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STATES MINUTES 1 9 t h J u ne 1990 P r ic e : # 1 .0 0
THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 19th June 1990 at 9.30 a.m. under
the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,
V e rnon Amy Tomes, Esquire
_ _ _ _ ________
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Richard Joseph Shenton - out
o f the Island.
S enator Bernard Thomas Binnington -
o ut of the Island.
S enator Anne Baal - out of the Island.
M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of S t. Brelade - ill.
M ichael Adam Wavell, Deputy of St.
H elier - out of the Island.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _______
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Misuse of Drugs (General
P r o visions) (Amendment) (Jersey) O rd er 1990. R & O 8071.
2 . Water (Temporary Restrictions) ( J er sey) Order 1990. R & O 8072.
Motor Traffic Department report 1989
The Defence Committee by Act dated 12th April 1990, presented to the States a report of the Motor Traffic Department for 1989.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the
Finance and Economics Committee dated 11th June 1990, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Harbours and A ir port Committee, the renewal of
t h e lease to Les Viviers de Ste.
C a t herine Limited of a tunnel and
l a nd at St. Catherine, St. Martin,
f o r a period of three years with
e f fe ct from 1st April 1990 at an
a n n ual rental of £2,000, to be
i n cr eased annually in line with
t h e Jersey cost of living index;
( b) as recommended by the Housing C o m mittee, the acceptance, free of c h a rge, from Henfrin Limited of
p a r ty ownership of the brook
r u n ning through the western part
o f F ield 18, St. Clement, with the
e x a ct boundaries to be agreed on
s it e , with the Housing Committee b e in g responsible for the payment
o f a ll legal fees;
( c) as recommended by the Housing
C o m mittee, with the support of the I s la nd Development Committee, the p u r chase from Mrs. Lilian May
Q u erée, née Michel, of No. 12,
L e m prière Street, St. Helier , for
a c o nsideration of #115,000 with
t h e Committee being responsible
f o r the payment of all legal fees;
( d) as recommended by the Education C o m mittee, the passing of a
C o n tract de Bornement with La
M o tte Garages Limited to agree the b o u ndary line between the
c o m pany's property and Le Rocquier S c h ool, St. Clement, the cost of a
b o u ndary wall to be shared equally
b e tw een the two parties and the
w al l to become a party wall; ( e) as recommended by the Agriculture a n d Fisheries Committee, the lease
t o M r. Charles Anthony Fossey of
t h e grazing land at the property
L a Grande Maison St. Catherine,
S t . Martin, measuring 21.27.00
v e r gées for a period of three
y ears commencing on 1st June 1990 a t a n annual rent of £2,300.
Matter noted - financial transaction
THE STATES noted an Act of the
Finance and Economics Committee dated 11th June 1990, showing that in pursuance of
Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that the Housing Committee had accepted the lowest of four tenders, namely that submitted by Hacquoil and Cook Limited, in the sum of #424,648 in a contract period of 31 weeks for the construction of six three-bedroomed houses
at Field 77, Gorey Village, Grouville .
Matter lodged
The following subject was lodged au Greffe -
D raft Collective Investment Funds
( No. 1) (Jersey) Regulations 199 .
P .89/90.
P resented by the Finance and Economics C ommittee.
Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974: administration. P.134/89. Withdrawn
THE STATES noted that Senator
Richard Joseph Shenton had withdrawn his proposition relating to the administration of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974 (lodged on 17th October 1989).
Sodomy: amendment of legislation. P.43/90. Withdrawn
THE STATES noted that Senator Betty Brooke had withdrawn her proposition regarding the amendment of legislation relating to sodomy (lodged on 27th March 1990).
Arrangement of Public Business for next Sitting on 26th June 1990
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the next Sitting on 26th June 1990 -
S wimming pool at Les
Q uennevais. P.57/90.
L odged: 24th April, 1990. E ducation Committee.
E ducation Committee: capital p roposals for 1991. P.84/90. L odged: 12th June, 1990.
E ducation Committee.
T elecommunications Board:
c apital proposals for 1991 and 1992. P .61/90.
L odged: 8th May, 1990.
T elecommunications Board.
F ort Regent: leisure
p ool. P.85/90.
L odged: 12th June, 1990.
F ort Regent Development Committee.
C apital projects: review and
c ontrol. P.70/90.
L odged: 29th May, 1990.
P olicy and Resources Committee.
S tates Members: payment.
P .132/89.
L odged: 3rd October, 1989.
D eputy M.C. Buesnel of St. Helier. ( Report of House Committee refers - P .52/90).
L icensing (Jersey) Law 1974: r eview. P.60/90.
L odged: 8th May, 1990.
T ourism Committee.
3 6½ Belmont Road, St. Helier: r edevelopment. P.86/90.
L odged: 12th June, 1990. H ousing Committee.
D raft Road Traffic (No. 35)
( Jersey) Regulations, 199 . P.87/90. L odged: 12th June, 1990.
D efence Committee.
D raft Road Traffic (No. 36)
( Jersey) Regulations, 199 . P.88/90. L odged: 12th June, 1990.
D efence Committee.
St. Helier 's Waterfront -
appointment of consultants. Statement
The President of the Island
Development Committee made a statement in the following terms -
On 24th April 1990, in response to
q uestions from Deputy Mrs. C.M.
R umboll, I informed the States of the p rogramme for appointing consultants t o study St. Helier's waterfront. This
s tatement provides Members with
i nformation on the current position.
I n response to the advertising
c ampaign, 175 synopses of the
W aterfront Brief and application forms w ere issued. The majority of enquiries h ave been from United Kingdom
p ractices. In addition, there has been
i nterest shown from Canadian and
A merican practices.
S o far 52 applications have been made f or consideration. The closing date
f or all applications is 6th July 1990.
O n 9th July Mr. William Whitfield,
o fficers of the Department of Planning a nd Building Control and myself will b e considering the applications, with a view to selecting 12 firms who
s hould go on to the next stage of the
s election process. This will take
p lace in mid August.
T he programme which I gave previously t o the House is being met.''
The Limes Hospital development: Stage 2
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Health Committee -
( a) approved Drawings Nos. D/1714/7C, 2 L , 3K, 4L, 10A, 11B, 12B, 14E,
1 5 E , 16E, 17E, 18E, 19D, 20D, 21C, 2 2 H , 23G, 24D, 25J, 26F, 36A, 37A, a n d 62B showing Stage 2 of The
L i m es Hospital Development to
p r o vide 15 one-bedroomed units of
s h e ltered housing accommodation,
o n e two-bedroomed Ward en's Flat
a n d a residential nursing home to
a c c ommodate 30 residents;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the said Drawings
o n behalf of the States.
Public Health Committee: capital proposals for 1991. P.74/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Public Health Committee, approved in principle -
1 . the final phase of the General H o spital redevelopment;
2 . the conversion of the health
c e n tre (Gwyneth Huelin wing) to p r o vide antenatal midwifery
f a ci lities;
3 . a capital budget to enable
p r o grammed replacement of medical e q u ipment;
4 . air conditioning improvements to P h a se I of the General Hospital;
5 . the final phase of upgrading the m ai n building at St. Saviour's
H o spital.
Housing Committee: capital proposals for 1991. P.77/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee, approved in principle, that Committee's capital expenditure proposals for 1991, as follows -
( a) developments -
2 2 - 28 Albert Street
B a g ot Villa (part of site)
C h a nnel Television, Rouge Bouillon G ro uville Hospital
L e Bernage
Q u atre Bras, St. Saviour's Road
R i t z Hotel
( b) refurbishment proposals - 7 3 Colomberie
T o w er Road Maisonettes
N ic holson Park Phase II.
Public Services Committee: capital proposals for 1991. P.78/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Public Services Committee, approved in principle -
( a) the replacement of items of
t ra n sport and plant which have
r e ac hed the end of their economic w o rking life;
( b) the continuation of the programme
o f r efurbishment of brick and
c o n crete sewers;
( c) the continuation of the
r e p lacement of the old beach
o u t fall and surface water culvert
f ro m the Weighbridge;
( d) the provision of the St. John's
r is i ng main and the improvement of t h e existing sewer to Sion;
( e) the provision of storage tanks;
( f) the extension of the foul sewer s y s tem;
( g) the construction of surface water d r a inage improvements;
( h) the continuation of the roads i m p rovement programme;
( i) the acquisition of land for road
a n d environmental improvements.
Green Street, St. Helier : road improvements. P.79/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Services Committee -
( a) authorised that Committee to make a n a greement with Maximus Limited w h ereby -
( i) Maximus Limited will cede to th e p u blic free of charge 556
sq u a r e feet of land at 15
G r e en Street;
( ii ) the public will cede to
M a x i m us Limited free of
ch a r g e 556 square feet of
la n d b eing part of the site
at 2 5 /2 6 Grenville Street and 1 7 /1 9 Green Street;
( ii i) the public will sell to M a x i m u s Limited the re m a in d er of that site w i th a n a rea of 761
sq u a r e f e et of land at
# 1 3 1 a sq uare foot
p ro d u c i n g #99,691;
( iv ) the public will cede to
M a x i m us Limited, free of
ch a r g e , 161 square feet of
la n d fr om the site of 9 Green
S tr e e t in exchange for all
ri g h ts in the common yard and
o u tb u i ldings servicing 9, 11
an d 1 3 Green Street as
af f e c te d by the road
im p ro v ement line;
( v ) the public will cede to
M a x i m us Limited 123 square fe e t o f land from the site of
co t t ag e No. 1 at 7 Green
S tr e e t in exchange for all
ri g h ts in the common yard
se r v ic i ng all of the cottages
at 7 G r een Street as affected
b y t h e road improvement line;
( v i) within 12 months of passing
ea c h c ontract Maximus Limited w i ll d e molish cottage No. 1
o f 7 G reen Street, 9 Green
S tr e e t together with its
w a s h -h ouse, 17 Green Street
an d 2 5 Grenville Street,
p ro t e c t the open site with
h o ar d i ngs and shore up and
p ro t e c t their own property.
T h e P u blic Services Committee w i ll c o ntribute towards the
co s t o f the demolition
co n t r a ct on a proportion of
4 3 p e r cent to the public and
5 7 p e r cent to Maximus
L im it e d;
( v ii ) Maximus Limited will ad j u s t a t their own cost
th e fi re e scape and lobby w h i ch p r ojects into the
li n e o f t h e footpath at
1 5 G re e n Street.
( b) authorised the payment or
d i sc harge of the expenses to be
i n cu rred in connexion with the
a c q uisition of the said land and
d e m olition of the properties, and a l l legal expenses from the Public S e r vices Committee's vote of
c r ed it Road Improvements,
P r o perty Acquisition and
I n v estigation' C0303;
( c) authorised the Attorney General a n d the Greffier of the States to
p a s s on behalf of the public any c o n tract it might be found
n e c essary to pass in connexion
w it h the acquisition of the said
l a nd and any interests therein.
Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , having declared an interest in the matter, withdrew from the Chamber prior to the debate.
Electricity Link with France
(Protection of Submarine Cable) (Jersey) Regulations 1990. P.81/90
THE STATES, by virtue and in
exercise of the powers conferred on them by the Order in Council of the fourteenth day of April 1884, made Regulations entitled the Electricity Link with France
(Protection of Submarine Cable) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.
La Collette: construction of industrial building. P.82/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Island Development
Committee, approved, in principle, the construction of a two-storey industrial building of about 16,500 square feet ground floor area, to let to local companies, on land the Committee administers at La Collette and in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan for the area as shown on drawing No. 01.115.12A.
Housing needs: Special Committee. P.97/89.
THE STATES, having accepted an amendment of Senator John Stephen Rothwell that for the words Committee of Inquiry'' there should be substituted the words
Special Committee to inquire'', adopted
his proposition and agreed to set up a
Special Committee to inquire into the
future housing needs of the Island and how they should be provided for.
Members present voted as follows - P o u r' ' (44)
J eune, Horsfall, Ellis, Rothwell, Le M ain, Brooke, Le Maistre, Carter.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Peter , St. Helier, St.
C lement, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. O uen, St. Saviour , St. Brelade,
T rinity, St. Martin, Grouville .
d e la Haye(H), Morel (S), Le
G allais(S), Roche(S), Trinity ,
B lampied(H), Billot(S), St. John, St.
P eter, St. Martin , Baudains(C),
B uesnel(H), C. Rumboll(H), Le
S ueur(H), St. Ouen , Coutanche(L),
H uelin(B), Jordan(B), St. Mary ,
B ailhache(H), Rabet(H), Baudains(H), G rouville, Clarke-Halifax(S).
C o n t re'' (2)
V andervliet(L), Norman(C).
Housing needs: Special Committee - appointment of chairman and members
THE STATES, on the proposition of Senator Reginald Robert Jeune appointed Senator John Stephen Rothwell as Chairman of the Special Committee to inquire into
the future housing needs of the Island.
On the proposition of Senator Rothwell the following were appointed as members of the Special Committee -
D eputy Graham Huelin of St. Brelade M r. John Le Fondré
A dvocate Keith Baker
M rs. C. Wakeham.
On-street parking charges. P.25/90
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Public Services Committee, agreed in principle, that charges should be levied
for on-street parking in St. Helier, as outlined in a report of the Public Works Committee dated 18th December 1989, and authorised the Public Services Committee to introduce the necessary legislation to give effect thereto.
Members present voted as follows - P o u r' ' (27)
J eune, Horsfall, Ellis, Brooke.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Peter , St. Helier, St. L awrence, St. Mary, St. Ouen, St. B relade, Trinity , St. Martin,
G rouville.
d e la Haye(H), Le Gallais(S),
V andervliet(L), R. Rumboll(H),
B illot(S), St. Martin, Baudains(H), C. R umboll(H), St. Ouen , Huelin(B),
J ordan(B), St. Mary, Clarke-
H alifax(S).
C o n t re'' (15)
R othwell, Carter.
S t. Clement.
M orel(S), Roche(S), Trinity ,
B lampied(H), Norman(C), St. Peter ,
B uesnel(H), Coutanche(L),
B ailhache(H), Rabet(H), Baudains(H), G rouville.
Video Recordings (Jersey) Law 1990. P.59/90
THE STATES, subject to the sanction
of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Video Recordings (Jersey) Law 1990.
THE STATES rose at 4.45 p.m.
E . J .M . P O T T E R G re f fi er of the States.