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STATES MINUTES 5 th N ovember 1991 P r ic e : # 1 .0 0
THE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 5th November 1991 at 9.30 a.m. under t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r Peter Crill, C.B.E.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Air Marshal Sir John Sutton, K.C.B.,
w a s p r esent.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator Reginald Robert Jeune - out of t he Island.
S enator Bernard Thomas Binnington -
o ut of the Island.
S enator Pierre François Horsfall - out
o f the Island.
S enator Anne Baal - ill.
S enator John Stephen Rothwell - out of t he Island.
R ichard Winter Le Sauteur, Connétable
o f Grouville - out of the Island.
M ichael Adam Wavell, Deputy of St.
S aviour - out of the Island.
T homas James Jordan, Deputy of St.
B relade - out of the Island.
_ _ _ _ _ _______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _______
Mary Alexander - welcome
The Bailiff welcomed to the House
Miss Mary Alexander the new Chief Officer of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee.
Subordinate legislation tabled The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Consumer Protection (Safety of
C o s metic Products) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 1. R & O 8294.
2 . Telecommunications (Telephones) ( A m endment No. 17) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 1. R & O 8295.
St. Helier Waterfront Plan (P.86/91): supplement P.171/91
The Finance and Economics Committee
by Act dated 14th October 1991 and the Policy and Resources Committee by Act dated 29th October 1991 presented to the States their comments on the St. Helier Waterfront Plan.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Matters noted - land transaction
THE STATES noted an Act of the
Finance and Economics Committee dated 28th October 1991, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved as recommended by the Housing Committee, and with the support of the
Island Development Committee, the purchase from Mrs. Grace Amelia Beardsley, née Sullivan, of Landscape Cottage, Le Bernage, Longueville, St. Saviour for the sum of #110,000 with each party being responsible for its own legal fees.
Matters noted - financial transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the
Finance and Economics Committee dated 28th October 1991, showing that in pursuance of Rule 5 of the Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967, as amended, the Committee had noted that -
( a) the Harbours and Airport Committee h a d accepted the lowest of four
t e nd ers, namely that submitted by R . M . Douglas Construction Limited, i n t he sum of #541,438.52 for
P h a se I of the reconstruction of
t h e passenger landing stages on
t h e Albert Pier, St. Helier ;
( b) the Housing Committee had accepted t h e lowest of six tenders, namely
t h at submitted by Hacquoil and
C o o k Limited, in the sum of
# 1 , 504,934.36 in a contract period
o f 7 4 weeks for the development of
e i gh t two-bedroom houses, ten two-
b e droom flats and two one-bedroom
f la t s on the former Channel
T e l evision site, Rouge Bouillon,
S t . Helier.
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Field 77, Grouville : transfer
o f administration to Public
H ea lth Committee P.164/91
P r e sented by the Housing Committee
2 . Grouville Hospital site:
t ra n sfer of administration to H o using Committee P.165/91 P r e sented by the Public Health C o m mittee
3 . Draft Compulsory Purchase of Land ( P r ocedure) (Amendment No. 4)
( J er sey) Law 1991 (Appointed Day) A ct 199 P.166/91
P r e sented by the Legislation
C o m mittee
4 . Draft Housing (Amendment No. 6) (J e r sey) Law 1991 (Appointed
D ay ) Act 199 P.167/91
P r e sented by the Housing Committee
5 . Draft Island Planning (Amendment N o . 4) (Jersey) Law 1991
( A p pointed Day) Act 199 P.168/91 P r esented by the Island
D ev elopment Committee
6 . Motor vehicles: display of
i n su rance discs P.169/91
P r e sented by the Defence Committee 7 . Kensington Chambers, St. Helier : l e as e P.170/91
P r e sented by the Public Health
C o m mittee.
8 . Housing - strategy for the 90's
( P .1 42/91): petition P.172/91
P r e sented by Senator Corrie Stein.
Arrangement of Public Business for
the next Sitting on 19th November 1991
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe should be considered at the next Sitting on 19th November 1991 -
B elle Vue Pleasure Park and Fields 91 a nd 91A, St. Brelade , rezoning -
r escission P.140/91
L odged: 10th September 1991
S enator R.J. Shenton (Partially
d ebated and deferred on 8th October 1 991)
THE STATES decided to take this subject as the first item of Public Business.
F ield 77, Grouville : transfer of a dministration to Public Health Committee P.164/91
H ousing Committee
G rouville Hospital site:
t ransfer of administration to Housing C ommittee P.165/91
P ublic Health Committee
D raft Compulsory Purchase of
L and (Procedure) (Amendment No. 4)
( Jersey) Law 1991 (Appointed Day) Act 1 99 P.166/91
L egislation Committee
D raft Housing (Amendment No. 6)
( Jersey) Law 1991 (Appointed Day) Act 1 99 P.167/91
H ousing Committee
D raft Island Planning
( Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1991 ( Appointed Day) Act 199 P.168/91
I sland Development Committee
M otor Vehicles: display of i nsurance discs P.169/91 D efence Committee
K ensington Chambers, St. H elier: lease P.170/91
P ublic Health Committee
S t. Helier Waterfront Plan
P .86/91
L odged: 28th May 1991
I sland Development Committee.
THE STATES decided to take the undermentioned subjects into consideration on 26th November 1991 -
H ousing strategy for the 90's P.142/91 L odged: 17th September 1991
H ousing Committee
H ousing strategy for the 90's
( P.142/91): amendment P.161/91 L odged: 22nd October 1991
S enator R.J. Shenton
H ousing strategy for the 90's ( P.142/91): petition P.172/91 L odged: 5th November 1991 S enator C. Stein
D raft Building Loans
( Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment N o. 21) (Jersey) Regulations 199
P .159/91
L odged: 22nd October 1991
H ousing Committee.
Housing strategy for the 90's (P.142/91): petition P.172/91
Senator Corrie Stein presented to
the States a petition of the Jersey States' Tenants Action Group and others, asking the States to grant the prayer of the petition
that the Housing Committee be requested to reconsider the proposals contained in paragraphs 6.67, 6.68, 6.69, 6.84 and 6.85 of the Housing Committee's report entitled
Housing strategy for the 90's''
(P.142/91) in the light of their impact on individual tenants.
THE STATES referred the said petition to the Housing Committee and lodged the proposition au Greffe''.
Bellozanne Incinerator emissions, monitoring and solid waste disposal. Questions and answers. (Tape No. 112)
Senator Nigel Lewis Quérée asked
Deputy John Le Gallais of St. Saviour , President of the Public Services Committee, the following questions -
1. Will the President give full d e t ai l s of all the analyses of
e m is s ions from the Bellozanne I n c in e rator? Will he compare
t h e se with -
e m is s ion levels in the plant
s p e c if ications, the current
a p p l ic able standards, and E.C. s ta n d a rds due to become
e f fe c t ive in 1996?
2 . Will the President, likewise give f u ll details of all the analyses
o f b ottom ash, clinker and flyash?
3 . Will the President, likewise, give
f u ll details of all the
e n v ironmental monitoring which has t a ke n place in the Bellozanne
a r ea ?
4. Will the President inform the
S t a tes what his Committee has done t o a ddress the requirements of the
S t ra tegic Policy report, as
a m e nded, with respect to solid
w as te?''
The President of the Public Services Committee replied as follows -
1, 2 and 3 The answer to Senator Q u é r é e' s first three
q u es t io n s are all
te c h n i ca l .
I h a v e with me the analyses of t h e e m issions from the
i n c in e rator, I have the
s ta n d a rds set in the plant
s p e c if ication, I have the
r e su l t s of analyses of ash
u n d e r taken by a United Kingdom l a b o ra tory and by the States
A n al y st, I have a report on
t h e p r obable ground level
c o n c e ntration of pollutants
b a s e d on an analyses of a
c o m p arable plant to our own in
t h e U n ited Kingdom, and I have t h e e m ission standards which
w il l a pply to the European
C o m m unity after 1996.
I h a v e to confess to not
u n d e r standing very much of
t h is t e chnical information.
W i th the permission of the
B a i li f f, I have decided that,
s o a s to avoid reading it all
o u t , it should be lodged with
t h e G r effier who will make it
a v a il a ble to any member who
n e e d s it. I do, however, want
t o i ss u e a word of caution
t h a t to understand the true
s ig n i f icance of a great deal
o f t h is information one needs
t o b e technically qualified,
o r h a v e the opportunity of
q u a l if ied advice. My
d e p a r tment will willingly help a n y m ember to fully understand t h e v a rious papers.
I n l a y man's language,
t h e p r esent United Kingdom
s ta n d a rds of incinerator
e m is s ions are in respect of
p a r ti c ulates and the
B e l lo z anne plant meets those
s ta n d a rds. The E.C. have set
f a r h ig her standards which
w il l a pply after 1996, and
w h ic h include standards for a
r a n g e of pollutants which
i n c lu d e some acidic compounds, t h e o x ides of carbon and
s u lp h u r and of certain heavy
m e ta l s.
I a m u naware of any current s ta n d a rds for materials used a s l a n dfill, but the
d e p a r tment's officers are co-
o p e r a ting with Danish
s c ie n t ists who are studying
t h e l ea chate of toxic
m a te r ials from incinerator
p l a n t ash when immersed in sea w at e r .
I w o u ld point out that sea
w at e r and shellfish are
r e g u la rly analysed from around t h e I sl and's coast and that
t h e se analyses have shown no e v i d en ce of the leaching of
p o l lu t ants from either the La
C o l l et te or west of Albert
r e c la m ation sites.
L i tt l e environmental
m o n it oring has been carried
o u t a t Bellozanne. The
d e p a r tment has used the
r e su l t s of environmental
m o n it oring from similar plants t o e s ti mate the level of
p o l lu t ion which might be
e x p e c ted in the proximity of
t h e B e llozanne plant. An
e x t ra c t from this data is
i n c lu d ed in the information
w h ic h has been lodged with the G re f fi er. It should be noted
t h a t th is information was
o b t a in ed on a confidential
b a s is and because of this all
r e fe r e nces to its source have
b e e n d eleted.
4 . The need to meet higher
e n v ironmental standards was
r e co gnised a considerable time
a g o ; the specification of the
t h ir d stream incinerator, sludge
d r y ing and ultra violet treatment
o f f inal effluent are examples.
A ft er 1996, the E.C. is lifting
t h e standards for the control of
p o l lutants onto an altogether
h i g her plain. The Public Services C o m mittee is in no doubt that the I s la nd should comply with these
n e w standards, and it is with this
i n m ind that the Committee has
a l re ady appointed the Government W a rren Springs Laboratory to
u n d ertake an analytical survey of t h e incinerator plant to establish
t h e present emission levels of
b o t h flue gasses and ash of those c h e micals to which standards are g o i ng to apply after 1996.
T h e department's engineers have
a l re ady met representatives of
s e v eral companies who are in the f o re front of supplying gas
c l ea ning equipment for
i n ci nerators and other industrial
p l an ts. When Warr en Springs have a n a lysed the present emissions,
d i sc ussions with these companies f o r the supply of gas cleaning
e q u ipment to comply with future
s ta n dards will continue.
S o m e publicity has been given to
t h e problems associated with
m ee ting future standards by
m u nicipal solid waste
i n ci nerators. There are in the
U n ited Kingdom some 34 municipal s o li d waste incinerators disposing
o f s ome 2.3m tonnes, or eight per
c e n t of the country's total
d o m estic waste. Many are old, with l o w , uncontrolled combustion
t e m peratures. Very few are high
t e m perature heat recovery plants
c o m parable with our own at
B e l lozanne. The emission of
p o l lutants is related to
c o m bustion temperatures and it is
f o r that reason that meeting the
n e w standards is an economic
p r o position for the more modern
p l an ts while the converse is not
n e c essarily the case. A simple low
t e m perature plant was
d e c ommissioned at Bellozanne 12
y e a rs ago.
I n a ttempting to paint a picture
o f t he relevance of Senator
Q u érée's questions for we laymen, I w ant to state emphatically that
i n ci neration remains the best
o p t ion for the disposal of the
m aj ority of combustible solid
w as te in Jersey. Members will have s e e n pictures of the 5,000 to
6 , 0 00 tonnes of waste material
s ta c ked at Bellozanne which
r e p resents one-twelfth of the
q u a ntity of refuse that will be
i n ci nerated this year. I do not
r u le out that there are
a l te rnatives to matching
i n ci neration capacity to demand;
a n a wareness by all sections of
t h e community of the need to
r e d uce their contribution to the
a m o unt of waste to be disposed of
i s in the forefront of those
a l te rnatives. When the Resources
R e c overy Board took the decision
t o e xtend incineration capacity
f iv e and a half years ago it was
o n the basis that the continued
a n n ual increase in volume would
r e d uce, that however has not been
t h e case. I give the House an
a s s urance that the Public Services
C o m mittee, in consultation with
th e Policy and Resources Committee w il l continue to explore all
p r a ctical means of limiting the
q u a ntity of waste to be disposed
o f t hrough the combustion process.
T h e Bellozanne plant, by recycling 7 0 , 000 tonnes of rubbish into
e n e rgy equivalent to more than 1m g a ll ons of fuel oil, does make a
s ig n ificant contribution to the
I s la nd's environment and demand on
o n e of the world's finite
r e so urces. The improvements that
a r e en train to control pollution
w il l enhance contribution still
f u rt her.''
Belle Vue Pleasure Park, Fields 91
and 91A, St. Brelade . Question and answer (Tape No. 112)
The Connétable of St. Brelade asked the Connétable of St. John, President of the Island Development Committee the following question -
Will the President give an assurance
t hat the Category A housing
d evelopment to take place on Belle Vue P leasure Park and Fields 91 and 91A,
S t. Brelade, will not exceed the
e quivalent of 133 three-bedroomed
h ouses, which is the Island
D evelopment Committee's stated
t heoretical capacity if no additional
c ommunity facilities are provided on
t he site?''
The President of the Island Development Committee replied as follows -
While I can understand the concern
o f the residents of St. Brelade to
k now how many dwellings will go on t his land, which concern has been
c onsistently voiced by the Parish's
r epresentatives, I am unable to be
c ategoric about the precise number of d wellings that will be built until
s uch time as a development plan is
p repared.
M y Committee indicated the likely
l evel of development in paragraph 8.1- 8 .4 of Projet 83/90 and maintains its
v iew that this level is appropriate
f or the site. The Projet indicated a
y ield for housing based on the
a ssumption that a primary school might b e built. Clearly my Committee will
n eed further discussion with the
E ducation Committee before the precise r equirements are identified. Equally,
t here will be other community
f acilities that need to be provided on
t his land which still need to be
q uantified.
I would like to make it absolutely
c lear that even in the event of there
b eing limited community facilities on t his land, the Committee still
e nvisages a model village' in which
t he development has a focal point -
p robably a grassed public open space - a nd that the new dwellings will be set i n a landscaped setting'. It is not
o ur intention that this land should be
c ompletely covered in houses if the
S tates develops it.
I trust, therefore, that members of
t he States will understand that we
c annot be categoric at this stage for
e xactly the same reason that we could n ot be categoric in Projet 83/90. I
i nformed the States two weeks ago that m y Committee will prepare a
d evelopment plan for this land, and we w ill do this in consultation with the
P arish representatives.
I would add that for the purposes of
t he Housing Committee's projections f or housing yield from this site (in
r elation to that Committee's policies w hich we will discuss later today) we h ave agreed that approximately 160 d wellings can be constructed on this l and, and that this will comprise a
m ix of unit size and tenure, as
d escribed in Projet 83/90 paragraph 8 .2.
I n conclusion, therefore, while we
c annot give a categoric assurance at
t his stage, I have every confidence
t hat the actual yield from this site
w ill be in the order of 663 habitable
r ooms, or the equivalent of 133 three- b edroomed houses.''
Transfer of Functions (Fort Regent Development Committee) (Jersey) Act 1991
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article
29 of the States of Jersey Law 1966, made an Act entitled the Transfer of Functions (Fort Regent Development Committee) (Jersey) Act 1991.
Imprisonment for debt. P.146/91
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of Deputy Maurice Clement Buesnel of St. Helier agreed to request the Legislation Committee to examine the question whether the existing Law in Jersey in relation to imprisonment for debt needs to be altered in any way because of changing circumstances, and to report on the matter to the States in due course.
Quatre Bras Hotel site: redevelopment. P.158/91
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -
( a) approved Drawings 88-411/23-34 s h o wing the redevelopment of the Q u atre Bras Hotel site to provide
e i gh t, two-bedroomed and two,
t h re e-bedroomed units of
a c c ommodation;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the
S t a tes to sign the said Drawings
o n behalf of the States.
Harbours and Airport Committee: capital repayments in 1992. P.160/91
THE STATES, adopting a proposition
of the Finance and Economics Committee authorised the Finance and Economics Committee to reduce the amount owing to the capital fund by the Harbours and Airport Committee by making one-off capital repayments in 1992 in respect of the following capital projects -
( i) St. Helier Harbour development - ( V o te C0240) the whole of the
o u t standing balance, owed to the
c a p ital fund.
( ii) Runway reprofiling and
r e su r f acing - Vote C2811 -
£ 1 . 7 3 5 million.
Tourism (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 1991. P.162/91
THE STATES, subject to the sanction
of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Tourism (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 1991.
THE STATES rose at 11 a.m.
C .M . N E W COMBE D eputy Greffier of the States.