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States Minutes 9th October 1990

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STATES MINUTES 9 th O ctober, 1990 P r ice : # 1.00

THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 9th October, 1990 at 10.00 a.m. under

t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.

___ _______ __

 His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Air Marshal Sir John Sutton, K.C.B.,

w as pr esent.

___ _______ __

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator Bernard Thomas Binnington -

o ut of the Island.

E dwin Le Gresley Godel, Connétable of S t. Mary - out of the Island.

M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of S t. Brelade - out of the Island.

M ichael Adam Wavell, Deputy of St.

H elier - ill.

H enri Leon Dubras, Deputy of St.

M artin - out of the Island.

D erek Ryder Maltwood, Deputy of St.

M ary - out of the Island.

R ichard Peter Clarke-Halifax, Deputy

o f St. Saviour - out of the Island.

___ _______ __

P r aye rs

___ _______ __

Distinguished visitor - welcome

The Bailiff welcomed to the House

Mr. Tim Devlin, Member of Parliament for Stockton South.

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

1 . Road Traffic ( Grouville )

( A m endment No. 5) (Jersey) Order

1990. R & O 8111.

2 . Road Traffic (Saint Helier)

( A m endment No. 12) (Jersey) Order 1990. R & O 8112.

3 . Road Racing (Motor Vehicle Rally) ( Je r sey) Order 1990. R & O 8113.

Contingencies vote of credit: Public Health Committee

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee dated 1st October 1990, informing the States that it had made available to the Public Health Committee the sum of #50,000 from the contingencies vote of credit to carry out remedial work to the concrete frame in the south-west wing of the Nurses' Home at the General Hospital.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted an Act of the

Finance and Economics Committee, dated 1st October 1990, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

( a) as recommended by the Public

H e al th Committee, the leasing from

Mac por Development Limited of Flat 5, 29 M idvale Road, St. Helier ,

f or a pe riod of three years,

com mencing 1st July 1990, at a

w e ekl y rent of #85, with annual

i nc r eases linked to the Jersey

C os t of Living Index, required to

pr ov ide emergency accommodation

f or nur sing and medical staff;

( b) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the renewal of

a l eas e to St. Helier Port

S er vices Limited of 241 square

f ee t of office accommodation on

t he N ew North Quay, St. Helier ,

f or a pe riod of three years

com mencing 1st October 1990, at an

annua l rent of £2,290, to be

i nc r eased annually in line with

t he J ersey Cost of Living Index;

( c) as recommended by the Housing

C om mittee, with the support of the I sl and Development Committee, the

pur chase from Mrs. Ruth Popejoy, née Randegar, and Mr. Lee Arthur P opej oy, of 2 St. Clement 's Road, S t . H elier, for a consideration of

£ 82,50 0, with each party being

r es pons ible for the payment of its ow n l egal fees;

( d) as recommended by the Housing

C om mittee, with the support of the I sl and Development Committee, the pur chase from Harven Property

C om pany Limited, of 2b St.

C l em ent's Road, St. Helier , for a

cons ideration of £260,000 with the C om mittee being responsible for

t he paym ent of all legal fees;

( e) as recommended by the Housing

C om mittee, with the support of the I sl and Development Committee, the pur chase from Mr. Aime Robin and Mr s . Melanie Marie Robin, née

G u yade r, of the property,

Wes tview, Plat Douet Road, St.

S avi our, for a consideration of

£ 155,0 00 with the Committee being

r es pons ible for the payment of all

l egal fees;

( f) as recommended by the Public

S er vices Committee, the cession,

f ree of charge, by J.H. Barette

and S ons Limited of an area of

l and s ituated at Route du Mont

Mad o, St. John , shown on Drawing N o . 486/ 02A, together with the

t ight tanks constructed

t he r eunder, and to the acceptance

by t he Public Services Committee of a right of access, including

t he r ight to park one vehicle,

over the existing forecourt in

or de r to maintain the pumping

s tat ion, with the Committee being r es pons ible for the payment of all

l egal fees.

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

1 . No. 3 Hue Street, St. Helier : pur chase. P.154/90.

P r es ented by the Island

D e vel opment Committee.

2 . Gluten-free foods: financial

as si stance. P.155/90.

P r es ented by the Social Security C om mittee.

The following subjects were lodged on 2nd October 1990 -

1 . Draft Policing of Roads, Parks and S ea B eaches (Application of Fines) ( A m endment No. 3) (Jersey) Law

199 . P .150/90.

P r es ented by the Legislation

C om mittee.

2 . Social Security pension scheme: ext r a benefits. P.151/90.

P r es ented by Senator Richard

J os eph Shenton.

3 . Elections for Senator or Deputy : age disqualification. P.152/90.

P r es ented by Senator Richard

J os eph Shenton.

4. Commercial radio station.

P .153/ 90.

P r es ented by the Broadcasting C om mittee.

Arrangement of Public Business at this present Sitting

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the present Sitting -

P ublic Employees

C ontributory Retirement Scheme - 1990 a mendments: additional vote of

c redit. P.144/90.

L odged: 25th September 1990.

F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

G eneral Hospital development - p hase III ward upgrading:

s upplementary vote of credit.

P .145/90.

L odged: 25th September 1990. F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

G eneral Hospital development - f ees phase III completion phases: s upplementary vote of credit.

P .146/90.

L odged: 25th September 1990. F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

E dinburgh Guest

H ouse - alteration: supplementary vote

o f credit. P.147/90.

L odged: 25th September 1990.

F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

P ost Office automated sorting

e quipment: supplementary vote of c redit. P.148/90.

L odged: 25th September 1990.

F inance and Economics

C ommittee.

Arrangement of Public Business for the next Sitting on 23rd October 1990

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the next Sitting on 23rd October 1990 -

D raft Sea-Fisheries (Fishing Nets)

( Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 1 99 . P.126/90.

L odged: 11th September 1990.

A griculture and Fisheries

C ommittee.

D raft Christmas Bonus (Jersey) L aw 199 . P.128/90.

L odged: 11th September 1990. S ocial Security Committee.

D raft Aerodromes

( Administration) (Amendment No. 3) ( Jersey) Law 199 . P.133/90.

L odged: 11th September 1990.

H arbours and Airport Committee.

D efective produ

c ompensation. P.136/90.

L odged: 11th September 1990. D eputy S.M. Baudains of St. H elier.

M al Assis/Nicholson Park

r edevelopment: Phase 1. P.138/90. L odged: 25th September 1990.

H ousing Committee.

D raft Housing (General

P rovisions) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) R egulations 199 . P.103/90.

L odged: 31st July 1990.

H ousing Committee.

D raft Housing (General

P rovisions) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) R egulations 199 : amendment.

H ousing Committee.

D raft Housing (General

P rovisions) (Amendment No. 9) (Jersey) R egulations 199 : second amendment. D eputy F.H. Morel of St.

S aviour.

F ield 1257, La Grande Route de S t. Jean, St. Helier : rezoning and p urchase of land. P.140/90.

L odged: 25th September 1990.

I sland Development Committee.

S t. Ouen's Bay sand extraction. P .112/90.

L odged: 31st July 1990.

I sland Development Committee.

C ommercial radio station. P .153/90.

L odged: 2nd October 1990. B roadcasting Committee.

Postal Headquarters. P.119/90

THE STATES acceded to the request of the President of the Committee for Postal Administration that the proposition regarding new Postal Headquarters be deferred from the present Sitting to a later date.

Balleine Close, St. Clement

(formerly The Halt): approval of drawings. P.149/90

THE STATES acceded to the request of Senator Corrie Stein that the proposition regarding the redevelopment at Balleine Close, St. Clement (lodged on 25th September 1990) be considered at the present Sitting.

Gas Works site: rescission to build multi-storey car park. P.131/90

THE STATES acceded to the request of Senator Terence John Le Main that the proposition regarding the rescission of the States' Act of 10th November 1987 opposing the building of a new multi-storey car park at the Gas Works site be deferred from the present Sitting to a later date.

Breath testing. Questions and answers

Deputy David John de la Haye of St. Helier asked Senator Richard Joseph Shenton, President of the Defence Committee, the following questions -

Q uestion 1

During the debate on 12th December

1 989, I withdrew my amendments to the n ew Article 16B contained in

R egulation 3 of the draft Road Traffic

( No. 34) (Jersey) Regulations 198 , as

t he result of certain assurances given

b y the President of the Defence

C ommittee.

C an the Committee confirm that the i nstructions given to the States of

J ersey Police are still to the effect

t hat motorists are not to be subjected t o random breath testing as stated by t he President during that debate?''

The President of the Defence Committee replied as follows -


S upplementary questions and answers

D eputy M.C. Buesnel of St. Helier -

Could the President say whether the

n umber of people being stopped by the P olice since the introduction of the

b reathalyser is greater than in a

s imilar period before the introduction

o f the breathalyser?

P resident, Defence Committee - If

t he Deputy read the report which has r ecently been sent to all Members

r egarding the breathalyser, he will

s ee that no records were kept prior to t hat so there is no comparison to be

m ade. What I would say to the Deputy i s if one listens to the media and if

o ne listens to the Saturday morning

r adio broadcast in particular, one

w ill notice that the old statistics

w hich took place prior to the

b reathalyser of so many motorists

b eing arrested and charged and put in

t he cells on a Friday night, etc., has

c ertainly dried up. The effect of the

b reathalyser is to deter people from

d rinking and driving, of that I have

t ried very hard to influence the House

t hat we should set an example and show t hat we support the Police in this

a ction and not at every attempt listen

t o idle gossip and try to put a false

p icture before those people who will

r eadily use it to advantage. There is

n o doubt in my mind that the

b reathalyser has changed drinking and d riving habits in this Island. If any

M ember does not feel that to be the

c ase then he can do as I would do and

p ut forward a proposition for the

b reathalyser law to be rescinded.''

D eputy Buesnel - Would the President t ell me whether each stoppage is

r ecorded in the appropriate notebook

t hat the constable carries with him?''

P resident, Defence Committee - As

P resident of Defence I, unlike my

p redecessors, have tried to keep

a bsolutely away from policing in this

I sland. I am aware of the small nature

o f our community and the insular

n ature and I can say that as a

J erseyman. Therefore, I try not to

i nterfere in any way unless there is a

c omplaint against the Police, that

m atter is investigated by a Member of

t his House, Senator Mrs. Betty Brooke, a nd she has not cut down in her own

w ay that the investigation procedure

a nd the complaints that we receive are m inimal compared to what they were

p reviously. Now if a matter is brought

t o my attention, which does by its

i mplication imply that the Police have

a cted wrongly, then rest assured those m atters are taken up and dealt with in

t he same way as I am trying to deal

w ith these questions today. They are

d ealt with in a forthright, honest and

a manner which would bring credit to

t his House, it brings no credit to

s pread these exaggerated reports to

t he public at large and cause them to,

s hall we say, have less confidence in

t he Police in this Island. We have a

v ery good Police Force both the

p rofessional and honorary system are

b ehaving in a way which is a credit to

t his Island and I hope that any of

t hem listening will learn that we have

b een complimented by the Home Office,

H er Majesty's Inspector of the Home

O ffice on the quality and training of

o ur Police force. If they want further

i nformation I will be happy to keep

t his House, I can go on at length

t elling you how much policing has

i mproved and how much better it is in

t his Island at the present time and I

a m saddened to read in the press,

l etters at times and hear comments

f rom Members of the House who frankly s hould know a lot better.''

Deputy D.J. de la Haye Q uestion 2

Is the Committee satisfied that the a ction of the Police in stopping

m otorists in 30 m.p.h. speed limit

a reas is not being used as a pretext f or carrying out random breath

t ests?''

President, Defence Committee Yes.''

Postal Headquarters. Statement

The President of the Island

Development Committee made a statement in the following terms -

Proposition P.119/90, lodged by the

C ommittee for Postal Administration,

a sks the States to instruct the

I sland Development Committee and the P ublic Services Committee to find a

s ite acceptable to the Committee for

P ostal Administration, on which the

n ew Postal Headquarters can be built

s o as to be fully operational by mid-

1 993'.

A s Members will know, the requirement t o provide new facilities for postal

s orting and administration has been

r ecognised since June 1985 when the

B ritish Postal Consultancy Service

c arried out a substantial review of

t he Island's postal services and

i dentified future mail trends and the

f acilities needed to accommodate the

s ervice in the future. It was

r ecognised at that time that the

s ituation would become critical in the

e arly to mid-1990s when the existing

a ccommodation became incapable of

h andling the volumes of mail. The

p rojections made have been vindicated b y experience over the past five

y ears, and clearly one of the purposes

o f this proposition is to impress on

t he States, as well as on the two

C ommittees, the high priority that

n eeds to be given to rehousing the

p ostal service.

T he States have, of course, on more

t han one occasion, agreed the siting

o f Postal Headquarters. That siting,

o n an area of land at the Albert Pier

r eclamation site adjoining the

E splanade, remains the favoured site,

n ot only of the Island Development and P ublic Services Committees, but also

o f the Committee for Postal

A dministration. That Committee's

c oncern is that delays in the funding,

d esign and construction of the

a pproved underground car park, on top

o f which the Postal Headquarters would b e sited, are, in consequence,

d elaying the programming of the Postal H eadquarters.

T his problem has been discussed at s ome length in recent months by the t hree Committees. In practice there a re only two options that afford the p ossibility of Postal having new

p remises available in the reasonably n ear future, however neither will

p roduce a building that would be

a vailable by mid-1993 -

( a) to redevelop the Mont Millais s it e;

( b) to develop on the agreed site at

t he E splanade, but providing

under ground parking for Postal's

ow n pur poses only. This, we

bel i eve, can be done without

com promising the States' decisions of 1 988 to construct an

under ground car park immediately t o t he west. In effect it

s epa rates the two schemes and

al l ow s them to proceed

i nd ependently of each other.

T he Public Services and Island

D evelopment Committees favour the s econd option. It is unlikely that the

n ew premises can be made available at t he Esplanade until 1994 at the

e arliest and more likely 1995, but

e qually it is unlikely that

r edevelopment of the Mont Millais site c an be achieved by then either, and

t his option would involve the

t emporary relocation of some postal

s ervices during redevelopment. In any c ase, the Mont Millais redevelopment w ill not, in our view, produce the

f acility that Postal really need - it

w ill not concentrate Postal's

o perations on one site with the clear

a dministrative advantage this affords; i t will not help with the increasing

u sage of box numbers; and will not

h ave the accessibility advantage of

t he Esplanade site.

T here have been suggestions that the M ont Millais site in unsuitable for

h ousing purposes. Both Committees

r efute this. There is no doubt that

t he site will be difficult to

d evelop - quarry sites often are - but

t he Island Development Committee has n ever suggested that the development

o f the site for housing would be easy.

A ccordingly, both the Island

D evelopment and Public Services

C ommittees have effectively carried

o ut the instruction that the Committee f or Postal Administration seeks to

p romote. Both Committees have

c oncluded that the best site remains

t hat agreed by the States in 1988.''

Le Brun's Bakery bread prices. Statement

Senator Richard Joseph Shenton made a statement in the following terms -

Members will recall that on 25th

S eptember, 1990 I asked the President

o f the Policy and Resources Committee

a question on bread prices. In

r esponse to a supplementary question

t he President indicated that he had no

o bjection to my going with the

E conomic Adviser to Le Brun's to

inspect the company's books in

r esponse to an offer made by the

C hairman of the company, Lord

M atthews.

M r. Powell and I have now met with

L ord Matthews and his son, Ian

M atthews, the Managing Director of the c ompany, and I should like to report

t o the House on the outcome of our d iscussions.

F rom correspondence shown to us it is

u nderstood why the company should have r eferred so directly to the Gulf

c risis as the reason for the increase

i n bread prices. The company has been

f aced with significant increased

c harges imposed by a number of local

c ompanies, and in every case those

c ompanies have given the Gulf crisis

a s the reason for the increase.

T he Company also faces continuing d ifficulties arising both from the

t ight labour market conditions that

p revail in the Island, and from the

l imited market opportunities available t o them in relation to the scale of

t he plant being operated. However, I w as comforted by the assurance given b y Lord Matthews that the possible

c losure of the plant is not in

p rospect, contrary to what may have b een read into some of the recent

p ress comments.

I am satisfied that the increase in

p rices announced by the company last m onth was justified. Furthermore,

c osts are continuing to rise and

t herefore there is every possibility

t hat further price increases will need

t o be made. When such increases take p lace it is obviously in the hands of

t he management of the company.

T he opportunity of the visit to the

c ompany's offices was taken to discuss a number of matters relating to the

p ricing and range of their products,

a nd I was impressed with the openness w ith which our questions were

r esponded to. I found the new

m anagement of the company also very m uch alive to the need to improve on

t he quality of their products if the

f ull potential of the Island market is

t o be exploited, and they are to be

e ncouraged in this endeavour.

F inally I would like to say that the

p ride expressed by Lord Matthews and h is son, the Managing Director, in the a cquisition of a local company shows a p ersonal interest in the reputation of

t he company which augers well for

I sland consumers.''

Customs officers: searches. Statement

The President of the Finance and

Economics Committee made a statement in the following terms -

In the course of the debate on the

d raft Customs and Excise (General

P rovisions) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) L aw 199 , on Tuesday, 25th September 1 990, Senator T.J. Le Main referred to

t he intimate' searching of passengers

b y Customs officers, and particularly

t o a complaint which he had received

o n the subject.

T he Agent of the Impôts has carried

o ut a thorough investigation into the i ncident referred to by Senator Le M ain and has personally interviewed a ll those involved.

T he passenger connected with the

i ncident has stated categorically that

h e has no complaint to make against

a ny Customs officer and, in fact, was

t reated with tact and courtesy

t hroughout a search for controlled

d rugs. There was never any suggestion f rom him that he was subjected to an

intimate' search.

I n fact intimate' searches such as

s uggested by the Senator, involving i nternal penetration to any degree, a re never carried out by Customs

o fficers. Indeed, if they were it

w ould constitute an indecent assault

o n the person and officers would be l iable to prosecution.

W here a Customs officer has reasonable g rounds to suspect that a person may

h ave concealed drugs internally, a

m edical practitioner is informed of

t he facts and if the suspect consents,

i n writing, to an internal examination

t hen, and only then, will a doctor

p roceed with the examination.''

St. Helier Waterfront Plan.


The President of the Island

Development Committee made a statement in the following terms -

It gives me great pleasure to inform t he House that, after considerable

d eliberation, the Island Development C ommittee has decided to appoint

A ndrews Downie and Partners as

c onsultants for the preparation of the W aterfront Plan.

T he selection panel were most

i mpressed by the initial ideas which w ere presented to it. The firm

d emonstrated that they, together with t he rest of their team, had a full

u nderstanding of the contents of the W aterfront brief and had an

a ppreciation of the architecture and

c haracter of St. Helier . The firm,

w hile large enough to provide all the u rban design skills required, are also c apable of working closely with the v arious departments of the States that w ill be involved in the project.

A ndrews Downie and Partners will be

l eading a consortium consisting of

B ell Cornwell and Partners, planning

c onsultants, Derek Lovejoy and

P artners, landscape architects, Sir

A lexander Gibb, consultant engineers, T ecnEcon, development consultants and D avid Bellamy Associates,

e nvironmental consultants.

W ork on the plan will start once

f ormal contracts have been signed in t he next few weeks. The plan will be c ompleted within six months of the s tart of work.''

Sheltered workshop for people with a

mental handicap: appointment of Chairman of the Board of Management

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Social Security Committee, approved the nomination of Mr. Leslie Norman as Chairman of the Board of Management of the Sheltered Workshop for people with a mental handicap.

General Hospital: establishment of a dedicated isolation unit

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Public Health Committee, approved in principle the provision of a dedicated isolation facility in Phase 3E of the

General Hospital development scheme, as outlined in the Public Health Committee's report dated 14th September 1990.

General Hospital development - phase

III ward upgrading: supplementary vote of credit. P.145/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Finance and Economics Committee, acceded to the request for the following supplementary vote of credit to be voted out of the general reserve -

P ublic Health Committee

C 2725 - General Hospital

d evelopment phase III ward

u pgrading #2 50,00 0 .

General Hospital development - fees

phase III completion phases: supplementary vote of credit. P.146/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Finance and Economics Committee, acceded to the request for the following supplementary vote of credit to be voted out of the general reserve -

P ublic Health Committee

C 2726 - General Hospital

d evelopment fees phase III

c ompletion phases #50,0 0 0.

Edinburgh Guest House, St. Helier : purchase. P.156/90

THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Housing Committee regarding the purchase of the Edinburgh Guest House in St. Helier . After discussion, and on the proposition of Deputy Cynthia Miriam Rumboll of St. Helier , the proposition was lodged au Greffe''.

Companies (Jersey) Law 1990. P.114/90 and P.137/90

THE STATES, subject to the sanction

of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Companies (Jersey) Law 1990.

Trusts (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1990. P.118/90

THE STATES, subject to the sanction

of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Trusts (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1990.

Field 1007, St. John . P.109/90

THE STATES commenced consideration

of a proposition of Deputy David John de la Haye of St. Helier regarding Field 1007 at St. John . After further debate, the States acceded to the request of Deputy de la Haye that the proposition be deferred to a later date on an assurance being given by the Vice-President of the Island Development Committee that that Committee would undertake to meet with Deputy de la Haye to review the proposition.

The Connétable of St. John having declared an interest in the matter, withdrew from

the Chamber prior to the debate.

Jersey Schizophrenia Fellowship: grant. P.142/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Public Health Committee, agreed in principle that a grant of #120,000 should be made by the Public Health Committee to the Jersey Schizophrenia Fellowship, for the repair and refurbishment of Camelot, No. 3 Waverley Terrace, St. Saviour .

Jersey Schizophrenia Fellowship - grant: additional vote of credit. P.143/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Finance and Economics Committee, acceded to the request for the following additional vote of credit to be voted out

of the general reserve -

P ublic Health Committee

3 219B - Jersey Schizophrenia F ellowship #120,0 00.

Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme - 1990 amendme additional vote of credit. P.144/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Finance and Economics Committee, acceded to the request for the following additional vote of credit to be voted out

of the general reserve -

E stablishment

5 117 - 1990 amendments to P ECRS #1,210 ,000.

Post office automated sorting equipment: supplementary vote of credit. P.148/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of the Finance and Economics Committee, acceded to the request for the following supplementary vote of credit to be voted out of the general reserve -

P ostal Administration

C 1303 - automated sorting e quipment #2 50,000.

Balleine Close, St. Clement

(formerly The Halt): approval of Drawings. P.149/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -

( a) approved Drawings Numbers 1189/6, 1189/ 7A, 1189/8A and 1189/9B,

s how ing the redevelopment of

B al leine Close, St. Clement

( for merly known as The Halt);

( b) authorised the Greffier of the

S t a tes to sign the said Drawings on be half of the States.

Les Mielles Golf Course, St. Ouen . P.124/90

THE STATES, adopting a proposition

of Senator John Stephen Rothwell, agreed to inform the Island Development Committee that they would support the giving of approval to an extension to the existing

golf course at Les Mielles, St. Ouen , making it an 18-hole course together with a revised car park and driving range.

La Caroline, La Grande Rue, St. Mary . P.125/90. Withdrawn

Senator John Stephen Rothwell agreed

to withdraw the proposition regarding La Caroline, La Grande Rue, St. Mary , on an assurance being given by the President of the Island Development Committee that that Committee would undertake to present a report to the States.

Milk (Sale to Special Classes) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1990

THE STATES, by virtue and in

exercise of the powers conferred upon them by the Order in Council of the fourteenth day of April 1884, made Regulations entitled the Milk (Sale to Special Classes) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1990.

THE STATES rose at 5.20 p.m.

R . S . G R A Y D eputy Greffier of the States.