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Records Advisory Panel - Appointment of Members

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Presented to the States on 17th March 2025

by the Minister for Sustainble Economic Development


2025  R.36




The Public Records (Jersey) Law (the Law') requires the establishment of a Records Advisory Panel (the RAP') to supervise the implementation of the Law by means of review and direction. The RAP consists of 5 members who are appointed under the Law by the Minister for Sustainable Economic Development (the Minister'); one of the five will be appointed chairman by the Minister.

In accordance with Article 14(5) Public Records (Jersey) Law 2002, the Minister has presented this report to notify the States Assembly of two appointments to the RAP.


The Law lays out the functions of the RAP. It may:

review the performance of the Trust, Archivist and Public Institutions under the Law

review  the  appraisal  of  records  and  retention  schedules  produced  by  the Archivist

advise the Minister, the Jersey Heritage Trust (the JHT') and the Archivist with respect to the functions of JHT and the Archivist under the Law

advise public institutions of their duties under the Law

advise the Minister, Trust, Archivist and Public Institutions on the preservation of and access to public records

direct the Trust and Archivist to perform their functions under the Law

direct that a public record is a record which does not need to be transferred to the Archive or is a record that the Archivist cannot have access to or can only access under specific conditions. These directions can be revoked by the Panel.

It shall:

ensure at all times that there are standards that it has approved for the purposes of Articles 8 and 9 (Article 8 – Principal duties of JHT, Article 9 – Principal duties of the Archivist), that are not less strict and not less extensive than the standards in force at those times of the British Standards Institute and the International Organisation for Standardisation on records management and the storage, conservation and preservation of records.



Biography of the newly appointed members Stephen de Gruchy

Stephen de Gruchy recently retired after a long career with the Jersey Financial Services Commission, where he held senior positions in its policy and enforcement departments. He is an Associate of the Chartered Governance Institute and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers. In addition to his professional achievements, he actively volunteers for the Archive, where he is currently cataloguing early 20th-century burial records.

Matthew Swan

Advocate Matthew Swan previously served as the Viscount of the Royal Court of Jersey. Before being appointed to that office, he was a commissioner at the Jersey Gambling Commission and the Jersey Law Commission, and an adviser at the Jersey Police Complaints Authority and Jersey Citizen's Advice. Prior to these appointments, he was a Jersey-based partner of a global offshore law firm, specializing in corporate and finance law.
