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Statistics Users Group: appointment of Chairman and Panel Members.

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Presented to the States on 8th November 2016 by the Chief Minister


2016  R.113


On 21st May 2015, the Council of Ministers presented to the States the "Code of Practice for Official Statistics in Jersey" (R.63/2015) ("the Code") at the request of the Statistics Users Group ("the Users Group"). As the Group said at the time –

"The Statistic Users Group have produced this code of practice in order to ensure an independent and professional statistical service for the people of Jersey and for all users of statistical information relating to Jersey."

The Code sought to reinforce the independence of the Statistics Unit, and explained how official statistics in Jersey work, including the role of the Users Group. The new Code is part of a general direction whereby statistical production falls more firmly under independent processes and oversight –

  • Jersey's  public  health  statistics  have  now  moved  under  the  day-to-day management of the Chief Statistician, and other opportunities will be examined as they present themselves; for example, independent statistical reporting on any outcome measures approved by the States Assembly as part of the long- term plan.
  • In addition, a new Statistics and Census Law is being developed, enshrining in statute the independence and functions of the Statistics Unit and the Users Group, and codifying the collection and production of statistics, including the census.

These structural improvements go alongside improvements in the methodologies used to collect and disseminate statistics, including infographics, public data tables, and the active use of social media. The Statistics Unit is to be commended for its work in recent years – it produces complex, accessible, and high quality information.

The Users Group was established in 1999, and has evolved since to play a critical function overseeing the work of the Statistics Unit and considering matters such as –

  • the range of statistics and their relevance
  • the demands placed on the providers of information
  • confidentiality
  • the independence of statistical production and methodology
  • the form and procedures for publishing statistics.

The Users Group requires a good breadth of members with a diversity of knowledge to discharge  its  functions  effectively.  To  achieve  this,  continuity  and  change  in  the composition of the membership is welcome, as well as supporting the term limits in the guidance of the Jersey Appointments Commission. This is why, on the expiry of the current terms of office, 4 members of the Users Group appointed before 2009 were asked to stand down, and those appointed in 2009 or since were asked to remain on the Users Group for further terms of 2 or 3 years, depending on their length of service. Regarding the role of Chairman of the Group, Mr. Richardson was eligible to be considered for re-appointment, although it was considered appropriate to re-advertise the post so as to provide opportunity to any other potential candidates. Advertisement and selection processes then commenced, with the agreement of the Human Resources Department, and confirming the process against the Jersey Appointments Commission

guidelines, and having sought the advice of the Chief Statistician on the selection criteria (which  included  statistical  experience,  the  importance  of  statistics  in  public  life, experience of oversight groups and board, and diversity in the membership and range of statistics). As a result, 5 new members were asked to join the Users Group and Mr. Richardson was asked to remain as Chairman.

It is very welcome that Jersey has individuals from a variety of backgrounds, and with strong expertise, who wish to undertake public service in forums of this nature, and who have continued to maintain an interest in doing so. This will provide for a strong and effective Users Group.

The selection processes for these roles has taken some considerable time. The existing appointments expired late in 2015, with the selection processes which commenced thereon having only now concluded due to demands on officer time and efforts to maximise opportunities for potential candidates. During this period, the Users Group has continued to provide guidance, and to make representations as necessary. The patience and support of the existing Members and the new applicants during this time is greatly appreciated.

Financial and manpower implications

There are no additional financial or manpower implications for the States arising from these appointments. The Chairman and Members are unpaid.


Composition of the new Users Group

Chairman Mr. Martin Richardson (first appointed as a Member in May

2009; and as Chairman in December, 2012, and re-appointed for a further 2 years)

Existing Members Ms. Jenny Holley (first appointed May 2009, appointed for a

further 2 years)

Mr. Graeme Marett (first appointed September 2012, appointed for a further 3 years)

Mr. John Noel (first appointed September 2012, appointed for a further 3 years)

Mr. Matthew Sutton (first appointed May 2009, appointed for a further 2 years)

New Members Mr. Julian Barber

Ms. Amy Bryant

Mr. Auberon Ashbrooke

Ms. Maria Pelin

Mr. Martin Delap (appointed for a 3 year period).


Short Biography of the Chairman and New Members

  • Mr. Martin Richardson is a chartered accountant, having been a partner from 1987 to 2009 of the Jersey practice Rawlinson & Hunter, specialising in trust and mutual fund administration to the financial services sector. As well as having been a member of the Users Group since 2009, and Chairman of the Users Group since 2012, Mr. Richardson has been a non-executive director of a number of listed companies, is on the board of the trustees of the Community Relations Trust, and is a member of the board of governors of Grainville School.
  • Mr. Julian Barber runs a local market research company, and has been involved in commissioning and  running research projects throughout his career, including having worked for the States of Jersey in tourism research until 2005. Mr. Barber is the current Chairman of JARP (Jersey Association of Research Professionals), which consists of professionally qualified individuals and companies working in the research sector within Jersey. He obtained a BSc. Honours degree in Mathematical Statistics and Operational Research from the University of Exeter, having also completed higher education qualifications in Belgium and France.
  • Ms. Amy Bryant is a chartered Accountant with over 10 years' experience in the finance industry, more recently working for Jersey Finance Limited, including having responsibilities for the strategic project function. She obtained a degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Durham, returning to Jersey following graduation in 2005 to train with Price WaterhouseCoopers.
  • Mr. Auberon Ashbrooke lectures part-time on degree courses at Highlands in Research and Operations. Following a Masters Degree at Cambridge University in Economics,  and  as  well as  obtaining  other  higher  education  qualifications  in management and financial management, he worked in various senior roles in the Ministry of Defence, including private secretary to the Deputy Chief of Defence Staff.
  • Ms. Maria Pelin is a locum Pharmacist who moved to Jersey in 2012 following a career as a pharmacist in Romania. Ms. Pelin speaks 6 languages, and has a Class A Masters in Pharmacy Degree from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest.
  • Mr. Martin Delap is a self-employed IT and Project Management Consultant. He has an academic background in Physics, with a Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics, and  worked  in  the  United  Kingdom  following  graduation  as  a  Statistics  and Research Officer for a public examination board, returning to Jersey in 1994 and working on a variety of projects in the public and private sector.


Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the Users Group are:

  1. To review and comment upon any official statistics prepared or proposed to be prepared, by or on behalf of the States of Jersey regarding –
  • the range of statistics provided;
  • the relevance and appropriateness of the statistics to the purposes for which they are used;
  • the demands placed upon providers of information, whether it be provided on a voluntary or compulsory basis;
  • the confidentiality of information concerning individuals and businesses;
  • the methodology by which those statistics are compiled and their resultant accuracy and reliability;
  • the  independence  of  the  compilation  and  dissemination  process  from political or other inappropriate influence; and
  • the  form  and  procedures  through  which  statistical  information  is disseminated;

drawing upon such expert advice as seems to them appropriate and having regard to the resources required.

  1. To make such recommendations to the Chief Minister as are appropriate.

Note:  At its meeting on 13th January 2005, the Group accepted these original Terms

of Reference, but with the following points being noted –

  • That the Group was not an audit committee or a regulator and could not accept responsibility for the accuracy of statistics.
  • That  maintaining  the  confidentiality  of  data  was  primarily  the responsibility of the statisticians, working where appropriate with the Data Protection Commissioner.