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STATES MINUTES 6 t h J u n e, 1989
THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 6th June, 1989 at 10.15 a.m. under
the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,
V e rnon Amy Tomes, Esquire.
_ _ _ _ ________
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Bernard Thomas Binnington -
o ut of the Island.
S enator Terence John Le Main - absent. I ris Medora Le Feuvre, Connétable of
S t. Lawrence - out of the Island.
M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of S t. Brelade - ill.
H enri Léon Dubras, Deputy of St.
M artin - out of the Island.
P ercy John Le Masurier, Deputy of St.
O uen - absent.
D erek Ryder Maltwood, Deputy of St.
M ary - out of the Island.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _______
Subordinate legislation tabled.
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Public Finances (General)
( A m endment No. 15) (Jersey) Rules, 1 9 8 9. R & O 7924.
2 . Road Traffic (Public Parking
P l a ces) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) O rd er, 1989. R & O 7925.
Occupation and Liberation Committee: vacancy in Presidency. In accordance with Article 28(3)
of the States of Jersey Law, 1966, the Deputy Bailiff gave notice that there was a vacancy in the office of President of the Occupation and Liberation Committee.
Occupation and Liberation
Committee: appointment of President and Members.
THE STATES, on the proposition of
Deputy Cynthia Miriam Horne of St. Helier , appointed Deputy Graeme Ernest Rabet of St. Helier as President of the Occupation and Liberation Committee.
THE STATES, on the proposition of Deputy Rabet, appointed the following as
Members -
L eonard Picot, Connétable of Trinity M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of S t. Brelade
C arlyle John Le Herissier Hinault,
D eputy of St. John
C ynthia Miriam Horne, Deputy of St.
H elier
H enry George Coutanche, Deputy of St. L awrence
S hirley Margaret Baudains, Deputy of
S t. Helier.
Matters lodged.
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Port of St. Helier - South Pier: b a ll oon store. P.75/89.
P r e sented by the Harbours and A ir port Committee.
2 . La Collette: extension of
e l ec trical power distribution.
P . 7 6/89.
P r e sented by the Harbours and A ir port Committee.
3 . Airport - power supply
e n h ancement: phase III. P.77/89. P r e sented by the Harbours and
A ir port Committee.
T he States decided to take the a bovementioned items into c onsideration on 20th June, 1989.
4 . Public Health Committee: capital p r o jects for 1990. P.78/89.
P r e sented by the Public Health
C o m mittee.
5 . Victoria College/Jersey College f o r Girls: development.
P . 7 9/89.
P r e sented by the Education
C o m mittee. The States decided to t a ke this subject into
c o n sideration on 27th June, 1989.
6 . Government House: scale of
a c c ommodation. P.80/89.
P r e sented by the Public Works C o m mittee.
7 . Official Analyst: laboratory
ex t ension. P.81/89.
P r e sented by the Public Works C o m mittee.
8 . Clos du Fort, St. Helier : s ta b ilisation of rock face. P . 8 2/89.
P r e sented by the Housing C o m mittee.
9 . Capital projects: planning vote. P . 8 3/89.
P r e sented by the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee.
1 0. Crabbé Farm: refurbishment. P . 8 4/89.
P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
1 1. Crabbé firing range: reinstatement
o f f iring point. P.85/89.
P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
1 2. Police headquarters:
r e o rganisation of office
a c c ommodation. P.86/89. P r e sented by the Defence C o m mittee.
1 3. Housing Committee: capital p r o posals for 1990. P.87/89. P r e sented by the Housing
C o m mittee.
1 4. Central Market: roof repairs. P . 8 8/89.
P r e sented by the Public Works C o m mittee.
1 5. 1 Green Street/50 La Colomberie, S t . Helier: acquisition. P.89/89.
P r e sented by the Public Works
C o m mittee.
T he States decided to take items 6 to 1 5 inclusive into consideration on
2 0th June, 1989.
1 6. Ecology Trust Fund. P.90/89.
P r e sented by Senator D.A. Carter.
Rezoning of land for Category A housing. P.57/89.
THE STATES acceded to the request
of the President of the Island Development Committee that consideration of the Proposition regarding the rezoning of land for Category A housing (lodged on 9th May, 1989) be deferred from 13th May, 1989 to a later date.
States housing and States loans. Questions and answers.
Deputy Corrie Stein of Grouville
asked Deputy Hendricus Adolphus Vandervliet of St. Lawrence, President of the Housing Committee, the following questions -
1. How many houses or units of
a c c o m modation have been built i n e a c h of the Parishes during
t h e l as t 10 years in the
f o ll o w ing categories, namely -
( a ) States loan;
( b ) States rental?
2 . (i) How many town sites are
a v a il a ble for the Housing
C o m m ittee to commence
d e v e lo pment within the next t h re e years as follows -
( a ) S t ates rental; ( b ) S tates loan;
( c ) s u itable for purchase by m o r tg a g e on a flying
fr e e h o ld ?
( ii ) H ow many of the sites
in d i c a te d on the Island
P la n a re either
u n av a i l ab le or extremely d if fi c u l t to acquire?
3 . (a) How many people are on the S t a te s loan waiting list?
( b ) Have they all been vetted to c o n f ir m that they are serious a p p l ic ants for a loan?
( c ) What is the present income l im it f or someone to be
e l ig i b le for the grant of a
b a s ic States loan?
4 . (a) How many houses in Jersey are u n o c c upied for over one year?
( b ) What is the Committee trying t o d o about this?''
The President of the Housing Committee replied as follows -
1. (a) My Committee does not
h av e r ec o rds of all
p ri v a te l y constructed
S ta t e s lo a n properties
an d h e n c e I cannot give a co m p l e te answer to this
q u es t io n . The following
st a ti s ti c s are
av a i la b l e -
S t a te s P ri v a te
S t . H e lier 2 8 9
S t . S a viour 9 2 1 13
S t . C l ement 4 5 G ro u v ille 2 5 2 4
S t . J o hn 4 4 S t . L a wrence 4 4 S t . P e ter 1 4
S t . B r elade 6 7 2 5
S t . O u en 7 5 1 8 6 4 7 3
T O TAL 659.
H o w e ver, the fact that my C o m m ittee has granted
a p p r o ximately 2,000 States l o a n s during this time
i n d ic a tes that many more p r o p e rties have been
c o n s tr ucted than the above f ig u r e s suggest;
( b ) States rental
S t . H e lier 696 S t . S a viour 122 G ro u v ille 9 4 S t . B r elade 46 S t . J o hn 4 9 6 2
2 . (i) (a) 12, including Norman's T im b e r Y ard, with a
p o te n t ia l yield of 193
u n it s. W e are, however,
h o p ef u l t hat more town
si te s w i ll be made
av a i la b l e during this
ti m e - s c al e in the light
o f re c e n t comments made
b y t h e P o licy and
R e s o u rc e s Committee;
( b ) t o my knowledge there is n o ne suitable for loan
d ev e l o p m ent in terms of
h o u se s , t hough some of
th e 1 2 s it es referred to
in m y re p ly to the last
q u es t io n could be
d ev e l o p e d with flats for
sa l e o n 9 9 year leases
w i th th e assistance of
S ta t e s lo a ns if my
C o m m i tt ee chooses to take th e m o u t of its rental
p ro g r a m m e;
( c ) I h ave already stated
th a t t h e re are town sites
av a i la b l e which could be
d ev e l o p e d with flats for
sa l e o n 9 9 year leases
w i th th e assistance of
S ta t e s lo a ns. Such flats
co u l d eq u ally be sold on
f ly i n g f r eehold' if the
la w p e r m itted this.
H o w ev e r , the mere
ex i s te n c e of a flying
fr e e h o ld ' does not in
it se l f c r e ate additional
u n it s f o r housing - sites
st il l n e e d to be made
av a i la b l e . It must be
ad d e d , h o wever, that the
ex i s te n c e of a flying
fr e e h o ld ' would stimulate
th e d ev e l opment of flats
fo r s a l e b y the private
se c t o r, o n which the
H o u s in g Committee would b e a b le to grant States
lo a n s .
( ii ) A pproximately half of the C a te g o r y A' sites in the
Is l an d P l an are either
u n av a i l ab le or difficult
to a cq u i r e, for varying
re a s o n s , at the present
ti m e . M y Committee will co n t i n u e to pursue the
ac q u i s it io n of all zoned
si te s .
3 . (a) Currently there are 1,350
p e r so n s from whom my Committee h a s r e ceived application forms
w is h in g to be considered for
S t a te s loan properties. This
n u m b er includes persons
p r e se n tly serving in Her
M a je s ty's Forces, working
a b r o a d or of single marital
s ta t u s , and who are not
t h e re f ore eligible for
a l lo c a tion of a family size
S t a te s loan property at the
p r e se n t time. The number of
a p p l ic ants eligible for an
o f fe r t oday is approximately
6 0 0 ;
( b ) all applicants have been c l ea r e d in terms of their
q u a l if ications both under the H o u si ng Regulations and as f ir s t- t ime buyers, and all are p r e su m ed to be serious about t h e ir a pplications;
( c ) the Building Loan Regulations
d o n o t provide for an income
l im it i n respect of the grant
o f a lo an. An individual is
e l ig i b le for a loan provided
h e h a s residential
q u a l if ications to purchase,
a n d h a s never owned freehold
p r o p e rty in the Island.
H o w e ver, my Department
r e q u ir es full details of
s a v in g s, income, and other
a s s et s , and ensures that a
b o r ro w er pays maximum deposit. B o r r o wers on good incomes are
c a ll e d upon to pay the maximum r a te of interest under the
s c h e m e, i.e. 10 per cent,
w h er e they can afford to do
s o . I n deed, in a report and
p r o p o sition currently with the
F i n a n ce and Economics
C o m m ittee, my Committee is
s u g g e sting that the 10 per
c e n t m aximum rate of interest
g i v e s way to commercial rate
w h er e a borrower's income
j u st i fi es this.
4 . (a) It would be extremely
i m p racticable, especially
g i v e n the restraint on
m a n p ower, for my Committee to c o m p ile up-to-date statistics
o n u n occupied properties. It
i s, h o w ever, very rare that a
p r o p e rty remains unoccupied
f o r a y ear or more. The demand f o r p r operty, in terms of both
r e n ta l and purchase, is so
g r e a t that there is every
f in a n c ial incentive for a
p r o p e rty owner to make use of
h i s p r operty rather than leave
i t e m p ty. Those which are
u n o c c upied for a prolonged
p e r io d are normally involved
i n i n h eritance problems, with
t h e i n evitable delays these
i n c u r, or particularly with v e r y o ld properties, are the s u b je c t of redevelopment or m o d e rnisation proposals;
( b ) in the light of the above
a n s w e r, Members should not be su r p rised to learn that my
C o m m ittee is not contemplating a c ti o n on this matter. Such
a c ti o n could only be
c o m p ulsory purchase, which
d e p e n ding on the property may n o t a l ways be appropriate and
w h ic h could well be seen as a
d r a c o nian approach to what my C o m m ittee believes to be an
i n si g n ificant problem at the
p r e se n t time.''
Units of accommodation and sites. Questions and answers.
Deputy Corrie Stein of Grouville asked the Connétable of St. John, President of the Island Development Committee, the following questions -
1. Will the President tell the
S t a te s how many units of
a c c o m modation are planned for t h e n e w reclamation site (West
o f A lb ert) in the following
c a te g o ries, namely -
( a ) States loan;
( b ) States rental;
( c ) private development;
( d ) units which could be purchased w it h a mortgage if the
l e g is la tion on flying
f re e h o lds were enacted?
2 . When will a decision be made
i n r elation to the proposed marina a n d village development at Havre- d e s -Pas?
3 . Will the President inform the
H o use of the comments made by the A g riculture and Fisheries
C o m mittee on the various sites
l is t ed in the Committee's p r o posals (P.57 of 1989), for r e zo ning for Category A
r e si dential development?
4 . How many houses or units
o f a ccommodation have been built
i n e ach of the Parishes during the l a st 10 years under the heading of p r iv ate development?''
The President of the Island Development Committee replied as follows -
1. As the Deputy will know, the
C o m m ittee has established a
W a te r front Advisory Group
w h ic h is currently preparing a
b r ie f for consultants to
p r e p a re a plan - not only for
t h e A l bert Pier Reclamation
S i te b ut for the waterfront as
a w h o le. The desirability of
i n c lu d ing housing of various
t y p e s is certainly one of the
m a tt e rs being addressed by the
g r o u p . The brief is being
p r e p a red for the Island
D ev e l opment Committee and the S t a te s will be asked to
a p p r o ve it before it is passed
t o t h e consultants.
C l e arly, until the brief is
c o m pleted and approved it is
i m p ossible to answer the Deputy 's q u e stion. Indeed it is highly
u n l ikely that such specific
n u m bers can be given until the
c o n sultants have produced their
p l an .
2 . The States are unlikely to be
a s k ed to consider making a
d e c ision on the marina village
d e v elopment proposed for Havre des P as until the consultants have
p r o duced their plan. However, the
c o n cept of a proposal of this type
w il l be addressed in the brief
b e in g prepared by the Waterfront
A d visory Group. I anticipate that
t h e brief will be presented to the
S t a tes for decision in the early
p a r t of the autumn session.
3 . The detailed comments of the
A g riculture and Fisheries
C o m mittee on the sites proposed to b e z oned for Category A housing in m y Committee's proposition
( P .5 7/89) are shown on the
a t ta ched schedule.
I s h ould like to remind Members of t h e House, however, that the
a g r icultural value of any piece of
l a nd is only one (albeit very
i m p ortant) of many technical
c o n siderations in a study of this
t y p e. Other important factors
i n cl ude site accessibility, the
c a p acity of public utility
s e rv ices, the availability of
e d u cation, shopping and other
c o m munity services, the
e n v ironmental impact of any
d e v elopment, and, where we are
l o o king to meet a short-term need, t h e willingness of owners to sell.
M e mbers will be aware that there i s n o longer any such thing as the p er fect housing site', and it is
n o t possible to satisfy all
i n te rests or meet every criterion
i n s electing housing sites. It
w il l be noted that the
A g riculture and Fisheries
C o m mittee is opposed to the
d e v elopment of nearly half of the 1 7 sites proposed for Category A h o u sing. The sites not opposed on a g r icultural grounds produce at
b e s t about 400 dwellings - a
s ig n ificant shortfall on the
e s ti mated requirement of 605
d w elling units by 1991.
4 . The Planning Department does not m ai ntain its records on a Parish
b a s is as Parish boundaries have
l it tl e relevance to Island
p l an ning. The planning and
d e v elopment statistics for the
l a st ten years on an Island-wide
b a s is are as follows -
H o u s es and Flats and Conversion s
b u n g - maison- (houses and Y ea r lows ettes flats) Total
1 9 79 175 1 36 4 5 356 1 9 80 83 5 6 5 5 194
1 9 81 88 7 8 3 8 204
1 9 82 144 4 1 4 3 228 1 9 83 281 3 9 2 9 349 1 9 84 119 5 9 7 0 248 1 9 85 111 1 23 6 1 295 1 9 86 187 8 8 3 2 307 1 9 87 101 2 21 3 2 354 1 9 88 165 1 91 2 7 3 83 1 , 4 5 4 1,032 4 32 2,918
T he 1988 figures are subject to final c onfirmation of Housing Committee c ompletions for the year.
Recommended additional Category A housing sites.
A ddress Z o n e A r ea Agricultu
a c r e s &
F is h e r ie s
( v e rg é e s ) C o m m it te
re s p o n s e
F ields 203,252, G Z 3 .8 not
o p p o se d
a nd part Field 204, A P Z (8.6)
L a Rue de Jambart,
S t. Clement
F ields 255, 255A, A P Z 4.9 not o p p o se d
2 56 and adjacent ( 1 1 .0 )
l and to south, La
G rande Route de la
C ote, St. Clement
F ields 263 and 263A, S L A APZ 2.9 oppos e
L a Croix, La Rue (6 . 5 )
a Don, Grouville
F ield 597, part of S L A APZ 2.8 oppos e
F ield 638C and part ( 6 .3 )
g arden of Bronlyn, S t. Clement's Coast R oad, Grouville
P art Field 690A, La S L A APZ 2.7 oppos e
R oute du Champ Colin, ( 6 .1 )
M aufant, St. Martin
F ields 846, 846B and G Z 7.1 not o p p o se d
8 47, La Vallée de St. ( 1 6 .0 ) (F
8 4 6 ,
F 8 4 6 B )
P ierre, St. Lawrence o p p o s e (
F 8 4 7 )
F ields 865, 866 and G Z 8.7 not o p p o se d
8 73, La Vallée de St. ( 1 9 .5 )
P ierre, St. Lawrence
F ield 750, La Grande S L A APZ 0.3 not o p p o se d
R oute de St. Laurens, ( 0 .7 )
L a Ville Emphrie,
S t. Lawrence.
F ield 1243A, La G Z 4 .5 oppose G rande Route de (1 0 . 1 )
S t. Jean, St. Helier
F ield 1533, Tower S L A APZ 1.7 oppos e
R oad, St. Helier (3 . 8 )
F ield 1311 and land S L A APZ 2.5 not o p p o se d
a djacent, north of (5 . 6 )
H ighfield Estate, La
R ue de la Hauteur,
S t. Helier
F ield 1367 (including S L A APZ 3 .8 n o t o p p o s ed
e xisting farm buildings) ( 8 .6 )
a nd part Field 1371, La
R oute du Petit Clos,
S t. Helier
F ields 413, 415, 415A A P Z 5.8 oppos e
a nd 470, La Grande (1 3 . 1 )
R oute de St. Martin,
F ive Oaks, St. Saviour
F ields 769 and 770 and G Z 1.7 not o p p o se d
p art garden of Le ( 3 .8 )
B ernage, La Route de
L ongueville, St. Saviour
F ields 741 and land G Z 2.2 not o p p o se d
a djacent to west, La (5 . 0 )
R oute de Longueville,
S t. Saviour
F ield 810A and part G Z 2.2 oppos e
F ield 836, La Route de (5 . 0 )
B agot, St. Saviour
F ield 146 and part A P Z 1.9 not o p p o se d
g arden of Okenagen, ( 4 .3 )
L a Rue du Hocq,
S t. Clement
F ields 203, 252 and part Field 204, La R ue de Jambart, St. Clement .
C omments 20th March, 1989
A lthough some of this land is worked, i t is generally wet and marshy and due t o its very nature part of the area is
u nworkable. As its loss to the
a gricultural industry would be
m inimal, the Committee would not
o ppose this development.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ields 255, 255A, 256 and adjacent
l and to south, La Grande Route de la C ote, St. Clement.
C omments 20th March, 1989
A s these fields are generally very wet a nd marshy, the Committee would not
o ppose development as the land would n ot be a serious loss to agriculture.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ields 263 and 263A, La Croix, La Rue a Don, Grouville .
C omments 20th March, 1989
T hese two fields are both very good e arly productive land and form a
s ubstantial part of a young grower's h olding. The loss of these fields
w ould affect the viability of the farm h olding.
T e c hnical and Development Officer A dditional comments 21st April, 1989
T hese two fields are both very good
e arly potato land as well as most
s uitable for outdoor tomatoes, and due t o the light soil, can be worked even
a fter heavy rainfall. It forms 4 per
c ent of the young tenant farmer's
h olding and its loss would affect the
f inancial viability of the holding, as
i t can be worked to produce two crops a year.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ields 597, part of Field 638C
a nd part garden of Bronlyn, St. C lement's Coast Road, Grouville .
C omments 21st April, 1989
T his field forms approximately 4 per c ent of the present tenant's holding. T he field produces valuable crops,
w ith the western side being very light s andy soil, and the eastern part being m arshy; this part can only be worked d uring dry weather. Its loss to the
t enant would be detrimental to the
h olding as they can harvest two crops e ach year.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
P art Field 690A, La Route du Champ C olin, Maufant, St. Martin .
C omments 20th March, 1989
T his field is a large field capable of
p roducing a variety of agricultural
c rops and, due to its being adjacent
t o the large cattle farm, its use as a
f ield for grazing is most important to t hat holding. The cattle can be herded a long the small Parish land without
a ny disturbance to traffic. If this
f ield were lost it would restrict the
f arm quite considerably.
T e c hnical and Development Officer A dditional comments 21st April, 1989
T his field is a large field capable of p roducing a variety of agricultural
c rops and due to its situation, the
f armer's cattle can be herded along m inor Parish roads. If this field were d eveloped its loss to the holding
w ould be considerable as it is
a pproximately 30 per cent of the
o wner's farm holding.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ields 846, 846B and 847, La
V allée de St. Pierre, St. Lawrence.
C omments 20th March, 1989
A lthough these fields and slopes could
p roduce early crops, the owners have
n o intention of working them and they have become more and more overgrown in r ecent years. The owners are not
g rowers and it is suggested by the
A griculture and Fisheries Committee
t hat Field 846A should also be
c onsidered for development. However,
t he Committee would not agree to the
d evelopment of Field 847, as this
f ield is worked by a young
a griculturalist trying to build up a
v iable farm unit and uses this for
e arly potato production. The loss of
t his field would seriously affect the
v iability of the farm.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ields 865 and 866, La Vallée d e St. Pierre, St. Lawrence.
C omments 20th March, 1989
A s Field 865 is low-lying and marshy, i t is very difficult to work as arable
l and. However, Field 866 is good early p otato land but the Agriculture and
F isheries Committee is prepared to
s acrifice this field in order that the
o ther site could be developed. It is
r ecommended that the small southern p ortion of 865 and the pond in that
a rea should be excluded from such a
d evelopment.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ield 873, La Vallée de St. P ierre, St. Lawrence.
C omments 20th March, 1989
T his field has been allowed to lie
f allow for approximately 20 years, w ith weeds, including docks, being a p erennial problem. Although it could b e early potato land, the owner has
l et it go to such an extent that it
w ould take years to bring it back to a rable use. The Committee would be m ore than happy to see this site
t idied up.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ield 750, La Grande Route de St. L aurens, La Ville Emphrie, St.
L awrence.
C omments 20th March, 1989
T his field is too small to be of any a gricultural significance. Its
d evelopment would not be opposed.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ield 1243A, La Grande Route de St. J ean, St. Helier.
C omments 21st April, 1989
T his large 12 vergées field is
a pproximately 1/7 of the total area of t he holding, and is contiguous with
t he farm buildings. Its loss to the
f arm unit would be considerable.
T e c hnical and Development Officer F ield 1533, Tower Road, St. Helier .
C omments 21st April, 1989
T his field is one of the earliest
p otato fields in the Island, and
c ertainly amongst the earliest in the a rea. Although it is only 5 per cent
o f the total area of the tenant's
h olding, the income is rather greater a nd its loss to the grower concerned w ould be quite considerable as he has n o other early land with the same
p otential.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ield 1311 and land adjacent, north of H ighfield Estate, La Rue de la
H auteur, St. Helier .
C omments 20th March, 1989
T his site is partly an old glasshouse
n ursery, with most of the remainder
b eing a derelict overgrown poly tunnel
s ite which is not capable of producing
a ny crops at the present time. I
u nderstand the present owners are not
l ikely to either clear the site or
g row crops on the site in the
i mmediate future. The Committee would n ot oppose this site.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ield 1367 (including existing farm b uildings) and part Field 1371, La R oute du Petit Clos, St. Helier .
C omments 20th March, 1989
I n order to expedite the matter
r elating to the Mourant Farm unit the C ommittee accept the need to release
t he field and would also recommend
t hat the present buildings and yard
a reas should be allowed for Category B h ousing.
F ields 413, 415, 415A and 470, La
G rande Route de St. Martin , Five Oaks, S t. Saviour.
C omments 20th March, 1989
T hese fields form a considerable part
o f a small holding, and the loss of
t his land would seriously affect the v iability of the farm.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
A dditional comments 21st April, 1989 F ields 413/415
T his large field is approximately 10 p er cent of the tenant farmer's
h olding and very good productive
m oderately early land. Its loss would s eriously affect the viability of the
f arm.
F ields 470/415A
T his field is approximately 5 per cent
o f the present tenant's holding and
a lthough good heavy land, is easy to w ork producing a variety of crops.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ields 769 and 770 and part
g arden of Le Bernage, La Route d e Longueville, St. Saviour .
C omments 20th March, 1989
A lthough this field is sheltered, the
s outhern end can sometimes be marshy a nd wet. As this field is leased to a
g rower in St. Martin, its loss to the
f arm unit would be negligible. In the
c ircumstances the Committee would not
o ppose its development.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ield 741 and land adjacent to west, L a Route de Longueville, St. Saviour.
C omments 20th March, 1989
B oth of these fields are low-lying,
m arshy meadows with a glasshouse and
o utdoor nursery to the east. The
m eadows are of minimal agricultural
v alue as arable land and although the
n ursery is a flourishing business, a
n ew nursery with poly tunnels can be
e stablished elsewhere on the Island
w ithout seriously affecting the
p resent owner's livelihood. The
A griculture and Fisheries Committee
w ould not oppose these fields for
d evelopment of Category A housing.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ield 810A and part Field 836, La R oute de Bagot, St. Saviour .
C omments 21st April, 1989
T he loss of Field 810A in particular w ould have serious repercussions in t he viability of the adjacent small
h olding, this field being good
p roductive potato land capable of
b eing harvested fairly early in the
s eason. It is slightly marshy on the w estern boundary.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
F ield 146 and part garden of
O kenagen, La Rue du Hocq, St. C lement.
C omments 20th March, 1989
A lthough this field could be early p otato land it has not been used as s uch for many years as its shape
p recludes its being worked by large
a gricultural machinery, and it has
t herefore been kept for hay crops for s everal years. As it is not part of a
f arm holding its loss to the industry w ould be negligible. The Committee w ould not oppose development of this l and.
T e c hnical and Development Officer
. ''
Legislation in relation to flying freeholds. Questions and answers.
Deputy Corrie Stein of Grouville
asked Deputy Edgar John Becquet of Trinity , President of the Legislation Committee, the following question -
Will the President inform the States w hen, after years of trying to alter
t he legal position in relation to
f lying freeholds, he expects the
n ecessary legislation to be
a vailable?''
The President of the Legislation Committee replied as follows -
My Committee was asked by the
H ousing Committee whether it would be p repared to promote the necessary
l egislation to overcome the problems
a ssociated with the sale of flats in
p erpetuity (referred to in the
q uestion as flying freeholds').
S ince that time, a great deal of work h as been undertaken by the Attorney G eneral, members of his staff and
o thers and by my Committee, in the p reparation of the legislation
r equired to deal with what is
r ecognised as being an extremely
c omplicated legal matter.
A first draft was produced and was
r eferred to the Jersey Law Society. A n umber of very constructive comments w ere made as a result of which a small g roup of lawyers chaired by the
A ttorney General was formed. It was d ecided to adapt the French Loi du 10 j uillet 1965 on this subject which is m uch closer to the Jersey system of
c onveyancing than its English
e quivalent. A number of drafting
m eetings have been held in recent
m onths and indeed the group is meeting a gain this afternoon. My Committee is g lad to take this opportunity of
e xpressing its gratitude to the
A ttorney General and the lawyers
c oncerned.
I am pleased to be able to inform the H ouse that the draft of the new Law is a pproaching completion. It is
e nvisaged that the legislation should b e ready for consideration by the
S tates not later than the end of
1 989.''
Sites for housing. Statement.
The President of the Policy and
Resources Committee made a statement in the following terms -
The Policy and Resources Committee
s hares with the Housing and Island
D evelopment Committees a determination t o tackle the problem of finding sites
o n which to construct Category A
h ousing sufficient to meet the current
a nd foreseeable need to house
a dequately the native young people of
t his Island. At the same time, the
C ommittee shares the concern expressed
b y many at the proposed further
i ncursions into the countryside
i nvolving the loss of some good
a gricultural land.
I n the light of this, the Policy and
R esources Committee believes that
u rgent action is required to implement t he policy enunciated in the Island
P lan of acquiring urban land,
c urrently in commercial use, for
r esidential development. Such a
p olicy, it is believed, has the
a ttractions of lessening the demands
f or the development of open land to
t he advantage of both the environment a nd the agricultural community, of
l essening traffic congestion on the
r oads leading into St. Helier, of
g iving a new vitality to the town a rea, and more readily providing the d welling accommodation required for l ocal young people.
T he Committee, in conjunction with the H ousing, Island Development and
F inance and Economics Committees,
i ntends therefore to take immediate
s teps to ensure that a number of urban s ites with potential for Category A
r esidential development are acquired
b y the States, without undue delay. To t his end the Committee proposes to lay d own policy guidelines to be followed i n negotiating the purchase of those
s ites at a commercial price that is
f air and reasonable both to the owners a nd to the States.
T he Committee is of the view that on t he sites to be acquired many units of a ccommodation, either flats or town h ouses, can be constructed for sale to t hose qualifying for a States Dwelling Loan. For such a policy to be
s uccessful it is clear that the States
w ill need to absorb some of the land c ost and also bring forward
a ppropriate legislation for the sale
o f flats. However, these and other
m atters bearing on the most effective u se of urban land for Category A
r esidential development, including
p ossible changes to the States loan
s cheme, will be progressed by the
P olicy and Resources Committee in
c onjunction with the relevant
c ommittees of the States, with a view t o their being resolved in that period
o f time that it will take to purchase
s ites and plan for their development.
I n looking to the site opportunities
w ithin the urban area, the Committee
i s of the view that there are in the
p ipeline already sufficient office
d evelopment proposals to satisfy the
n eeds of the business community for
t he foreseeable future. The Committee
t herefore has asked the Island
D evelopment and Finance and Economics C ommittees to make clear to those
i ntending to make new applications
u nder the Island Planning Law and the
R egulation of Undertakings and
D evelopment Law, respectively, that
f or the next possibly five years, in
t he best interests of the community,
o ffice development will not be
p ermitted on sites which to date have n ot been formally approved.
T he Policy and Resources Committee is c onfident that, through the pursuit of
t he course of action proposed, plus
t he development of some of the sites
i dentified in the Island Plan,
d welling units can be provided for
y oung Jerseymen and Jerseywomen in g reater number and at greater speed
t han if the alternative development of m ore open land, much of which is in
a gricultural use and is owned by
u nwilling sellers, is to be
c ontemplated. In the longer term,
p ursuit of this policy of urban
r esidential development also will be
a ssisted by the availability of
r eclaimed land.''
Victoria College Preparatory
School library: approval of drawings.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Education Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 2356/34 and 2 3 5 6/35 showing the proposed new
l ib r ary at Victoria College
P r e paratory School;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the said Drawings
o n behalf of the States.
Port of St. Helier : lease of La Folie Inn, South Pier.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -
( a) approved the lease of La Folie
I n n , South Pier, Port of St.
H el ier, to Mr. Christopher Alan
M e lville and Mrs. Germaine Ann
M e lville, née Scott , for a period
o f n ine years, with effect from
1 s t June, 1989, at a guaranteed
m in imum sum of #15,000 a year or 1 0 per cent of the gross turnover,
w h ichever is the greater, subject t o rent review clauses at the
t h ir d and sixth year of the lease;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the S t a tes to sign the necessary
a g r eement;
( c) authorised the Treasurer of the S t a tes to receive the rent as it
b e c omes due.
New North Quay, Port of St. Helier : container handling building. P.64/89.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. 2835/8, 9, a n d 10 showing the construction of a c o ntainer handling building on
t h e New North Quay, St. Helier
H ar bour;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the said Drawings
o n behalf of the States.
Post Office: automated sorting equipment. P.67/89.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition
of the Committee for Postal Administration, approved in principle the purchase of automated sorting equipment for the Jersey Post Office.
Police Headquarters: replacement
of telephone switchboard equipment. P.68/89.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition
of the Defence Committee, approved, in principle, the replacement of the telephone switchboard equipment at Police Headquarters by the purchase of a MITEL SX 2000 telephone system.
Resources Recovery Board: capital estimates for 1990. P.69/89.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition
of the Resources Recovery Board, approved in principle -
( a) the continuation of the repair,
r e li ning and reconstruction of
d e f ective or inadequate sewers in a c c ordance with priorities;
( b) the extension of the system of f o u l sewers to areas which have b e e n identified as being in
g r e atest need;
( c) the construction of surface water
d r a inage improvements under the
h e a ding Surface Water Drainage - m is cellaneous improvements'';
( d) the acquisition of equipment and
t h e undertaking of improvements to p l an t performance in the area of
s o li d waste treatment;
( e) the acquisition of equipment and
t h e undertaking of improvements to p l an t performance in the area of
l iq u id waste treatment;
( f) the replacement of items of
t ra n sport and plant which have
r e ac hed the end of their economic w o rking life;
( g) the undertaking of miscellaneous w o rks, listed in the report of the
R e s ources Recovery Board dated 1 7 t h April, 1989 aimed at
i m p roving the efficiency and
ec o nomics of the Board's
o p e rations;
( h) the separation of surface water in S t . Helier.
Elizabeth Castle: construction of pumping station and main. P.70/89.
THE STATES, adopting a Proposition
of the Public Works Committee, approved in principle the construction of a pumping station and main for adequate foul sewerage from Elizabeth Castle.
THE STATES rose at 12.30 p.m.
R . S . G R A Y Deputy Greffier of the States.