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Transfers between Heads of Expenditure under the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 Article 18 24th March 2021

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24TH MARCH 2021

Presented to the States on 26th March 2021 by the Minister for Treasury and Resources


2021  R.48



Decision(s): Under Article 18(4) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 (the Law), the Minister for Treasury and Resources, having consulted with any relevant Minister under Article 18(5) of the Law, hereby notifies the States, that she has agreed to the following –

Transfers between Heads of Expenditure under Article 18 of the Law


MD-TR- Ref.



Funding of –

From –


2021- 0029

General Reserve

Reserve for Centrally Held Items


Revenue Consequences of Capital Schemes

2021- 0029

Infrastructure, Housing and Environment

Health and Community Services


Replacement Assets head of expenditure






After the expiry of 4 weeks following the presentation to the States of these transfers, the Minister hereby authorises the Treasurer of the States to action the transfers outlined in the table above.


Variations to the Government Plan 2021-2024

  1. Purpose of Report

To enable the Minister to approve variations to heads of expenditure listed in the Government Plan 2021-2024.

  1. Background

This decision will approve variations to heads of expenditure listed in the Government Plan 2021-2024.

The decision approves the transfer £60,000 for ring-fenced purposes i.e. Revenue Consequences of Capital Schemes and therefore should be held within the Reserve for Centrally Held Items head of expenditure (C10GP20020) and not the General Reserve head of expenditure (C10GP20021).

The decision allows the Minister to note that the Proposition allocated £3,250,000 to Infrastructure,  Housing  and  Environment  for  the  Replacement  Assets  head  of expenditure.  This  is  to  be  allocated  for  accountability  purposes  to  Health  and Community Services as per the Accountable Officer Responsibilities letters issued by the Principal Accountable Officer.



  1. Recommendation

The  Minister  is  recommended  to  approve  the  transfer  of  £60,000  for  Revenue Consequences  of  Capital  Schemes  from  the  General  Reserve  to  the  Reserve  for Centrally Held Items.

The  Minister  is  recommended  to  note  that  the  approval  of  £3,250,000  for  the Replacement  Assets  head  of  expenditure  allocated  to  Infrastructure,  Housing  and Environment in the proposition is to be allocated to Health and Community Services as per the Accountable Officer Responsibilities letters issued by the Principal Accountable Officer.

  1. Reasons for Decision

Article 18(1)(a) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 states that a specified amount appropriated for one head of expenditure may, with the approval of the Minister for Treasury and Resources, be used for the purposes of another head of expenditure that is set out in the government plan.

Article 18(4) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 states that the Minister shall give the States Assembly at least 4 weeks' notice before an amount is transferred under paragraph (1)(a).

Article 18(5) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2019 states that if a direction under this Article would affect a head of expenditure that relates to the responsibilities of any Minister, that Minister must be consulted before the direction is made. The Minister for Treasury and Resources is the responsible Minister for these heads of expenditure.

  1. Resource Implications

The General Reserve head of expenditure to decrease by up to £60,000 and the Reserve for Centrally Held Items (Revenue Consequences of capital projects) to increase by an identical amount.

This does not change the total amount of expenditure proposed in the Government Plan 2021-2024.

Further information on these decisions can be found on under the following Ministerial Decision references –


which were signed on 24th March 2021.
