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COVID-19 Test and trace and vaccination programmes (R.66 /2022): Executive Response

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Presented to the States on 15th August 2022 by the Public Accounts Committee


2022  R.66 Res.


In accordance with paragraphs 115-116 of the Code of Practice for engagement between Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee' and the Executive', (as derived from Standing Orders of the States Assembly) the Public Accounts Committee (the Committee')  presents  the  Executive  Response  to  the  Comptroller  and  Auditor General's Report entitled: COVID-19 Test and Trace and Vaccination Programmes (R.66/2022 presented to the States on 5th May 2022).

It is intended for the Committee to be fully constituted after the appointment of Lay Members during the States sitting on 13th September 2022. As such, the Committee will review the responses in detail after its formation and present any further comments to the States Assembly in due course.

Deputy L. Feltham

Chair, Public Accounts Committee


The Chief Executive and the Treasurer welcome the Comptroller and Auditor General's (C&AG) Review of the COVID-19 Test and Trace and Vaccination Programmes. The nature  of  the  COVID-19  pandemic  necessitated  the  Government  of  Jersey  to  act immediately in response to the public health risk, and to adapt its response as a result of the emergence of new variants of concern, unpredictable waves of infection, and to ensure that extraordinary limitations on society were at all times proportionate and necessary.

The Chief Executive believes that the Test and Trace and Vaccination Programmes have been  immensely  successful  in  protecting  Islanders'  lives  and  livelihoods  despite significant challenges and uncertainties, translating public health policies and decisions (as  approved  by  Competent  Authority  Ministers)  quickly  and  effectively  into operational  delivery.  There  are,  however,  important  lessons  to  learn  from  these experiences, and the C&AG's review, along with the forthcoming Independent Review, will provide an important opportunity to develop appropriate structures and processes in order to respond effectively to comparable events in the future. The C&AG's review, in particular, will help to ensure that we establish effective arrangements for programme delivery,  including  initial  planning  and  decision-making,  delivery,  public communication, and performance management, and adopt good practice in areas such as IT system development.





Target Date

Responsible Officer

R1  Create  and  maintain  a comprehensive  live programme  control document  for  long  running emergency programmes that cover multiple activities and are  initiated  by  a  single programme  business  case. The live programme control document should record all business cases and decisions relating to the programme.

Accept – already in place The  Investment  Appraisal Team  already  maintains lists  of  all  business  cases, including the final amount approved,  which  can  be straightforwardly filtered to show  items  relating  to COVID-19.  This  will  be used for other similar long- running  emergency programmes  to  avoid duplication of effort.


Group Director, Strategic Finance

R2  Undertake  a comprehensive review of the Test  and  Trace  Programme communications,  involving

The  Communications Directorate  regularly reviews  its  ongoing campaigns  to  make  sure

Decision  on scope  and potential timeline  to  be

Director  of Communications




Target Date

Responsible Officer

members  of  the  public, representative  community organisations  and behavioural  scientists,  with the aim of creating a simple, robust  communication  plan for  similar  long  running events  of  this  type  in  the future.

they best serve the needs of the  organisation  and  there are  communication strategies and crisis comms plans  for  these  types  of events.

Given  there  is  an Independent  COVID-19 Review  currently  being undertaken, we consider it appropriate  to  receive  the findings  of  the  Jersey Independent  COVID-19 Review,  which  may  make recommendations  in  this area,  before  making  a commitment  to  a comprehensive  review  of the  Test  and  Trace communications.

made following Jersey Independent Covid-19 Review  Panel report  [Q3 2022]


R3  Require  strategic programmes that fall outside the Public Finances Manual definition  of  a  capital  or major project to set out in a Project Initiation Document the  way  in  which  the programme  will  be controlled and managed.


In November 2021, a new Programme  Delivery Framework  was  launched. All  strategic  programmes are required to follow this framework  going forward.  In-flight programmes  must  comply from  the  next  applicable stage gate.


Project Manager,

Corporate Portfolio Management Office

R4 Ensure that a reconcilable audit  trail  is  maintained between business cases and related  expenditure  for  all significant  projects  when these might include changes over time.


The  Investment  Appraisal team maintain a schedule of all Business Cases received, including whether they were approved,  the  original amount  submitted  and  the final amount approved via Ministerial Decision.

The  report  highlights  the complexity of the situation – including 23 Business Cases

As required for future projects

Group Director, Strategic Finance




Target Date

Responsible Officer


being  prepared  and refreshed  as  more information  became available.  This  made  a single,  straightforward reconciliation  more challenging.

The  recommendation  to maintain a reconciliation for relevant  future  projects  is accepted  and  will  be incorporated into processes for other significant projects of a similar nature.



R5 Review exemption and breach records in respect of expenditure on PCR testing and the on-Island laboratory and ensure breaches have been recorded in compliance with the Public Finances Manual.


The exemption and breach records  in  respect  of expenditure on PCR testing and the on-Island laboratory are  being  reviewed  for relevant breaches.

Underway  – Q3 2022

Head  of  Finance Business Partnering, Strategic  Policy, Planning  and Performance

R6 Ensure that the full range of requirements for all users is captured when compiling high-level IT systems specifications.


As  a  principle, Modernisation  &  Digital (M&D)  always  seeks  to identify all requirements for any  IT  and  digital solutions. This  requires users  of  the  solutions  to consider  the  full  range  of requirements  across  front office,  back  office, management  information and security.

As required for future projects

Head of Corporate Change Delivery

R7 Ensure that all IT and digital investments are validated by the Design Authority, so that there is a clear view of systems interdependencies and to avoid the unnecessary duplication of data.


M&D  has  introduced  a policy  which  requires  that all IT and digital investment are reviewed and approved by  the  Business Architecture  team,  which includes  the  Design Authority. This includes an

Part Implemented

PFM: 31/12/22

Head of Corporate Change Delivery




Target Date

Responsible Officer


assessment  of  suitability against  a  set  of  standards known  as  Minimum Enterprise  Requirements (MERs).  A  MERs assessment  must  be completed  for  all  new  IT and digital solutions. M&D is working with Treasury & Exchequer  to  update  the Public Finances Manual to mandate  Government departments to engage with M&D prior to procuring any IT or digital solutions.



R8  Ensure  all  future  IT systems  developments  are tested  rigorously,  both functionally  and  non- functionally in-line with best practice principles.


Testing  is  a  key  and standard phase of all IT and digital solutions.

As  a requirement for  future projects

Project Manager,

Corporate Portfolio Management Office

R9  Require  all  major programmes  to  maintain  a formal  operational  decision log.


Within  the  Programme Delivery Framework, there is  a  Programme  Logbook which  includes  a  log  for decisions. It  is  mandatory for the Programme Manager to ensure this log is kept up to date with decisions taken.


Project Manager,

Corporate Portfolio Management Office

R10  Ensure  reporting  to programme  boards  includes appropriate  forward projections  for  the programme  and  a comprehensive  assessment of  potential  future programme risks.


Aligned to the Programme Delivery  Framework,  all programmes  and  projects are  expected  to  report progress on a monthly basis via  the  Perform  reporting tool. The  information required  in  the  monthly report includes (but is not limited to) RAG status, key milestones  with  forecast dates,  financial  status, issues,  risks  and escalations. The expectation


Project  Manager, Corporate Portfolio Management Office




Target Date

Responsible Officer


is  that  the  SRO  and Programme  Board  review this  report  and  the associated  escalated  key risks.



R11  Require  all  major programmes to document an inequalities  impact assessment  at  the  outset  of the programme.


All policy development and programme  management should  include  an assessment of the impact of the  benefits  and disadvantages,  including differing  effects  on demographics  and communities. However, an inequalities  impact assessment  requirement does  not  exist  in  law  and inequalities is just one of the considerations  that  policy and  programmes  should consider (finance; staffing; children's  rights;  data privacy etc).

It  is  considered  that  the cumulative  effect  of  the accepted  recommendations in  this  report  would  be sufficient  to  achieve  the same intent.


Group Director of Policy,  Strategic Policy,  Planning and Performance

R12 Routinely seek to record ethnicity  and  race  data  in population-based  health programmes to assist in the reporting  of  any  race inequalities.


It  is  recognised  that  the ethnicity  data  recorded  in health systems is not of a good enough quality to be able  to  analyse  data  for different  ethnic  groups  at present.

Work  on  a  Jersey Demographic  Service within  the  Health  and Community  Services Department  is  likely  to address this issue so that this is improved in the future.

Project forecast  to  be complete within  18- months (end of 2023).  Further updates on the details  and scope  of  the work  can  be provided  as required.

Head  of  Health Intelligence, Public Health

Head  of Informatics, Health  and Community Services




Target Date

Responsible Officer


More broadly, the COVID Recovery  Understanding and  Insights  Project involves  matching  data across  different administrative systems with data from the 2021 Census. This  will  enable  the government  to  perform analysis of health data and other  data  against  the ethnicity  information provided in the census.  






Reason for Rejection

R11 Require all major programmes to document  an  inequalities  impact assessment  at  the  outset  of  the programme.

All  policy  development  and  programme  management should include an assessment of the impact of the benefits and  disadvantages,  including  differing  effects  on demographics  and  communities.  However,  an inequalities impact assessment requirement does not exist in law and inequalities is just one of the considerations that policy and programmes should consider (finance; staffing; children's rights; data privacy etc).

It is considered that the cumulative effect of the accepted recommendations in this report would be sufficient to achieve the same intent.