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Island Plan 2022-25: Approval (P.36/2021) – seventy-first amendment. Use of Fields G355 and adjacent land, Grouville

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Lodged au Greffe on 7th February 2022 by Deputy S.G. Luce of St. Martin


2021  P.36 Amd.(71)



PAGE 2 –

After the words "the draft Island Plan 2022-25" insert the words "except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned for affordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

" 2. Field G355   Grouville (0.68 hectares/3.78 vergees)";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respects as may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of paragraph (a); and
  2. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zones should be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).".


Note:  After this amendment, the proposition would read as follows –

THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

to approve, in accordance with Article 3(1) of the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002, as amended by the Covid-19 (Island Plan) (Jersey) Regulations 2021, the draft Island Plan 2022-25, except that –

  1. the following should be inserted within the list of sites to be zoned foraffordable homes at Policy H5 – Provision of affordable homes –

" 2. Field G355   Grouville (0.68 hectares/3.78 vergees) ";

  1. the draft Island Plan 2022-25 should be further amended in such respectsas may be necessary consequent upon the adoption of paragraph (a); and
  2. the Draft Bridging Island Plan Proposals Map Part A – Planning Zonesshould be amended to reflect the adoption of paragraph (a).


The Parish of Grouville have been extremely proactive in their preparation work for the Draft Bridging Island Plan. They have consulted with their parishioners on many occasions, and a number of sites for various types of housing were proposed to the Draft Plan consultation process. Since 2018 the Parish have placed a regular six-monthly "call for sites" in their hugely successful Parish Magazine.

In  2019  the  Parish  sent  a  flyer  out  to  all   Grouville  addresses,  and  they  posted questionnaires on their parish website to encourage discussion on current and future housing provision in the Parish. Banners were erected, and the radio and television were also used to promote the Parish's desire to consult on the whole "housing issue".

As with many other Parishes the results of their local Parish consultations have shown a demand for housing across all age groups. Like their neighbouring parish of St Martin, Grouville have a great need for more "over 55" housing.

Members will know that the Parish of Grouville have been successful in having, following the Draft Bridging Island Plan examination in public, one affordable housing site proposed for rezoning. That site is field G392A (as shown on the map attached). This site has many advantages not least the direct access on to the main road. It is close to many parish amenities, as well as having good access to the parish school and bus stops.

Following on from the successful promotion of field G392A, the Parish would now like to seek permission to rezone two small fields almost adjacent to G392.

One of two smaller fields is field G355. The Parish would wish it to also be rezoned for "over  55"  housing.  This  field  is  3.78  vergées  in  size  and  could  accommodate approximately 24 homes. It is clear that the development of this field would not create significant landscape harm and would just push the existing village slightly further into the green zone. It would not be seen from the main road and would not add to the perception of overdevelopment. In the assessment by officers, field G355 actually scored exactly the same as field G392. It is therefore clear that this field is also eminently suitable for rezoning.

If this field were rezoned for over 55 accommodation, then it would complement the other affordable housing scheme nearby. This field (if rezoned) would provide the means to add a safe route to school. It is accepted that this field G355 is currently in agriculture, but those with experience of trying to cultivate and grow crops in such long narrow fields will appreciate the practical difficulties in "working" them.

In conclusion, this field is long and narrow and is challenging to "work" from an agricultural perspective. Being narrow, and running along the edge of the existing village, it would not push the boundary of the existing built-up boundary any great distance further into the Green Zone. It would provide much needed retirement homes for over 55s, releasing larger homes to be occupied by families, and would also allow for a new "safe route to school" for the young people of the area. It is close to amenities, bus routes and all mains services.

Financial and manpower implications

There are no financial or manpower implications in relation to the inclusion of the site as identified.

Child Rights Impact Assessment implications

This amendment has been assessed in relation to the Bridging Island Plan CRIA. Whilst this amendment will add an additional agricultural field to those already proposed to be made available for affordable housing, its aim is to increase the flexibility of the housing available within the Parish. These will ultimately benefit children growing up in the Island, who should have a right to live in suitable accommodation.

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