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Presented to the States on 23rd July 2018 by the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission
2018 R.94
Jersey Overseas Aid: Matters Reserved for Board and Matters Delegated to Executive Director
The following actions and decisions are reserved for Jersey Overseas Aid Commissioners, or a duly-authorised sub-committee of JOA Commissioners. Where a decision on a Reserved Matter is required prior to the next scheduled Commissioner Meeting, approval will be by a majority of the Commissioners, in writing or by phone or email and recorded by the States Greffe. There shall also be a report to the next Commissioner Meeting on the reserved matter.
Matters Reserved for Commissioners
- Approval of all new aid projects and grants, of whatever size.
- Approval of Community Work Projects: partners, locations, activities and team leaders.
- Approval of decisions to cancel any Grant Agreement.
- Approval of formal strategic partnerships with other organisations or States Bodies, including their inclusion on or removal from the list of organisations invited to submit proposals.
- Approval of strategic plans and objectives for JOA.
- Approval of policies and procedures, including agreeing to which Financial Directions JOA subscribes.
- Approval of the annual budget divisions between Grant Aid, Emergencies, Jersey Charities, Volunteer projects and Administration, and any major changes to them.
- Approval of the levels of insurance for JOA.
- Approval of any single admin expenditure of over £10,000.
- Approval of JOA annual reports.
- Approval and signing of JOA Accounts.
- Appointment and remuneration of external auditors.
- Receiving and noting the annual management letter from the external auditor.
- Receiving and noting reports from Internal Audit.
- Requiring and receiving reports and updates from the Executive Director on any major changes or risks affecting ongoing or previously-funded projects.
- Requiring and receiving reports from the Executive Director on JOA's internal control systems and considering:
- The key reputational and financial risks and how these are evaluated and managed.
- The effectiveness of these internal control systems.
- Requiring and receiving the declaration of interests of Commissioners and JOA staff that may conflict with those of JOA and determining the manner in which such conflicts will be managed.
- Recommendation to the States of the appointment, removal and re-election of Non-States Commissioners.
- Appointment or removal of Executive Director.
- Approval of appointment of other staff members.
- Monitoring the performance of the Executive Director and his or her team, holding them to account for the exercise of their delegated powers and delivery against plans and budgets, policies and procedures.
- Approving the travel of the Executive Director, until a formal Travel Policy has been put in place.
- Determining the remuneration of Executive Director and all staff members.
- Approval of formal communication with States Members.
- Approval of planned press releases, public announcements and outreach campaigns.
- Authorising, changing or limiting delegated powers to the Executive Director. Matters Delegated to Executive Director
The Executive Director may, for the efficient management of JOA, delegate at his or her discretion any of the individual responsibilities to other employees. This further delegation of responsibilities does not release the Executive Director from overall responsibility or accountability to Commissioners.
- Recommending projects, grants and Community Work Projects for the approval of Commissioners.
- Day-to-day management and oversight of grants and projects, including where required:
- Drawing up and enforcing appropriate Grant Agreements.
- Approving or rejecting project reports.
- Agreeing No-Cost Extensions.
- Approving Budget Revisions.
- Approving variations to project activities and results frameworks.
- Agreeing or withholding tranche payments.
- Communicating with partner agency staff.
- Determining the TOR for internal or external evaluations of JOA- funded projects.
- Commissioning additional evaluation of projects or programmes.
- Suspending Grant Agreements.
- Recommending the cancellation of Grant Agreements.
- Management of Community Work Projects, including recruitment and approval of team members, and approval of key dates and events.
- Managing the relationships with existing or potential partner organisations or States Bodies, including representing JOA in any discussions of a technical nature.
- Providing recommendations to Commissioners for strategic partnerships with other organisations, including their inclusion on or removal from the list of organisations invited to submit proposals.
- Ensuring a pipeline of suitable projects which fit JOA's strategic priorities for consideration by Commissioners.
- Day-to-day management of JOA office, within the limitations imposed by Commissioners and applicable laws, including:
- Purchase of necessary equipment or software.
- Commissioning necessary professional services.
- Drafting strategic aims and objectives for Commissioners' approval.
- Drafting JOA Annual Reports.
- Maintenance of sound management, planning and internal control systems, including internal policies and procedures.
- Compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations.
- Conducting or arranging necessary travel to visit projects or partners.
- Management of relationships with internal and external auditors.
- Recruitment, management, professional development and removal of JOA employees.
- Recommending the remuneration levels of JOA employees.
- Updating website and social media.
- Supplying comments on relevant stories to media outlets as requested.