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Island Plan 2011: approval (P.48/2011): forty-eighth amendment.

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Lodged au Greffe on 17th June 2011

by the Minister for Planning and Environment


2011   Price code: A  P.48 Amd.(48)


PAGE 2 –

After the words "the revised draft Island Plan 2011" insert the words –

"except  that  in  the  Section  relating  to  Tall  buildings,  at  the  end  of paragraph 4.100 (Page 159) add the following new proposal –

Proposal 15: Urban character

The Minister for Planning and Environment will have regard to the St. Helier Urban Character Appraisal when determining proposals for development which affects the town, and particularly for the development of tall buildings.

The  primary  consideration  will  be  to  protect  and  enhance  the character of the town and the impact of development proposals on the distinct character of the different parts of the town will be assessed  and determined  against the   St. Helier Urban Character Appraisal, which will be issued by the Minister as supplementary planning guidance.

Development schemes will need to be fully justified in a Design Statement in accord with supplementary planning guidance issued by the Minister.',

and renumber subsequent Proposals accordingly."


This amendment has been lodged by the Minister for Planning and Environment for less than 8 weeks before the start of the debate in accordance with the provisions of Article 4A of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002. Paragraphs 4A(2), (3) and (4) are in the following terms –

4A  Procedure for and following lodging of draft Island Plan

"(2)  An amendment to a draft Island Plan cannot be debated by the States

unless it has been lodged for a minimum period of 8 weeks.

  1. An amendment to an amendment to a draft Island Plan cannot be debated by the States unless it has been lodged for a minimum period of 6 weeks.
  2. Paragraph (2)  or  (3)  does  not  apply  to  an  amendment  lodged  by  the Minister if the States agree that the amendment may be debated forthwith or on a day or at a time approved by the States."

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph (4) the Minister for Planning and Environment will seek the agreement of the States to debate this amendment during the debate on the Island Plan 2011: approval' (P.48/2011).

Page - 3

P48/2011 Amd.(48)


This amendment relates to the 33rd amendment brought by the Deputy D.J. De Sousa of St. Helier .

The Minister is sympathetic to the intent behind the Deputy 's amendment but believes that there is a more appropriate way of dealing with it by using the St. Helier Urban Character Appraisal to greater effect.

The Minister's intent to publish supplementary design guidance based on the Urban Character Appraisal is set out in the Plan, at paragraph 4.100 (page 159). In light of Deputy De Sousa's amendment, however, the Minister believes that this intent should be made more explicit, in order to ensure that the materiality of this work as a factor in decision-making is highlighted, particularly in relation to proposals for tall buildings. On  this  basis,  the  Minister's  further  amendment  links  decision-making  on  tall buildings in the town to the Urban Character Appraisal.

The Minister is also keen to avoid potential unintended consequences of Deputy De Sousa's amendment, which, in itself, could still permit tall buildings to be developed where they are sited next to existing tall buildings e.g. Cyril Le Marquand House (the Urban Character Area suggests that, in this locality, the predominant building height should be 2.5 to 3.5 storeys). The inspectors consider this to be an important point and the Minister's own amendment removes this potential unintended effect.

The independent planning inspectors support the approach set out by the Minister and recommend enhancements to the Minister's own further amendment, which he has incorporated.

Financial and manpower implications

There  are  no  additional  financial  or  manpower  implications  arising  from  this amendment.

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Vote: Carried 21 June 2011

