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COMMUNICATIONS BY THE PRESIDING OFFICER...................................... 8
1.1 Welcome to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor .................................. 8 APPOINTMENT OF MINISTERS, COMMITTEES AND PANELS ........................ 8
2.1 Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central : ............................................. 8
QUESTIONS....................................................................................... 8
- Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Housing and Communities regarding affordable housing providers (WQ.1/2023) .................................. 8
- Deputy T.A. Coles of St. Helier South of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding the policy in relation to third party data handlers (WQ.2/2023) .............. 9
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade of the Chair of the States Employment Board regarding training in ethical standards and conduct (WQ.3/2023)..................... 11
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Social Security regarding income support rent components (WQ.4/2023) ........................................ 12
- Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Children and Education regarding Milli's Child Contact Centre (WQ.5/2023) ................................. 13
- Deputy R.S. Kovacs of St. Saviour of the Minister for Social Security regarding payments to the Social Security Fund (WQ.6/2023) ................................... 14
- Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North of the Minister for Home Affairs re training provided to officers (WQ.7/2023) ...................................................... 15
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding private care (WQ.8/2023) .......................................... 17
- Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central of the Minister for the Environment regarding renting from housing providers (WQ.9//2023)......................................... 18
- Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central for the Minister for Treasury and Resources regarding loans and other subsidies to specific affordable housing providers (WQ.10/2023).......................................................................... 18
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade for the Minister for the Environment regarding officers who are commuting to the Island (WQ.11/2023) .............................. 19 3,12 Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade for the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture regarding the Tourist Regulation Office (WQ.12/2023) . 20
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Chari of the Employment Board regarding the headcount of States employees (WQ.14/2023) .......................... 21
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding cancelled medical appointments (WQ.15/2023) .................. 28
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Housing and Communities regarding Andium Homes (WQ.16/2023) .............................. 29
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of HM Attorney General regarding statistics for sexual offences in Jersey (WQ.17/2023) ............................................... 30
- Deputy R.J. Ward of the Minister for Housing and Communities of the Minister for Children and Education regarding agency cover staff from the UK (WQ.18/2023)... 32
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central of the Chief Minister regarding EU legislation (WQ.19//2023) .............................................................. 32
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding attitudes to healthcare funding (WQ.20/2023) .................... 33
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding the breakdown of changes in the award of benefits
(WQ.21/2023).......................................................................... 34
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade of the Chair of the States Employment Board regarding States Departments and compliance with ISO9000 (WQ.22/2023)......... 36
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade of the Chair of the Employment Board regarding activities of employees (WQ.23/2023) ................................................. 36
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade of the Minister for the Environment regarding the Planning Services review (WQ.24/2023) .............................................. 37
- Connétable of St. Martin of the Minister for Children and Education regarding reports generated through inspections and audits of private schools in Jersey (WQ.25/2023) 38
- Connétable of St. Martin of the Minister for Children and Education regarding support for private schools in Jersey from the Government (WQ.26/2023) .................... 39
- Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North of the Minister for Infrastructure regarding Fort Regent (WQ.27/2023)............................................................. 40
- Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North of the Chief Minister regarding #the employment of consultants across the Government of Jersey (WQ.28/2023) ......... 41
- Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Infrastructure regarding drainage systems and flooding (WQ.29/2023) ......................................... 41
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Health and Social
Services regarding consultant remuneration (WQ.30/2023) ........................... 42
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture regarding a national sports stadium (WQ.31/2023) ...... 42
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding the cost of locum and agency staff (WQ.32/2023) ................ 43
- Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central of the Chief Minister regarding Government communications campaigns (WQ.33/2023) ............................................ 43
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of the Chair of the Privileges and Procedures Committee regarding constituency offices (WQ.34/2023) ............................ 67
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Children and Education regarding teaching vacancies (WQ.35/2023) .......................................... 67
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Social Security regarding Andium Homes' tenants (WQ.36/2023) ............................................... 68
Deputy K. Wilson of St. Clement (The Minister for Health and Social Services): .......... 69
- Deputy L.J. Farnham : .................................................................. 69
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central :................................................ 69
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 70
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central : ........................................... 70
- Deputy G.P. Southern :.................................................................. 70
- Deputy L.V. Feltham : .................................................................. 71
- Deputy L.V. Feltham : .................................................................. 71
- Deputy L.J. Farnham : .................................................................. 71
Deputy T. Binet of St. Saviour (The Minister for Infrastructure):............................ 71
- Deputy M.B. Andrews :................................................................. 72
- Deputy S.Y. Mézec of St. Helier South : ............................................... 72
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade : ...................................................... 72
- Connétable M.K. Jackson of St. Brelade :.............................................. 72
- The Connétable of St. Brelade : ........................................................ 72
- Connétable A.S. Crowcroft of St. Helier :.............................................. 73
- Deputy G.P. Southern :.................................................................. 73
- Deputy G.P. Southern :.................................................................. 73
- Deputy M.B. Andrews :................................................................. 73
Deputy J. Renouf of St. Brelade (The Minister for the Environment): ...................... 74
- Deputy S.Y. Mézec : .................................................................... 74
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 74
- Deputy S.Y. Mézec : .................................................................... 75
Deputy K.L. Moore of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter (The Chief Minister):.............. 75
- Deputy L.V. Feltham : .................................................................. 75
- Deputy S.Y. Mézec : .................................................................... 75
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 76
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 76
- Connétable D.W. Mezbourian of St. Lawrence : ....................................... 76
- The Connétable of St. Lawrence : ...................................................... 76
- Deputy G.P. Southern :.................................................................. 76
- Deputy A. Howell of St. John , St. Lawrence and Trinity : ............................. 77
- Deputy L.V. Feltham : .................................................................. 77
Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier North (The Minister for Children and Education): ........ 77 4.5.1 Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 78
Deputy A. Curtis of St. Clement (Assistant Chief Minister - rapporteur): ................... 78
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 79
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 79
- Deputy M.R. Scott : ..................................................................... 80
- Deputy M.R. Scott : ..................................................................... 80
- Deputy M.B. Andrews :................................................................. 80
- Deputy L.V. Feltham : .................................................................. 81
- Deputy L.V. Feltham : .................................................................. 81
- Deputy R.S. Kovacs of St. Saviour : .................................................... 81
- Deputy C.S. Alves : .................................................................. 82
Deputy K. Wilson (The Minister for Health and Social Services): .......................... 82 4.7.1 Deputy G.P. Southern :.................................................................. 82
Deputy I. Gardiner (The Minister for Children and Education): ............................. 83
- Deputy R.S. Kovacs : ................................................................... 83
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 83
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 84
- Deputy R.S. Kovacs : ................................................................... 84
Deputy K.L. Moore (The Chief Minister): ................................................... 84
- Deputy S.Y. Mézec : .................................................................... 85
- Deputy M.B. Andrews :................................................................. 85
- Deputy M.B. Andrews :................................................................. 85
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 86
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 86
- Deputy L.V. Feltham : .................................................................. 86
- Deputy L.V. Feltham : .................................................................. 87
- Deputy G.P. Southern :.................................................................. 87
- Deputy S.Y. Mézec : .................................................................... 87
Deputy K. Wilson (The Minister for Health and Social Services): .......................... 88
- Deputy G.P. Southern : .............................................................. 88
- Deputy R.J. Ward : .................................................................. 88
- Deputy R.J. Ward : .................................................................. 88
- Deputy G.P. Southern : .............................................................. 89
Deputy P.F.C. Ozouf of St. Saviour (The Minister for External Relations and Financial
Services): ............................................................................... 89 4.11.1 Deputy M.B. Andrews : .............................................................. 90
Deputy K. Wilson (The Minister for Health and Social Services): .......................... 90 4.12.1 Deputy L.J. Farnham : ............................................................... 91
- Connétable P.B. Le Sueur of Trinity : .................................................. 91 Deputy H. Miles of St. Brelade (The Minister for Home Affairs): .......................... 91
- Deputy L.J. Farnham : .................................................................. 92
5.2.1 Deputy L.J. Farnham : .................................................................. 92
- Connétable K. Shenton-Stone of St. Martin : ........................................... 93
- Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North : .......................................... 93
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 93
5.5.1 Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 94
5.6.1 The Connétable of St. Lawrence : ...................................................... 94
5.7.1 Deputy M.R. Scott : ..................................................................... 95
- Deputy A. Howell :...................................................................... 95
- Deputy R.S. Kovacs : ................................................................... 95
5.9.1 Deputy R.S. Kovacs : ................................................................... 95
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ...................................................................... 96 Deputy T. Binet (The Minister for Infrastructure): ........................................... 96
6.2.1 Deputy L.V. Feltham : .................................................................. 96
6.3.1 The Connétable of St. Helier : .......................................................... 97
6.4.1 Deputy C.D . Curtis : .................................................................... 97
6.5.1 Deputy L.J. Farnham : .................................................................. 98
6.6.1 Deputy G.P. Southern :.................................................................. 98
6.7.1 Deputy S.G. Luce : ...................................................................... 99
6.8.1 Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat : .............................................................. 99
- Deputy L.J. Farnham : .................................................................. 99
- The Connétable of St. Brelade : ....................................................... 100
6.10.1 The Connétable of St. Brelade : .................................................... 100
- Deputy G.P. Southern :................................................................ 100 Deputy K.L. Moore (The Chief Minister): .................................................. 100
7.2.1 Deputy S.Y. Mézec : .................................................................. 101
7.3.1 Deputy R.J. Ward : .................................................................... 102
7.4.1 Deputy A. Howell :.................................................................... 102
- Connétable K.C. Lewis of St. Saviour : ............................................... 103
- The Connétable of St. Brelade : ....................................................... 103
7.6.1 The Connétable of St. Brelade : ....................................................... 103
7.7.1 The Connétable of St. Helier : ......................................................... 104
7.8.1 Deputy M.B. Andrews :................................................................ 104
PUBLIC BUSINESS ............................................................................ 104
8.1 Deputy E. Millar : ...................................................................... 105
- Deputy G.P. Southern :................................................................ 105
- Deputy R.J. Ward : .................................................................... 105
- Deputy M.R. Scott : .................................................................... 106
- Deputy E. Millar : ...................................................................... 106
- Deputy S.G. Luce : .................................................................... 109
- The Connétable of St. Brelade : ....................................................... 110
- Deputy M.R. Scott : .................................................................... 110
- Deputy A. Howell :.................................................................... 111
- Deputy R.J. Ward : .................................................................... 111
- Deputy P.F.C. Ozouf : ................................................................. 113
- Deputy G.P. Southern :................................................................ 115
- Deputy I.J. Gorst of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter : ................................ 115
LUNCHEON ADJOURNMENT PROPOSED ............................................... 116 LUNCHEON ADJOURNMENT .............................................................. 116
- Deputy C.D . Curtis : ................................................................... 117
- Deputy K.F. Morel of St. John , St. Lawrence and Trinity : ........................ 117
- Deputy R.S. Kovacs : ............................................................... 117
- Deputy J. Renouf : .................................................................. 118
- Deputy S.G. Luce : .................................................................... 123
- Deputy M.R. Scott : .................................................................... 123
- Deputy P.F.C. Ozouf : ................................................................. 124
- Deputy J. Renouf : ..................................................................... 124
- Deputy G.P. Southern : ............................................................. 127
- Deputy B. Ward of St. Clement : ................................................... 127
- Deputy P.M. Bailhache of St. Clement :............................................ 129
- Deputy K.F. Morel : ................................................................ 130
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ................................................................. 130
- Deputy I.J. Gorst : .................................................................. 131 Deputy G.P. Southern : ...................................................................... 132
- Deputy M.R. Ferey of St. Saviour : ................................................ 132
- Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat : .......................................................... 133
- Deputy E. Millar : .................................................................. 133 The Attorney General: ...................................................................... 134
- Deputy E. Millar : ...................................................................... 136
- Deputy E. Millar : ...................................................................... 136
10.3.1 Deputy P.F.C. Ozouf : .............................................................. 137
11.1 Deputy M.B. Andrews :................................................................ 138
- Deputy I. Gardiner : ................................................................ 140
- Deputy M.R. Scott : ................................................................ 141
- Deputy A. Howell : ................................................................. 142
- Deputy P.F.C. Ozouf : .............................................................. 142
- Deputy K.F. Morel : ................................................................ 143
- Deputy R.J. Ward : ................................................................. 144
- Deputy A. Curtis : .................................................................. 145
- Deputy K. Wilson : ................................................................. 146
- Deputy L.M.C. Doublet of St. Saviour : ............................................ 147
- Deputy M.B. Andrews : .......................................................... 147
- Deputy E. Millar (Assistant Chief Minister - rapporteur): ............................ 150
- Deputy E. Millar : ...................................................................... 151
- Deputy E. Millar : ...................................................................... 151
12.3.1 Deputy M.R. Scott : ................................................................ 151
13.1 Deputy E. Millar (Assistant Chief Minister - rapporteur): ............................ 153
14.1 Deputy K.L. Moore (The Chief Minister): ............................................ 155
15.1 Deputy E. Millar (Assistant Chief Minister - rapporteur): ............................ 156
ADJOURNMENT .............................................................................. 158
The Roll was called and the Greffier of the States led the Assembly in Prayer. COMMUNICATIONS BY THE PRESIDING OFFICER
The Bailiff :
1.1 Welcome to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor
On behalf of Members, in the usual way, I would like to welcome His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor to the Chamber this morning. [Approbation]
The Bailiff :
I can advise Members that I have received correspondence from the Connétable of St. Ouen advising of his resignation from the Public Accounts Committee. There is therefore a nomination of an additional member to join that committee and, in accordance with Standing Order 123(1), I invite the Chair, Deputy Feltham , of the committee to make a nomination.
2.1 Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central :
I would like to nominate Deputy Le Hegarat as a member of the Public Accounts Committee. The Bailiff :
Is that nomination seconded? [Seconded] Are there any other nominations? If there are no other nominations I declare Deputy Le Hegarat appointed as a member of the Public Accounts Committee. [Approbation]
- Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Housing and Communities regarding affordable housing providers (WQ.1/2023)
Given that the waiting list for individuals registered for affordable rented housing is available to all affordable housing providers (the "Providers") who contact individuals when suitable properties arise, will the Minister advise –
- what criteria, if any, must be met for an entity to become a Provider;
- whether the Government has any agreements in place with Providers; and, if so, do the terms therein ensure that any rented property is in good condition at the commencement of a lease;
- what safeguards exist regarding the condition of a rented property at the commencement of a lease, if no agreements with Providers are in place; and
- who determines what constitutes affordability and what is the definition used?
- The Affordable Housing Gateway is the waiting list for social rented homes. The single waiting list is used by Andium Homes and by the 5 other social housing providers that have been approved by the States Assembly and are set out in the Income Support Regulations and the Income Tax law:
- Jersey Homes Trust;
- Les Vaux Housing Trust;
- Christians Together in Jersey Housing Trust;
- FB Cottages Housing Trust;
- Clos de Paradis Housing Trust;
A property can only be deemed to be social housing if the housing provider is listed, as approved by the States Assembly, in the "interpretation" section of the Income Support (Jersey) Regulations 2007.
- The Government has an agreement with Andium Homes, as a result of the adoption of P.33/2013: The Reform of Social Housing.
The Government's Memorandum of Understanding with Andium Homes stipulates requirements around condition of properties, particularly requiring compliance with the "Social Housing Standard" for Andium properties. "Social Housing Standard" is defined as "the standard for the condition of and amenities of residential property as described in the guidance issued in June 2006 by the UK Department for Communities and Local Government."
It is worth noting that Andium Homes's properties all adhere to the Decent Homes Standard, this was achieved four years ahead of the target set by Government in 2014. The Decent Homes Standard is the minimum standard to ensure properties meet all statutory requirements. Andium Homes is also a member of the Rent Safe Scheme.
- All rented properties are subject to the Public Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) (Jersey) Law 2018.
- Social rented housing in Jersey is often referred to as affordable housing'. All social housing providers are required to set rents at no more than 80% of market value. This policy was established in the Government Plan 2022-2026 and confirmed by the States Assembly.
Eligibility criteria exist for social housing in Jersey to ensure that access is prioritised for lower income families. The eligibility criteria are available on
Financial assistance is also available to low-income private sector tenants, where support for the cost of housing is provided. The details of this financial assistance are available on
- Deputy T.A. Coles of St. Helier South of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding the policy in relation to third party data handlers (WQ.2/2023)
Will the Minister provide details of the policy within the Health and Community Services Department in relation to third party data handlers who are responsible for the removal, storage and destruction of medical records from the General Hospital, in particular in relation to –
- the criteria required for appointment as a data handler;
- the level of screening applied to all employees of the data handler;
- the Standard Operating Procedures for all areas
- the regularity of risk assessments carried out, both personal safety and security risk; and
- the frequency of on-going security checks and due diligence carried out and at what intervals to ensure compliance with the policy?
(a) & (b) Off-site storage providers are required to comply with a number of standards in relation to data handling. Storage suppliers are expected to broadly conform with the UK National Archive standards for record repositories and requirements for off-site storage of physical records. Providers are expected to:
- Report damage or loss of records and any incidents in relation to the records stored by Health and Community Services.
- Isolate Health and Community Services' records from any other storage activity undertaken by the provider.
- Ensure that potential hazards from external sources, including neighbouring properties, are carefully assessed and appropriate defensive measures taken.
- Protect the building, which must be robust, brick, stone, or concrete, from unauthorised entry, fire, flood, or damp. It should also be protected from dust, pollutants, and pests, with an intruder and smoke alarm fitted.
- Restrict access to records to an authorised provider and Health and Community Services employees.
- Ensure that the identity of visitors to the site is recorded and in line with access protocols.
- Maintain an auditable tracking system when handling Health and Community Services records.
Off-site storage provider staff, who have access to, and handle Health and Community Services' records, are required to undertake checks to verify their identity, work status, a review of their employment history and criminal record.
All organisations, and their employees, are responsible for ensuring they comply with Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018.
(c) The Standard Operating Procedure outlines the responsibilities of Health and Community Services employees when engaging and interacting with off-site storage providers. Responsibilities include ensuring that:
- No patient identifiable information is recorded on the outside of boxes.
- Records are retained that document the contents of the boxes, and relevant retention periods. These records must be updated as and when necessary.
- Arrangements are made with the appropriate off-site storage provider employee.
- The retrieval of records, where the records become active or required for Health and Community Services activity, is managed by authorised personnel and in line with the tracer card.
- Follow the access protocols adopted by the off-site storage protocol.
- There is regular engagement with off-site storage providers. The personal safety of employees is the responsibility of the off-site storage provider, and the standards as outlined in the answer to
- are maintained.
- Health and Community Services is currently working with the Records Transformation Programme to review, rationalise and manage records stored within the department, and with off- site storage providers. Currently in the discovery phase, we are identifying records, and developing protocols in order to manage the records appropriately. The Programme team has also reviewed off-site storage and is in the process of renewing the standards expected of any provider. Thereafter, resource will be available to develop and implement processes that will see either the application of retention schedules, the transfer of records to Jersey Archive, the scanning of active health and social care records, or continued storage.
This programme of work will see both a reduction in the reliance of Health and Community Services on off-site storage providers, therefore reducing the associated risks, and a more efficient, and accessible health and social care digital record, reducing delays in accessing records for healthcare professionals.
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade of the Chair of the States Employment Board regarding training in ethical standards and conduct (WQ.3/2023)
Will the Chair outline the nature and extent of training in ethical standards and conduct that is undertaken within the Government of Jersey; and further elaborate on how this is organised, delivered, tested and brought up to best international practice?
The Standards in Public Service incorporate Ethics:
Public servants should act to promote good ethical decision-making and effective decisions through demonstrating trust, responsibility, fairness and caring; in line with good citizenship. Decisions must be objective and seek to demonstrate advancement and a contribution to the objectives of our organisations.
All public servants must take accountability for their own conduct, behaviours, and work.
All public servants must:
- be accountable for ensuring they adhere to the values and behaviours framework
- take responsibility for ensuring they have completed all mandatory training
- take responsibility for raising at early stages concerns about their ability to undertake their work effectively or meet standards
- respond to reasonable management requests and directions
- ensure they use and comply with the formal policies and procedures issued on behalf of States Employment Board
- meet their contractual obligations in line with employment legislation
- keep up to date with standards set by professional bodies and regulators
- complete their induction to their role
- participate in and contribute towards their annual appraisal/performance review
- disclose to their line manager or through corporate systems anything that may impact on their role at work, including external issues such as legal action against them, investigations, convictions, or conflicts of interest.
SEB are putting more emphasis on:
- ensuring that the values and behaviours are reflected within the line management approach of managers
- ensuring that supervision and appraisal/performance review schedules are completed on time and to a good standard.
- ensuring public servants fully understand their responsibilities, duties and objectives and are encouraged and inspired to meet and achieve the objectives set and the required level of competency needed to carry out their roles.
- ensuring public servants have sufficient time to complete professional development, induction requirements and for the completion of all mandatory training.
- ensuring objectives set for employees are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timebound (SMART) and ensure support and development is provided
- ensuring feedback, include and consult individuals in changes that affect them in line with policies and procedures
- ensuring that position and line management information is maintained within corporate systems to allow for accurate reporting
- ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of public servants and those who use our services
- ensuring that workforce and succession plans, as the frameworks are developed, are implemented.
The standards and codes of practice were subject to wide consultation during 2022 and went live on 20 January 2023. These will be published on The standards and codes will be communicated to all public servants using Our Gov, all employee / public servant email, and manager updates on a continuous basis. From 3rd February, the standards and codes will also feature on the lock- screens for employees. MyStates will provide links to the codes on each People Policy.
Further Union briefings have been arranged for 25th January 2023 on the implementation plan. Toolkits and Espresso sessions (which are short, in-house tutorials) have been updated. The codes also form part of Connect Performance, primary performance and accountability.
My Welcome has been updated to incorporate the standards and codes. Training is scheduled for the Case Management and Consultancy Team.
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Social Security regarding income support rent components (WQ.4/2023)
Will the Minister provide details, for every year since 2018, of the Income Support rent components received by each affordable housing provider who has access to the waiting list for affordable rented housing?
The Affordable Housing Gateway is the waiting list for social rented homes. The single waiting list is used by Andium Homes and by the 5 other social housing providers set out in the Income Support Regulations:
- Jersey Homes Trust;
- Les Vaux Housing Trust;
- Christians Together in Jersey Housing Trust;
- FB Cottages Housing Trust;
- Clos de Paradis Housing Trust.
The wording of the question refers to "Income Support rent components received by each affordable housing provider." For clarity, Income Support rent components form just one part of the overall calculation to determine income support eligibility. Overall entitlement to Income Support benefit will depend on a range of factors including the size of the household and the level of wages and pensions received by the household itself. The great majority of Income Support households receive Income Support as a "top up" to their own household income and so these households do not receive the full value of any of the Income Support components that are included in their Income Support calculation.
Once the overall entitlement is determined (comprising support for living costs, accommodation costs, childcare costs and disability costs as appropriate) a weekly payment is made to the claimant. In some circumstances this weekly payment, or part of it, can be paid directly to the claimant's landlord. The value of the direct payment will typically not equal the value of the rent component but will be a smaller amount determined in accordance with the overall Income Support calculation.
To calculate the proportion of Income Support allocated to accommodation costs, detailed analysis of monthly costs is undertaken. This analysis is not currently available at the level of individual housing trusts. The overall totals are provided in the table below:
Calculated accommodation expenditure (£,000) | Year | ||||
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Andium Homes | 16,795 | 17,088 | 18,701 | 19,066 | 19,203 |
Other Housing Trusts | 3,455 | 3,807 | 4,339 | 4,086 | 3,948 |
- Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Children and Education regarding Milli's Child Contact Centre (WQ.5/2023)
Will the Minister advise –
- whether she will engage with the Jersey Care Commission to clarify why the requirements imposed on standards for child contact centres should exceed those in place in the UK for unsupervised contact; and
- whether, in light of the recently publicised impact on Milli's Child Contact Centre (the "Centre"), what support, if any, she or her department are considering for the Centre, or similar centres, to ensure the continuation of their services?
- As the Minister for Children and Education is responsible for services that are regulated and inspected by the Jersey Care commission (JCC), it would not be appropriate for the Minister to become actively involved in discussion with the JCC about standards that are in place. The Minister notes that the JCC undertook a process of consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, including Milli's Separated Family Centre and that the manager of Milli's provided feedback in response to the consultation and met with representatives of the Commission to set out their concerns. All of these concerns were considered in detail by the JCC and an amended set of draft Standards relating to child contact centres was provided.
The JCC would be happy to meet with Deputy Curtis to provide clarification on how their standards compare with those of the National Association of Child Contact Centres, who accredit and inspect about 350 child contact services throughout England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Guernsey.
- The Minister notes the commitment of the Jersey Care Commission to continue to work with Milli's Separated Family Centre to support them in their understanding of the requirements and to ensure that they can continue to function. The Minister is aware that any child contact centres will have 6 months to register and will be inspected within 12 months and it is usual practice for the JCC to help organisations with registration when requested. The JCC intention is to always work collaboratively with regulated services.
Child Contact Centres provide a much-needed service and the absence of any centre in Jersey would have a detrimental impact on families and children. If required, I will liaise with the Minister for Home Affairs and the Jersey Family Court Advisory Service, to see if another provider is willing to set up a registered service.
- Deputy R.S. Kovacs of St. Saviour of the Minister for Social Security regarding payments to the Social Security Fund (WQ.6/2023)
Further to the decision to stop the States grant from the Consolidated Fund to the Social Security Fund for the last few years, can the Minister advise the following –
- the amount unpaid to the Social Security Fund in each year; and
- whether a payment of these funds will be considered before any proposed increase in employee/employer contributions?
The Social Security Fund supports the wellbeing of Islanders by providing Social Security pensions and a range of working age benefits. The Social Security Fund receives Social Security
contributions from employers and working-age adults and until 2020 received an annual States Grant from the Consolidated Fund.
The previous States Assembly agreed that no grant would be paid into the Social Security Fund for 2020 to 2023 to help with the impact of Covid-19 on the public finances.
The States Grant amounts that were not paid into the Social Security Fund were:
2020 2021 2022 2023 Total £m £m £m £m £m
States Grant retained
in the Consolidated Fund 65.3 65.3 72.1 71.2 273.9
The amounts for 2020 and 2021 are based on the Government Plan 2020-23 which was agreed by States Members in December 2019, before Covid. The amounts for 2022 and 2023 are based on the calculation for the States Grant set out in Article 9A of the Social Security Law.
The previous States Assembly agreed that the £274 million of funding provided through stopping the States Grant from 2020 to 2023 was necessary to deal with Covid, support households and businesses, and help with the economic recovery. Providing this support did not put the Social Security Fund on an unsustainable footing because it has significant reserves of £2.1 billion.
Payment of the States Grant into the Social Security Fund will recommence in 2024 and thereafter, so there are no plans to increase Social Security contributions to recompense for the Grant not having been paid.
The UK Government Actuary's Department is currently undertaking an actuarial review of the Social Security Funds. They will provide long-term financial projections for a range of population and investment return scenarios, and these will show whether any policy changes may be necessary to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Fund. The actuarial review will be finalised and completed in April, with their published report and presentation to States members following this.
- Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North of the Minister for Home Affairs re training provided to officers (WQ.7/2023)
Will the Minister outline what training is provided to all officers within the Justice and Home Affairs department in identifying coercive behaviour and confirm how many officers have completed such training, broken down by service –
- States of Jersey Police;
- Ambulance Service;
- Fire and Rescue Service;
- Jersey Customs and Immigration Service;
- Health and Safety Inspectorate;
- Jersey Field Squadron; and,
- any supporting/civilian Government of Jersey officers within the department?
Identifying coercive behaviour is not a standalone learning subject, but rather an integral part of other learning modules that are offered by Government of Jersey (GOJ). The main learning modules are:
• Safeguarding Children
• Safeguarding Adults
• Safeguarding Everyone
• Awareness of Domestic Violence & Abuse
In addition to this, there are safeguarding level 1, 2 & 3 modules, used mainly by the Health and Education services and classroom learning events provided by some departments.
Identifying coercive and controlling behaviour is a significant part of these learning packages.
Safeguarding Adults' and Safeguarding Children' are included in the GOJ Statutory & Mandatory training package, but only for those who work directly with children or vulnerable adults.
In addition to this, some departments have added Safeguarding or Awareness of Domestic Violence and Abuse' to their mandatory training packages.
A Safeguarding briefing booklet is included in the GOJ My Welcome learning module that should be completed, by all staff, within 30 days of joining. Completion of this briefing booklet has not been included in the following figures as the question specifically asks about training.
- States of Jersey Police;
All SOJP staff have completed Awareness of Domestic Abuse & Violence' as well as Safeguarding as part of their initial training and ongoing CPD.
- Ambulance Service;
All Ambulance staff have completed Safeguarding at level 1, 2 or 3 or Awareness of Domestic Abuse & Violence' as part of their initial training and ongoing CPD.
- Fire and Rescue Service;
59 Fire Service staff have completed Awareness of Domestic Abuse & Violence' or Safeguarding Learning. This represents 56% of total staff.
- Jersey Customs and Immigration Service;
49 C&I staff have completed Awareness of Domestic Abuse & Violence' or Safeguarding Learning (including classroom training). This represents 69% of total staff.
79 Prison Service staff have completed Awareness of Domestic Abuse & Violence' or Safeguarding Learning. This represents 60% of total staff.
- Health and Safety Inspectorate;
There are five staff in H&SI. There is no record of completion of Awareness of Domestic Abuse & Violence' or Safeguarding Learning' on the Learning Management System.
- Jersey Field Squadron;
The MOD side of Jersey Field Squadron (Officers & Soldiers) follow a standard package issued by the MOD, which includes Values & Respect, but not specific training on identifying coercive behaviour.
The civilian staff are included in the figures in paragraph h) (below).
- Supporting/civilian Government of Jersey Staff
The remaining staff include JHA Business Support Unit (including Field Squadron Staff) 9 BSU staff have completed Awareness of Domestic Abuse & Violence' or Safeguarding Learning. This represents 64% of total staff.
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding private care (WQ.8/2023)
With reference to the availability of private care through some National Health Service (NHS) trusts such as the East Sussex Trust, used to reduce waiting lists on the Island; will the Minister outline what arrangements, if any, exist with such trusts to ensure that any profits go to NHS services and not to the private sector?
There are currently no specific arrangements in place to reduce HCS waiting lists through the
availability of private care through some NHS Trusts.
We have arrangements with NHS Trusts to provide access to both emergency and planned care for islanders for treatment/s that cannot be provided by HCS. We do have contracts with private companies in the Mental Health sector which are negotiated annually and are at the same cost as the NHS would pay.
HCS does have 1 existing contractual arrangement for a speciality pathway that was not able to be contracted with UK (NHS Trust). This was subject to GOJ commercial procurement policy process to ensure the correct oversight regarding allocation of public resources
The NHS does not profit from commissioning through HCS if it is for services within a public sector arrangement. All contracts with NHS Trusts are at Tariff or above and is paid with the NHS.
- Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central of the Minister for the Environment regarding renting from housing providers (WQ.9//2023)
Will the Minister advise what level of inspection is carried out on properties rented from housing providers through the Affordable Housing Gateway to ensure that the providers are supplying properties that are in good physical condition and state of repair at the commencement of a lease; and, if no inspections take place, how is this minimum standard for rented property ensured for those on the waiting list for affordable rented housing?
The Housing and Nuisance team in the Regulation Directorate does not have a specific proactive
/ routine inspection regime in place for properties rented from housing providers through the Affordable Housing Gateway. However, it does conduct inspections through several different pathways.
The team offers a reactive complaints service where residents can make contact to raise concerns over the condition of their property. Officers will then undertake an investigation which often involves carrying out an inspection of the property to determine whether it meets the requirements of the Public Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) (Jersey) Law 2018 and subordinate legislation.
Officers also take part in multi-agency safeguarding work. In cases where concerns are raised over property conditions and similar, officers will attempt to gain access to properties to undertake inspections.
A number of housing providers are signed up to Rent Safe, the Government's free landlord accreditation scheme. Properties which are added to this scheme generally receive an inspection by an officer to determine whether it is free of significant prescribed hazards and meets minimum standards.
At the start of tenancies, landlords are required to complete a Condition Report under the Residential Tenancy (Condition Reports) (Jersey) Order 2014. This also gives potential tenants an opportunity to raise any concerns they have.
- Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central for the Minister for Treasury and Resources regarding loans and other subsidies to specific affordable housing providers (WQ.10/2023)
Will the Minister provide details of any loans, or other Government of Jersey subsidies, given to each specific affordable housing provider for every year since 2018, including details of any outstanding loans that remain due for repayment?
The table below details the loans made available from the Housing Development Fund to affordable housing providers since 1st January 2018, together with the balance outstanding at 1st January 2023.
The States also has in place Letters of Comfort to some affordable housing providers which confirm that the States will provide a subsidy (through the Housing Development Fund) to the housing provider if interest rates exceed an agreed threshold. The subsidy payable would be equal to the excess interest payable. Since 1st January 2018 no subsidies have been paid under these Letters of Comfort.
Additional detail can be found in the annual report and accounts (page 356) R States of Jersey 2021 Annual Report and Accounts.pdf (
In 2021 CYPES (Children, Young People, Education and Skills) made a grant of £691,000 to Andium Homes for the remodelling and refurbishment of Eden House. This was reported in the Annual Report and Accounts for that year (see link above).
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade for the Minister for the Environment regarding officers who are commuting to the Island (WQ.11/2023)
Will the Minister provide details of the number of planning officers and planning policy officers, if any, who commute to the Island to perform their duties, and of any travel, accommodation or additional costs to the Government of Jersey in supplement to any salary payments incurred in this respect?
Within the Regulation Directorate of Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Department, the
planning application team deals with all aspects of planning applications from pre-application advice to determining applications under delegated powers, presenting applications to Planning Committee and, afterwards, in discharging conditions, minor amendments and appeals. In this team there is a total of 18 permanent posts comprising: one Planning Applications Manager, seven Senior Planning Officers, five Planning Officers (two vacancies as at 25 January 2023) and five Trainee Planners (two vacancies as at 25 January 2023). All 18 permanent staff reside in Jersey and there are no costs in addition to their salary payments for travel.
In 2022, the planning applications team had a backlog of applications arising from reduced activities during the pandemic period, the new Bridging Island Plan coming into force and a change in Government reducing the capacity of the Planning Committee to make determinations. The team also had vacancies and therefore the decision was made to employ consultant planners from the UK to assess applications in order to clear the backlog. These consultant planners were employed through a commercial contractual arrangement for planning professional services and were not employed by the Government of Jersey as employees. They therefore resided in the UK and undertook planning assessments supervised by the Planning Manager. The final decisions were taken by permanent Senior Planning Officers. In 2023 the team currently retains two consultant planners through a commercial contractual arrangement due to remaining vacancies. Recruitment is underway to these two posts.
The Place and Spatial Planning Team, which forms part of the Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance division in the Cabinet Office, currently has three vacancies. While these posts are being recruited, a consultant planner has been engaged on a short-term contract, through a commercial contractual arrangement for planning professional services, to specifically assist with the historic environment aspects of the Place and Spatial Planning Team's work. This consultant planner is based in the UK and works remotely, visiting the island on a two-weekly basis to undertake site visits and meetings. The contract covers the cost of the professional services provided. There are no additional costs incurred by the Government of Jersey in relation to additional costs that might be associated with travel and accommodation.
3,12 Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade for the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism,
Sport and Culture regarding the Tourist Regulation Office (WQ.12/2023)
Will the Minister provide details of –
- the role of the Tourist Regulation Office (T.R.O.) within the Department of the Economy;
- the number of staff employed within the T.R.O. and the total annual salary cost over the last five years; and,
- the annual number of visitor accommodation premises regulated by the T.R.O. over the last five years?
- The powers conferred in the Tourism (Jersey) Law 1948, (the Law), and its subordinate legislation, Tourism (General Provisions) (Jersey) Order 1990, (the Order), are the responsibility of the Minister for Economic Development. The administration of the Law and its Order is undertaken by the Regulation section of Infrastructure, Housing and Environment. There is no specific Tourist Regulation Office.
- The administration of the Law and its Order is undertaken within the regulation section of Infrastructure, Housing and Environment by 0.25 of an FTE on a Civil Service Pay grade of CS10 (Grade 10).
- The total number of premises regulated / registered under the Law / Order over the past five years are -
Year | Total Registered Premises |
2022 | 117 |
2021 | 125 |
2020 | 126 |
2019 | 126 |
2018 132
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade of the Chair of the Employment Board regarding the setting of public sector wage increases (WQ.13/2023)
Will the Chair advise, when setting public sector wage increases –
- what information and intelligence, if any, the States Employment Board gathers from the local private sector to inform its decision; and
- whether such decisions take into account the effect any wage increases will have on the business operations of the local private sector and the possible impact on the cost of living?
(A) Intelligence was sought and shared from both private and arm's length bodies to inform pay negotiations. Information was sought from Finance Institutions, Companies with Manual Worker workforce, Engineering and Retail. Intelligence was also sought from Guernsey, the Isle of Man, and the United Kingdom. The economic advisers within government provided information and consulted with the Treasury and Exchequer in respect of economic forecasting. We regularly benchmark professional salaries against the UK and receive intelligence through public sector employers in the UK and pay bodies.
(b) The SEB (States Employment Board) considered that there were several economic considerations at play that would influence the pay settlement. Some with conflicting conclusions:
- Alleviating the impact of the recent cost of living issues
- Long term affordability of housing
- Other government help and policy
- Labour market competitiveness
- Impact of inflation
The Retail Price s Index (RPI) being the main measure of inflation in Jersey. The September RPI being 10.4%. This being the RPI historically used to inform pay review within the public service. The SEB took into consideration previous pay settlements with employer groups.
To reduce some of the inflationary pressure in the future, it was advisable to increase salaries below the current level of inflation. This would remove the risk of any demand- pull inflation and slightly dampen other pay demands across the economy and therefore mean other costs do not rise adding to inflationary pressure.
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Chari of the Employment Board regarding the headcount of States employees (WQ.14/2023)
Will the Chair provide the total headcount of States of Jersey employees for each year since 2012, broken down by salary bands?
Please find the tables below providing the requested data. Any supplements and allowances are
not included. All zero hour employees and agency staff / contractors / interims have been excluded. We do not hold basic annual salary data prior to 2018. This is due to a change of the previously used payroll system. When data was migrated over to the new system, only current salary data was brought across. Some manual mapping took place so that we have employment numbers and basic grade data going back to 2016.
It is worth noting that the data in the 2021 ARA is based on total earnings (excluding social security) and includes all employees who were paid that year. The data in these tables is based on end of year headcount only.
The below tables shows all employees against each salary band, based on their basic annual salary.
Note for tables above: Employees are counted once per salary group they belong to. There are a few, which, for example, have 1 role which falls in the £20-39k bracket, and 1 which falls in the £0-20k bracket. In these instances, they are counted twice.
The below tables shows all employees against each grade and increment.
Note for tables below: Employees are counted once per grade and increment. If an employee has held more than one role, under different grade and increments, they are counted once against each. Data is taken as at the end of each year.
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding cancelled medical appointments (WQ.15/2023)
Will the Minister state the total number of cancelled medical appointments in 2022?
The table below shows the Outpatient Clinic appointments cancelled or rescheduled each month between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022. The data are shown by the care group of the
appointment and the reason the appointment was cancelled.
Other' Care Group comprises Pre-assessment Clinic appointments (where a patient is contacted by a nurse prior to an inpatient or day case admission) and Phlebotomy appointments.
This answer is an update of a previously asked question: WQ.312/2022. Small variation in numbers is as expected – for example there are data quality validations and corrections reflected in the latest data.
The 15,583 appointments recorded as "Cancelled by service" is 5% of the total appointments across the year. There were 236,023 outpatient appointments attended and 17,783 appointments where patients did not attend without giving any notice. These are monitored weekly at the Outpatient Improvement Group Chaired by the Director of Clinical Services.
- "Medical appointments" has been interpreted as all General & Acute outpatient medical appointments. As such, the data presented includes Jersey General Hospital and Overdale Hospital activity as well as clinics in other locations, such as Le Bas or Springfield.
- An appointment is counted as cancelled
- when the Appointment Status in TrakCare (the electronic system that captures appointment slots) has been set to 'Cancelled' or
- if the status has been set to 'Not Attended', this can be further categorised by reason, which can be
- Appointment cancelled by service'. Reasons include instances where clinics are cancelled and rebooked in an alternative location or time, which may be on the same day. It is currently not possible to report on these separately.
- Appointment cancelled by patient'. Reasons include:
- Appointment cancelled by or on behalf of the patient
- Appointment no longer required
- Appointment no longer required (Pat)
- Appt cancellation informed by 3rd party
- Appt cancelled by patient - awaiting patient contact
- Away from Island/Education/Military/Travel
- Earlier appointment requested
- GP instructions
- Later appointment requested
- Leaving island
- Patient transferred to private care
- Transferred appointments, are not counted. A transferred appointment occurs when the patient will see a different clinician (to whom the appointment has been transferred'), but the appointment date and time remains exactly the same.
- When HCS or the patient cancel the appointment, a new appointment will be given at the next available slot in relation to the urgency of the patient's referral.
- HCS encourages all patients to inform the specialty service with as much notice as possible to ensure the slot can be re-allocated to someone else on the waiting list. If a patient requires a different date or time, they can find information on how to inform HCS in their appointment letter. Work is ongoing to ensure patients are given a new appointment slot with a letter being sent to the patient with the new details.
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Housing and Communities regarding Andium Homes (WQ.16/2023)
Will the Minister advise whether any discussions have taken place with private institutional investors in order to procure private investment in the Government of Jersey's social housing provider, Andium Homes?
There have been no discussions with private institutional investors in order to procure private investment in Andium Homes.
Andium Homes does not issue shares; it is wholly in the States of Jersey's ownership. A private investor could not invest' in Andium Homes without the specific consent of the States of Jersey.
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of HM Attorney General regarding statistics for sexual offences in Jersey (WQ.17/2023)
Given that the Crown Prosecution Service (C.P.S.) in England and Wales provides access to statistics on prosecutions, conviction rates, appeals and victims' right to review, will H.M. Attorney General provide these statistics for sexual offences in Jersey, and advise how many special measure applications have been submitted and declined since the introduction of the Criminal Procedure (Jersey) Law 2018?
Statistics on prosecutions, conviction rates, appeals and victims' right to review (VRR) in relation to sexual offences in Jersey are set out below for the years 2019 to 2022.
In these statistics "sexual offences" include any sexual offence in the Sexual Offences (Jersey) Law 2018 as well as indecent image offences in the Protection of Children (Jersey) Law 1994.
The figures report the number of individual defendants who have been prosecuted or convicted etc. They do not report individual offences. An individual defendant may face more than one offence. Figures on the number of offences may therefore be higher than the number of individual defendants.
With regard to special measures, applications were made in all cases where the eligibility criteria was satisfied. No applications were declined. Where a defendant pleads guilty there would not be an application.
Phase 3 of the Criminal Procedure (Jersey) Law 2018 was brought into force on 31 October 2019.
2022 | ||
Total Number of Sexual Offences | 28 | |
Prosecutions | Magistrates Court | 9 |
| Royal Court | 19 |
Convictions | Magistrates Court | 4 |
| Royal Court | 4 |
Acquitted | Magistrates Court | 0 |
| Royal Court | 1 |
Discontinued | Magistrates Court | 1 |
| Royal Court | 1 |
Ongoing | Magistrates Court | 4 |
| Royal Court | 13 |
Appeals | Magistrates Court | 2 |
| Royal Court | 1 |
Total Number of VRR's | 2 |
2021 | ||
Total Number of Sexual Offences | 14 | |
Prosecutions | Magistrates Court | 6 |
| Royal Court | 8 |
Convictions | Magistrates Court | 4 |
| Royal Court | 5 |
Acquitted | Magistrates Court | 0 |
| Royal Court | 1 |
Discontinued | Magistrates Court | 2 |
| Royal Court | 2 |
Ongoing | Magistrates Court | n/a |
| Royal Court | n/a |
Appeals | Magistrates Court | 0 |
| Royal Court | 1 |
Total Number of VRR's | 5 |
2020 | ||
Total Number of Sexual Offences | 18 | |
Prosecutions | Magistrates Court | 6 |
| Royal Court | 12 |
Convictions | Magistrates Court | 5 |
| Royal Court | 8 |
Acquitted | Magistrates Court | 0 |
| Royal Court | 1 |
Discontinued | Magistrates Court | 1 |
| Royal Court | 3 |
Ongoing | Magistrates Court | n/a |
| Royal Court | n/a |
Appeals | Magistrates Court | 0 |
| Royal Court | 2 |
Total Number of VRR's | 2 |
2019 | ||
Total Number of Sexual Offences | 17 | |
Prosecutions | Magistrates Court | 8 |
| Royal Court | 9 |
Convictions | Magistrates Court | 6 |
| Royal Court | 8 |
Acquitted | Magistrates Court | 0 |
| Royal Court | 1 |
Discontinued | Magistrates Court | 2 |
| Royal Court | 0 |
Ongoing | Magistrates Court | n/a |
| Royal Court | n/a |
Appeals | Magistrates Court | 1 |
| Royal Court | 2 |
Total Number of VRR's | n/a |
- Deputy R.J. Ward of the Minister for Housing and Communities of the Minister for Children and Education regarding agency cover staff from the UK (WQ.18/2023)
Will the Minister state the total spend on agency cover staff from U.K. agencies from 1st September 2022 to date, broken down into the following categories –
- travel to and from Jersey for staff;
- accommodation;
- daily rate of pay to staff; and
- daily rate paid to agency?
The answer below is for schoolteachers only as confirmed Deputy Ward .
There were at various times up to two agency teachers Sept to December 2022, and eleven since January 2023. It will always be the Minister's preference to employ substantive permanent teachers wherever possible.
- travel to and from Jersey for staff; £4,582
- accommodation; £23,546
- daily rate of pay to staff; and Private arrangement between the teacher and their agency
- daily rate paid to agency £320
Total spend on staff £63,985 Grand Total £92,113
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central of the Chief Minister regarding EU legislation (WQ.19//2023)
Further to the response to Written Question 258/2022, what approach does the Chief Minister propose to take in relation to the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill, pursuant to which the U.K. Government intends to cease participating in 4,000 E.U. laws by the end of year 2023, and furthermore –
- what actions does she propose in respect of any changes to Jersey legislation to better align with, or diverge from, current standards;
- will she bring any variations to the Assembly for agreement or will any changes be made by Ministerial Decision; and
- what resources does she have to deliver such adjustments?
As reflected in my answer to Written Question 258/2022, the UK Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill, if passed, will not directly affect Jersey laws.
Jersey's approach to preparing legislatively for its new relationship with the EU after Brexit was very different from the UK's. In particular, the European Union (Repeal and Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2018 (the "2018 Law"), which paved the way to implement changes to Jersey legislation that were required due to Brexit did not create a wide-ranging class of retained EU Law like that currently applicable in the UK, something the Bill seeks to change. The 2018 Law instead amended the EU Legislation (Implementation) (Jersey) Law 2014 to provide the States Assembly with additional Regulation making powers to allow it to address deficiencies in Jersey law that arose from Brexit, including by incorporating provisions in the EU Treaties or in EU legislation into Jersey law to ensure there were no gaps in Jersey legislation after Brexit.
This approach reflected the differences between Jersey and the UK in respect of their pre-Brexit relationships with the EU. In Jersey, prior to Brexit, EU Law was only directly applicable in those areas covered by Protocol 3 to the UK's Act of Accession to the EU (i.e. primarily in relation to customs and trade in agricultural goods). There was, therefore, much less directly applicable legislation in Jersey than in the UK, and Jersey could take a more prescriptive approach to deciding what to preserve than the UK.
If the UK's Bill is passed, then that will allow the UK to develop standards that diverge from EU- based standards in several areas. Without knowing the detail of how UK standards might diverge from EU-based standards and in which fields, it is impossible to fully assess the impact on Jersey. However, as many of the requirements set in the UK's body of retained EU Law were requirements that Jersey was never required to align with the EU on, their impact in many areas may be very limited. Nonetheless, there may be instances where future changes in UK regulatory standards will be relevant to Jersey's close trading relationship with the UK. It is too early to say how any adjustments to Jersey legislation that may be required in those instances should be made. However, the Government continues to have good on-going engagement with colleagues in Whitehall, including through the Government of Jersey London Office, and will be monitoring developments to see how they may affect Jersey in future.
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding attitudes to healthcare funding (WQ.20/2023)
Will the Minister provide members with a detailed analysis of the survey of "attitudes to healthcare funding", as referred to in response to Oral Question 132/2022, and ensure that such analysis includes –
- the sums paid to the health economists who directed the research;
- the use of focus groups; and
- the use of sortition techniques and other methods to avoid the possibility of any hidden bias in the survey;
and will the Minister agree to publish these details in advance of any launch date for the survey?
As advised in a letter dated Friday 27 January 2023 to the Chair of the Health and Social Security
(HSS) Scrutiny Panel:
"having considered the questionnaire in more detail and sought the advice of colleagues, I have decided that it would be in the public interest to instead consult on various funding options rather than proceed with a more general attitudinal questionnaire."
Therefore, as I will not be progressing the attitudinal survey and there will not be a lunch, I cannot commit to publishing the requested details in the way asked by the question. I am, however, happy to provide this information through the scrutiny process if the Chair of the HSS Panel wishes.
At time of writing, I am due to meet the HSS Scrutiny Panel to discuss sustainable healthcare funding in April and if the Panel wishes to do so, I have agreed to bring this meeting forward in light of the above change.
- Deputy G.P. Southern of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding the breakdown of changes in the award of benefits (WQ.21/2023)
Further to the response to Oral Question 122/2022, will the Minister provide a detailed explanation of the changes to the provision of Household Medical Account benefits over the past 5 years, including the use of grants and loans through the Health Access Scheme for medical costs and the use of Long-Term Incapacity Allowance and Income Support medical or personal components?
The question asks how the provision of the previous Household Medical Account (HMA) scheme changed between 2018 and its withdrawal in 2020 and seeks information on how unrelated benefits and schemes interact with HMAs and the new Health Access Scheme (HAS). For clarity the response is set out in numbered paragraphs below.
- A Household Medical Account (HMA) was not a "benefit", meaning it did not give people additional money. HMA was a purely administrative scheme, which allowed some households to save money from their existing Income Support benefit to pay for GP costs. Up until the scheme was closed in 2020, it had not been subject to change. The scheme assisted some Income Support households, tending to be used by:
- A long-standing cohort of Income Support claimants [(transferred across from benefits that predated Income Support)],
- households who had difficulty managing money,
- households who had high care costs, and
- those referred for a HMA by their GP practice.
- The amount saved to a HMA varied depending on household circumstances and was initially based on the number of recent GP appointments. Savings into the HMA would be taken from Income Support entitlements including basic adult/child component, clinical cost, mobility and personal care components. Money was not taken from Long Term Incapacity Allowance to save into a HMA.
- The HMA scheme had several disadvantages - most notably that it was originally set up in Social Security systems to assist with GP costs and could not be adapted to include costs incurred for appointments with nurses or other health care staff. In addition, General Practice billed Social Security directly meaning the cost of the appointment was not always apparent to the patient. This means that people with a HMA risked paying more for their care than people who did not have a HMA.
- Deficits sometimes occurred in a HMA because the same amount of money from Income Support was automatically set aside each week. If there was a bout of ill health or a change in family circumstances deficits could build up. Deficits were addressed by increasing the amount saved into the HMA or, if a long-term deterioration had occurred, the household would be reviewed to check if they qualified for further additional Income Support components. Large deficits were also managed with Income Support Special Payments. The reference to operational improvements' in the management of HMAs, in response to Oral Question 122/2022, is describing a process where a better understanding of natural variation in the accrual of deficits or credits allowed appropriate action to be taken, and for savings into the HMA to be adjusted or maintained at the correct level. This meant that accounts did not build large debits or credits and that claimants were proactively helped to access the components to which they were entitled. These operational improvements occurred around 2016/17 (outside the suggested 5-year time frame in the question).
- In 2019 the Minister for Social Security took a fresh look at access to GP services aligned with Common Strategic Policy (2018-2022) and Government Plan commitments to improve access for vulnerable people including children' to primary care services. Working alongside the Primary Care Board the Minister for Social Security launched the Health Access scheme (HAS) in 2020, at which point HMAs were closed. HAS puts households back in charge of their money and their health care costs; at the same time these costs have been significantly reduced but there has been no reduction in the clinical and health care components of Income Support.
- The Health Access Scheme works by agreeing the fee which will be charged to eligible patients under a contract between the Minister and Primary Care providers which is funded by the Health Insurance Fund. Adult members of HAS households pay £12 for a
surgery GP consultation, £9 for a nurse and £6 for a Health Care Assistant. Children receive surgery consultations free of charge. Income Support Special Payments (loans and grants) are not used in the HAS.
- The HAS is provided to all members of Income Support Households and all Pension Plus Pensioners (around 10,000 people) whereas provision of HMAs was perhaps imperfectly limited to certain households, referrals and legacy claims.
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade of the Chair of the States Employment Board regarding States Departments and compliance with ISO9000 (WQ.22/2023)
Will the Chair advise if the States Employment Board intends all Government of Jersey departments to become ISO9000 compliant and, if so, how this will be achieved and by when?
Performance management is an area of particular interest for the States Employment Board (SEB). We are pleased that, since the new Board's inception, there has been an increase in objective setting for employees across the States – an upward trend that we will continue to encourage.
SEB will look at the adoption of relevant standards for performance management. There are no plans for the Government of Jersey to undertake a programme of work against ISO9000 standards as a whole or by any specific department. The adoption of ISO9000 would be heavily bureaucratic and there are other more effective means of delivering further improvement in this area.
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade of the Chair of the Employment Board regarding activities of employees (WQ.23/2023)
Given the response to Written Question 3/2023, will the Chair advise –
- what specific non-ethical activities by public servants are absolutely prohibited with the sanction of immediate dismissal;
- what is the sanction for public employees engaging inany retaliatory action against a member of the public for any reason; and,
- what is the minimum number of tested ethical compliance training sessions that public sector employees are required to complete each year and how is their completion of training assessed?
- Any allegations of non-ethical activities for public servants are managed within the gross misconduct categories (disciplinary rules) within the disciplinary policy (which is a non- exhaustive list). The standards in the public service code of practice would also be applicable as a reference. In line with the disciplinary policy and procedure, any allegations of gross misconduct are handled through the disciplinary policy and procedure where an outcome of gross misconduct may result in dismissal. The employee rights at work code of practice confirms that no public servant will be dismissed without a fair procedure.
- As above, this is outlined in the disciplinary rules and would follow a disciplinary procedure.
- Public sector employees do not undertake formally tested ethical compliance training. Objectives are also now structed around the values. All public service employees adhere to and must represent the values of public service in their work, which SEB members are also committed to meeting. These include being respectful, being better together, always improving, customer focused and delivering. The values form part of the training provided in the MyWelcome corporate induction that all new hires complete when joining the government.
Disciplinary general rules and performance Disciplinary policy for public servants States of Jersey Codes of Practice
- Deputy M.R. Scott of St. Brelade of the Minister for the Environment regarding the Planning Services review (WQ.24/2023)
With respect to the recently-announced Planning Services Review, will the Minister provide
the following information –
- how the review is to be undertaken;
- whether the review will extend to the planning policy making process and whether the Minister accepts that the quality of that process is critical to the quality of planning decision making;
- what opportunity, if any, there will be for Islanders to meet Mr Mackinnon individually; and
- the expected cost of the review to the taxpayer?"
- The planning service in Jersey has a history of continuous improvement and evolution arising
from external reviews of the service. Planning Officer Society Enterprises undertook three reviews in 2010, 2013 and 2019 respectively. As a result of these reviews, significant changes to the planning system were made, such as the introduction of protocols for ministerial decision-making, an independent planning appeals system and greater transparency in the planning process.
This review by Mr Mackinnon will analyse the functions of planning services in Jersey and make recommendations to deliver an effective public service and deliver Ministerial responsibilities under the Law.
The review will be taken in 5 stages:
- Stage 1: information gathering
- Stage 2: understanding processes and issues in detail, including a visit to the Island in late January to meet with the planning team and tour the Island, ensure full understanding of processes and procedures
- Stage 3: establish issues concerning stakeholders, including a visit to the Island in early March to hold workshops with key stakeholders
- Stage 4: draft report, taking into account workshops, written submissions, information gathered to form draft of report
- Stage 5: final report prepared
Issues to be addressed in the review include customer experience, performance measures and performance agreements, the resources within the planning team, consistency of decision making, pre-application advice and post-decision services, the possibility of a combined planning and building process, enhancements that could be made through digital services, and supporting the Ministerial priority for delivery of affordable homes.
A written report detailing the approach to, and findings of, the review will be provided at the conclusion of the work and will be published.
- the review does not extend to the Bridging Island Plan, Supplementary Planning Guidance, Appeals, Planning Committee or Law changes as these have all been covered in previous reviews and recent Assembly decisions. These matters are also subject to statutory processes under the Planning and Building (Jersey)Law 2002. Whilst recommendations may arise for changes in those areas, this review is focused on the planning service functions as highlighted above.
- Mr Mackinnon will be meeting with stakeholder groups in early March as per stage 3 of the process outlined above. Key stakeholders will be selected by the Minister for the Environment and Mr Mackinnon, based on their involvement in the planning service. Individual Islanders can write to Mr Mackinnon at before 13th March 2023 and their views will be taken into account by Mr Mackinnon in the review.
- the anticipated cost of the review will be under £30,000.
generated through inspections and audits of private schools in Jersey (WQ.25/2023)
Would the Minister outline the Government of Jersey's awareness of, and access to, the reports generated through inspections and audits of Private Primary and Secondary Schools in Jersey and, if access is not already openly available, advise –
- whether these documents can be made readily available to the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills in extraordinary circumstances; and
- whether the Minister is satisfied that these documents can be readily made available to key stakeholders, including parents of enrolled pupils and teaching unions?
Please see below links to list of schools which show which are provided by the government and which are non-provided / private.
Primary schools ( Secondary schools (
Beaulieu, De La Salle and FCJ are grant aided by government, the remaining private schools are self-funding.
- Grant agreements between the Government and grant aided non-provided schools in Jersey, require the schools to submit evidence to my department of a validated independent provider's review or inspection and a copy of the report, every three years. The current agreements were signed in 2021 so they have until the end of 2024 to do this. There is no similar agreement with the schools that do not receive a government grant, although some do commission and publish their own independent inspection reports.
- Grant aided schools should publish any independent inspection reports they commission to key stakeholders; some do this via their websites. Reports for grant aided schools reviewed under the Jersey Schools Review Framework will be published on
I have asked officers to check compliance with the grant agreement requirements for 3 yearly reviews that are published. I will review the requirements for reporting cycles within the Education Law for all schools.
- Connétable of St. Martin of the Minister for Children and Education regarding support for private schools in Jersey from the Government (WQ.26/2023)
Will the Minister confirm what support the Government of Jersey is able to provide to private schools in Jersey seeking to improve the quality and transparency of self-assessments, including the provision of further opportunities for stakeholders to provide additional challenge and feedback where possible, and whether this support is currently being provided?
Jersey's Government of Jersey schools, called provided schools' in the Education (Jersey) Law
1999, are directly accountable to my Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES). Local non-provided schools' (often referred to as private schools', as in your question) are responsible for their own performance, under their Governing Body, Trustees, or Directors. Government of Jersey provided schools are assessed under the Jersey School Review Framework (JSRF). Local non-provided schools can be reviewed under the JSRF, or choose to join relevant support networks, for example, the Independent Schools' Council (ISC), or buy in external inspection, for example, through the Independent School Inspectorate (ISI).
Please see below links to list of schools which show which are provided by the government and which are non-provided / private.
Primary schools ( Secondary schools (
Beaulieu, De La Salle and FCJ are grant aided by government, the remaining private schools are self-funding.
The Department does support all local schools to improve their quality of provision and self- assessment through the inclusion of all headteachers in the local Primary and Secondary Headteacher groups; through the inclusion of leaders and teachers in training and development programmes, including, for example, in inviting them to attend school improvement and leadership training such as the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers (NPQH) and National Professional Qualification for Subject Leaders (NPQSL). These programmes are delivered by the Department and, whilst not compulsory, many choose to take these up. Most recently, as part of the Review of Inclusive Education, all schools, both provided and non-provided have been given fully funded places on the Masters' level qualification for Special Educational Needs Co- ordinators, the NASENCo qualification. This is to ensure children and young people in all Jersey schools with special educational needs or disabilities benefit from the high level of qualification for the specialist leader in their school.
As well as training and development, the Department provides additional support has been provided to non-provided schools. This was particularly evident during the height of the Covid pandemic, when the Department set up a specialist hardship fund for families with children at fee- charging schools who were facing hardship. Heads of the non-provided schools worked closely with officers, sharing data and resources so these children and families had continuity in the pandemic.
Since the start of my tenure as Minister, my Department's officers have directly supported two non-provided school with various operational matters, and a third through a formal review under the Jersey School Review Framework.
- Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North of the Minister for Infrastructure regarding Fort Regent (WQ.27/2023)
In relation to the redevelopment of Fort Regent, will the Minister advise –
- the current status of any development plans;
- when any proposals are expected to be brought before the States Assembly; and
- the number of organisations that still use the facility and proposed date of relocation of these organisations to a new facility?
- plans for the future of Fort Regent that were developed under the previous Government are unfeasible in the current economic climate,
- the Future Places Ministerial Group are reassessing what is feasible and are committed to developing an affordable and deliverable proposal for the future of Fort Regent, and to securing an appropriate mandate from the States Assembly.
- the number of Government services, sports clubs and commercial enterprises operating at Fort Regent has reduced from 39 in 2019 to 21 in 2023, this is expected to reduce to 5 in 2024. The predicted figures are linked to the planned opening of facilities at Springfield Sport Centre in 2023 and Oakfield Sport Centre in 2024.
- Deputy M.R. Le Hegarat of St. Helier North of the Chief Minister regarding #the employment of consultants across the Government of Jersey (WQ.28/2023)
Will the Chief Minister provide the following information in respect of the employment of consultants across the Government of Jersey –
- the number of consultants engaged since 1st July 2022 to date;
- the specific roles that they are undertaking;
- the length of each contract;
- the cost per month in relation to each contract;
- the terms of reference for each contract;
- the process followed for the engagement of each consultant; and
- the involvement, if any, of the Council of Ministers in relation to the engagement of these consultants?
The compilation and reporting of consultancy costs is a large exercise that takes place on a six- monthly cycle, in accordance with P.59/2019.
The reports for July to December 2021 and January to June 2022 have now been published.
The process for producing the July to December 2022 six-month report has commenced and the report will be published in April 2022, as soon as it is complete, inclusive of all the information requested.
- Deputy C.D . Curtis of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Infrastructure regarding drainage systems and flooding (WQ.29/2023)
In relation to the recent floodings, will the Minister advise –
- whether he is satisfied that the existing public drainage system is sufficient to prevent flooding in wet weather; and
- whether surface water is getting mixed with sewage in many parts of the Island, and, if so, is this due to damaged pipes?
- I am satisfied that the existing public drainage system is sufficient to prevent flooding in wet weather, however the drainage system is not sufficient to cope with extreme wet weather, which due to climate change is likely to happen more frequently in the future.
The public surface water drainage systems did reach full capacity in certain areas during the recent flooding on 17 January. The current focus is on Grands Vaux and working closely with Jersey Water investigating means to attenuate the flows to reduce the risk of flooding to residents. IHE are also collecting data from installed flow monitors on all significant catchments. This data will be used by modellers to determine key flood risk areas for the Island where we may need to invest in further flood defences. This study will inform future business cases to fund required infrastructure investment for the island in order to become more resilient to future climate change related rainfall events.
- During the extreme rainfall events of 17 January surface water did enter a number of foul sewers causing them to become overloaded and spill to surrounding water courses. Whilst some of the ingress will be from faults in the sewer network the predominant ingress will be from the town combined sewer network and in rural areas down to illegal ingress into the system by private properties connecting their surface water systems into the foul network. Most of the time this is done inadvertently, however as surface water flows are significantly greater than foul sewer flows the foul sewers easily become inundated. IHE undertake annual private property investigations targeting catchments identifying surface water connections to the foul network. To remedy this situation IHE work with property owners to segregate and dispose of their surface water in the correct manner. IHE also carry out annual sewer repairs to the network to repair defects. Unfortunately, these overflows will occur in extreme events, this will be the same for recent flood events in the Uk and New Zealand.
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding consultant remuneration (WQ.30/2023)
Will the Minister confirm the aggregate cost of consultant remuneration to the Health and Community Services department in 2022?
Total Consultant Doctor remuneration in HCS in the financial year ending 31st December 2022 was:
This includes the total cost of all Government of Jersey-employed Consultant Doctors, inclusive of the costs of Employer's Pension and Social Security Contributions
This figure excludes costs assigned to the Covid-19 Head of Expenditure (not allocated to the HCS departmental revenue expenditure budget)
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Ministerfor Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture regarding a national sports stadium (WQ.31/2023)
Can the Minister advise what discussions, if any, have been held with private investors in relation to the construction of a national sports stadium in Jersey?
The Inspiring Active Places strategy, adopted by the previous Government, set the ambition to create an Island Stadium which served the needs of both rugby and football.
Ministers have met with sporting clubs and private businesses who have previously expressed an interest in seeing the development of an Island Stadium. The Inspiring Active Places strategy has, to date not identified a site which serves the needs of both rugby and football and further consideration is needed on the strategy, including future capacity requirements, discussions have therefore not involved consideration of private investment or construction costs.
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding the cost of locum and agency staff (WQ.32/2023)
Will the Minister advise the total cost of Locum and Agency Staff to the Health and Community Services Department in 2022?
Total expenditure on locum and agency staffing in HCS in the financial year ended 31st December 2022 was:
This figure includes all types of agency staff, including Medical, Nursing, Civil Servant, Allied Health Professionals and Manual Workers.
This figure excludes costs assigned to the Covid-19 Head of Expenditure (not allocated to the HCS departmental revenue expenditure budget)
- Deputy L.V. Feltham of St. Helier Central of the Chief Minister regarding Government communications campaigns (WQ.33/2023)
Will the Chief Minister provide the following information in respect of each communications campaign launched by the Government since she took office –
- the purpose of the campaign;
- the target audience and the number of people estimated to be in that target audience;
- the methods and/or media used to reach the target audience;
- the cost of the campaign including staff time;
- whether she considers that the campaign was effective and provide details of how the effectiveness was measured; and for on-going campaigns detail the effectiveness to date; and
- whether any lessons have been learned from the campaign and how such learnings might be applied in future campaigns?
In 2022, we produced 148 communications campaigns (external and internal) aimed at informing and engaging with the public and colleagues on important Government initiatives, as well as generating behaviour change in areas such as public health (this includes a pre-election period where no campaigns were launched). Approximately a third of these campaigns have been launched since June 2022, including a focus on the Chief Minister's 100 Day Plan, which included campaigns on addressing the cost of living, community and quality of life, economy and population, education, housing, trust and accountability in Government.
Given the number of campaigns and their detailed plans (which include situational analysis, audience segmentation, strategy, tactics, timings and costs, and success measures) it would be impossible to succinctly answer the question. Nevertheless, below, we have tried to explain our guiding principles and give a number of examples.
1. Approach
We follow the same campaign planning process for each initiative:
- The need for a campaign is identified by Minsters and Departmental senior leaders based on agreed initiatives and priorities for the year
- The communications directorate, led by a departmental Head of Communications, produces an initial draft campaign plan, which follows a template of Background, Objectives, Strategy (audiences), Tactics (channels), Actions (activity), and Controls (budget), and is signed-off by the Head of Strategic Communications
- The draft is shared with colleagues across the directorate, including the Marketing & Campaigns team, for further input and creative
- A final plan is produced and signed-off by the relevant Chief Officer before going to the Minister.
The following are campaign examples from June 2022. This information took less than 45 minutes to prepare, as it is already contained within our plans and is readily available.
2. Example campaigns from June 2022 onwards
Cervical Screening
Cervical screening is one of the best ways to protect from cervical cancer. We need to make sure that eligible Islanders opt in and maintain cervical screening schedules to give themselves the best protection. Without promotion, Islanders are likely to be less informed and less like to opt in and attend.
Free cervical screening is offered to all women and people with a cervix aged between 25 – 64. Screening for those aged 25 – 49 is offered every three years and every five years for those aged 50 – 64.
Government of Jersey's KPIs for the 50 – 64 age group is 80% uptake, we are currently at 74%. We currently meet the KPI of 80% for the 25 – 49 age group. This group is required to opt in once they turn 25. Although the KPI is currently met, maintaining the promotion of cervical screening is required to make sure eligible Islanders opt in for their first screening and keep up with their screening schedule.
Abnormal findings are more likely to be identified in the 25 – 49 age group, timely identification of these cells provides the opportunity for a lifesaving result.
The requirement to opt in for cervical screening is seen as the primary barrier for this age group. Secondary barriers mirror those for the older age group.
The uptake in screening attendance decreases in the older age group, this is mirrored in the UK. General barriers are thought to be:
- Embarrassment
- Pain (known to increase in the older age group)
- Intention to go but not getting round to it
- Worries about what the test might find
- Logistical issues
- Lack of awareness that testing is free of charge
- An additional barrier has been identified for Polish Islanders, namely that the quality of testing in Jersey is perceived not as good as the tests offered in Poland, which include a scan (risks for having the screening in Poland result from a possible delay to frequency of attendance)
Funding for free cervical screening is approved by the Minister for Social Security. Free cervical screening was first introduced in 2018. The delivery of cervical screening is the responsibility of the Minister for Health and Social Services.
Target Audience
Eligible Islanders aged 25 (they become eligible at aged 25)
- Good level of English regardless of place of birth (translations not required)
- Young working professionals - not on the registry
- Locations and Interests: Socialising / Shopping in town / Gyms / hairdressers and beauty salons
Eligible Islanders age 26 + who are yet to opt in
- English and Portuguese translations required
- Professionals - not on the registry - mixed across all industries
- Working / part-time working / with families
- Locations and Interests : Socialising / Shopping in town / Gyms / hairdressers and beauty salons / cafes / restaurants
Cost: £20,000
Media and Channels used to reach audience
- Posters and Mirror decals in:
- Mirrors in beauty salons and hairdressers
- Gyms changing rooms
- Print: JEP full page ad
- Pull up banner
- A5 front leaflet
- Digital adverting: JEP digital ads and social media, Bailiwick, Google Ads
- Clock tower, Bus Screens and CLS/HCS screens
- Social Media
- Portuguese: Video circulated via WhatsApp
Effective and results
These are currently being collated. Outputs are based on the number of cervical screening sessions and effective use of our communication channels. Due to the increased media interest, we are aware of an increase in cervical screening sessions being booked. We also had over 3.5million hits on one social post. Although some of the sentiment was negative, this still contributed to the overall success of increasing bookings.
Lessons learned
The use of language and imagery to appeal to the transgender community caused an issue on Twitter and is currently being assessed. Further work with the community, and other groups, will be embarked on to make sure an inclusive approach is maintained but that all aspects of the campaign targeting women, females, and any Islander with a cervix are properly and sensitively considered.
Fostering and Adoption Dec 2022
To address the lack of flexibility in the system to accurately match the needs of a foster child to a tailored placement.
Prospective foster carers were not signing up during the pandemic, and many former foster carers chose not to take on any more children. As it takes 6 months from signing up to becoming a foster carer, this is an ongoing issue.
Focus group research has shown there a number of misconceptions about foster care in Jersey – i.e. who can become a foster carer/ how much it requires from an Islander/ lack of support including financial. Focus groups didn't feel empowered to be foster carers.
Target Audience
Parents aged 30-55
- Work part time or stay-at-home parent with children at home or in school
- Wants to help other children
- Live in rented or owned secure accommodation
- Likely to have a spare bedroom (in some cases this isn't a condition)
- In a long-term relationship/married
- English speaking
Cost: £7,550
Media and Channels used to reach audience
- Social media
- Channel 103 radio and digital ads
- ITV ad
- Google ads – targeted at online clothes shopping, news and entertainment
- Bailiwick ads
- JEP digital takeover
- Clock Tower
- A3 poster and distribution to key areas
- Digital screens at the Library
- Parentmail
Effective and results / Lessons learned
- This was a highly effective integrated campaign and resulted in 10+ foster carers coming into the system at a time of great need.
- We are currently assessing the use of images of children and the internal process for sign- off.
Tax 2022 launched January 2023
Each year, Revenue Jersey runs a phased communications campaign to manage the flow of tax return submissions, encourage customers to file accurately and in good time, and remind customers of the tax filing deadlines and actions they need to take.
Many customers file within a week to 2 weeks of the filing deadlines, creating operational challenges and a stressful negative experience for filers, and for some, low customer satisfaction when the volume and nature of last minute requests for help can't be answered.
Using behaviour insights, a multi-channel, multi-message approach is taken as different customer groups tend to file at different times within the returns period, according to their circumstances.
In January 2023, taxpayers who filed using the paper form last year will receive a paper form again. Those who filed online in 2022 will receive an email letting them know they can complete their online return (these people won't receive a paper form).
Both paper and online filers will also receive a newsletter with their email / paper return.
Married couples and civil partners not yet in independent taxation, will also receive a leaflet that's part of the IndTax optional elections campaign, with their paper return or email.
A new Government of Jersey Digital ID solution, is available this year called JerseyMe. It allows customers without a smartphone to activate their onegov account, with face to face support available. Customer who have struggled with Yoti or are hesitant to use a non local solution, may be encouraged to use JerseyMe, which will then give them the option to file online in 2023.
Our customer strategy principles are to make it accessible, consistent, and easy for customers, and to think ahead, and our approach to supporting customers to file in a timely and accurate way, must align with these principles.
Deadlines for 2023 are: 31 May for paper returns and 31 July for online returns.
Target Audience
- Customer base is 65,000, aged 17 to 100, 4,000 or so who have tax agents, or friend /relative with Power of Attorney in place, who complete their return for them, but who will still be a taxpayer seeing the advertising.
- There is a mix of around 45,000 part and full time employees, who pay all their tax by ITIS, and 20,000 either self employed or retired taxpayers whose income is either part or wholly from non employment sources.
- 30% of customers leave filing to the last month, and almost 20% to the last week.
- TBC – Last minute filers are more likely to be self employed and need to do their business
accounts, or have complex affairs
- 48% of taxpayers filed online in 2022.
- Yoti user age demographics show that generally, but not exclusively, those aged between 25- 55, with more men than women, (unsurprising as married women cannot complete their tax return as not PT, and this is a main driver for setting up onegov accounts). See Appendix 1. Statistically, the distribution of those with a Yoti ID is similar to the overall population (compared with the 2011 Census)
- A number of retired taxpayers did also file online and were keen to do so, but some needed one-to-one support with setting up their digital ID. This is where JerseyMe has a fresh offering that could give many more customers online access to services.
- In 2022, we experienced only a 5% increase in online filers, indicating the current solution, Yoti, had plateaued take up.
- 52% of primary taxpayers still complete their tax return using the paper option, with all age groups represented
Cost £15,000
Media and Channels used to reach audience Phase 1:
Social Media
JEP print ads
Google ads
Digital screens
Bailiwick and JEP digital ads
Liberty bus and Jersey Post Digital screens Channel 103
Effective and results / Lessons learned
We are currently assessing the impact of the campaign.
Vaccine Thank You
The purpose of this campaign is to agree on the spokesperson element of the winter vaccination campaign and identify the correct spokespeople based on low uptake in certain audiences (outlined below). These spokespeople will appeal to target audiences in similar positions (work, age, lifestyle) and will help to spread the message that vaccination is important for themselves.
This is an element from the already approved and running winter vaccination campaign to drive an increase in vaccine uptake for eligible Islanders, with a particular focus on eligibility groups where uptake is low. We only require agreement on the spokespeople for the relevant audiences and a plan for how we use them.
The Autumn Booster programme was launched at the beginning of September by eligibility group, this was then followed by the flu vaccine. Uptake is currently lower than desired for Health and Care workers including HCS, Care Homes, Dom Care agencies etc.. this is an area of concern as this group is tasked with caring for vulnerable people.
As at 15 November (waiting for updated figures):
- 27.3% Health and social care workers
- 34.3% Care home staff
- 23% those aged 50-54
- 32% those aged 55-59
- 47% those aged 60-64
- 60% those aged 65-69
Care home and agencies are staffed by a large number of Portuguese speakers. A request for information in Portuguese has been made by the industry.
Other areas of focus are pregnant women, as well as a general push towards the 50+ (largest)
The winter vaccine plan has already been approved.
Target Audience
- Heath and care workers (English and Portuguese)
- Pregnant Women
- Those at Risk
- 50+ population
Cost £19,000
Media and Channels used to reach audience
HCS & Domiciliary
- Posters in pause areas (all HCS sites, including laundry, Daily board messages etc)
- Leaflet and posters to organisations (incl translations)
- Digital screens
- HCS Twitter social assets using the #TeamHCS (push to remind staff after their shift)
- Print – JEP adverts, Our Island Advert
- Digital ads – JEP, Bailiwick, Google ads
- Digital screen: bus screens, clock tower, Sand Street carpark
- Radio – Channel 103
- Information leaflets for midwives and GPs
Effective and results / Lessons learned This is currently being assessed.
E Bike Grand Scheme
The transport sector is the largest source of on-Island greenhouse gas emissions in Jersey. It produces 44% of emissions at a time when vehicle ownership levels are increasing and there are more cars on the Island than people.
Policy TR1 of the Carbon Neutral Roadmap is aimed at speeding up the adoption of electric vehicles, to help reduce emissions on Jersey's journey to net zero.
The Roadmap proposes a subsidy or grant scheme to support Islanders to make the switch to electric vehicles.
A decision has been taken to focus the initial tranche of grants on e-bikes. A separate scheme for electric cars will then follow.
Every quarter, Islanders will be given a week to apply for the e-bikes grant, with a lottery system then used to pick around 100 "winners" each quarter.
The first application week will open on Thursday 12 January 202.
Applicants will be able to select whether they want to go into the e-bike, e-cargo bike, or adapted cycle "draws". E-Mountain bikes are not part of the scheme.
Each successful applicant will be given a voucher to redeem at a participating local bike shop.
There is £300,000 in this subsidy pot, to be given out over a two-year period across the eight quarterly draws.
Target Audience
- Our primary audience will be those who are considering buying an electric bike, but for whom cost is the barrier. Whilst we don't want to explicitly target JUST commuters, it is our hope that a large proportion of applicants will want to use their e-bike for this purpose.
- Our secondary actors of change are the Island's bike shops, who will support change by engaging with the subsidy scheme and will promote the application process on our behalf,
and organisations and associations closely linked to our target audiences. We will seek to promote this partnership.
Cost £300
Media and Channels used to reach audience
- Social Media
- Poster for Bike stores
Effective and results / Lessons learned
We had over 350 applicants in the first 2 days of the campaign.
Help 2 Quit
At the end of the Stoptober campaign 57 individuals signed up to the Help2Quit services. 1/3 of the individuals that came through were from manual and routine labour – our target demographic for the campaign.
Most of the individuals who came to the service had heard about it through word of mouth and radio. Word of mouth is hard to determine exactly where the thought of the service campaign from, therefore understanding the effectiveness of the campaign can be unclear.
The previous campaign targeted routine and manual workers and those who work unsocial hours in lower paid jobs - targeting specifically through their places of work.
The new year brings a fresh start with increased motivation from Islanders to adopt healthier behaviours for the year a-head.
Help2Quit would like to re-run the stop smoking campaign encouraging Islanders, especially those who work in routine and manual labour roles and those who live in social housing to stop smoking
Target Audience
Those is lower income jobs and work in routine and manual labour:
- Retail workers
- Hospitality workers
- Infrastructure, Housing and Environment employees
- Construction workers
Cost: £9,500
Media and Channels used to reach audience
- Social media
- Back of bus decal sticker
- Radio – Channel 103
- Digital Screens – Liberation Station, Clock Tower, CLS and Hospital
- Posters to businesses, pharmacies and GPS
- Translated posters for Portuguese hubs and Caritas
Effective and results / Lessons learned Results are still being compiled.
Assisted Dying
The first phase of the Assisted Dying campaign was launched in March which started the conversation of Assisted Dying in Jersey. I number of in person drop-in sessions were set up around the Island for individuals to discuss their thoughts, feelings and concerns around the proposed policy.
The States Assembly have now agreed to put in place a policy which will determine the outcome of Assisted dying in Jersey.
A 90-page consultation will be available for Islanders to understand the proposed principles of Assisted Dying in Jersey. Islanders can feedback on the consultation which will influence the overall outcomes that are put in place for Assisted Dying.
Target Audience Charities:
- Mind Jersey
- MacMillan
- Hospice
- Jersey Association of Charities
Wider community, the understanding of the assisted dying consultation is an opportunity Islanders have the right to be made aware of and undertake.
Portuguese Speaking Individuals, ensuring non-English speaking Islanders are aware of the incoming policy impacting their rights on decision making for End of life.
Hospital users – Islanders ongoing dramatic life changing medication
Cost £2,000
Media and Channels used to reach audience
Portuguese community:
The consultation to be translated into Portuguese – updated onto the webpage
Translated Poster, promoting drop-in session (relevant to Portuguese community) - distributed by Caritas (Portuguese ambassador to support)
JEP full page, promoting drop in dates and consultation
Parish magazine, promoting drop in dates and consultation
Socials: FB and Twitter, next phase of assisted dying consultation
Poster A4/A3 promoting drop-in sessions – Parish halls, Hospital
Digital Poster – Jersey Association of Charities
Digital screen – Library (come and chat to a member of staff to find out more), Hospital
Direct engagement from the team in the form of group meetings, Q&A sessions, continued information provided through:
Care homes
Internal Gov comms
Effective and results / Lessons learned This campaign is ongoing
Embrace our Difference
The embrace our difference campaign was launched last year which consisted of an all-Island survey to gain an understanding around perceptions of Disability in Jersey. An event took place at the town Library showcasing the research and findings from the survey. Stakeholders were invited to attend with pop-ups with invited individuals of interest.
There was good uptake in engagement throughout the campaign through various pop ups, social media monitoring and printed collateral.
To continue awareness and show progress, this year the aim is to expand on the campaign from last year, targeting larger audiences, stakeholders and visibility about Disability & Inclusion and how this looks day-to-day.
Starting with an event on 4th November for invited stakeholders hosted by Paralympian Liz Johnson and a campaign to follow after.
Target Audience
The whole Island plays a part in ensuring equality is delivered in Jersey.
• Students – direct engagement from the D&I with Liz going into schools to talk about inclusion
• Older Islanders 65+ harder to change attitudes
• Islanders online 25+ working islanders
Cost £5,600
Media and Channels used to reach audience
- Social Media
- Digital screens – Liberation Station, Clock Tower
- Accessibility – BSL and Portuguese translation
Effective and results / Lessons learned This is being assessed.
Spread Warmth
This year, the typical health pressures of the winter season will be heightened by predicted further waves of COVID-19 infection and forecast increases to the cost of living at levels not seen in recent times. These pressures will be felt across the community but particularly acutely by those on middle and lower incomes. A cross government winter plan has been developed by the Winter Risk Coordination Group (WRCG). This campaign plan is focused on the Public Health elements of the winter plan which are covered in groups 1 and 3 listed below.
The areas of concern for the winter plan can be summarised into three broad groups:
- COVID-19
- Cost of living, fuel poverty, and cold home related health problems
- Influenza and other seasonal viruses
To communicate the public health priorities of the winter plan with a multi-channel campaign targeting our defined audiences during the winter response period this includes:
To encourage uptake in vaccination (Flu, Autumn Booster and evergreen COVID-19) for eligible Islanders, implementing targeted comms to the priority groups where uptake is low. We aim to increase vaccine coverage from 40% to 60%
To share PH guidance on the best protection from seasonal illnesses, flu and COVID-19 and reduce the impact of these illnesses for Islanders. This will be measured by the following metrics. i. Episodes of flu like illness and confirmed flu cases ii. Confirmed hospital flu cases iii. COVID case rate iv. COVID hospitalisations
To prepare Islanders ahead of a move away from the post emergency response by indicating that we are moving towards a steady-state and sustainable approach to the management of COVID-19 and into closer alignment with other jurisdictions. By providing open and transparent communications, acknowledging what we expect as we move forward. This will be measured by audience listening (social, direct comments, insights from the helpline, testing and vac centres etc..)
Target Audience
- Islanders on middle and lower incomes
- Older adults (70+)
- Working adults
- Businesses
- Stakeholders
Cost £12,500
Media and Channels used to reach audience
- Direct SMS (vaccination message only)
- Emailers to Stakeholders
- Parentmail
- Print – JEP
- Digital ads – JEP and Bailiwick
- Digital Screens – CLS, Bus Screen, Clock Tower
- Radio – Channel 103
- Google Ads
- Translated posters, video and leaflets
- BSL translations (Connect Me)
- Easy Reads (online and Connect Me)
Effective and results / Lessons learned This is ongoing
Community Costs Bonus
Following the announcement of the Council of Ministers mini-budget, the Community Costs Bonus (CCB) has been highlighted to achieve two key objectives:
- Increase the number of Islanders claiming the benefit by raising more awareness - from 1k to 7k
- Double the value of the bonus to over £500 (if approved in September)
Target Audience
It has been identified that there are c.7k Islanders who could be entitled to this benefit. The target groups within this number could be quite broad and include the following:
- Pensioners
- Families with multiple children/using childcare
- Islanders with mortgages
Cost £11,500
Media and Channels used to reach audience
Print: JEP, Parish Magazine
Social Media
Digital advertising: Bailiwick and Google ads
Digital screens: Liberation Station, CLS, Library,
Print: Posters and Leaflets. Target P&C customers through P&C team, churches, residential/care homes
including translations
Radio: Channel 103
Effective and results / Lessons learned This is ongoing.
We have already noted that there have been four times the number of applications for the Community Costs Bonus this year than there have been in the previous 2 years.
Violence Against Women and Girls
Violence against women and girls is one of the world's most prevalent human rights violations, taking place every day, many times over, in every corner of the globe. It has serious short- and long-term physical, economic and psychological consequences on women and girls, preventing their full and equal participation in society.
The magnitude of its impact, both in the lives of individuals and families and society as a whole, is immeasurable.
Conditions created by the pandemic – including lockdowns, reduced mobility, heightened isolation, stress and economic uncertainty – have led to an alarming spike in domestic violence and have further exposed women and girls to other forms of violence, from child marriage to sexual harassment online.
- This campaign aims to support the distribution of 2 surveys (one for the public and one for victims/survivors), heatmap and testimonials
- The purpose of the surveys and the heatmap are to build up a clear picture of the breadth of women and girls' experience of violence on the island
- The aim is to launch early/mid September
- Would like to use posters with QR codes linking to the site in various locations as a means of furthering our reach
- Targeting anybody over the age of 16 (public survey and heatmap), testimonials are for only 18+
Target Audience
Reach different age groups and demographics in Jersey
Cost £16,000
Media and Channels used to reach audience
- Print – JEP, Our Island Parish Magazine
- Bus internal decals
- Google Ads
- Social Media
- Printed leaflets and posters – including translations
- Stakeholder emailer
- Lunch and Learn – internal event
Effective and results / Lessons learned This is ongoing
As a result of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) in place for COVID-19 – such as mask- wearing, physical distancing, increased hand washing and sanitising, and restricted international travel – flu levels were lower than expected across the world in 2020/21 and subsequently in 2021/22.
Last year, in anticipation of higher levels of flu in the winter of 2021, it was recommended to combine the COVID-19 vaccine booster and the flu vaccine into one programme. 85% of Islanders over 60 (the most vulnerable) received their flu vaccine at the end of last year. However, less than 80% of those aged 50-64 received the vaccine. In order to boost vaccine numbers, targeted communication to this age group should be one of the priorities.
Although it was predicted there would be higher levels last year, the number of flu like illnesses was very similar to 2020. This may have been due to Islanders still being cautious as COVID-19 restrictions were eased. Islanders may not be so cautious this winter as there is a high level of covid-fatigue and as we have come to the point of living with the virus, it is possible there will be higher levels of flu this winter season, with more of the population susceptible.
Alongside this year's flu drive, the UK Government is preparing for an Autumn booster programme of COVID-19 vaccines, and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has published final advice on who would be prioritised for this booster from September 2022. With the transition to living with COVID-19, the protection of the most vulnerable people will continue to be of primary importance. The final recommendation from the JCVI is as follows:
- residents in a care home for older adults and staff
- frontline health and social care workers
- all those 50 years of age and over
- Individuals aged 5-64 years who are in a clinical risk group
- Household contacts of those who are immunosuppressed
- Persons aged 16 to 49 years who are carers
The Jersey Vaccination team will take the same approach as the NHS and the UK Government by delivering the this year's flu programme alongside the autumn booster programme for COVID-19 vaccines as part of wider autumn and winter planning. We will therefore need to communicate our autumn booster vaccine alongside this year's flu vaccine. Plans are in place to be able to deliver a booster vaccine programme from the beginning of September and the flu programme from early October.
Target Audience
The following people will be offered an Autumn booster dose as soon as possible from September 2022:
- residents in a care home for older adults and staff
- health and social care workers
- All adults aged 50 and above
- Persons aged 5 to 49 years in clinical risk groups
- Persons aged 5 to 49 years who are household contacts of people with immunosuppression
- Persons aged 16 to 49 years who are carers
Generic messaging can go out to all islanders, and those listed above will be told directly through their GPs/doctors or places of work.
Cost £22,000
Media and Channels used to reach audience
Print – JEP and Our Island Magazine
Radio – channel 103
ITV tv advert
Digital Screens – Liberation Station, Clock Tower, Hospital Digital adverts – JEP, Bailiwick and Google ads
Social Media
Posters – Hospital, GPs and Pharmacies
Effective and results / Lessons learned This is ongoing
Leave No Trace
- Second phase of Respect, Protect, Enjoy Countryside Access campaign.
- Islanders are having parties or BBQs in national park areas, leaving behind litter and general vandalism.
Raise awareness that Jersey's countryside and open spaces are there to be enjoyed in a responsible, respectful way, by all those that use them through the summer months.
Educate and inform social/anti-social behaviour in Jersey's countryside is advised against, and no trace should be left behind.
Leave No Trace focuses on reminding islanders that is not acceptable to leave rubbish, BBQ ashes and remnants of parties at national park sites.
Target Audience
Young adults (Ages 16-25) - Having bunker parties, or parties in rural areas – leaving masses of litter, destroying habitats, vandalising heritage sites, ashes from BBQs, fires. Trespassing on land that doesn't belong to them. Disturbing wildlife.
Adults (30-50)- BBQs on the beach, picnics on the beach, leaving litter, bottles and plastic/food behind. Disturbing wildlife with noise and walking on paths/areas that are private.
Cost £8,750
Media and Channels used to reach audience Print – JEP
Digital advertising – JEP and Google ads
Bus Decals
Radio – Channel 103
Social media
Digital Screen – Liberation Bus Station
Effective and results / Lessons learned Ongoing
Fostering August 2022
Fostering and Adoption campaigns are run regularly throughout the year with the intention to increase the uptake of foster carers in Jersey.
The campaigns have had the support from current fostering carers telling their experiences as well as from an individual from grew up in Jersey's care system.
Despite the campaigning, recruiting Foster carers continues to be a struggle with slow turn over. As a result of this research was carried out among current foster carers and non-foster carers about their motivation, behaviours and experiences of Fostering.
Target Audience
- Families: Female and male, Single, Same sex
- Current care givers: Nurses, Home carers, those looking after family members
- Empty nesters
Cost £7,000
Media and Channels used to reach audience
• Website – gov article and web content updated
• Social media
• Full page JEP ad
• Radio 30 second ad
• Bus screens: £300
• Bootlid bus advert
• Roadside banners
• Pull up banner and posters
• Posters: £300
Campaign effectiveness / Lessons learned
- Over 25 enquiries,
- 444 website visits on launch day and 60 views per day during the campaign (compared to previously 1-3 views a day)
- over 11 Islanders signing up to become foster carers (as at 8 Sep but more signed up after the main campaign activity ended).
- This was the most successful fostering campaign to date in terms of the number of Islanders signing up to become foster carers, and the number of Islanders informed about the situation via measurable data such as engagement and enquiries.
100 Day Plan
- The Chief Minister's Vision Statement requires the delivery of certain specific actions within CoM's first 100 days in office (the 100 Day Actions) which includes that Ministers present to the States Assembly their plans for the coming year (the Ministerial Plans).
- COM is required to lodge its Common Strategic Policy (CSP) and Government Plan (GP) with the States Assembly by 4 October 2022.
Target Audience
- All Islanders
- Colleagues
- Commentators and influencers
Cost £400
Media and Channels used to reach audience
- Social Media
- Internal – posters, countdown poster and timers, lock screens
- GoJ website
Effective and results / Lessons learned
This was a highly visible campaign and the first time a Jersey Government had put together a 100- day Plan. We achieved significant progress on 16 of the 18 actions in the plan and communicated on all 18 actions with regular updates to the public on progress.
Public Health Big Conversation
On Monday 10 October (World Mental Health Day), the Public Health Team will undertake a full day of public engagement to invite Islanders to "have their say" and help develop the Public Health Strategy for the Island, it will also start a week long online engagement. This activity will be known as Jersey's Big Wellbeing Conversation
Target Audience
- All Islanders
- Colleagues
- Commentators and influencers
Cost £5,000
Media and Channels used to reach audience
- Press notice to launch Jersey's Big Wellbeing Conversation – to include what, when, where, why, who and how. Offer interviews with PH team / MHSS
- Posters in public facing government buildings, sports centres, libraries, schools, parks ect
- Posters in locations where in-person conversations will take place
- Posters in place Islanders currently visit for wellbeing, doctors, pharmacies, gyms etc
- Translated posters in areas identified to reach minority groups
- Update with content and online conversation page
- QR code to across all material to provide instant opportunity to "have your say"
- Internal communications – corporate comms across Government to raise awareness of the activity OurGov takeover, lockscreen
- JEP ads
- Digital ads - Bailiwick and JEP
- Digital screens – Clock Tower, Liberation Station
- GoJ social media
Effective and results / Lessons learned
This was a highly visible campaign which resulted in over 500 responses by Islanders and has helped to inform the Public Health Strategy for the Island.
Free Period Products
As part of the Government's 100-day plan and mini-budget proposal, free period products have been identified as an initiative that will support the community as well as taking the stigma out of periods by educating and talking about this openly.
There will be 3 phases to the campaign
- Phase 1 – pilot of products in a select few locations
- Phase 2 – Survey out in public for feedback
- Phase 3 – Full campaign launch and further roll out of products in more locations (August 2023)
The purpose of the pilot is to:
- Make sure that some free products are available for those who need them as soon as possible (particularly at this financially challenging time)
- Understand the service specification for the full roll out in September 2023 by gaining data and insight on:
- Demand and take-up of particular products
- The logistic requirements of service providers in order to inform
The purpose of the consultation is to inform the service specification for the full tender by gaining data and insight on people's:
- Product preferences (what types of products)
- Venue/location preferences (where should products be available)
- Access preferences (how do people want access them – in toilets, from reception areas etc.)
Target Audience
- Focus on Females and people who menstruate in Jersey (14-55)
- Islanders can collect products on behalf of family members/carers
Cost £7,500
Media and Channels used to reach audience
Phase 1 (Focusing on where women/people who menstruate are, to be able to inform them of the pilot scheme and current locations for supplies)
- Social media
- Posters
- Translations
- Digital screens
- Parentmail
- Internal comms (OurGov article)
Phase 2 (Digital campaign to enable people to click through to the consultation)
- Social media
- JEP social media
- JEP digital takeover
- Bailiwick digital ads
- Google ads
- Internal comms (OurGov article)
Effective and results / Lessons learned
The campaign was highly visible, positively received, and resulted in achieving our objectives of making sure that some free products are available for those who need them as soon as possible.
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of the Chair of the Privileges and Procedures Committee regarding constituency offices (WQ.34/2023)
Will the Chair provide details of what plans, if any, are proposed to provide constituency offices to improve facilities for Deputies and allow for improved public engagement?
The Committee has established a Sub-Committee to consider constituency offices. The establishment of constituency offices was included within the Government's 100 Day Plan and although meetings have been held between the Chair of PPC, the Chief Minister and the Chair of the Comité des Connétable s, the Committee believes a dedicated Sub-Committee will ensure coordinated political oversight of the project.
It is anticipated that the Terms of Reference for the Sub-Committee will be as follows:
- To identify the resourcing requirements (including venues, staffing and equipment) in order to establish, or embed, a constituency office in each constituency (or, where the constituency comprises more than one Parish, in each Parish of that constituency);
- To consider how the provision of constituency offices sits alongside the provision of central facilities in Town for States Members;
- To report back to the Privileges and Procedures Committee with findings and recommendations for the establishment or embedding of constituency offices in time for any recommendations to be considered during the preparation of the Government Plan 2024-2027.
The Committee has ensured that the Sub-Committee's membership includes at least one member from each constituency:
- Connétable K Shenton-Stone (St Martin)
- Deputy L.K.F Stephenson (St Mary, St Ouen, St Peter)
- Deputy M.R Scott (St Brelade)
- Deputy M Tadier (St Brelade)
- Deputy P.F.C Ozouf (St Saviour)
- Deputy K.F Morel (St Lawrence, St John and Trinity )
- Deputy C.S Alves (St Helier Central)
- Deputy R.J Ward (St Helier Central)
- Deputy I Gardiner (St Helier North)
- Deputy T.A Coles (St Helier South)
- Deputy B Ward (St Clement)
The Sub-Committee's first meeting will be held on 23rd February 2023. Arrangements are also being made for those members attending an upcoming CPA event at Westminster in May to have the opportunity to visit an established constituency office.
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Children and Education regarding teaching vacancies (WQ.35/2023)
Will the Minster provide details of the number of current teaching vacancies across the Island's schools?
The answer provided is for government provided schools only with data as at 30th January 2023. We do not hold data for non-provided schools.
There are 6 current teaching vacancies in primary schools and 13 current teaching vacancies in secondary schools.
To ensure continuity of education, all classes have teachers covering these vacancies through redeployment of existing workforce in schools and use of local and UK supply teachers (11).
We anticipate a further 3 teacher vacancies in primary schools over the next two months and 8 beyond two months. We anticipate a further 1 teacher vacancy in secondary schools over the next two months and 17 beyond two months.
These figures represent vacancies against our base staffing to the end of 2022. With additional funding approved in the Government Plan 23-26 Head Teachers are planning how best to invest that funding to reflect the needs of their school. This will result in new vacancies being created in 2023 many of which support the objective to strengthen inclusion in our education system.
We continue to focus on strengthening our recruitment capability through use of social media and marketing (, targeted campaigns, enhanced candidate management and workforce planning.
- Deputy R.J. Ward of St. Helier Central of the Minister for Social Security regarding Andium Homes' tenants (WQ.36/2023)
Will the Minister advise how many Andium Homes' tenants are currently repaying loans for carpets?
A reasonable estimate of the number of households who were Andium tenants in 2022 and had a special payment loan approved for carpets is 74 households.
Loans are consolidated for the convenience of the individual. As the household could be repaying more than one loan, for example for carpets and white goods, it is not possible to isolate the requested figure and assign the number to Andium tenants without manually checking each Income Support claim.
- Deputy L.J. Farnham of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding skilled overseas medical staff (OQ.13/2023)
In the absence of a coherent plan for the new hospital, will the Minister advise what is being done to make Jersey attractive to skilled overseas medical staff and care workers in this highly competitive global recruitment market?
Deputy K. Wilson of St. Clement (The Minister for Health and Social Services):
The Health and Community Services Department are undertaking various initiatives to attract skilled overseas medical staff and care workers. These include Career First, advertising through professional publications, using specialist recruitment agencies, and if Members would like some more information on this I have listed with the Health and Social Security Panel, through the scrutiny process, and with Deputy Southern through the questions process on various occasions on this topic specifically, all of which can be found on the States Assembly website. I would also like to note that this is a highly competitive global market for healthcare staff, which does not just affect Jersey so we do have to make additional efforts. One of the key issues bringing over medical and care staff is the cost of living and housing, and my colleagues and I are working together to address these issues.
Can I think the Minister for her answer? Of course she touched on the most challenging point for bringing staff to Jersey and that is cost of living here. As part of any staff retention programme is the Minister looking at how she might or the department might provide more realistically affordable accommodation for medical staff?
Deputy K. Wilson :
As we all know, the issues with housing in the Island have been well-discussed here and how it is affecting all industries and departments, not just healthcare. Myself and the Council of Ministers are looking at a whole range of initiatives to address this. The Chief Minister is leading a Population and Skills Ministerial Group looking at options for further key worker accommodation. The Minister for the Environment, through the bridging Island Plan, is enabling the delivery of 25 key worker units a year. The Minister for Housing and Communities is supporting H.C.S. (Health and Community Services) and other departments with key worker accommodation through our arrangement with Andium Homes and, in relation to that, a further 20 key workers at Le Marais are accommodated. There may well be further key worker accommodation at Hue Court. Andium currently house 138 key workers and the Minister for Home Affairs is also keeping her profile or her eye on the workforce permits policy under review so that we can attract people if they are applying for jobs on an individual basis.
Can the Minister estimate the extra cost, perhaps as a percentage, of using agencies in the U.K. (United Kingdom) seeing as we seem to be heading down that track, not just in health but in other areas of our need?
Deputy K. Wilson :
I have prepared a written statement on this particular issue around use of locum costs and I would be prepared to provide some more detailed information for Assembly Members. But we all acknowledge that locum cover is hugely expensive so we must double our efforts to try and offer contracts that are meaningful for people. But, as I have said, it is not just about offering the job. It is the wider conditions that support people's decision to come and live and work here.
I just asked for that percentage estimate of how much extra it costs to hire somebody from a U.K. agency, who obviously take their cut, as it is to train and employ locally.
Deputy K. Wilson :
I do not have those figures with me but I would be happy to provide those to the Deputy . But it is a particular increase on the existing salary that we provide as part of a routine contract. We have also done some work on the locum agency that has been used to try and get some more value for money out of whatever locum agency contract we have. I will be able to provide more detail on that in due course.
Given the ongoing debate around the size of the hospital does the Minister have an estimate for the numbers of staff she needs to deliver services required not only in the hospital but in the community?
Deputy K. Wilson :
We are going through a programme of transformation in Health and Community Services. What that will require is to look at our workforce strategy and our workforce plan and remodel that in relation to some of the ways in which we want to provide care going forward. At the moment we are basing our assumptions on the current workforce profile but the skill mix of that will change over time and that may mean for some professional groups there will be a change in the numbers and the percentages of the workforce that we will require around those particular professional groups.
Has the Minister been engaged with the Minister for Infrastructure to produce a final figure for the size of staffing that she requires to deliver the service that she thinks this Island needs?
Deputy K. Wilson :
As you know, there is political oversight of the development of the hospital from both in estates and a workforce and service perspective. Clearly, the Minister for Infrastructure and I will be working very closely to align these particular issues going forward. We must start the work on the design of the service model of the workforce and then design the estate around that. But what I can assure the Deputy is that we are working together on this.
Deputy G.P. Southern :
Can I ask a supplementary there?
The Bailiff :
You have just asked a supplementary, Deputy Southern .
Deputy G.P. Southern :
The answer was not clear.
The Bailiff :
Sorry, I think if you can take it outside of the normal asking, you can do that. Deputy G.P. Southern :
I accept your ruling, Sir.
In her answer to the original question she referred to working with other Ministers to provide affordable housing for healthcare staff. How confident is the Minister that the housing being provided is the type and quality that will attract and retain staff?
Deputy K. Wilson :
Yes, this has been a discussion between myself and the Minister for Housing and Communities as to how we can vary the offer to the various professional groups that are interested. I can assure the Deputy that we are working to address not only the issue of supporting people to live in one-bedroom accommodation but taking a much broader account of what the needs of families might be as well. I think we have also got a problem with the timing and the way in which these things come onstream. So there is some delay to addressing all of the need but we are actively working on it.
We all know that we are working within a competitive global market so, with regard to accommodation and the cost of living, how does the income that potential healthcare workers compare with other jurisdictions and has any work been done to ensure that Jersey is in fact an affordable place for healthcare workers to live?
Deputy K. Wilson :
Clearly this will be part of the review of the Workforce Skills Commission Group, and this is not entirely within the remit of the Health Department. But what I can say in response to the Deputy 's question is that when you take a first glance of the salary scales and compare those perhaps to our neighbour in the U.K., we do offer a very competitive salary here. I think, as I have explained before, it is the wider cost of living and cost of housing here that is prohibitive.
Just turning a bit more focus on care workers. We know there is a shortage of care workers in the public and private sectors, and I understand that has resulted in beds being utilised in the hospital and causing ongoing problems. Will the Minister commit to putting more resources into helping to alleviate that problem across the Island?
Deputy K. Wilson :
Yes, I am very supportive of any initiatives or any design of health services to move people out of hospital nearer their home or into the community close to their home. We have a major challenge to redesign our health system and with that goes the redesign of our workforce. Ultimately that will mean that we will have to invest in the workforce that can provide care in an alternative setting other than a hospital. Yes, as part of our workforce review, I can give that commitment that we will look to make sure that we will provide staff where they are needed.
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of St. Helier North of the Minister for Infrastructure regarding infrastructure issues in the Grand Vaux area (OQ.9/2023)
Will the Minister provide details of the work, if any, that is being undertaken to address infrastructure issues in the Grands Vaux area in the aftermath of the recent flooding?
Deputy T. Binet of St. Saviour (The Minister for Infrastructure):
I can assure the Deputy and Members that officers from all the relevant departments are working on an integrated plan to reduce further flood risks. I have committed to providing an update in person to the residents of Grands Vaux in approximately 5 weeks' time.
In relation to the provisions that could be increased, could the Minister indicate what those provisions would be in the event of future flooding?
Deputy T. Binet :
I am not sure that I can suggest any provisions but I can say that a lot of the work that has been done relates to work that is upstream of the reservoir. I think the simple fact is that the drainage network, however clean it may be, simply cannot cope with the volume of water that we experienced 10 days ago. I think all of the focus has to be on prevention rather than the cure. Those are the areas that we are investigating at the moment.
In some of the commentary that has been around the subject I have seen a figure of £200 million quoted as a potential cost for updating the old Victorian pipe network downstream from Grands Vaux. Could the Minister just explain where that figure comes from and how it is calculated?
Deputy T. Binet :
I have to confess that it is an exceptionally approximate figure. In speaking to Jersey Water yesterday they indicated it would probably require a pipe of some 5 metres in diameter to run from Grands Vaux out to sea. Unless the tide was out, you would need a significant amount of pumping equipment to pump that water to sea level. I think it could well be significantly more than that. I think one has to accept that it is really not a very practical and viable option.
Has the Minister considered whether there needs to be restrictions on development in the area to avoid more flooding in the event of another extreme weather event? If so, has he communicated that to the Minister for the Environment for the purposes of his own policy making?
Deputy T. Binet :
There are ongoing discussions with all the relevant parties and I think, in terms of further development in Grands Vaux, it is simply a matter of design. If buildings are raised above the flood level they can be designed above that and, while there might be problems with access to the housing while there are periods of flooding, if and where the house is already built above the flood levels there do not seem to be any problems. It is more a matter of design than stopping development.
Does the Minister consider that Jersey Water have taken sufficient responsibility in terms of reservoir management for the incident that occurred?
Deputy T. Binet :
This is quite a sensitive topic. I think thus far Jersey Water can find themselves to providing us, very adequately I think, with clean drinking water. I do not think it has been on their mind to be part of an integrated system but, I have to say, over the last week to 10 days I am delighted to say that they really have come good and the discussions are a lot more meaningful than they were in the first 24 hours.
Is the Deputy aware whether the present level in the reservoir is at the correct level to prevent further spillages should we have excess rainfall?
Deputy T. Binet :
Having spoken to Jersey Water, the whole situation is a lot more complicated than it first seems but, I have to say, my instinct tells me that I would be a lot more comfortable if it were a metre or so lower than the level that it is at, at the moment. But that is just a personal comment and I am reluctant to make too many comments of that sort because I think we should be driven by the facts. As I say, I would not read too much into that. We will be making a very much more detailed presentation to residents, and to anybody else who is interested, in about 5 weeks' time. We will know a lot more by then.
The Minister may recall that in February 2010 the twin town of St. Helier, Funchal, suffered catastrophic flooding, and extensive infrastructure changes were made as a result of that. Would the Minister consider asking his officers to liaise with their counterparts in Funchal to see whether he can learn anything from the experiences of that city?
Deputy T. Binet :
I am certainly happy to do that but I am delighted to say that there have already been some pretty good suggestions, some fairly creative work done between the Drainage Department of I.H.E. (Infrastructure, Housing and Environment) and Jersey Water. I think we may find a locally-based solution but I am certainly more than happy that we make that contact.
The Minister keeps referring to a plan for Grands Vaux, does he not accept that what we need is a plan for the Island to replace the Victorian sewers where appropriate? We need a much larger scale of initiatives.
Deputy T. Binet :
Delighted to be able to tell the Deputy that there is an ongoing programme. We are going to be raising some more money. We are working on that at the moment and I perhaps extend a personal invitation to the Deputy to visit Grands Vaux and Bellozanne and the new treatment plan, and happy to spend some more time with him going through our programme of works.
When the Minister says a "programme of works", is that a programme of works that is already engaged or is it a programme of works to be performed in the future?
Deputy T. Binet :
I think the answer to that is both. There is a lot of good work going on and there is another £40 million worth of extra work programme that we are looking to find funding for at the moment. That is work that is currently underway.
When I spoke to the residents of Grands Vaux, some were very concerned about the response to the flooding and that there should have been an evacuation within hours of there being fair sight of the flood. So why was this not the case?
Deputy T. Binet :
I have to say I do not think the Grands Vaux flooding was handled badly. I think it was handled fairly well. It could have been handled better and when I say we are working on a fully integrated plan, I mean to have something at the end of this that really is first rate. We learn from our mistakes. There were some mistakes made, I think, but overall it was not bad. I think I also have to pay tribute to Andium who did a brilliant job and the fire service. [Approbation]
- Deputy S.Y. Mézec of the Minister for the Environment regarding the licensing of rented dwellings (OQ.19/2023)
Will the Minister advise when he will be lodging regulations to introduce the licensing of rented dwellings, as he has previously stated is his intention, and what measures will be included in these regulations which are different from previous versions?
Deputy J. Renouf of St. Brelade (The Minister for the Environment):
Very happy to answer this question. As we know, we have a significant issue with the quality of some private rented dwellings in Jersey and I have agreed with officers a timeframe within which I will lodge regulations to implement a rented dwelling licensing scheme. Before lodging there needs to be time for policy development, law drafting instructions to be produced, and Scrutiny briefings. However, I can say today that my aim is to lodge the draft regulations in mid-April and therefore anticipate a States debate on or around mid-June. I am very aware, as Minister, that I have a legal duty to improve the standard of private rented dwellings. I have taken on board comments from previous debates and indeed feedback from relevant stakeholders and applied a conciliatory approach, which I hope will mean that these regulations attract widespread support both within this Chamber and with the public at large. To this end, I am looking at a slightly simplified and clearer scheme in comparison to previously debated propositions. As this is policy in development, it would not be appropriate to say more at this stage. But I do believe that through the proposed scheme I am confident officers will be better equipped to address and bring about real improvements in standards of accommodation for the benefit of Islanders.
I do not think the Minister adequately answered the second part of my question. When he uses the term "simpler version" in my years I hear "a weaker version". Can the Minister give his assurance that that will not be the case and that the version of licensing for rented dwellings that he will bring forward will have all of the strength it needs to tackle those poor quality homes in the rented sector and will not make concessions to those who previously have argued for no action whatsoever to be taken in this area?
Deputy J. Renouf :
As a general rule, I do not intend to bring legislation to this Assembly that is weak and ineffective. So, no, it will not be watered down. What I do detect, and certainly having regard the debates of the previous times that this has been brought, there was a lot of confusion about the details of the scheme, about who it would apply to, about the costs of the scheme, about whether it would lead to regulatory mission creep and issues like that. I intend to address all of those in a way which I hope provides clarity and simplicity but without sacrificing essential safeguards, which are the whole point of the regulation.
Can the Minister confirm that this will be a licensing scheme and not simply a registration scheme? Deputy J. Renouf :
Yes, I can.
I guess to ask the Minister to clarify beyond any doubt whatsoever that the scheme he will be bringing to the Assembly for approval will be one that is compulsory for all rented dwellings and which provides the Environmental Health Department with a proactive ability to be able to unlicence homes when necessary and take proactive action against those who own those homes when they are not meeting minimum standards and that there will be no get-out clauses?
Deputy J. Renouf :
I can confirm that the regulations that will be brought will apply to all rented dwellings within the scope of the Public Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) Law 2018. Yes, the purpose of the scheme is to have a licensing scheme which enables a greater flexibility in enforcing regulations than the current scheme, which is an all or nothing; prosecution or nothing. The point about a licensing scheme is it allows a more flexible response where landlords can be engaged with, improvement sought, and if those improvements are not forthcoming or if there is not a positive engagement with enforcement then the sanction of licence withdrawal is what sits behind these changes in regulations. That would be of course used in those circumstances, which I think would be relatively rare but would certainly be used where we had non-compliant landlords unable to or unwilling to achieve the standards that are required.
Before I ask the question I will note that I do recognise it is a little out of date but I did want to give the Chief Minister the opportunity to answer at least the first part of the question. Will the Chief Minister provide the Assembly with an update on Ministerial delivery plans and advise when they will be published?
Deputy K.L. Moore of St. Mary , St. Ouen and St. Peter (The Chief Minister):
I thank the Deputy for her question. As she identified in the question, those delivery plans have now been published. They are available on They are of course important working documents, which will give Ministers a guide as we deliver our programme for Government. As part of the monitoring process with the plans, I will be meeting regularly with Ministers to monitor that.
This is the first time that we have seen Ministerial delivery plans as opposed to departmental operational business plans. I would like the Chief Minister to perhaps give us more of a flavour about what the key differences are between the 2; what we have seen in the past and now what we see in these new Ministerial delivery plans.
Deputy K.L. Moore :
Thank you; gladly. Essentially these delivery plans are identifying areas where Ministers have committed to delivering on their mandate and on their work plans. These documents are part of us being able to hold officials to account in terms of delivering on the Ministerial aspirations for their term of office. We think that it is important to do so and a useful tool. It is new, of course, and the reason therefore for these being published on rather than on the States Assembly website is it is more a functioning working document that is aligned with our work, alongside officials.
Does the Chief Minister regard the Ministerial delivery plan of the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services to be out of date now, and if so, when will it be reissued?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
Very hawkeyed, and yes, of course, we will have to review that and redivide the responsibilities accordingly. I will be adding those to my own delivery plan.
Given the Ministerial reshuffle in the past few days the documents are out of date, is it intended that they will be republished and, if so, in what format? Because obviously publishing things in paper form means we may have quite a lot of wastage going on.
Deputy K.L. Moore :
The delivery plans themselves have only been published online and, as I said, they are working documents. Therefore they can be amended accordingly. We will endeavour to do so as swiftly as possible.
Will that include an update on the allocation of budget per Minister or does that still remain .. it is not clear whether it is per Minister or per project in the Government Plan?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
In the Government Plan that was agreed by the Assembly, there are heads of expenditure per Ministerial portfolio and so, where necessary, we will of course readdress that and discuss that with our relevant Scrutiny Panels. I would imagine that the differences will be quite minimal in that area.
How will the Chief Minister assess the performance and delivery of her Ministers against those plans? Deputy K.L. Moore :
That is a very good question, and performance management is a key area of interest and I think one where much greater work and energy and focus is required to ensure that we do deliver for the public. That is why I will be meeting regularly with Ministers to discuss their delivery plan and how they are performing against that. I very much look forward to ensuring that the Ministerial team, because it certainly is a focused team, will meet those and their aspirations.
Should a Minister not be performing appropriately and deliver the expectations that the Chief Minister and indeed we, as an Assembly, have of them, how will the Chief Minister deal with them?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
As perhaps the recent days have shown, when we fall short we will address that. It is an important part of performance management to ensure that we have sometimes difficult conversations as well as patting each other on our backs when there is cause to do so. I will not shirk from that part of my role.
The Chief Minister referred earlier to holding officers or officials to account. Surely the chain of command says holding Ministers to account on their Ministerial delivery plans.
Deputy K.L. Moore :
I am slightly confused by the Deputy 's question there. My job of course is to hold the Ministers to account for delivering, yes. Their job - part of it - is to hold their officials to account for delivering as the Government has requested of them.
In light of the announcement that, with the exception of commercial fishermen and organisations with pre-existing business arrangements, all users of Ports of Jersey will need to pay an additional
- per cent for fees from 1st March 2023
The Bailiff :
Deputy , I am struggling to see how this relates to the original question, which is Ministerial plans. Deputy A. Howell :
So sorry, I apologise, I thought this was a separate question.
The Bailiff :
No, this is a specific question to the Chief Minister.
Deputy A. Howell :
The Bailiff :
Very well, a final supplementary, Deputy Feltham .
The Ministerial delivery plans state that they do not include all business as usual to be undertaken by Ministers and departments. How can Ministers and the Chief Minister be sure that other business- as-usual operations are resourced adequately and the performance on that business-as-usual operations attract?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
So, clearly business as usual is a matter of focus for all Ministers and a key part of our role is to ensure that the areas of responsibility are properly resourced so that they can deliver for the public. These are simply documents that focus on areas of particular Ministerial focus each year and, of course, what is critical to that is that we deliver for the public, as they would expect of us. But of course business as usual is always in the spotlight and we take our responsibility to the resourcing of departments extremely seriously, as I am sure does the Deputy in her role as Chair of the Public Accounts Committee.
- Deputy R.J. Ward of the Minister for Children and Education regarding the Jersey Schools Review Framework (OQ.16/2023)
Given that the Minister has indicated that collaboration in relation to the Jersey Schools Review Framework depends upon the relationship between the Government of Jersey and the individual schools, will she outline what factors will impact the review process, and any subsequent actions, and advise how these may differ between fully state-funded schools and non-provided, grant-funded schools?
Deputy I. Gardiner of St. Helier North (The Minister for Children and Education):
I thank the Deputy for his question. All government-provided schools, whether fee paying or non- fee paying, are reviewed under the Jersey Schools Review Framework every 3 years. It was paused during COVID where we had virtual visits but the rolling plan of reviews are now fully up and running again. Through their grant agreements with the Government, grant-aided schools can be reviewed on the Jersey Schools Review Framework or provide evidence of external inspection, for example, through independent schools inspection, and again it is an every 3-year cycle. They may also choose to join relevant support networks, for example, the Independent Schools Council. The Jersey Schools Review Framework is a supportive and collaborative system to further enhance the effectiveness of education in Jersey through the evaluation, support and challenge of schools and colleges. It is externally led and includes peer review from local schools. The department supports all schools, provided and not provided, to improve, for example, through training and development, in school leadership, S.E.N. (special education needs) and others.
It seems that that was a slight contradiction there saying an "all schools review" but some schools can provide evidence for review. Can I ask the Minister, given that there is a choice of providing separate evidence for a grant-funded school, will the outcomes be comparable across schools in Jersey?
Deputy I. Gardiner :
It is a really good question. This is what I asked when I have been presented with the current arrangements. As it currently stands, we have a 3-year agreement with the grant schools, which agreement includes options for the schools to go through the Jersey Schools Review Framework or to go to independent inspection that they need to publish, for example, that De La Salle published in May 2022. I am going to work with all schools, private, or what they call private, not government- provided schools because I would like to explore the option to work through the Jersey Schools Review Framework, that we will have a comparison, as the Deputy rightly said, across the board within Jersey and not with different frameworks.
The Bailiff :
I am afraid there is no one else who is seeking to ask a question, and there is no final supplementary if there have been no intervening questions.
- Deputy C.S. Alves of St. Helier Central of the Chief Minister regarding an individual's personal data (OQ.18/2023)
Will the Chief Minister advise what work, if any, is being undertaken to reduce the duplication of an individual's personal data across multiple computer systems in different areas of the Government digital infrastructure?
Deputy A. Curtis of St. Clement (Assistant Chief Minister - rapporteur):
The Chief Minister and the questioner have agreed that I can answer this one. So historically most government systems have been considering what are line-of-business applications. These typically store data and personal information in their own form and have limited access to be linked. There are some limited measures in place across systems such as "People Directory" and "Update your Contact Details" to provide some linkage but this is mostly limited to Customer and Local Services and Revenue Jersey. There is some work ongoing to improve these measures further, such as the development of a health demographic service to connect H.I.F. (Health Insurance Fund) systems across a healthcare estate. Having a joined-up approach to our data and a person's identity across government I.T. (information technology) systems is critical to be able to use digital technology to improve an individual's experience of the government, to improve the efficiency of government and to improve the outcomes of government. To support this I am going to be working with my digital group which I Chair; this has members of H.C.S. (Health and Community Services), C.Y.P.E.S. (Children, Young People, Education and Skills), M. and D. (Modernisation and Digital), the Cabinet Office, as well as T. and E. (Treasury and Exchequer), and this is going to be defining a digital strategy and overseeing its delivery. Identity management will be addressed by this Digital Strategy Working Group and it is an area that I am prioritising.
The digital strategy that the Assistant Chief Minister mentioned there and his priorities, is one of them to ensure that we will have a much more centralised system and one that can be accessed across all departments? If so, by when and, if not, why not?
Deputy A. Curtis :
The reality is it is not going to be a single system but what we do need is a considered strategy that allows us to join up data where appropriate. There will always be instances where we cannot join data for data protection and data reasons but we need to be allowed to enable departments that can access and share data to do so and for systems to do that. One obstacle that we are facing to do this is the current structure of the organisation means we hold very little ability to deliver change within the organisation without going to consultancies. I believe one of the key priorities at our Digital Strategy Working Group is going to identify not just what we should prioritise but the methods of delivery of I.T. So I think by bringing in a capability and a skillset in government we should be able to faster prioritise the areas that the Assembly and Government and citizens want through in-house delivery where it may not typically have aligned to project and department.
The Bailiff :
Deputy Scott , could you turn off your light, please? Once you switch your light on, could you look out for me acknowledging you; when I do, could you then switch if off because it stays on for a long time. Thank you very much indeed.
Can I ask the Assistant Chief Minister what budget is being allocated to this project and what is the limit to this budget long term?
Deputy A. Curtis :
The Digital Strategy Working Group is not a project that requires a budget but it is a group of members from across the organisation who are looking at how do we define a strategy that can shape future budgets, so the prioritisation and joining-up of budgets I believe is one key area to deliver savings in I.T. We currently see projects that are stalling or not working efficiently because projects typically align to heads of expenditure or even within that to individual lines of projects. So this project, the Digital Strategy Working Group, does not have a budget and I am not seeking a large increase, or any increase, at the moment in I.T. budget, rather a reprioritisation.
So the group itself does not have a budget but there must be some idea of budget on the digital development. Does the Assistant Chief Minister have an idea of the current spend on I.T. development and what the limit to that will be?
Deputy A. Curtis :
Yes, I do. The budget that we have is split between that that is spent through the Cabinet Office and Modernisation and Digital and by departments. I believe that we have got a breakdown of the Modernisation and Digital spend in the Government Plan. The large amount of revenue expenditure that Modernisation and Digital perform is to run the business which provides us very little leeway to use that as a change enabler within Government as we have typically used capital programmes to fund the change of I.T. So what we will probably need to look towards doing is changing how we approach budgets to increase the revenue element of the Government Plan to invest in elements that incrementally improve the Government's digital I.T. system for both the civil servants and for the public.
Deputy R.J. Ward :
There was no mention of a figure there which was asked for. Is there any possibility of getting an answer like that?
The Bailiff :
Well that was part of the question, are you able to answer that? Deputy A. Curtis :
The budgeting of this system is very complex. I can give you a rough order of magnitude but I think it is best if I take those numbers offline. We do know that some work within Treasury has been looking at the split between budgets within Modernisation and Digital and outside within the departments.
Deputy R.J. Ward :
With respect, I think offline is not the place to do it as a direct question has been asked in the Assembly. So can we have a figure, please?
The Bailiff :
Well, having highlighted the fact it was not answered on the last occasion, it is up to the Deputy how he answers it at this point.
Given that centralisation requires a certain amount of co-operation by the population in terms of overcoming general data protection requirements and one of the main reasons why they may be hesitant to co-operate, could the Assistant Chief Minister please provide some sort of explanation about how he will be able to assure the population on the robustness of cybersecurity in this respect?
Deputy A. Curtis :
I am sure when it comes to cybersecurity the Deputy is aware that there has been significant expenditure on cybersecurity programmes within the Government, both pre the Ukraine crisis and following that to further invest and be robust. I am happy to also answer the question on the data protection side but that is quite different to the element of cybersecurity and trust in Government.
Then by all means answer the question on the G.D.P.R. (General Data Protection Regulation) please. Deputy A. Curtis :
Happily. On the case of a citizen having more trust in a government that joins up its systems, in holding our Digital Strategy Working Group one of the priorities I outlined in a digital government is one that uses data to be more empathetic and in tune with the population and not one that is cold and less empathetic, so using data to make citizens feel more welcome in government and not less.
With the Government being an organisation of over 3,000 employees, how will the Minister ensure that the integration of personal data is going to be fully implemented?
"Fully" is a tough word there and I think it is about prioritisation of systems that need to be integrated based on the user needs. The user in this case might be a citizen, an organisation or the Government. What I would like us to do is to prioritise the systems that get both the most use by citizens and can deliver the best outcomes for citizens if they are not being directly used. I think the way we will achieve a faster delivery and rollout of integration is by having greater capability within Government to solve these problems and building up a skillset that can work project after project within government, understanding our I.T. estate rather than bringing in people who have to learn, onboard and then leave at a far higher cost.
My question also relates to data protection. The Assistant Chief Minister referenced that there were some data protection issues that prevented some work being done. Could he outline exactly what those issues are, please?
Deputy A. Curtis :
My understanding is that a current department are their own data controllers, so the work I am referring to is that when a department wishes to share data with another department they must be creating a data-sharing agreement with that department. The example of the department I think with the most data-sharing agreements, or a fair number, would be Customer and Local Services who have a right under certain circumstances to access that data. That is not an issue, that is a design insecurity, but we may be able to come up with a solution that allows sharing of data while protecting the individual.
What instructions have Ministers given to departments to put data-sharing agreements in place and have Ministers considered reducing the number of data controllers to make data sharing perhaps more suitable for the purposes?
Deputy A. Curtis :
To my awareness, I have not instructed any departments to place any data-sharing agreements in place but I am open to talking with Ministers about how that will work. There will be both the process side of enabling data-sharing agreements and the technical side to having systems that could integrate once an agreement is in place. If I could ask the Deputy to remind me of the second part of her question.
Deputy L.V. Feltham :
It was whether Ministers have considered perhaps reducing the number of data controllers within the Government.
Deputy A. Curtis :
Yes, this is something that I have discussed with officers and I think we will be pursuing with the Digital Strategy Working Group.
Nowadays it seems that all the systems for the Government and everybody else are very reliant on the internet. We have seen in the news lately that Italy had a total breakdown of the internet for a few days. In the event that that can occur anywhere, including Jersey, do we have an appropriate resilience and contingency plan in case that happens to make sure that the data can be still accessed but also protected?
I thank the Deputy for her question. This is an area that I have identified with the department about the growing trend of cloud computing where a lot of services are hosted in external providers' data centres. I have highlighted that I believe we may need to have an approach to our own data ownership and systems ownership that goes beyond that of what a company may need because as a Government we offer a lot of critical national infrastructure through our I.T. estate. We will look at that as, again, a "how do we deliver I.T. and technology" through our Digital Strategy Working Group; that is a point that we will be looking at, and I take any observations that the Deputy has on that.
Has any consideration been given to enable citizens to access their data digitally or online as and when they require it, as is the case in some other countries?
Deputy A. Curtis :
I thank the Deputy for her supplementary. This is very high on my agenda and I have spoken with officers about multiple parts of the Government I.T. infrastructure in which data should be accessible and is not. It is a priority to me that a system's trust in Government is understanding what data they have and their ability to propose changes and to have a global, joined-up approach will be less bureaucratic. I welcome any feedback from Members as to where they believe the prioritisation lies based on how their constituents report to them.
- Deputy G.P. Southern of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding contractual requirements for evening and weekend work for hospital staff (OQ.11/2023)
Does the Minister accept recommendation 5 of the Comptroller and Auditor General's report dated 24th January 2023, which recommends that Government implements contractual requirements to work evening and weekends for all staff involved in the delivery of services in the hospital; and, if so, when will she deliver on this objective?
Deputy K. Wilson (The Minister for Health and Social Services):
As outlined in the code of practice for engagement between Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee and the Executive, it is for the relevant chief officer, not the Minister, to respond to the recommendations of the Comptroller and Auditor General. Furthermore, I would note that the report the Deputy refers to, which is our point 7/2023, has only been available for 10 working days and contains 21 recommendations.
The code of practice is clear that it allows a period not exceeding 6 weeks for the Executive to respond to the Public Accounts Committee. In light of this, I would not want to pre-empt a response which is to be presented to the States Assembly in due course, especially if doing so would override any well-established process.
I can almost feel the officer while he wrote that response, and I congratulate him for it, and to the Minister for using it. However, the reference is to a previous C. and A.G.'s (Comptroller and Auditor General) report some time back that said this is the way forward. On the current report it says very clearly on page 29: "Not implemented." Could the Minister say why it has not been implemented in quite a significant length of time?
Deputy K. Wilson :
My reference in the question is the report dated 24th January and, as I have stated, the report has only been available for 10 working days. I would prefer to have some sufficient time to advise and receive the advice of officers to come to an informed position. I would suggest the Deputy waits for that presentation, which will be no later than Tuesday, 7th March.
- Deputy R.S. Kovacs of the Minister for Children and Education regarding the free school meals programme (OQ.21/2023)
Will the Minister provide an update of the progress of the free school meals programme, including details as to which schools will be included and when the programme is intended to start within each school?
Deputy I. Gardiner (The Minister for Children and Education):
I thank the Deputy for her question. The plan is to roll out the school meals programme to all government-provided primary schools. Secondary schools have already a hot meal service. Further to the answer to the Written Questions 218 and 249 from October last year, the project team are currently looking to upscale the model to meet the 4,000 school meals requirement, assessing the current methodology and making recommendations to ensure delivery. Once this has been completed, more details to rollout, including a timeline for all provided primary schools, will be shared. I expect to be able to announce further details of the rollout plan by the end of March 2023 this year.
I have also understood from previous responses to this that it is also due to some schools not having the kitchen facilities ready. Where those kitchen facilities are ready and the programme is ready to start, could that be implemented sooner and, if not, why not?
Deputy I. Gardiner :
I thank the Deputy . I cannot be more frustrated than anyone else because I was part of the Back- Benchers from the previous term who pushed for the school meals. The methodology that was used for 5 schools is currently impossible. I wish I could. I tried all possible ways to increase and to add at least another one school or 2 schools; I tried to do it. So we are definitely now in the process to establish a sustainable way to deliver. When each school would receive and will be enrolled in the programme I will announce by the end of March 2023, as indicated previously.
It is clear that the project has been held up by inability to scale up production, not necessarily the provisioning schools of facilities. Can I ask, when the contract was issued, was it clear that there would be a problem with scale in production or was that something that has arisen since the contract was given?
Deputy I. Gardiner :
I thank the Deputy . I worked a lot with Deputy Ward in the previous term on this one and you are absolutely right. It is the production and what is clear, the contract was issued before my time, long before my time in the job. First it was 2 schools and after, 3 schools were added. When 3 schools were added and a methodology was developed there was no capacity. There is no contract. I could not extend the contract; I wish I could extend the contract. I asked if I could extend the contract and include more schools and go to different providers. This is the reason that we needed to go back to say: "What is the sustainable way to deliver 4,000 meals?" Because what is important for me is that
I will not deliver, and I will not be able to because there is no capacity within the system, so I am creating now this system that will have enough capacity to deliver this.
May I ask, the publicity of this was great that we were going to have free school meals in all of our schools. Parents in really, really needy areas in the centre of St. Helier , for example, looked forward to that very much. Could I ask the Minister, does she feel that perhaps the wrong areas were prioritised first in order to get the maximum impact of the provision of free school meals and where they are most needed, i.e., in the centre of St. Helier where there is a concentration of need?
Deputy I. Gardiner :
I cannot agree more but this is what I found: I did not add any schools; I found 5 schools in the system; that there needs to be a trial how the school meals can be delivered to the schools outside of St. Helier . It is important to emphasise there are other schools not in St. Helier . There are several schools that I visited, and was surprised, in suburban areas that have a very similar need. Personally, for me, the St. Helier schools because of their urgent needs will be prioritised but I need the capacity to deliver these meals. It was not my decision, I found this system, I am in the job 7 months. I got the money in the Government Plan to have £1,600,000 towards this project, and it would be delivered. There is full commitment from myself, from the Chief Minister and from the Council of Ministers to prioritise the delivery.
We have heard that the main problem is the capacity. What exactly is needed for the programme to be able to be delivered in all the schools that it is needed and sort this capacity? While this capacity and methodology is sorted, does the Minister intend to look at offering free meals to secondary schools as well?
Deputy I. Gardiner :
There are several questions and I will try to respond to all of them. It is really important not to underestimate the scale and complexity of the task. If it was simple to cook 4,000 meals a day safely, transport to schools, serve to schools, clean after and make sure that you are prepared for another day; it is the whole logistics from the preparation, cooking, delivery, serving. I would invite the Deputy and other Deputies to join for the lunchtime and see how it works in practice and how much operation is involved. I have done it with several Ministers, including the Chief Minister. They have each gone to different schools to see how it is working. It is a lot of work required to upscale production to the level and the service and the staff of the schools because we do not want to put extra burden on the teachers. We need to make sure that it is all delivered without extra burden on the teaching staff. Secondary schools: definitely we are looking to introduce free secondary school meals for children with Jersey Premium and work is in progress as well for this year.
Does the Chief Minister stand by her previous voting record in wanting the proportion of affordable homes delivered by the States of Jersey Development Company on the Waterfront and South Hill increased from 15 to 30 per cent, and if not, why not?
Deputy K.L. Moore (The Chief Minister):
I do stand by my voting record across the various propositions regarding affordable housing which have come before this Assembly. Some of those propositions have been successful and others of course have not, and I respect the primacy of the Assembly. I voted for 30 per cent of affordable homes on the Waterfront and at South Hill but that proposition was defeated. This Government has made it clear that we need to deliver more affordable housing and of course we have made that commitment clear by identifying the site at St. Saviour 's Hospital as one that should be for affordable housing. That includes particularly for key and critical workers who we want to deliver services for and maintain a strong and vibrant economy. Housing is still and remains a theme of relentless focus for this Government as we seek to meet our current and our future challenges.
That answer sounds like the Chief Minister has given up on the prospect of getting a better use out of the Waterfront and South Hill. Does the Chief Minister recall that the guidance that was issued as a result of those previous propositions stated that it was to be a minimum of 15 per cent and that in actual fact she can still act in accordance with States Assembly decisions by seeking to increase that to 30 per cent as was her preference previously? Will she therefore, as head of the Government, use the discretion she has to issue direction to the States of Jersey Development Company that they ought to come back with plans for a greater proportion of affordable homes on those sites?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
Well, that is a rather different proposition and I am sure I would have to talk to my Ministerial colleagues. I think, as I have outlined in my first answer, we have identified sites that are suitable for affordable housing and the relevant bodies, particularly Andium, are now fully focused on assisting us in achieving that. We are also in the process of identifying further sites because we do respect and absolutely acknowledge, as the Minister for Health and Social Services pointed out earlier in her answers to questions, the real need to do so.
In respect to credit lending when we have got developments where there is scale and we see there is a fixed percentage of 15 per cent of affordable housing, do you think there could potentially be elements of risk in terms of the viability of such projects being pursued if the percentage is increased to 30 per cent?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
Well, the Deputy is quite right. I think, if I think back to the time of that debate, that was one of the key points that the Jersey Development Company put to States Members. There was a vigorous pushback from particularly directors of the S.o.J.D.C. (States of Jersey Development Company) and we do have to take into account the experience and expertise that they bring to their roles on that board and we will have to listen to them. It is always about finding balance, it is about finding a proportionate way forward but there is no point in having a body such as the J.D.C. if we do not enable them to deliver as they see fit.
In relation to the 15 per cent that is maintained, is it the belief that having this percentage can provide reinvested capital for future projects compared to increasing the percentage from 15 per cent upwards?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
Well I think that that is part of the deal. There has been an amount of money returned to the public and an amount set aside for public realm projects which we are still looking forward to seeing delivered.
Can I ask the Chief Minister, what would her definition of affordable be of this 15 to 30 per cent of homes?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
Well I think greater expertise than mine might be needed and of course affordable is a difficult thing to define, particularly in light of changing circumstances and inflationary pressures. I would look perhaps to the Andium Homebuy Scheme that delivers affordable homes for sale to members of the public and we are really pleased with the progress that they have been able to make.
The converse of affordable is unaffordable and what we are looking at is 70 per cent of these homes being unaffordable. Is the Chief Minister happy that we are building on States-owned land unaffordable homes that will inevitably go to buy-to-let investors because no one else can buy them?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
If we stick to the facts I think that J.D.C. have on a number of occasions shared with Members the numbers of buy-to-let investors who have purchased their sites and units to date and there is a high percentage of owner occupation as well in those units. Of course, markets always have a variety of different price levels.
Affordability is of course essential for our young people, for our key workers and for many other members of our community. We are, as I pointed out earlier, absolutely focused on ensuring that there are enough units of affordable accommodation to ensure that Islanders have hope for the future and see a bright future for themselves in this wonderful Island. I will leave it at that.
Deputy G.P. Southern :
Could I have a point of clarification before we
The Bailiff :
There are no points of clarification that arise during question time, Deputy Southern . Deputy G.P. Southern :
How right you are.
The Bailiff :
But you have not yet asked a question and there is probably time if you want to put yourself down for a question.
Given that we are in a housing crisis and the Council of Ministers have housing as one of their key priorities, I was quite surprised to hear the Chief Minister say in answer to Deputy Mézec 's question about the previous proposition in the Assembly that she would have to go and speak to other Ministers about it. Could she confirm if she has had any conversations with Ministers about increasing the proportion of affordable housing on those sites?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
I am not generally one to look backwards; I tend to look forwards. Myself and my Ministers have been looking forwards at what we can do in terms of delivery and I have outlined that this morning. It is not something that we have considered. We indeed could do that but I think that at the moment
we are in a positive place in terms of identifying potential and appropriate sites for a greater number of affordable homes and we now need to get on with delivering the supply because it is all about supply.
Would the Chief Minister confirm to the Assembly whether she will instruct the Minister for Housing and Communities or not to look at increasing the numbers of affordable homes on the Jersey Development Company sites?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
I think the viability of that will most certainly depend upon where the Jersey Development Company are in terms of their planning. It is a most difficult process to plan for a major development and of course the costings of that are critical. Therefore, we cannot suddenly turn around and tell them that they have to rework those costings if they are at a certain point in progressing to delivery. I would prefer to see them deliver and use a site that is identified for development and therefore we can get on with delivering in other places which of course we are doing.
The Minister in her speech not a few minutes ago referred to a list of those who bought J.D.C. properties and the types of people who bought or rented, can she state where those lists are to be found because I have not come across them before?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
I do believe that the Jersey Development Company has provided that information to States Members on at least one occasion. I do not have it to hand but I am sure we could ask for it again and recirculate it to Members.
Deputy G.P. Southern :
Will the Chief Minister do so? Deputy K.L. Moore :
I think that is what I just offered to do.
Is it the case from this Chief Minister that having once held a decent position when it comes to the Waterfront and South Hill that she has reverted to a position which is identical to her Alliance Party predecessor. Some better way, huh? Would this Chief Minister like to take a second look at these projects, given that not only has not a single brick been laid but planning permission has not even been given. We are talking about publicly-owned land, a publicly-owned developer and that she would be making better use of her time looking at those projects rather than telling us: "Oh, it is okay because there will be some affordable homes on the St. Saviour 's Hospital site about 5 years from now." Would that not be a better way to take?
Deputy K.L. Moore :
Of course I will be happy to ask the Jersey Development Company if there is potential for that but, as I identified in an earlier answer, it very much depends on the process of getting that development ready for its planning application. I am not sighted at the moment on where they are in that process and certainly there is a better way and I think we are well on the road to delivery.
- Deputy G.P. Southern of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding clinical negligence insurance and also a private patient strategy (OQ.12/2023)
Does the Minister accept recommendations 6 and 7 of the Comptroller and Auditor General's report dated 24th January 2023 to "review the arrangements for the funding of clinical negligence insurance to ensure that they match the objectives of future clinical models and the future private patient strategy" and to "develop, publish and implement a Government of Jersey private patient strategy"; and, if not why not?
Deputy K. Wilson (The Minister for Health and Social Services):
As stated in my response to Oral Question 7, I would not want to pre-empt a response which is to be presented to the States Assembly in due course and, again, I would restate, especially if it would override well-established processes.
I did not hear an answer in any shape or form to my question. What I would refer to is the statement on the report referring to a previous report, at least 2 years old, that says: "Recommendations 6 and 7 have not been implemented." Will the Minister state why not? What has taken priority over this policy of being competitive with other practices? What has taken over from it?
Deputy K. Wilson :
I have stated previously, I do not want to repeat myself, but I really cannot answer with any other information which is to say the report has only been available for 10 working days. Yes, it may well have made reference to previous actions that have not been implemented but I would prefer to have the information and sufficient time to receive the response from officers and come to an informed position regarding the recommendations. I would suggest that if the Deputy could await the presentation of the Executive's response, which I have said before will be no later than Tuesday, 7th March, I would be happy to respond on that basis.
The Bailiff :
Very well, then we come to question 11 that Deputy Deputy R.J. Ward :
I did have my light on.
The Bailiff :
I beg your pardon, I could well have just missed that.
I would like to ask the Minister, given that we are at the stage again of developing a hospital, is it not vital that a Jersey private patient strategy is developed before the facilities are developed for the next 30, 40, 50 years and beyond?
Deputy K. Wilson :
As I have said, I will wait for the response from officers on the position around the recommendations and will be able to respond to the Deputy on that basis.
May I ask the Minister whether she feels that a new hospital and a Jersey private patient strategy needs to be developed at the same time or whether the private patient strategy needs to come first so that we know what we are building and what public money might be being spent on to provide private healthcare?
Deputy K. Wilson :
I cannot be drawn into a debate about what comes first or second in this. As I have said, I want to wait for the response so that I come from an informed position and I will be able to give the Deputy a response in due course.
What I would like to do with the final supplementary is to suggest that the Chair examines the answers given because it seems to me what we have heard is officer-led responses which have deliberately not answered the question, pointing out that previous reports from the C. and A.G. have not been implemented, and that in fact the officers and the Minister have effectively refused to answer the question I have been asking.
The Bailiff :
I will look at the answers to the questions that have been given, Deputy Southern , but generally speaking if a Minister addresses the question, and addressing the question can simply be: "I cannot answer it at this point" then the consequences generally that fall are political and not procedural as within this Assembly but I certainly will look at the terms of the answer if you wish me to do so. Very well, we come now to question 11 that Deputy Ward will ask of the Minister for Social Security.
Deputy R.J. Ward :
Sorry, I was a bit previous there. What I was going to say is the question has been answered in Written Question 33 from Deputy Feltham , so I do not need to ask it but I will take the opportunity to say that great minds think alike.
The Bailiff :
There is no opportunity for clarification as to which great minds you are thinking of, Deputy Rob Ward , but there we are.
- Deputy M.B. Andrews of the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services regarding trade, investment and tax agreements (OQ.10/2023)
How many trade, investment, or tax agreements are currently being negotiated which are expected to be finalised in 2023?
Deputy P.F.C. Ozouf of St. Saviour (The Minister for External Relations and Financial
I thank the Deputy for the question. External Relations leads and co-ordinates a negotiation of international agreements in line with the updated Common Policy on External Relations. We have a target of the number of agreements we sign each year; generally 3 this year. These include trade, investment and tax agreements. There is a whole range of bilateral and multilateral agreements. The precise timings of when each agreement can be finalised depends on the other jurisdictions or jurisdictions' negotiations. In parallel, in progressing new agreements, External Relations also works with Revenue Jersey and the Minister for Treasury and Resources to make amendments of older tax agreements which are required to bring in line with global standards. The Minister and I hope to bring a number of these to the Assembly in the autumn. As far as international standards on tax are concerned, we also expect it may be necessary to sign new multilateral or bilateral agreements in the area of tax and this includes agreements to implement the O.E. C.D . (Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development) Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 on the digitalisation of the global economy. Details are going to become clear later this year but I was pleased, with the Minister for Treasury and
Resources, to brief the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel on those agreements. Finally on trade agreements, I should say that Jersey does not negotiate trade agreements in its own right; however, in line with our established constitutional position, we seek to advance Jersey's interests through working with the United Kingdom. Since Brexit this is a new competence that the United Kingdom has and, as Members will know, there are a number of agreements: the C.P.T.P.P. (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) and its bilateral negotiations with India, Canada, Mexico, Israel, Ukraine, Greenland and also the G.C.C. (Gulf Co- operation Council). It is impossible to say when all these negotiations will conclude but I will keep Members informed as negotiations and public information is available.
In relation to Jersey's internal sovereignty and the powers that he retains in terms of his Executive powers, is the Minister hoping to be arranging future agreements without the need to have the U.K. be first of all having to agree in principle before then going through our legislature?
Deputy P.F.C. Ozouf :
We do seek effectively entrustments from the United Kingdom in a number of different respects to negotiate certain different types of agreements. We have an entrustment in relation to international tax agreements, we have entrustments in relation to the bilateral investment treaty in respect of the U.A.E. (United Arab Emirates) and we seek to advance others where there are jobs and growth and a benefit for the people of Jersey. We seek those entrustments and we will not hesitate to do so.
Deputy M.R. Scott :
I thank the Minister for providing his delivery plan really after this question originally was drafted. Could the Minister please identify what percentage of his busy agenda for work in his portfolio relates to financial affairs?
The Bailiff :
I am sorry, I think that is outside the scope of the original question which related to trade, investment or tax agreements not financial affairs.
Very well, there is no valid supplementary question there, so there is no further supplementary, Deputy Andrews .
- Deputy L.J. Farnham of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding support for care workers during the pandemic (OQ.14/2023)
I think the Minister partially answered this in her response to my final supplementary of the last question but will the Minister indicate what proportion of the approximately £700,000 allocated to support the care sector during the height of the pandemic in 2021 was utilised and in what way; and further advise how many carers were recruited as a result of this funding and what proportion of the remaining funds were reallocated to support the care sector going forward?
Deputy K. Wilson (The Minister for Health and Social Services):
Firstly, I would just like to clarify that it was not £700,000 that was allocated, it was less than that. It was £621,500 and this came from the Fiscal Stimulus Fund for a project known as the Domiciliary Care Market Stimulation. Of that funding, £195,548, equivalent to 31.5 per cent of the fund, was used as described by the project. All unspent funds were returned to the Treasury at the end of the financial year. The project was set up to provide targeted, temporary and timely support to encourage skills development and new employees into the domiciliary care market. In total 33 new staff were recruited into the sector and 55 existing employees were upskilled as part of the training programme that was offered.
I thank the Minister for correcting me. I knew it was approximately £700,000 but I could not quite remember and it is good to hear that 33 carers were recruited. I am presuming the balance remained with the Fiscal Stimulus Fund, which is fine, but I think the Minister, she gave a commitment previously to investigate further funding for the domiciliary care market, so I will hold her to that and wish her well with her endeavours. Thank you. After all of that, I am not asking a supplementary, I do apologise.
The Bailiff :
Well that is probably a rather long way of giving a speech during the course of question time, Deputy , so perhaps we will avoid that going forward, if we may. Thank you very much.
Deputy K. Wilson :
Sorry, can I just correct what the Deputy said about commitment to domiciliary care. I think what I said
The Bailiff :
It was not a question; there is nothing to answer. Very well, that ends questions with notice. We come to questions without notice. The first period is for the Minister for Home Affairs. Connétable of Trinity .
Could I ask the Minister if she agrees with me that the Honorary Police provide a vital service to the Island of Jersey and save considerable expense to the public purse but a burden on the Parishes is the cost of the very excellent training which is provided by the States of Jersey Police to the honorary officers. Does she consider that perhaps some of that, if not all of that cost of training, should be provided centrally? Secondly, while I am on my feet, there is another area of cost which is vitally important in the TETRA radios which we have which provide valuable communications and, most importantly, facility for officer safety and that is a significant burden on the Parish, if there was any scope to do anything.
Deputy H. Miles of St. Brelade (The Minister for Home Affairs):
Thank you, Connétable , for that question. The Assembly will know that I am a vociferous supporter of the Honorary Police and the honorary system which has served our Island so well for so long. I think we have all seen the contribution that they have made recently to the disaster at Haut du Mont and also the flooding at Grands Vaux. The honorary services has provided that just voluntarily and I think it is a matter that we need to look into further. Certainly there was a report done some years ago which was unable to put a figure on monetary terms of the value that is provided to this Island by the Honorary Police. If we look across the water to the United Kingdom, the other police have special forces, they have police community support officers, and it certainly is not a requirement for local communities to be funding things like uniforms and training. We have an opportunity with the development of the Civil Contingencies Law to relook at this issue, and I have already asked my officers to reconsider a different funding model, specifically for the training, but also for the cost of the TETRA radio. It would be inconceivable for Honorary Police services to drop off of that radio system because obviously connectivity in times of emergency and even standard patrol is absolutely necessary.
The Bailiff :
A supplemental, Connétable ?
The Connétable of Trinity :
No, thank you. I just thank the Minister for her response.
The tourism industry and many other industry sectors in Jersey are suffering from severe staff and skill shortages. Would the Minister be able to please update the Assembly as to the progress being made in adapting and improving the current 9-month work permit scheme, which I think is far too restrictive in its current format for the prevailing economic circumstances?
Deputy H. Miles :
I thank the Deputy for his question. When it comes to work permit policy, I and my officers have been very carefully considering changes that might need to be made in light of the challenges being faced by employers and employees across some sectors. When our work permit policy was developed in the early 1980s, it was designed to keep people out and make sure that people did not come to Jersey and gain their housing qualifications and stay too long and take jobs away from local residents. Clearly, we are in a very different position now but it is important that we strike the right balance between enabling appropriate and necessary migration to the Island but also ensuring security of our border because we are an entry point into the Common Travel Area. It is well acknowledged, I think probably every representative when they were campaigning on the doorstep picked up the fact that employers do not feel that current work permit rules work well for them. It is the case for those sectors to present me with a robust business case to consider changing our work permit rules. The hospitality industry have done that. The work permit policy is currently evolving, so I do anticipate making some amendments to the work permit policy for both hospitality and agricultural sectors. Labour shortages across the hospitality sector have resulted in a review of our temporary hospitality work permit routes and my intention is to introduce a new 12-month temporary hospitality route that can be extended on a yearly basis up to a maximum period of 3 years. At the end of that work permit period, the employee will be expected to leave the Island for a period equal to the time that they have spent in Jersey under work permit conditions. I would like to say as well that under a 3 month
The Bailiff :
Minister, the normal rule is one minute, 30 seconds for an answer. You are pretty well at 2 minutes now, so if you could
Deputy H. Miles :
I am so sorry.
Can I thank the Minister for her answer? I think it is very welcome; it will provide some welcome relief to those people who are preparing now for the summer season in recruiting staff. Could I just perhaps ask for the Minister's assurance that these welcome changes to the permit will be in place as soon as possible so businesses can start preparing for the summer?
Deputy H. Miles : Yes, I can confirm that.
Is it the Minister's intention to improve legislation for firearms and ammunition ownership during her tenure?
Deputy H. Miles :
I thank the Connétable for the question. Yes, on my Ministerial delivery plan you will see the plan for 2024 is a review of the Firearms Law. The current Firearms Law started in 1995, was implemented in 2000. We are in a very different situation to where we were 22 years ago. The review, having said that, will focus on risk and safety issues.
The Bailiff :
A supplemental, Connétable ?
The Connétable of St. Martin :
No, but I thank the Minister for that because it really does need tightening up.
It is Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week. What additional training, if any, is being provided for front line officers in assisting them with dealing with the matters of these offences?
Deputy H. Miles :
I thank the Deputy for her question. There was a very comprehensive response to a written question earlier. All emergency services, but particularly the States of Jersey Police, receive very specific training to deal with sexual offences and also domestic abuse. That is also part of the wider safeguarding training regime that the States of Jersey is aiming to deliver to anybody who comes across vulnerable people, be they children or adults.
Does the Minister have an understanding, or does she track whether the number of lone patrols by police officers is increasing and, if so, what is the trend?
Deputy H. Miles :
The issue of lone patrols and lone working is one that has always taxed police forces, clearly because of the resource implications. Any lone patrol is operated on the basis of a risk assessment and it is the same for lone officers operating in police vehicles.
Deputy R.J. Ward :
The question was about whether there was an awareness of trend. I do feel I am using all my supplementaries to ask the first question again.
The Bailiff :
So you are basically saying, could the Minister answer the question concerning trend, if she is aware of one?
Deputy R.J. Ward :
Yes, an awareness. There may not be; that is fair enough. The Bailiff :
Are you aware of trend?
Deputy H. Miles :
I am not aware of any trend and certainly not a concerning trend.
Does the Minister have any concerns over if there are more lone patrols that they can lead to greater risk for officers and, in particular, with the greater issuing of tasers it may lead to the greater use of those devices because of the situation that a lone officer finds himself in?
Deputy H. Miles :
As I said in my first answer, any lone patrols are only operated after a significant risk assessment. I should also make the point that officers who are equipped with Taser are carefully trained to deal with those as a less lethal weapon. So I would certainly hope that there would be no more risk attached to a lone patrol providing risk assessment has been carried out effectively.
Talking about great minds thinking alike, the Constable of St. Martin asked my intended question so plan B is to ask the Minister to elaborate please on the process that she will be undertaking of the review of the Firearms Law.
Deputy H. Miles :
The review of the Firearms Law will not be throwing the existing law out with the bathwater, as it were. It will be to go through each of the Articles and to understand whether each of those Articles are still fit for purpose in 2023. There is absolutely no intention to impede the bona fide hobby of sport shooting over here but I certainly do have the intention of tightening up some of the risk and safety factors, particularly around, for example, those referees of firearms permit applicants.
5.6.1 The Connétable of St. Lawrence :
How much public consultation does the Minister intend to undertake and with what specific groups? Deputy H. Miles :
In the past in 1995 we had a Firearms Law Liaison Group. That body did not dissolve and was still in place until about 2018. I aim to take a slightly different approach this time which will bring focused consultation according to the focused changes that we wish to make. I have already approached some of the Connétable s to be part of the group because clearly the Connétable s are responsible for issuing firearms licensing in Jersey. Any changes to the law ultimately will be brought before the Assembly who will decide to make those changes.
I was very pleased to hear about the changes to permits with respect to the hospitality industry. I would like to ask the Minister to provide similar information in respect of the agricultural sector, and also by when does she expect these changes to be implemented.
Deputy H. Miles :
I thank the Deputy for the question. There are labour shortages that are directly associated with horticulture which have been brought to my attention. What I intend to do is incorporate both landscape gardening and tree surgery into the agricultural route which had previously been limited to farming. Employers in those businesses will be able to recruit those with the necessary skills to fulfil vacant posts for a period not exceeding 9 months, and then those permit holders will then have to leave the Island for a minimum period of 3 months. While implementing those changes it is important to say that employers will need to meet all the existing criteria around suitable accommodation available of a good standard to support the health and well-being of those employees.
Could the Minister please say by when she expects these changes to be taking effect? Deputy H. Miles :
Apologies, I should have answered the second part of the question. These changes, both to hospitality and agriculture, will be taking place imminently.
This is a follow-on question from the questions about permits that have already been asked, and I thank the Minister very much indeed for her replies. I am very pleased now that landscape gardeners are going to be included in agriculture but I just wondered if she has any thought that they may be able to extend their permits for a year as well as in hospitality.
Deputy H. Miles :
I would treat that sector the same way that we treated hospitality and I would expect to see a business case from landscaping businesses, and we would need to be assured that there is sufficient work and that those vacancies cannot be fulfilled from within the Island before we would extend the policy to 12 months.
When juvenile crime occurs on the Island both social workers and prison officers agree that the solution of imprisoning those minors at La Moye is not the appropriate solution. We have seen in the media that that had to happen because we do not have the appropriate space for accommodating the needs of those children at Greenfields. Can the Minister confirm if an appropriate site would be made in place for these kinds of situations and when can we see something done?
Deputy H. Miles :
From a criminal justice perspective I do not propose to be seeing the construction of buildings that would imprison children. I think the question is probably better directed to my colleague as the Minister for Children, Young People, Education and Skills, who has responsibility for secure accommodation of young people.
Maybe I did not phrase it rightly. For them to have an appropriate secure space when that occurs, but I understood it is in the remit of the Minister of Home Affairs to find that secure space and the programme in case juvenile crime occurs.
Deputy H. Miles :
Just to clarify, that once a young person is sentenced to custody or detention by the court there is what we call a placement panel who will decide the most appropriate place for that young person. In all circumstances that should be secure accommodation and at the moment that place should be Greenfields. As the Assembly will know, as a community we failed miserably in that we ended up having to imprison a 15 year-old at La Moye this year. That person has since been released and I am of the opinion that no other children should be imprisoned at La Moye.
The Bailiff :
That ends the time available for questions to this Minister without notice. We turn now to questions to the Minister for Infrastructure.
May I ask the Minister, given that Jersey Bulls have had to withdraw from the combined counties premier league cup due to costs, will the Minister consider removing the fees that they pay to use the public facility at Springfield, even for a temporary period, in order to support them financially?
Deputy T. Binet (The Minister for Infrastructure):
I would like to thank the Deputy for his question. That is a point of detail of which I am not aware but I am certainly happy to look into it and to get back to him.
There is an urgency, I would say to the Minister, that the club is supported because unfortunately, or fortunately for us, it is a victim of its own success in cup competitions and if we want as an Island to promote ourselves this is one way to do it. So I would ask the Minister to meet with myself as soon as possible to perhaps try and facilitate that exact process and really help the Jersey Bulls out and support them, as many of us do on Saturdays.
Deputy T. Binet :
Without further details I could not commit to anything financially at the moment but I am certainly happy to commit to meeting the Deputy at the earliest possible time.
The Minister and the Assistant Minister for the Environment with responsibility for energy and climate wrote 2 separate letters to Grands Vaux residents yesterday. As the Ministers are working in a collaborative Government why did they both not co-sign the same letter?
Deputy T. Binet :
I think that is quite simple. I think the Minister for the Environment wanted to relay one message and I wanted to relay one of my own. It is probably right and proper that we do offer our individual thoughts.
In the Assistant Minister's letter she refers to the Minister mistakenly estimating the cost to install rainwater drainage for £60 million when it was more likely to be in the region of £200 million. How did the Minister come to make such an inaccurate estimate and how will he ensure that other estimates given by him in relation to other spending are more accurate?
Deputy T. Binet :
It is a nice one and I am quite happy to say that it might well happen again. In instances where you are dealing with emergencies and sometimes you are called to make comments with very, very little notice, you can pick up the phone and ask somebody for the back of a cigarette packet estimate and that is what you give out, and if you make a mistake or it is inaccurate you give further details and the reasons why. As I say, yes, it happened on this occasion, probably quite likely to happen again, but I think people can take it for what it is.
Would the Minister update the Assembly on his progress in fulfilling the agreements agreed by the States last year in P.61 which, in case he is not familiar with the proposition, requested the Minister to ensure that changing rooms and toilet facilities at the Havre des Pas Lido are available all year around for those intrepid swimmers who are swimming through the winter.
Deputy T. Binet :