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JERSEY AIRPORT: FUTURE FUNDING (P.198/2002) - COMMENTS _______________
Presented to the States on 12th November 2002 by the Policy and Resources Committee
150 2002 P.198 Com.
Price code: A
The Policy and Resources Committee welcomes the Harbours and Airports Committee report.
The Airport is manifestly a strategic asset and its future funding is an issue of major importance to everyone in the Island.
The Committee agrees that the States should now be invited to revise its earlier decision that the Airport should be entirely self- funding.
Obligations which clearly relate to the community should be funded by the taxpayer rather than by passengers. Examples include the public weather-forecasting service and the early opening for newspaper flights.
There needs above all to be long-term and innovative thinking, in a joined up manner across all of the Committees concerned, on how to link Airport pricing and funding strategies to overall economic development objectives.
The crucial task is to ensure overall benefits to the Island economy. This should be kept clearly in mind during the debate in the States.
The Committee had this very much in mind when it asked OXERA to produce its paper on the future funding of the Airport.
OXERA's report provided a clear and concise analysis of the funding issues. The Committee welcomes the central role which the OXERA paper has been given in the Report and Proposition from Harbours and Airports. It is a good example of the importance of good analysis to underpin well-founded policy proposals.