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Deployment of Staff Resources in Health and Community Services (R.7/2023): Executive Response.

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Presented to the States on 6th April 2023 by the Public Accounts Committee


2023 R.7 Res.


In accordance with paragraphs 69-71 of the Code of Practice for engagement between Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee' and the Executive', the Public Accounts Committee presents the Executive Response to the Comptroller and Auditor General's Report entitled: Deployment of Staff Resources in Health and Community Services (R.7/2023) presented to the States on 24th January 2023).

The Committee intends to review the Executive Response to the recommendations and work planned that should be prioritised and will consider whether to produce further comments in due course.

Deputy L. Feltham

Chair, Public Accounts Committee

R.7/2023 Res.

Chief Executive and Chair of States Employment Board Response to C&AG Review: Deployment of Staff Resources in Health and Community Services Summary of response

The Chief Executive agrees with the conclusions that the Health and Community Services Department is currently under significant pressure. The ability to recruit and retain staff in a challenging market for health staff since the COVID-19 pandemic and inpatient bed pressures play a significant part in these pressures. In order to deliver and implement an effective and comprehensive workforce strategy the Chief Executive further agrees that ensuring completeness and accuracy of workforce and clinical data and information is import.

The Comptroller and Auditor's (C&AG's) review, alongside the ongoing work following the publication of the Hugo Mascie- Taylor review of the quality and safety of its secondary care services in Jersey will provide an important opportunity to develop appropriate structures and processes to address the report's recommendations.

The establishment of a health board with Non-Executive Directors as part of the membership help drive reform, improve governance and address the cultural, structural and practice issues affecting the quality and safety of the care provided. The Change team is also now in place to support the implementation of this transformation. It is important to ensure that recommendations from the C&AG and Public Accounts Committee relating to the Health and Community Services are properly aligned and contribute to the improvement of health services for the Island.

Government of Jersey takes the work of the C&AG and the Public Accounts Committee very seriously and to this end has only rejected one of the recommendations for reasons explained below.

Action Plan



Accept/ Reject


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Target date

Proposed Responsible Officer

R1 Establish a Project Board to oversee the development of the HCS Our People Strategy and the HCS Workforce Strategy. In doing so ensure that:

the membership of the Board enables appropriate oversight and appropriate clinical engagement; and

appropriate formal project management and

governance disciplines are implemented.


Q2 2023

Group Director, People Services

In line with the recommendation, a Project Board will be established to oversee the development of the HCS People Strategy. First steps will be to identify a Chair, members, and a secretary for the Project Board.

Once membership and support has been considered, Terms  of  Reference  and  appropriate  project management and governance documentation will be put in place. Further to this, the group will be in a position to meet for the first time.

Delivery Plan, section 2E.



R2  Enhance  the  engagement  at  specialty  level  in  the development of the HCS Workforce Strategy. In doing so, ensure that there is an agreed way forward for future clinical operating models and medical staffing models at specialty level.


Nominations will be requested from each profession across HCS to sponsor this work and to disseminate progress. This will include working with the Heads of Service and their speciality leads to produce clinical operating models and medical staffing models for each

speciality as part of the HCS Strategy.

Q2 2023

Chief Officer, HCS (with support from Group Director, People Services)


Accept/ Reject


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Target date

Proposed Responsible Officer

R3 Clarify the planning assumptions that should underpin the HCS Workforce Strategy in respect of the future care model and the Our Hospital programme. Continue to review these planning assumptions as decisions are made with respect to the future care model and the Our Hospital programme.


Assumptions that should underpin the HCS Workforce Strategy will be clarified by:

a) Developing and consulting on the key principles for the new Health Care Facilities.

Q3 2023

Chief Officer, HCS

b)  Establishing a strategic health and care function within the Cabinet Office that will begin working on policy, funding and financing arrangements for health and care.

Already in place

Director for Health Policy, Cabinet Office

R4 Ensure that the HCS Workforce Strategy provides clarity as to the future planned management structure of HCS.


The  HCS  workforce  strategy  will  be  extended  to consider management and executive structures that are appropriate to support service delivery

and implementation of strategy.

Q2 2023

Chief Officer, HCS (with  support  from Group Director, People Services)

R5  Review and, where possible and appropriate, negotiate a harmonisation of the terms and conditions of staff working in HCS. In doing so, seek to ensure the availability of the right workforce on a 24-hour, 7-day basis to support the effective delivery of services by HCS.


a)  In order to harmonise the terms and conditions of HCS staff wherever possible, a review will be undertaken, initially to

identify differences in T&Cs.

Q2 2023

Group Director, People Services

b)  The review output will be a report that will be produced within Q2 2023. This report will inform next steps and support negotiations

in Q3 2023 with staff groups, if applicable.

Q1 2024

R6  Review  the  arrangements  for  the  funding  of  clinical negligence insurance to ensure that they match the objectives of future clinical models and the future private patient strategy.


The action is being taken forward through the Civil

Claims Risk & Oversight Board (CCROB).

Q4 2023

Chief Officer, HCS; Medical Director, HCS, HCS; and Director of Health Policy, Cabinet Office

Additional  resources  to  clarify  and  determine  the clinical models and the development of the private patient strategy. This is planned to be in place by Q1 2024 (as outlined in the Ministerial

Delivery Plan). In the meantime:

Q1 2024

 The Change team will undertake a review and produce a recommendation paper.

Q3 2023

 The Deputy Medical Director, HCS post will go out  to  recruitment  and  once  a  successful candidate is in place, a detailed action plan

will be developed.

Q3 2023


Accept/ Reject


(please also capture any required resources or dependencies)

Target date

Proposed Responsible Officer

R7 Develop, publish, and implement a Government of Jersey Private Patient Strategy.


A working group will be established to develop a private  patient  strategy  during  2023,  including colleagues from clinical, operational, informatics and finance teams which will include establishing and agreeing Project Scope for the work, resources and timeframes.

This  will  link  into  the  existing  work  on recommendations  on  private  patients  from  the Clinical Governance Review 2022.

Q2 2023

Chief Officer, HCS and Director of Health Policy, Cabinet Office

A final strategy will be published as outlined in the Ministerial Delivery Plan 2023.

Q1 2024

R8 Ensure that the wider HR service, which is currently spread across three teams, is co-ordinated and that there is sufficient specialist HR and finance support within the team developing the HCS Workforce Strategy.


GoJ accepts that a more appropriate model could be brought together from existing teams.

a) In order to implement such a model, a review will be undertaken of BAU, project and pipeline HR Service workstreams, identifying any perceived gaps in HR Service resource. This

will be completed within Q1 2023.

Q1 2023

Group Director, People Services

b) A business case will be developed if additional resourcing requirement are identified, including the provision of specialist support.

This will be completed by the end of Q2 2023.

Q2 2023

Change Team, HCS

R9  Implement  a  specific  Organisational  Development programme to improve the current variable levels of medical staff engagement. In doing so, consider whether the programme would benefit from external facilitation and ensure that the programme includes senior clinicians as

well as senior managers.


An  organisational  development  programme  is currently  in  development  in  HCS  focusing  on improving medical staff engagement by using the additional change team OD expertise.

Q4 2023

Director of Culture, Wellbeing and Engagement, People Services and Change Team,


R10 Ensure that the HCS 2023 Business Plan continues to include actions to enhance and improve staff engagement and that the HCS Business Plan for 2024 takes into the results of the 2023 Government "Be Heard" survey.


Departmental Business Plans have been replaced by Ministerial Delivery Plans for 2023 and have been published. Although the Ministerial Plan does not include actions to enhance staff engagement, a 2023 Business Plan for the Director of Culture, Wellbeing and

Engagement has been created and includes actions to enhance staff engagement.


Director of Culture, Wellbeing and Engagement, HCS


Accept/ Reject


(please also capture any required resources or dependencies)

Target date

Proposed Responsible Officer



The 2024 Business Plan for the Director of Culture, Wellbeing and Engagement will consider the results of the 2023 Be Heard survey

in its development of 2024 actions and objectives.

January 2024


R11 Review the relationship between the well-established GMC appraisal  and  revalidation  process  which  is  aimed  at  the individual's  personal  development  and  the  wider  role  of performance  management  in  terms  of  how  an  individual contributes to HCS's overall success.


The nature of the GMC appraisal is a confidential process aimed at maintenance and development of professional competence which establishes a doctor's continued ability to practice.

Job planning includes a section on organisational, service and personal objectives. Notwithstanding the confidential nature of the GMC process, as part of the work  on  the  recommendations  of  the  Clinical Governance  Review  Report,  a  review  will  be undertaken to ensure there is better alignment between

the two

appraisal processes.

Q3 2023

Medical Director, HCS

R13  Review  the  arrangements  for  the  organisation  of accommodation of locum and agency staff and consider who is best placed to manage this.


Working with the Delivery & Improvement Hub, a review of current arrangements will be undertaken to enable recommendations to come forward to improve existing  arrangements.

However, operational responsibility for allocation of property remains with HCS.

Q2 2023

Chief Officer, HCS (working with both the Group Director, People Services and Working with the Delivery Hub, Cabinet Office)

A Key Worker Accommodation Policy will be developed for implementation.

Q2 2023

R14 Include in the future workforce strategy targets to minimise the use of locum and agency staff and outline actions to achieve and maintain the use at a low level.


The HCS workforce strategy incorporates a number of phases. During Phase 5 of the strategy, an exercise will be undertaken to:

Group Director, People Services

a)  Outline what usage of Locum and Agency staff that Care Groups want to achieve in the short, medium, and long term.

Q2 2023


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Target date

Proposed Responsible Officer



b)  Review the existing KPIs on Locum and Agency spend/usage across HCS and identify if adequate to provide ongoing


Q2 2023


c) develop plans to achieve these targets

Q2 2023

d)  Once this work has been completed, the HCS Workforce Strategy Lead will report back to the Project Board and HCS ELT to

seek approvals for an updated approach.

Q2 2023

R15  Urgently  agree  and  implement  a  formal  HCS  clinical supervision policy. This should cover medical and non- medical professional clinical staff, including locum and agency staff.


An HCS wide policy will be established which care groups can add to but not subtract from to ensure competency assessment at appointment and arrival. This will ensure that the supervisor and clinician are aware  of  any  limitations  and  are  able  to  agree  a development plan. This will be

included in appraisal meetings.

Q2 2023

Medical Director, HCS, and Chief Nurse, HCS

An action plan will be developed for implementing the policy considering training, resource implications and how clinical staff will

be released for training and supervision.

Q3 2023

R16 Ensure that the new medical agency contract requires all locum and agency staff to engage proactively in HCS clinical supervision and the wider clinical governance systems.


GoJ  accepts  that  clinical  supervision  and  clinical governance are critical elements of providing safe, quality health and care services for Jersey.

GoJ  will  ensure  that  appropriate  provisions  are included  in  new  contracts  in  order  that  People Services can provide adequate assurance to HCS ELT and States Employment Board that the all locum and agency staff are required to engage proactively in

HCS clinical supervision;

and the wider clinical governance systems.

Q2 2023

Group Director, People Services

R17 Ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to provide assurance on the clinical practice of locum consultants during the time they are working for HCS.


A clinical practice assurance policy will be developed and  agreed  to  define  arrangements  for  locum consultants whilst they are working for


Q3 2023

Medical Director, HCS


Accept/ Reject


(please also capture any required resources or dependencies)

Target date

Proposed Responsible Officer

R18 Revisit the current approach for compensating for on- call and consider a flexible, mixed model of either time back in lieu or payment, depending upon the specialty and grade of staff. This approach  should  seek  to  provide  more  flexibility  for  both consultant and middle grade doctors but at the same time protect capacity for the delivery of public work.


A review will be undertaken of the current approach in consultation with the Chair of the Private Patient "BeOurBest"  Working  Group  and  the  Chiefs  of Service.

The outcome of which will inform the Job Planning Policy to identify a flexible approach which protects the delivery of public work. Further to this, an options paper will be developed to consider whether there are any

implications, such as additional funding or resourcing requirements.

Q2 2023

Group Director, People Services

R19 Establish arrangements to monitor implementation of and compliance  with  the  private  patient's  strategy  when  it  is published.


See R7 – Arrangements to monitor compliance with the Private Patient Strategy will be included in the development of the strategy.

Q2 2024

Medical Director, HCS and Director of Health Policy, Cabinet office


Accept/ Reject


(please also capture any required resources or dependencies)

Target date

Proposed Responsible Officer

R20  Implement  a  comprehensive  suite  of  management information  to  monitor  private  patient  activity  and  income against standards, targets, and tolerances.


This  will  have  a  longer  lead  in  time,  as  the development  of  a  comprehensive  suite  of management information will be undertaken through a phased plan of implementation following:

the publication of the private patient's strategy (see R7); and

the  establishment  of  a  Joint  Board  between Health and Community Services and Treasury and Exchequer in quarter 3 of 2023, as outlined in R21.

The Joint Board will be responsible for agreeing a realistic and feasible plan to develop a suite of reports, recognising  the  current  challenges  and  available resources, which will be aligned to the Person Level Information and Costing System (PLICS) and the updated tariff used for private patient charges.

Q2 2024

Group Director Finance Business Partnering & Analytics

R21 Update the Person Level Information and Costing System (PLICS) and the tariff used for private patient charges. In doing so, agree and implement an overhead apportionment framework to be applied to private patient charges.


This will be developed following the establishment of a  Joint  Board  between  Health  and  Community Services and Treasury and Exchequer.

The Joint Board will consider the establishment of data  governance  strategy  and  plan  for  PLICS  to ensure the clear roles and responsibilities, standard operating procedures are in place and reviewed, as part risk management planning.

Q3 2023

Group Director, Finance Business Partnering & Analytics and Director Improvement and Innovation, HCS


Accept/ Reject


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Target date

Proposed Responsible Officer



A Framework will be established to set the roles and responsibilities  of  Board  members  from  the respective  department  alongside  clear  Terms  of Reference.

The current PLICS system will be reviewed against evidence-based guidelines in order to operationalise the agreed Private Patients Strategy.

Q4 2023


P1 Finalise the HCS Our People Strategy taking account of the recommendations made in the Review of Health and Community Services  (HCS)  Clinical  Governance  Arrangements  within Secondary Care report published in

August 2022.


The  HCS  Our  People  Strategy  will  be  finalised linking with the Strategic Workforce plan and HCS resourcing  and  based  on  the  outputs  from  the "BeOurBest" programme.

Q3 2023

Group Director, People Services

P2  Publish  a  formal  response  and  action  plan  to  the recommendations made in the Review of Health and Community Services  (HCS)  Clinical  Governance  Arrangements  within Secondary Care Report published in August 2022.


Formal response has been published.

The  Minister  for  Health  and  Social  Services  has published a formal response and action plan to the report:

R.117/2022(Res); and

R.133/2022:  Progress  on  actions  from  this C&AG review and the Review of HCS Clinical Governance  Arrangements  will  be  monitored jointly.

A dynamic change plan is also being developed and will be monitored by the Change Team' to operationalise recommendations relating to health improvement.


Chief Executive and Assistant Chief Executive

Recommendations not accepted




Reason for rejection


Consider whether there is a need to renegotiate the 2005 Jersey medical and dental consultants' contract prior to implementation of the job planning policy. Pause job planning while this is being considered.

GoJ does not accept this recommendation.

Work is underway on the contract reviews. It would be inappropriate to pause job planning. It is a contractual requirement for medical staff and therefore not advisable to wait for the conclusion of any new contract negotiations.