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States Minutes 10th December 1985

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THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 10th December, 1985 at 10.15 a.m. under the Presidency of the Bailiff ,

Sir Frank Ereaut. ____________

His Excellency The Lieutenant Governor, Admiral Sir William Pillar, G.B.E., K.C.B., was present.


All members were present ____________

Prayers ____________

Subordinate legislation tabled.

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely –

  1. Post Office (Foreign Post Provisions) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) Order, 1985. R & O 7448.
  2. Parish  Rate  (Form  of  Documents)  (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Order, 1985. R & O 7449.

Matter lodged.

The following subject was lodged "au Greffe" –

Draft  Judicial  Fees  (Amendment  No. 5)  (Jersey) Regulations, 198 . P.155/85.

Presented by the Finance and Economics Committee.

337   Price : £1.50

Le Marais Estate, St. Clement : further development. P.142/85.

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Housing Committee that consideration of the Proposition regarding further development at Le Marais Estate, St. Clement (lodged on 12th November, 1985) be deferred from the present Sitting to a later date.

Almorah Crescent, St. Helier . Questions and answers.

Deputy Sir Martin Le Quesne of St. Saviour asked the Connétable of St. John , President of the Island Development Committee, the following questions –

"Will the President inform the House –

  1. whether his Committee has received an application for financial assistance towards the cost of the maintenance of the façade of Almorah Crescent and what the Committee's answer was?
  2. what are the principles according to which the Committee decides its reply to applications of this kind?"

The President of the Island Development Committee replied as follows –

"1. My Committee inherited correspondence from the

previous Committee regarding possible grant-aid for the preservation of the façade of Almorah Crescent.

As a result, I went shortly after taking up the Presidency (1st March, 1985) to discuss the matter on site with the Chairman of the Proprietors of the Crescent. At the end of that meeting, I told him that, whereas it could take time to arrive at an Island-wide grant-aid scheme, I would seek to acquire funds in the next Committee budget for a pilot scheme related to Almorah Crescent.

In the event, a sum of £30,000 was inscribed in the Committee's Estimates for 1986 for this purpose. Unfortunately, it fell victim to the cuts pressed by the Finance and Economics Committee in respect of sums over the target prescribed for the Committee and was deleted from the 1986 Budget.

An officer of the Committee attended a meeting of the Proprietors on 17th October and informed them accordingly.

The Committee is, however, taking further steps to which I will refer when answering the second question.

2.  The principles according to which the Committee decides its reply to such applications are –

  1. the first principle is that established by the Island Planning Law which requires that no person shall execute any works for the demolition of a listed building, or for its extension or alteration in any manner which would seriously affect its character without the prior consent of the Committee. The present position is therefore effectively that an owner is entirely responsible for the maintenance of the character of a listed building.
  2. however, it seems unreasonable that an owner should bear often abnormal costs in maintaining a listed building, when the purpose of such listing is that of contributing to the heritage of the community. A second principle therefore emerges that the community should contribute to its maintenance to the extent of the abnormal costs associated with its special character.

This second principle is addressed in the Chapter on the Built Environment in Volume II of the Island Plan. During its consideration, the States will have the opportunity of deciding whether they wish to provide the level of resources necessary to review the listing of buildings of architectural or historic interest, and for their grant-aided preservation."

Queen's Valley Reservoir. Questions and answers.

Senator Jane Patricia Sandeman asked Deputy Donald George Filleul of St. Helier , President of the Public Works Committee, the following questions –

"Queen's Valley Reservoir will have a storage capacity of 250 million gallons and an anticipated yield of 450 million gallons –

  1. will the President give the estimated amount –
  1. of250 m.g. of water for storage; and
  2. of450 m.g. of yield

which will come from the Queen's Valley catchment area?

  1. what is the estimated shortfall in the amount of water required to meet the projected storage capacity and yield of Queen's Valley reservoir?
  2. how will this shortfall be overcome?"

The President of the Public Works Committee replied as follows –

"1. The answer to this question was given in the reply to

the  Senator's  questions  of  8th  October,  1985 the catchment will supply, in the 2 per cent design year, an estimated 200 million gallons towards both storage and yield.

In an average year, however, the stream flow is between 300 and 370 million gallons and can therefore be expected to more than fill the reservoir which would, in any case, start empty only in its very first year.

  1. In most years, there is no shortfall – in the 2 per cent design year the difference between the 200 million gallons in flow and the projected yield of450 million gallons will come from elsewhere.
  2. As was explained in answers on 8th October, 1985, The Jersey New Waterworks Company Limited has an integrated supply system which enables it to transfer water from one reservoir to another. To quote from my reply on that occasion – a considerable proportion of the precipitation in the East of the Island is available for collection relatively cheaply at Rozel and St. Catherine's, where small retaining dams already exist; and from surplus water currently running to waste at Grands Vaux'. To this can be added Vallée des Vaux.

The Committee is fully confident in the Company's ability to draw on these resources in the skilled manner which its long experience has enabled it to develop. Should it be shown from experience in operating Queen's Valley that it is desirable to draw from these areas, this will be done."

Post of Chief Executive Officer, States Personnel Department. Questions and answers.

Senator Richard Joseph Shenton asked Deputy Sir Martin Le Quesne of St. Saviour , President of the Establishment Committee, the following questions –

"1. In answer to a question answered last week the President referred to his inability to answer whether applicants for the position of Chief Executive Officer

had been advised against application. Will he now inform the House whether or not applicants were advised against applying?

  1. In view of the concern expressed both within the civil service and by members of the public, will his Committee now consider re-advertising the post?
  2. Will the President agree that the way in which this vacancy was advertised and filled could give the impression of patronage or favouritism?"

The President of the Establishment Committee replied as follows –

"1. I did not say last week that I was unable to say

whether applicants for the post had been advised against application, because that was not the question put to me. I said that I could not answer for the reasons for which individuals made their decision whether or not to apply. In reply to the different question put to me this week I can say in the clearest possible terms that no eligible person was advised against applying.

  1. No.
  2. No."

Supplementary and Additional Votes of Credit.

THE STATES considered an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 25th November, 1985 presenting Acts of the undermentioned Committees and, acceding to the requests contained therein, granted to the said Committees Supplementary (S) and Additional (A) votes of credit out of the General Reserve as follows –

£ £

Finance and Economics Committee

Bailiff 's Chambers

0301  Staff  5,600 0302  Premises  100 0305  Establishment  1,800

Judicial Greffe

0321  Staff  28,600 0322  Premises  6,700 0325  Establishment  6,700

Probation Service

0351  Staff  8,400 0352  Premises  100

Impôts Department

0361  Staff  58,500 0362  Premises  1,900 0363  Supplies and Services  3,800

Income Tax Department

0371  Staff  82,900

0378  Capital Servicing  23,100 States' Greffe

0398  Capital Servicing  1,400

Economic Adviser

0421  Staff  5,300 Miscellaneous Expenditure

0601  Cost of Audit  5,500 0603  Criminal Cases –

prosecution and other costs  5,000 0605  Insurance  15,500 0606  Sundries  5,000 0607  Joint Advisory Council  2,400

Establishment of H.E. The

Lieutenant Governor

0701  Staff   6,800

Total request  £275,100  250,600  24,500

£ £

Defence Committee


1016  Maintenance of Property  2,500

Motor Traffic Office

1124  Transport  500 1126  Highway Codes and Road

Safety Expenses  500 Police

1203  Supplies and Services  3,700 Total request  7,200

Public Works Committee


2019  Emergency Employment

Scheme  42,000

Car Parks

2031  Staff  6,000 2032  Premises  12,000

Highways and Public Land –

Maintenance and Minor Improvements

2053  Supplies and Services  144,000 Highways and Public Land –

Beaches and Toilets – Cleaning

2063  Supplies and Services  20,000

Public Buildings

2081  Staff  6,000 2082  Premises  23,600

Public Markets

2101  Staff  400 2102  Premises  23,000 2103  Supplies and Services  500 2105  Establishment   300

Carried forward  277,800

£ £

Public Works Committee cont'd.

Brought forward  277,800 Consumer Advice and Protection

2205  Establishment  100

Weights and Measures

2304  Transport  200 2305  Establishment   100 Total request  278,200

Education Committee

2400  Pre-School Education  2,000

Primary School – Non Fee Paying

2501  Teaching Staff  84,000 2502  Non-Teaching Staff  11,700 2503  Premises  26,000

Secondary Schools – Non Fee Paying

2601  Teaching Staff  13,000 2603  Premises  18,700

Victoria College

2611  Teaching Staff  31,300 2612  Non-Teaching Staff  2,000 2613  Premises  10,000

Victoria College Boarding House

2622  Non-Teaching Staff  3,000 2623  Premises  3,000

Jersey College for Girls

2631  Teaching Staff  21,000 2632  Non-Teaching Staff  8,000 2633  Premises  5,000

Technical and Vocational Education

2702  Non-Teaching Staff  11,000 2703  Premises   4,000 Carried forward  253,700

£ £

Education Committee cont'd.

Brought forward  253,700

Adult Education

2711  Teaching Staff  5,000 2712  Non-Teaching Staff  600

Special Education

2801  Teaching Staff  42,000 2802  Non-Teaching Staff  5,000

Residential School

2832  Staff  10,000 2833  Premises  2,000 2839  Capital Servicing  1,800

Sports and Recreation

2880  Cost of Maintaining Playing

Fields and Grounds  25,000

Children's Homes

2912  Staff  8,000 2913  Premises  8,000 2919  Capital Servicing  18,000

Group Homes

2922  Staff  6,500 2923  Premises  1,800 2928  Establishment  4,000

Public Libraries

3002  Staff  8,000 3004  Premises  4,000

Cultural Sports and Allied Grants

3012  Grants for Cultural

Activities  5,000 3014  Grant to Arts Council  250,000 3050  School Milk   6,000

Carried forward  664,400

£ £

Education Committee cont'd.

Brought forward  664,400 3070  Teachers' Pension Increases

and Pensions for Recognised

Service  20,000

General Educational Services

3107  Housing and Recruitment

of Staff  4,000


3152  Staff  30,800 3153  Premises  7,000 3158  Establishment  7,500

Advisory Services

3171  Staff  7,500

Youth Service

3189  Capital Servicing   7,600 Total request  748,800

Public Health Committee


3201  Staff  5,500 3205  Establishment  600

School Dental Service

3221  Staff  3,500 3223  Supplies and Services  500 3225  Establishment  200


3231  Staff  1,100 3232  Premises  600 3233  Supplies and Services   1,000

Carried forward  13,000

£ £

Public Health Committee cont'd.

Brought forward  13,000 Health and Social Services

3261  Environmental Health  5,700 3262  M.M.R. Tuberculosis and

Diseases of the Chest  1,400 3263  Immunisation and Health

Education  2,800 3264  Cervical Cytology and

Family Planning  3,300 3265  Welfare of the Aged and

Infirm  1,200 3266  School Medical Service

and Speech Therapy  1,900

Le Geyt Centre

3271  Staff  5,200 3272  Premises  900 3273  Supplies and Services  5,800 3276  Incentive Payments – Trainees  500

General Hospital

3401  Staff

3402  Premises

3402A  Repairs to St. Elmo 3403  Supplies and Services 3404  Transport

3405  Establishment

551,800 98,600


166,400 700 67,000

Pathological Laboratory

3411  Staff  41,000 3412  Premises  1,800 3413  Supplies and Services  22,400 3415  Establishment  4,300 3418  Capital Servicing  12,500

Maternity Hospital

3421  Staff  85,300

3422  Premises  11,700

3423  Supplies and Services  7,600

3425  Establishment   300  

Carried forward  1,113,100  25,000


Public Health Committee cont'd. Brought forward

St. Saviour 's Hospital

3431  Staff

3432  Premises

3432A  Chez Marguerite

3433  Supplies and Services 3435  Establishment

Overdale Hospital

3441  Staff

3442  Premises

3443  Supplies and Services 3445  Establishment

Day Hospitals and Poplars 3441A  Staff

3443A  Supplies and Services

Sandybrook/ Grouville /The Limes 3451  Staff

3452  Premises

3453  Supplies and Services 3455  Establishment


3461  Staff

3462  Premises

3463  Supplies and Services 3464  Transport

3465  Establishment


3461A  Staff

3462A  Premises

3463A  Supplies and Services 3464A  Transport

Maison Le Pape

3471  Staff

3472  Premises

3473  Supplies and Services

Carried forward

10th December, 1985

S  A

£ £

1,113,100  25,000

218,900 57,300 50,000 69,800 4,700

133,100 51,900 15,600 1,400

7,100 10,000

175,500 28,100 21,700 400

44,200 1,200 2,000 12,200 900

11,700 1,100 1,400 8,100




2,059,700  25,000

£ £

Public Health Committee cont'd. Brought forward

Willows Day Care Centre

3481  Staff

3483  Supplies and Services

2,059,700  25,000

1,000 600


3491  Staff  10,800 3492  Premises  1,000 3493  Supplies and Services   1,000

Total request £2,099,100  2,074,100  25,000

Agriculture and Fisheries Committee


4101  Staff  27,200 4105  Establishment  7,300

Howard Davis Farm

4111  Staff  3,600


4121  Staff  1,400 4125  Establishment  1,200

Subsidies and Grants

4132  Milk Recording and

Incentive  80,400 4143  Growers – Interest

Subsidy Scheme   65,000 Total request  186,100

Tourism Committee

4630  Live Saving Services  4,000 État Civil Committee

4701  Staff  800

£ £

Social Security Committee

States Grants to Insurance Funds

4803  Small Income Exceptions –

Health Insurance  15,100

Services Related to Employment

4821  Job Centre  6,700 4822  Safeguarding of Workers   2,300

Total request  24,100 Cottage Homes Committee

4901  Staff  1,500 4902  Premises  2,000

Total request  3,500

Establishment Committee

Computer Services

5123  Supplies and Services  12,000

Island Development Committee

5201  Staff  19,500 5205  Establishment  9,700 5215  Les Mielles Maintenance   600

Total request  29,800

Elizabeth House

5301  Staff  12,100 5303  Supplies and Services  7,400

Total request  19,500 Housing Committee

States' Houses

5412  Maintenance of States'

Dwellings  15,000

£ £

Fort Regent Development Committee

General Overheads

5711  Staff  12,300 5715  Establishment  5,000 5716  Bands, Entertainments and

Promotions  5,000

Swimming Pool and Gloucester Hall

5721  Staff  9,700 5722  Premises  8,000


5733  Supplies and Services  6,000

Cable Cars

5761  Staff  2,300 5763  Supplies and Services  15,000

Total request  63,300


Harbours and Airport Committee

C0263  Department of Electronics –

New Workshop  64,000

C0266  Arrivals Hall

Improvements   3,000 Total request  67,000

The total requests granted for the December Supply Day amounted to £3,833,500.

Highlands, St. Saviour – extinguishment of right of way.

THE  STATES,  adopting  a  Proposition  of  the  Education Committee –

  1. agreed to extinguish the right of way enjoyed by Mrs. Gladys Joyce Songhurst, née Le Dain, over an area of land, administered by the Education Committee, measuring approximately 1,000 square feet, situated near the junction of the access road to Highlands with Bon Air Lane, St. Saviour , for a consideration of £750 plus the payment of legal expenses;
  2. authorised the Attorney General and the Greffier of the States to pass the necessary contract in the matter;
  3. authorised the Treasurer of the States to make the necessary payment out of Vote No. 3158 "Administration – Establishment".

Belford Place, Dicq Road, St. Saviour .

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Housing Committee –

  1. approved Drawing No. 3330/2 showing the development of Belford Place, Dicq Road, St. Saviour to provide six units of accommodation;
  2. authorised the Greffier of the States to sign the said Drawing on behalf of the States.

Wesley Street, St. Helier – No. 8.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Housing Committee –

  1. approved the leasing from Mrs. Clara Alstadt, née Mayer, of No. 8 Wesley Street, St. Helier measuring approximately 4,500 square feet in area for a period of two years with effect from 25th December, 1985, with the right to assign, at a rent of £13,014.93 a year, the lessor to be responsible for external and internal repairs and the payment of foncier rates and basic insurance;
  1. authorised the Greffier of the States to sign the necessary agreement with Mrs. C. Alstadt;
  2. authorised the Treasurer of the States to pay the rent as it became due.

Commissioners of Appeal for Income Tax: appointment.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee –

  1. approved the appointment as a Commissioner of Appeal for Income Tax for a three year period commencing 1st January, 1986, of Thomas Charles Walker , Esq,; and
  2. approved the re-appointment as Commissioners of Appeal for Income Tax for a period of three years commencing 1st January, 1986,of

Philip Mauger de Veulle, Esq.

Robert George Wood, Esq.

Richard Raymond Grandin Gallichan, Esq., D.S.C.

Harry Wookey Hall , Esq.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association – Executive Committee Meeting and Small Countries' Conference.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , agreed that the Executive Committee of the Jersey Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association should invite the Association to hold the Conference of Representatives of Branches in Small Countries and the meeting of the Association's Executive Committee in Jersey in 1986.

Welfare Payments: Connétable s' discretion. P.121/85.

THE STATES, having accepted an amendment of Senator Ralph Vibert that after the words "exceptional circumstances" the words "and the notified rates should be regarded as the minimum rates" be deleted, adopted a Proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton and agreed that the Connétable s or their representatives should continue to have discretion to vary the rates of welfare benefit as notified to the States each year, but that such discretion should only be exercised in very exceptional circumstances.

Règlements (1985) sur l'État Civil. P.146/85.

THE STATES, by virtue of Article 71A of the "Loi (1842) sur l'État Civil", as amended, made Regulations entitled the "Règlements (1985) sur l'État Civil".

St. Catherine's Oyster Farm: Act of Authorisation. P.147/85.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Agriculture and Fisheries Committee, approved the granting to St. Catherine's Oyster Farm, in pursuance of the "Loi (1882) sur les parcs à huîtres", of an Act of Authorisation in the terms of the draft contained in P.147/85 in respect of the appropriation of an area of the foreshore and the open sea in St. Catherine's Bay for the establishment and operation of an oyster fishery.

European Communities (Spanish and Portuguese Accession) (Jersey) Regulations, 1985. P.149/85.

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 1 of the European Communities (Jersey) Law, 1973, as amended, made Regulations entitled the European Communities (Spanish and Portuguese Accession) (Jersey) Regulations, 1985.

Milk (Sale to Special Classes) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations, 1985. P.151/85.

THE STATES, by virtue and in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Order in Council of the fourteenth day of April, 1884, made Regulations entitled the Milk (Sale to Special Classes) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations, 1985.

Queen's Valley: plans. P.152/85.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of Senator Jane Patricia Sandeman, agreed that –

  1. the "deposited plan" for the Queen's Valley Reservoir should be published and made available for inspection at the States' Greffe and the Parish Hall s at least twenty clear working days before P.115/85 is debated;
  2. a map of the Queen's Valley catchment area should be published and made available for inspection in a similar manner.

Perrot Hall , Victoria Street, St. Helier : purchase and redevelopment. P.153/85.

THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Housing Committee –

  1. approved the acquisition from Sheiling Developments Limited of the property known as Perrot Hall , and outbuildings, Victoria Street, St. Helier , for a consideration of £54,694, with each party being responsible for the payment of its own legal fees;
  2. authorised the Attorney General and the Greffier of the States to pass the necessary contract in the matter;
  3. authorised the Treasurer of the States to pay the amount connected with the above transaction from the Capital vote of credit granted to the Housing Committee under the heading "Land Purchase" (C.1104);
  4. approved Drawings Nos. 1473/5A, 1473/6A, 1473/7A and 1473/8A showing the construction of 13 one- bedroomed flats on the site of Perrot Hall and adjacent land in the ownership in the public of the Island already forming part of the Convent Court site in Val Plaisant, St. Helier ;
  1. authorised the Greffier of the States to sign the said Drawings on behalf of the States;
  2. (i) authorised the Committee to accept a fixed price contract with Sheiling Developments Limited for the construction of the said 13 one-bedroomed flats, for use as States' rental accommodation, in the sum of £359,400;
  1. authorised the Greffier of the States to sign the necessary contract on behalf of the States in January 1986;
  2. approved the payment to Sheiling Developments Limited of pre-contract professional fees in the sum of £24,747;
  3. approved the payment to the Architect, Quantity Surveyor and Structural Engineer responsible for the project of post-contract professional fees in the sum of £7,789;
  1. authorised the Treasurer of the States to pay the amounts specified in sub-paragraph (f) above at the appropriate time.

Compliments of the Season.

Senator Ralph Vibert on behalf of the Senators, Connétable Charles Alan Le Maistre of Grouville on behalf of the Connétable s, and Deputy Philip George Mourant of St. Helier on behalf of the Deputies, wished the Bailiff and Lady Ereaut, His Excellency The Lieutenant Governor and Lady Pillar and the Officers of the States the compliments of the Season, to which the Bailiff responded.

Retirement of Sir Frank Ereaut, Bailiff .

Senator Ralph Vibert , the Connétable of Grouville and Deputy Philip George Mourant of St. Helier , on behalf of all the Members and Officers of the States, paid tribute to the services rendered to the States and the Island by Sir Frank Ereaut during his period of office as Bailiff from 1975 to 1985 and wished him and Lady Ereaut a long and happy retirement.

The Bailiff suitably responded. THE STATES rose at 6.10 p.m.

E.J.M. POTTER, Greffier of the States.