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Trainee Minimum Wage (P.5/2023): amendment.

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Lodged au Greffe on 20th February 2023 by the Minister for Social Security

Earliest date for debate: 28th February 2023


2023  P.5 Amd.



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For the words “integrated into a single minimum wage rate” substitute the words “harmonised with the main minimum wage rate, by way of Ministerial Order,”


Note:  After this amendment, the proposition would read as follows –

THE STATES are asked to decide whether they are of opinion

that the trainee minimum wage rates should be harmonised with the main minimum wage rate, by way of Ministerial Order, for all employees of school leaving age and above, no later than 1st January 2024, pursuant to the Jersey Employment Forum’s recommendations published on 8th September 2022

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P.5/2023 Amd.


This amendment accepts the principle behind Deputy Andrews ’ proposition but makes a minor change as explained below.

The structure of the Employment Law has always included provision for trainee rates. Whereas the current labour market conditions suggest that the use of trainee rates is minimal, these conditions will change over time and it may be useful in the future once again to be able to differentiate between a trainee rate and a main minimum wage rate.

The  proposition  as  worded,  would  remove  that  future  flexibility  without  further legislative changes.

The amendment ensures that this flexibility remains within the law for the future.

The amendment also removes the need for additional law drafting to be undertaken as the Minister anticipates making the relevant changes to harmonise the trainee rates with the main minimum wage rate by Ministerial Order at the time of the next review of the minimum wage.

For the time being, and in line with the Minister’s intended actions, the current trainee rates  will  be  set  equal  to  the  main  minimum  wage  rate  from  January  2024  by Ministerial Order.

Financial and manpower implications

There are no new financial or manpower implications. The amendment removes the need to apply law-drafting resources to change the Employment Law.

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P.5/2023 Amd.