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STATES MINUTES 2 4 th N o vember 1992
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 24th November 1992 at 9.30 a.m. under t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,
S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
All Members were present with the exception of -
R obert Lester Le Brocq, Connétable of St.
H elier - out of the Island
T homas James Jordan, Deputy of St. Brelade - out of the Island E velyn Mabel Pullin, Deputy of St.
S aviour - out of the Island
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
P r a y e rs
_ _ _ _ _ _ ______
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Family Allowances (General
P r o visions) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) O rd er 1992 R & O 8481.
2 . Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical B e n efit List) (Amendment No. 13) ( J er sey) Order 1992 R & O 8482.
3 . Social Security Advisory Council ( J er sey) Order 1992 R & O 8483.
4 . Health Insurance (Medical
B e n efit) (General Provisions)
( A m endment No. 8) (Jersey) Order 1992 R & O 8484.
5 . Income Tax (Small Maintenance P a y ments) (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) O rd er 1992 R & O 8485.
6 . Court of Appeal (Remuneration of
O rd inary Judges) (Jersey) Order 1992 R & O 8486.
7 . Royal Court (Remuneration of
C o m missioners) (Jersey) Order 1992 R & O 8487.
8 . Building Bye-Laws (Amendment N o . 4) (Jersey) 1992 R & O 8488.
9 . Telecommunications (Telephones)
( A m endment No. 20) (Jersey) Order 1992 R & O 8489.
Special Committee to consider relationship between Committees and the States - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Senator Bernard Thomas Binnington to serve on the Special Committee to consider the relationship between Committees and the States.
Statistical Digest
The Finance and Economics Committee, by Act dated 16th November 1992, presented to the States the Statistical Digest.
THE STATES ordered that the said Digest be printed and distributed.
Department of Postal Administration: report for 1991
The Committee for Postal Administration, by Act dated 18th September 1991, presented to the States a report of the Department of Postal Administration for the year 1991.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Jersey Women's Refuge: report and accounts for 1991. R.C.29
The Defence Committee by Act dated 10th November 1992, presented to the States the annual report
and accounts of the Jersey Women's Refuge for 1991.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Jersey Council for Health and Safety at Work: report and accounts for year ended 30th September 1992. R.C.30
The Social Security Committee by Act dated 16th November 1992, presented to the States the report and accounts of the Jersey Council for Health and Safety at Work for the year 1st October 1991 to 30th September 1992.
THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 16th November 1992 showing that, in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Island
D ev elopment Committee, the lease from
W in g Commander Richard Henry Brayn Le B r o cq and Mrs. Mary Carmen Le Brocq,
n é e Scriven, of The Flat, Highfield,
S t . Saviour for a period of six months
c o m mencing 2nd November 1992 and
t h er eafter with an option to extend on
a m onthly basis, at a quarterly rent of
£1 , 677.47;
( b) as recommended by the Public
S e r vices Committee, to enter into a
D ee d of Arrangement with Solitaire
L i m ited to re-establish the boundary
b e tw een Field 298(B), St.Peter and La
G ra nde Route de la Commune, St. Peter.
Matters noted - financial transactions
THE STATES noted Acts of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 16th November 1992, showing that in pursuance of Rule 5 of the
Public Finances (General) (Jersey) Rules 1967,
as amended, the Committee had noted that -
( a) the Housing Committee had accepted
t h e lowest of seven tenders, namely
t h at submitted by Trio Construction
L i m ited in a contract period of 56
w ee ks, in the sum of £1,364,000 for the p r o posed housing development at Bagot V il la, Plat Douet Road, St. Saviour;
( b) the Housing Committee had accepted the l o w est of eight tenders, namely that
s u b mitted by Hacquoil and Cook Limited i n a contract period of 52 weeks, in
t h e sum of £857,389 for the proposed
h o u sing development at the Beau Vallon H o tel site, Trinity Road, St. Saviour.
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Family Allowances
( A m endment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 199 . P . 1 81/92.
P r e sented by the Social Security
C o m mittee.
2 . Draft Income Tax (Amendment
N o . 16) (Jersey) Law 199 . P.182/92. P r e sented by the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee.
3 . Draft European Communities
( E u ropean Economic Area) (Jersey) R e g ulations 1992. P.183/92.
P r e sented by the Finance and
E c o nomics Committee.
4 . Criminal Injuries Compensation
S c h eme: further amendment. P.184/92. P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
5 . Springfield, St. Helier :
r e zo ning and acquisition. P.185/92. P r e sented by the Sport, Leisure
a n d Recreation Committee.
6 . Draft Housing (Amendment No. 7) ( J er sey) Law 199 . P.186/92.
P r e sented by the Housing
C o m mittee.
7 . Draft Licensing (No. 6) (Jersey) R e g ulations, 199 . P.187/92. P r e sented by the Tourism
C o m mittee.
8 . St. Paul's Trust: grant.
P . 1 88/92.
P r e sented by the Finance and E c o nomics Committee.
9 . Draft Firearms (Amendment No. 2)
( J er sey) Law 1992 (Appointed Day) Act 1 9 9 2. P.189/92.
P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
The following subjects were lodged on 17th November 1992 -
1 . Protection of employment
o p p ortunities: revision of Law.
P . 1 79/92.
P r e sented by the Defence
C o m mittee.
2 . Housing legislation: review. P . 1 80/92.
P r e sented by the Housing
C o m mittee.
Springfield, St. Helier : rezoning of land. P.67/92. Withdrawn
THE STATES noted that the President of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee had withdrawn the proposition regarding the rezoning of land at Springfield, St. Helier for
recreational and housing purposes (lodged on 12th May 1992), the Committee having a lodged a revised proposition at the present Sitting (P.185/92).
Arrangement of Public Business for the next Sitting on 8th December 1992
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the
next Sitting on 8th December 1992 and that, if necessary, they would meet on 15th December 1992 to conclude their business -
H omes for first-time buyers: private d evelopment. P.155/92.
L odged: 13th October 1992.
S enator R.J. Shenton.
E ducation Law. P.172/92.
L odged: 10th November 1992. E ducation Committee.
M aternity entitlement in employment: c ode of good practice. P.167/92.
L odged: 27th October 1992.
S enator C. Stein.
D raft Court of Appeal (Amendment N o. 6) (Jersey) Law 199 . P.170/92. L odged: 10th November 1992.
L egislation Committee.
D raft Amendment (No. 15) to the
T ariff of Harbour and Light Dues. P.171/92. L odged: 10th November 1992.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
D raft Medical Practitioners
( Registration) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) L aw 199 . P.173/92.
L odged: 10th November 1992.
P ublic Health Committee.
P rotection of employment
o pportunities: review of Law. P.179/92. L odged: 17th November 1992.
D efence Committee.
D raft Family Allowances (Amendment N o. 5) (Jersey) Law 199 . P.181/92.
S ocial Security Committee.
D raft Income Tax (Amendment No. 16) ( Jersey) Law 199 . P.182/92.
F inance and Economics Committee.
D raft European Communities (European
E conomic Area) (Jersey) Regulations 1992. P .183/92.
F inance and Economics Committee.
C riminal Injuries Compensation
S cheme: further amendment. P.184/92. D efence Committee.
S pringfield, St. Helier : rezoning and a cquisition. P.185/92.
S port, Leisure and Recreation
C ommittee.
D raft Housing (Amendment No. 7) ( Jersey) Law 199 . P.186/92.
H ousing Committee.
T he Balloon Store, South Pier, St. H elier Harbour. P.176/92.
L odged: 10th November 1992.
H arbours and Airport Committee.
D raft Licensing (No. 6) (Jersey) R egulations 199 . P.187/92.
T ourism Committee.
S t. Paul's Trust: grant. P.188/92.
F inance and Economics Committee.
D raft Firearms (Amendment No. 2)
( Jersey) Law 1992 (Appointed Day) Act 1992. P .189/92.
D efence Committee.
2 Kent Villas, Clos de Clement, St. Peter : purchase
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -
1 . approved the purchase from Mr. John
B u r ges of No. 2 Kent Villas, Clos de
C l e ment, St. Peter, situated in
A ir craft Noise Zone 1, for the sum of
£1 1 0,000 with each party paying its own
l e ga l fees;
2 . authorised the Attorney General and the G re ffier of the States to pass any
n e c essary contracts connected with the
p u r chase, on behalf of the public of
t h e Island;
3 . authorised the Treasurer of the States t o p ay the expenses connected with the p u r chase of the property from Vote
N o .C0267 - Minor Capital Assets.
Westaway Trust: appointment of members
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Education Committee, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of the Westaway Trust (Jersey) Law 1930, approved the nomination of Mrs. Michaela Ann Lewin, née Hickey, (a current member) as Chairman of the Council of the Westaway Trust in place of the late Mr. Charles Alfred Smith and the nomination to the Council of Mr. Brian Harold Vibert , Mrs. Daphne Anne Noel, née Shorto, and Mr. Alan John Le Pavoux in place of Mrs. Dorothy Stella Minchington Turner, née Duffett, and Mr. John Langlois Le Breton.
Weighbridge Island site, St. Helier : transfer of administration
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Services Committee, approved the transfer of administration from the Public Services
Committee to the Island Development Committee of part of the Weighbridge Island Site, St. Helier ,
as outlined on Plan APP 1/91.
Elizabeth Harbour passenger terminal: approval of drawings
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee -
( a) approved drawings Nos. 2848/100,
2 8 4 8/101, 2848/102, 2848/103 and
2 8 4 8/104 showing alterations to the
E l iz abeth Harbour passenger terminal;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of t h e States.
General Hospital Nurses' Home: approval of drawings
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Public Health Committee -
( a) approved drawings Nos. 2921/01 /06 /09 / 1 0 /11 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16 /20 /23 /24
/ 2 5 /26 /29 /30 showing the repair and
r e fu rbishment of the General Hospital
N u rses Home, Gloucester Street, St.
H el ier;
( b) authorised the Greffier of the States t o s ign the said drawings on behalf of t h e States.
Budget 1993
THE STATES commenced consideration of the Budget for the financial year commencing 1st January
1993, which in accordance with Article 16 of the Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, had been presented to the Assembly on 3rd November 1992, by the Finance and Economics Committee and comprised -
( i) the estimate of the revenue expenditure a n d of the income of the committees of t h e States;
( ii) t he estimate of the transactions
o f th e Capital fund; and
( iii) the Report of the Finance and E c o n o mics Committee thereon.
THE STATES, having considered the estimates of the revenue expenditure and of the income of the various Committees, decided to allow the said estimates as detailed in the undermentioned
pages of the Budget as follows -
P olicy and Resources Committee - Pages 2 a nd 3.
F inance and Economics Committee - Pages 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
D efence Committee - Pages 12, 13, 14 and 1 5.
P ublic Services Committee - Pages 16, 17, 1 8, 19, 20 and 21.
E ducation Committee - Pages 22, 23, 24, 25, 2 6, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31.
T HE STATES adopted an amendment of Senator J ohn Stephen Rothwell and agreed that the
s um of £25,000 which was not now included
i n Vote No. 3109 would be provided from
w ithin the Committee's total Revenue
E xpenditure Vote of £52,431,500 in order to
c omply with the wish of the States that the
p revious arrangements for the supply of
s chool milk should continue in 1993.
M embers present voted as follows P o u r' ' (2 6)
S enators
S h e nton, Jeune , Baal, Rothwell, Le M a in, Le Maistre, Chinn.
C onnétables
S t . John, St. Ouen, St. Brelade ,
T ri nity, St. Martin, St. Peter .
D eputies
L e Gallais(S), Rumboll(H), Beadle(B), B l a mpied(H), St. John, St. Peter, St.
M a ry, Rabet(H), S. Baudains(H),
G ro uville, Le Geyt(S), Syvret(H),
T r in ity.
C o n t re '' (24)
S enators
B i n nington, Horsfall, Carter, Stein, Q u érée.
C onnétables
S t . Clement, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, G ro uville, St. Saviour .
D eputies
W a vell(S), Norman(C), H. Baudains(C), B u e snel(H), Le Sueur(H), St. Ouen ,
C o u tanche(L), Huelin(B), Bailhache (H), C l a rke-Halifax(S), Le Fondré(L), St.
M a rtin, Walker (H), Crespel(H).
T HE STATES rejected an amendment of Deputy S tuart Syvret that the Education Committee
b e requested to reinstate £80,000 in Vote
N o. 2856 Grants to Students' in respect of
c ertain post graduate students.
M embers present voted as follows P o u r' '( 7 )
S enator
C a rter.
D eputies
R u m boll(H), St. John, St. Peter ,
S . B audains(H), Grouville , Syvret(H).
C o n t re '' (43) S enators
S h e nton, Jeune , Binnington, Horsfall, B a a l, Rothwell, Le Main, Le Maistre, S t e in, Quérée, Chinn.
C onnétables
S t . John, St. Clement, St. Lawrence, S t . Mary, St. Ouen, St. Brelade ,
T r in ity, St. Martin, St. Peter ,
G ro uville, St. Saviour .
D eputies
L e Gallais(S), Beadle(B), Wavell(S),
S . B audains(H), Norman(C), H.
B a u dains(C), Buesnel(H), Le Sueur(H), S t . Ouen, Coutanche(L), Huelin(B), St. M a ry, Bailhache (H), Rabet(H), Clarke- H al ifax(S), Le Fondré(L), St. Martin ,
L e Geyt(S), Walker (H), Crespel(H),
T r in ity.
P ublic Health Committee - Pages 32, 33, 34 a nd 35.
A griculture and Fisheries Committee - Pages 3 6 and 37.
T ourism Committee - Pages 38 and 39.
S ocial Security Committee - Pages 40 and 4 1.
I sland Development Committee - Pages 42 and 4 3.
H ousing Committee - Pages 44 and 45.
E stablishment Committee - Pages 46 and 47. P rison Board - Pages 48 and 49.
S port, Leisure and Recreation Committee - P ages 48 and 49.
E tat Civil Committee - Pages 50 and 51.
C ottage Homes Committee - Pages 50 and 51.
G ambling Control Committee - Pages 50 and 5 1.
L egislation Committee - Pages 52 and 53. O verseas Aid Committee - Pages 52 and 53. B roadcasting Committee - Pages 52 and 53.
I ndustrial Relations Committee - Pages 52 a nd 53.
O ccupation and Liberation Committee - Pages 5 4 and 55.
H ouse Committee - Pages 54 and 55. H arbours and Airport Committee - La
C ollette Reclamation Scheme - Pages 54 and 5 5.
H arbours and Airport Committee - Pages 56 a nd 57.
T elecommunications Board - Page 58.
C ommittee for Postal Administration - Page 5 9.
THE STATES, referring to the summary of income and revenue expenditure appearing on page 67 agreed the total revenue expenditure in the sum
of £338,958,000; the total income from committees in the sum of £158,585,000 and having allowed for a balance in hand at 31st December 1992 of £3,856,300 agreed the amounts to be transferred to the accumulated reserve and
general reserve in the sums of £1,000,000 and £31,000,000 respectively.
THE STATES noted that on the basis of levels of taxation proposed by the Finance and Economics Committee the surplus on the revenue account to be transferred to the Capital fund amounted to £32,112,800.
Having allowed for a balance of £42,882,200 to be brought forward at 1st January 1993, and taking into account the capital repayments and receipts of £17,823,000, the States noted that
there would be available in the Capital fund the sum of £92,818,000. The States then proceeded to consider the estimates of capital expenditure recommended by the Finance and Economics Committee on pages 60 and 61 of the Budget and -
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of t he Finance and Economics Committee
a ppearing on page 60 of the Budget was a llowed.
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of
t he Defence Committee appearing on page 60
o f the Budget was allowed.
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of
t he Public Services Committee appearing on p age 60 of the Budget was allowed.
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of t he Education Committee appearing on page 6 0 of the Budget was allowed.
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of t he Public Health Committee appearing on p age 60 of the Budget was allowed.
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of t he Establishment Committee appearing on p age 60 of the Budget was allowed.
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of
t he Island Development Committee appearing
o n page 60 of the Budget was allowed.
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of
t he Housing Committee appearing on page 61
o f the Budget was allowed.
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of
t he Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee a ppearing on page 61 of the Budget was
a llowed.
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of t he Harbours and Airport Committee
a ppearing on page 61 of the Budget was a llowed.
T he estimate of the capital expenditure of
t he Telecommunications Board appearing on p age 61 of the Budget was allowed.
THE STATES having terminated the discussion on the capital estimates noted that the amount to
be voted from the Capital fund was £54,737,000.
THE STATES considered the estimates of income to be produced from taxation appearing on page 65
of the Budget and agreed the estimate as
follows -
£ £
Impôts on spirits 4 ,4 18,000
Impôts on wines 3 ,0 2 6,000 Impôts on tobacco 6 ,5 58,000 Impôts on beer 2 , 0 6 5,000
Impôts on motor fuel 2 ,833,000 Goods imported into the Island 4 50,000 19, 350,000
Income tax 2 2 1 , 6 0 0 ,0 0 0
Motor tax 1 ,3 0 0 , 0 0 0
THE STATES adopted in second reading a Bill to continue certain expiring fiscal Laws; to prescribe the standard rate of income tax for the year nineteen hundred and ninety-three; to amend further the law relating to income tax in its application to small incomes and with respect to the treatment for taxation purposes of losses sustained in any trade, profession or vocation and to make new provisions for the taxation of companies; and to increase tobacco duty and oils and spirits duty.
The said Bill was lodged au Greffe''.
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 25 of the Public Finances (Administration) (Jersey) Law 1967, as amended, have declared that the Bill to continue expiring fiscal Laws; to prescribe the standard rate of income tax for the year
nineteen hundred and ninety-three; to amend further the law relating to income tax in its application to small incomes and with respect to the treatment for taxation purposes of losses sustained in any trade, profession or vocation and to make new provisions for the taxation of companies; and to increase tobacco duty and oils and spirits duty (which Bill has this day been lodged au Greffe''), shall immediately have effect as if it were a Law passed by the States and sanctioned by Her Majesty in Council.
THE STATES having terminated the discussion on the Budget agreed the summary of the estimated income and revenue expenditure for 1993 appearing on page 67 of the Budget as follows -
£ £ £
Taxation 2 4 2 ,2 5 0 , 0 0 0
Committees 1 5 8 ,5 8 5 , 0 0 0
4 0 0 ,8 3 5 , 0 0 0
Revenue expenditure 3 3 8 , 9 5 8 ,00 0
6 1 ,8 7 7 , 0 0 0
Estimated balance in hand
at 1st January 1993 3 , 8 5 6 ,
6 5 ,7 3 3 , 3 00
LESS: Estimated transfer to
Trading Funds 1 ,6 2 0 , 5
6 4 ,1 1 2 , 8 00
Strategic reserve -- - -
Accumulated reserve 1 ,0 0 0,000
General reserve less 34,000,000
estimated balance in
hand at 31st December
1992 3 , 0 0 0 ,0 00 31,000,000 32,000 ,000
Balance to be transferred
to Capital fund £ 3 2 , 1 1 2 ,800
THE STATES further agreed the estimated transactions of the Capital fund for 1993 as follows -
£ £
Balance brought forward 42,882,200
Capital repayments and receipts 17,823,000
Estimated balance on revenue account 32,112,80 0
(as above) 9 2 ,8 1 8 , 0 0 0
Capital expenditure 5 4 , 7 3 7 ,0 00 Estimated balance in hand at
31st December 1993 £ 3 8 ,0 8 1 , 0 00
Windsor Castle: tragic fire
The Bailiff informed the States that the following messaage had been received from His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor -
To: The Private Secretary to H er Majesty The Queen,
B u c kingham Palace,
P l e ase convey the following message to H er Majesty The Queen:
T h e Lieutenant-Governor, the Bailiff ,
t h e States and the people of Jersey,
w ith humble duty, offer to your Majesty t h ei r deepest sympathy following the
t ra g ic fire at Windsor Castle.
S igned: John Sutton
L ie u t e nant-Governor.''
THE STATES then adjourned, having agreed that the outstanding items of public business should stand over until Thursday, 26th November 1992.
THE States rose at 5.15 p.m.
G .H .C . C O P P O C K G re f fi e r o f the States.