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STATES MINUTES 15t h D ecem ber 1992
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 15th December 1992 at 9.30 a.m. under t he Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.
__ _______ ___
All Members were present with the exception of -
M argaret Anne Le Geyt, Deputy of St. S aviour - out of the Island.
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P r aye rs
__ _______ ___
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
P lanning (Designation of Sites of
S pecial Interest) (Saint John) (Jersey) O rder 1992. R & O 8499.
C ustoms and Excise Duties (Personal
R eliefs) (Passengers) (Amendment No. 4) ( Jersey) Order 1992. R & O 8450.
Occupation and Liberation Committee - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Robert Lester Le Brocq, Connétable of St. Helier as a member of the Occupation and Liberation Committee.
Telecommunications Board - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Philip Roy Cabot, Deputy of Trinity , as a member of the Telecommunications Board.
Teaching Appointments: report of the Committee of Inquiry. R.C.31
The Committee of Inquiry set up to -
( a) examine all the circumstances
s ur r ounding the appointment of Mrs. J enn ifer Hydes as head teacher of Les Q u enne vais School;
( b) consider whether the manner in which t he appo intment was made discloses any i rr eg ularities or defects in the
E duca tion Committee's procedures for
appoi nting head teachers or other
s eni or posts in the education service;
( c) recommend such changes (if any) in t ho se procedures as the Committee
t hi nks appropriate;
presented to the States its report.
THE STATES ordered the said report to be printed and distributed.
Arrangement of Public Business for the present Sitting
THE STATES confirmed that the following subject lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the present Sitting -
F ield 1587, Claremont Road, St. Helier : c ompulsory purchase. P.177/92.
L odged: 10th November 1992 by the
C onnétable of St. Saviour .
I sland Development Committee.
Appointment of consultants. Questions and answers. (Tape No. 167)
Senator J.A. Le Maistre asked the President of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee the following questions -
During the recent debate on the purchase
o f Springfield, the President of the Sport,
L eisure and Recreation Committee made two c onflicting comments.
F irst of all he announced that his
C ommittee would be appointing consultants t o produce an overall plan for sport but he
a lso stated that he did not need
c onsultants except for detailed planning of s pecific facilities such as the swimming
p ool in the west of the Island.
1 . Will the President confirm that it is t he i ntention of his Committee to appoi nt consultants later this month or ear l y in the New Year?
2 . If the answer is in the affirmative,
and a s it is commonly known that the
P r es ident has been seeking the sum of
£ 100,0 00 for this purpose, what is
expe cted to be the cost and how does
t he C ommittee propose to fund such an appoi ntment?
3 . What will be the precise task of
t he cons ultants and will the President di scl ose their precise terms of
r ef er ence?
4 . Has the Committee undertaken any
r es ear ch to establish whether some of t he r equired information is already
avai lable?
5 . Does the Committee believe that their C hi ef Officer is not competent to
under take the study which is being
pr op osed?''
The President of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee replied in the following terms -
1. I t is the intention of the Sport,
L ei s ur e and Recreation Committee to appo int specialist leisure
co ns ul tants to undertake a
de t ai l e d research programme to -
( a ) assess the sport, leisure
an d r ecr eation needs of the Island for t he ne xt 20 years;
( b ) assess the potential for the
Is l and t o offer sports and leisure ba s ed h olidays;
( c ) assess the contribution which sp or t , l eisure and recreation
m ake s to the Island's economy.
C ons ultants will be selected by a panel of o fficers and members on 16th
D e cem ber 1992.
2 . The final costs of the survey will not be de cided until the consultants have been selected as each consultant has s ubm itted a projected cost for the
s tudy ba sed on the method of
under taking the work which they
pr op ose. However, I can assure the H o us e that the costs of this study will not be anywhere near £100,000 and will i n a ll probability be substantially
l es s than this sum.
T he s urvey will be funded from the S por t, Leisure and Recreation
C om mittee's budget.
3 . The brief' against which consultants
have submitted these proposals can be
m ade a vailable to any member who wishes t o s ee it. The brief is too long,
det ai led and technical for me to read
out in full to the House today.
H o w ever, the basic terms of reference
ar e as I have indicated in my answer to
your first question.
4 . Consultants have been furnished with a l is t of existing reports and sources of
dat a. F urthermore, consultants have
been asked to liaise closely with the
T our ism Department and their new
adve rtising agent and the Education
D e par tment to ensure that all existing
i nf or mation is properly utilised and
t ha t there shall be no duplication of
r es ear ch work.
5 . The Chief Officer for Sport, Leisure
and R ecreation has a Masters Degree in B us iness Administration specialising in m ar keting. She is a qualified member of bot h the Market Research Society and
t he C hartered Institute of Marketing.
F ur thermore, she has worked as a
cons ultant specialising in Sport,
L ei sure and Recreation Marketing, prior t o j oining the Jersey Civil Service.
C l ea rly then, Miss Alexander is more t ha n ca pable of undertaking the study pr op osed and has used her specialist s ki l ls to draw up the detailed brief.
H o w ever, she lacks the
s pec ialist resources, the manpower and i nd eed as Chief Officer of a busy
depa rtment serving the public, the time t o u ndertake the study herself.
H o w ever, she will bring all her
s pec ialist knowledge, experience and s ki l ls to bear on the supervisor of
t hi s very important piece of work to ens ure it is done to the highest
s tandar d.''
Social Security Tribunal: appointment of members
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Social Security Committee, appointed as members of the Social Security Tribunal, in pursuance of
Article 1 of the Social Security (Jersey) Law, 1974, as amended, for a period of three years commencing on 1st January 1993, the following -
A dvocate Mrs. Marian Elizabeth Whittaker - C hairman
M ichael Bernard Kavanagh
B ernard Louis Dubras
M rs. Daphne Woolford
P eter Le Gallais
A dvocate Charles Malcolm Bedford Thacker.
Health Services Disciplinary Tribunal: appointment of members
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Social Security Committee appointed as members of the Health Services Disciplinary Tribunal, in pursuance of Articles 1 and 36 of the Health Insurance (Jersey) Law, 1967, as amended, for a period of three years commencing on 1st January 1993, the following -
A d voca te David Eldon Le Cornu - C hai rman
C onr ad Edwin Coutanche - Deputy C hai rman
Mr s . Ruth Janet Syvret
T r ev or Jones Williams
P hi lip Rolph Daubeney
Mr s . Patricia Anne Henwood
C ol in Henry Letto
R i ch ard Ernest William Spears.
Housing (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law 1992. P.186/92
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Housing (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Law 1992.
Licensing (No. 6) (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.187/92
THE STATES, in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Article 92 of the Licensing
(Jersey) Law 1974, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Licensing (No. 6) (Jersey)
Regulations 1992.
St. Paul's Trust: grant. P.188/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee -
( i) approved the payment of a grant to St. P aul 's Trust on a pound for pound basis up t o a maximum of £500,000 for the
r ed evelopment of St. Paul's School site i nt o a community centre;
( ii) agr eed to make available the sum
of £ 500,0 00 from the 1993 Grants
an d S ubs idies Vote 0654, of the
F inanc e and Economics Committee.
Firearms (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1992 (Appointed Day) Act 1992. P.189/92
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 5 of the Firearms (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1992 made an Act entitled the Firearms (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 1992 (Appointed Day) Act 1992.
Long Beach and Puerto Seco, Grouville - development: supplementary vote of credit. P.191/92
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee agreed to suspend the provisions of Article 18(8) of the Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1967 and approved the grant of a supplementary vote of credit in the sum of £300,000 to the Island Development Committee Vote No. 5207 - expenses in respect of laws operated by the Committee.
Members voted as follows -
P our '' (43) Senators
J eune, Binnington, Horsfall, Baal,
R othwell, Le Main, Le Maistre, Carter, S tein, Quérée, Chinn.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Clement , St. Mary , St. Ouen , S t. Brelade, Trinity , St. Martin , St.
P eter, St. Helier , St. Saviour .
L e Gallais(S), Rumboll(H), Beadle(B),
W avell(S), Blampied(H), St. John , St.
P eter, H. Baudains(C), Buesnel(H), Le
S ueur(H), St. Ouen , Coutanche(L),
H uelin(B), Jordan(B), St. Mary ,
B ailhache(H), St. Martin , Walker (H),
S yvret(H), Crespel(H), Pullin(S), Trinity .
C ont re'' (4) Senator
S henton.
R abet(H), S. Baudains(H), Grouville .
Hire Cars (No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.192/92
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 22A of the Hire Cars (Jersey) Law 1964, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Hire Cars (No. 3) (Jersey) Regulations 1992.
Public Service Vehicles (Fees) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P.193/92
THE STATES, in pursuance of Articles 49A and 54 of the Motor Traffic (Jersey) Law 1935, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Public Service Vehicles (Fees) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 1992.
Bagatelle Nurseries, Claremont Road, St. Helier : compulsory purchase. P.178/92
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Island Development Committee regarding the rezoning and purchase of land at Bagatelle Nurseries, Claremont Road, St. Helier .
THE STATES rejected a proposition of the Connétable of St. Saviour to defer further consideration of the proposition to a later date.
Members present voted as follows -
P our '' (18) Senators
B aal, Rothwell, Le Maistre, Chinn. Connétable s
S t. Mary, St. Martin , St. Peter , St.
H elier, St. Saviour . Deputies
L e Gallais(S), Beadle(B), Wavell(H), B lampied(H), Norman(C), Rabet(H), C larke-Halifax(S), Syvret(H),
P ullin(S).
C ont re'' (30) Senators
S henton, Jeune , Binnington, Horsfall, L e Main, Carter, Stein, Quérée.
Connétable s
S t. John, St. Lawrence , St. Ouen , St. B relade, Grouville .
R umboll(H), St. John , St. Peter , H.
B audains(C), Buesnel(H), Le Sueur (H), St. O uen, Coutanche(L), Huelin(B), Jordan(B), S t. Mary, Bailhache (H), Grouville , St.
M artin, Walker (H), Crespel(H), Trinity .
Paragraph (a) was adopted. Suspension of Standing Order No. 18
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Island Development Committee suspended Standing Order No. 18 to allow the proposition of the Island Development Committee proposing an amendment to the compulsory purchase of Bagatelle Nurseries, Claremont Road, St. Saviour (P.178/92 - lodged
on 10th November 1992) to be considered at
today's Sitting.
Paragraph (b) was adopted, the States having accepted an amendment of the Island Development Committee to delete the words all the land
shown on Drawing No. 357/1'' and substitute the words Fields 799, 800, 800A, 801 and part of 803A, measuring approximately 25.3 vergées shown on Drawing No. 370/1.''
THE STATES accepted an amendment of the Island Development Committee to delete paragraph (c) and re-letter the subsequent paragraphs.
THE STATES, adopting the proposition as amended -
( a) rezoned approximately 7.7 vergées of
l and i ncluding buildings known as
B agat elle Nurseries, as shown on
D r aw ing No. 357/1, from Green Zone to us e for educational building purposes;
( b) authorised the Island Development
C om mittee to negotiate with the owners f or t he purchase of Fields 799, 800,
800A , 801 and part of 803A, measuring appr oximately 25.3 vergées shown on
D r aw ing No. 370/1, at a fair and proper pr ice to be agreed with the Finance and E conom ics Committee;
( c) authorised the payment or discharge of
t he expe nses to be incurred in
conne xion with the acquisition of the
s ai d l and and all interest therein and
of t he payment of all legal expenses
f rom the Island Development Committee's Maj or Reserve Vote C0904;
( d) authorised the Island Development
C om mittee, if appropriate, to transfer
t he l and described in paragraph (a),
w h en ac quired, to the administration of
s uch States' Committee or Committees as m ight be appropriate;
( e) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass, on
beha lf of the public, any contracts
w h i ch it might be found necessary to
pas s in connexion with the said
pr op erties and interests therein.
Field 1587, Claremont Road, St. Helier : compulsory purchase. P.177/92
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Island Development Committee regarding the rezoning and purchase of Field 1587, Claremont Road, St. Helier and accepted an amendment of that Committee to delete paragraph (c) and re-letter the subsequent paragraphs.
THE STATES, adopting the proposition as amended -
( a) rezoned approximately five vergées of
l and, bei ng Field No. 1587, situated
par tly in the Parish of St. Saviour and
par tly in the Parish of St. Helier , as
s how n on Drawing No. 358/1, to use as a s cho ol playing field;
( b) authorised the Island Development
C om mittee to negotiate with the owners f or t he purchase of all the land shown on D rawing No. 358/1, at a fair and pr op er price to be agreed with the
F i na nce and Economics Committee;
( c) authorised the payment or discharge of t he expe nses to be incurred in
conne xion with the acquisition of the
s ai d l and and all interest therein and
of the payment of all legal expenses
f rom the Island Development Committee Maj or Reserve Vote C0904;
( d) authorised the Island Development
C om mittee, if appropriate, to transfer
t he l and described in paragraph (a),
w h en ac quired, to the administration of
s uch States' Committee or Committees as m ight be appropriate;
( e) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to pass, on
beha lf of the public, any contracts
w h i ch it might be found necessary to
pas s in connexion with the said
pr op erties and interests therein.
Compliments of the Season
Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , on behalf of the Senators, Connétable John Pepin Le Sueur of St. John , on behalf of the Connétable s, and Deputy John Le Gallais of St. Saviour , on behalf of the Deputies, wished the Bailiff and Lady Crill, the Crown Officers and the Officers of the States, the compliments of the season.
The Bailiff in return, wished the Members of the States and their families a Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year. He also announced that he proposed to write to His Excellency to reaffirm the loyalty of the people of Jersey to the
Crown, and Members signified their approval.
THE STATES rose at 4.35 p.m.
C .M . N E WC O MB E D eput y Greffier of the States.