant Aid.

(b ) T h e m a x im um allocated to one project shall be £100,000.

(c ) T h e C o m m ission may grant aid for three year projects but there shall be an upper limit of £250,000 for

each project.

E mergency and Disaster Relief Funding -

   (a )  In a n y o n e year there shall be a limit of a maximum of 20% of the total budget allocated to Emergency

and Disaster Relief Funding.

(b ) G r a n ts to individual projects (or agency) shall be limited to a maximum of £50,000 and a total spend of

£150,000 on any one disaster.

C ommunity Work Projects -

(a ) T h e C o m m ission shall promote and encourage parties of volunteers from Jersey to work in developing


   (b )  In a n y o n e year there shall be a limit of a maximum of 5% of the total budget allocated to Community

Work Projects.

G rants to Jersey Charities working abroad -

   (a ) I n an y o n e year there shall be a limit of a maximum of 2% of the total budget allocated to grants to Jersey

Charities working abroad.

(b ) G r an ts s h a ll be made on the basis of matching specific fundraising on a £ for £ basis. (c ) T h e g r a n ts shall be subject to a maximum of £5,000 per project.

The Commission shall prepare an Annual Report and audited accounts for submission to the States.