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States Minutes 9th June 1992

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STATES MINUTES 9 t h J u n e 1 9 92   P ri c e : £ 2 . 0 0

T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 9 th June 1992 at 9.30 a.m. under

t h e Presidency of the Bailiff ,

S i r P eter Crill, C.B.E.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor,  A ir Marshal Sir John Sutton K.C.B.

w a s p r e sent.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

All Members were present with the exception of -

S enator Dereck André Carter - out of the

 I sland

S nowdon George Robins, Connétable of St. S aviour - ill

E dgar John Becquet, Deputy of Trinity - ill M argaret Sylvia Rose Beadle, Deputy of St. B relade - out of the Island

M ichael Adam Wavell, Deputy of St.

S aviour - out of the Island

G raeme Ernest Rabet, Deputy of St. Helier -

o ut of the Island

A lan Payn Bree, Deputy of Grouville - out

o f the Island

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

P r a y e rs

_ _ _ _ _ _ ______

Greffier of the States - Mr. R.S. Gray

The Bailiff informed the House that he had received the following letter from the Greffier of the States -

Dear Mr. Bailiff ,

May I ask you to be so kind as to bring to the notice of all the Members and Officers of the States' Assembly this formal expression of my appreciation of the gifts that my wife and I received at the farewell dinner held to mark my retirement from the office of Greffier of the States.

I am extremely grateful to all those concerned for their considerable generosity; my wife and I both agree that it was the kind of occasion that only comes round once in a lifetime and gives us the happiest of memories to take away with us.

With all best wishes, Yours sincerely,

Ron Gray''

Greffier of the States - Oath of office

The President administered the oath of office to the newly appointed Greffier of the States, Geoffrey Henry Charles Coppock, Esquire.

Subordinate legislation tabled

The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -

 1 .  Civil Service Administration

( T r avelling Allowances) (Jersey) Rules

1 9 5 0 (Amendment No. 11) (Jersey) Order 1 9 9 2. R & O 8392.

 2 .  Decimal Currency

(C  al l in g in of Ten Pence

C o in s) (Jersey) Order 1992. R

& O 8 3 9 3.

 3 .  Road Traffic (Public Parking

P l a ces) (Amendment No. 22) (Jersey) O  rd er 1992. R & O 8394.

 4 .  Road Traffic (Saint Ouen)

( A m endment No. 9) (Jersey) Order 1992. R & O 8395.

Manpower report for the six months to 31st December 1991. R.C.21

The Establishment Committee by Act dated 28th May 1992 presented to the States a report on manpower for the period 1st July to 31st December 1992.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Jersey Gas Company Limited - purchase (P.69/92): additional report. P.82/92

The Policy and Resources Committee by Act dated 2nd June 1992 presented to the States an additional report regarding the proposed

purchase by the States of Jersey of all of the shares of the Jersey Gas Company Limited.

Agricultural statistics for 1991

The Agriculture and Fisheries Committee by Act dated 5th March 1992 presented to the States a report on the agricultural statistics for 1991.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Strategic Policy Report for 1992 (P.70/92): supplement. R.C.22

The Policy and Resources Committee by Act dated 2nd June 1992 presented to the States a supplementary report on their Strategic Policy

for 1992.

THE STATES ordered that the said report be printed and distributed.

Matters noted - land transactions

THE STATES noted an Act of the Finance and Economics Committee dated 1st June 1992, showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -

 ( a) as recommended by the Tourism

C o m mittee, the lease to Mrs. Gillian

H  id rio née Carre and Mrs. Greta Jegou, n é e Carre, of Colleen's Café, Grève de L e c q, for a period of one year from

2 5 t h December 1991, at an annual rent

o f £ 3,000;

 ( b) as recommended by the Harbours and A  ir port Committee, the sale to Mr.

J a m es Osmund Simon of 3 vergées 10 p e r ch of land in Field 270 and 1 vergée 1 6 perch in Fields 272 and 273, all in

t h e Parish of St. Peter , to be used for

a g r icultural purposes, for the sum of

£1 1 ,500, with all legal costs being

b o r ne by Mr. Simon;

 ( c) as recommended by the Harbours and

A  ir port Committee, the acquisition from M  r . James Osmund Simon of 20 perch of l a nd in Field 277A, St. Peter, free of

c h a rge, with all legal costs being

b o r ne by the public;

 ( d) as recommended by the Harbours and A  ir port Committee, the lease of five

i n d ustrial units at La Folie, South

P i e r, St. Helier , on the basis of three

y e a r leases with effect from 1st March 1 9 9 2 with annual increases in line with t h e Jersey Cost of Living Index in

r e sp ect of the first four, as follows -

( i) an area of 1,266 square feet at

U n i t O ne to Bernard Amy (1985) L im ited at an annual rent of

£4 ,8 4 8 .78;

( ii ) an area of 1,156 square feet at

U n i t T wo to Jersey Marine

E le c t ro nics Limited at an annual re n t o f £4,427.48;

( ii i)  an area of 898 square feet at

U n i t T h r ee to William Keating (M  a r in e Engineer) at an annual re n t o f £ 3 ,439;

( iv ) an area of 1,524 square feet at U n i t F our to John Fox (Marine E n g ineer) at an annual rent of

£5 ,8 3 6 .92;

( v ) an area of 878 square feet at Unit F iv e to Channel Island Yacht

S e rv i c es at a fixed annual rent of

£3 ,8 1 9 .30.

 ( e) as recommended by the Harbours and

A  ir port Committee, the cancellation of

t h e existing lease and the approval of

a n e w 25-year lease from Brigadier

R a o ul Charles Lemprière-Robin, OBE, the S e i gneur of the Fiefs of Rozel and

D  ie lament of six vergées and 32 perch

o f l and at Les Platons, Trinity , with e f fe ct from 24th June 1992 at an annual r e n t of £15 and an option to renew for a f u rther 25-year period at the end of

t h e new lease agreement;

 ( f) as recommended by the Harbours and

A  ir port Committee, the lease to P.J.N.

F i s hing Tackle of The Shop, St.

C a t herine's Breakwater, St. Martin, for

a p e riod of three years commencing 13th A p ril 1992, at an annual rent of £872,

s u b ject to annual increases in line

w  it h the Jersey Cost of Living Index;

 ( g) as recommended by the Harbours and A  ir port Committee the lease to St.

H  el ier Yacht Club of the premises at

S o u th Pier, St. Helier , for a period of

2 1 years commencing 1st April 1992, at a n a nnual rent of £14,207.10, payable

s ix monthly in advance, with annual

i n cr eases based on the Jersey Cost of

L i v ing Index;

 ( h) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the granting of a

w  ay leave to Mr. Peter Joseph McCreesh a n d Mrs. Francis Joan McCreesh, née

M  e rcer, of Sheilings, Gorey Village,

a c ro ss Field 77, Grouville , in order to

i n st all domestic water mains, for a

c o n sideration of £200 and subject to

t h ei r being responsible for all legal

f e es involved in the transaction, all

c o s ts involved in the installation and

    t h e reinstatement of the site to its

o r ig inal condition;

 ( i) as recommended by the Public

H  ea lth Committee, the renewal of the

l e as e from Mrs. Maureen Olive Hamel, n é e Quenault, of the property Burwood, R u e des Sablons, Grouville for a period

o f t wo months from 1st May 1992 at an

a n n ual rent of £10,448.35;

 ( j) as recommended by the Defence

C o m mittee, the lease from Mr. Ronald G ar nier and Mrs. Anne Garnier, née

C u r tain, of No. 13 Les Ametots,

B a g atelle Lane, St. Saviour , at an

a n n ual rent of £11,940.24, i.e.,

£1 1 ,180 plus a sum equivalent to the

6 . 8 per cent rise in the Jersey Cost of

L i v ing Index between March 1991 and M  a rch 1992, with effect from 1st May

1 9 9 2 to 30th April 1993, for use by T . A . personnel;

 ( k) as recommended by the Island

D  ev elopment Committee, the lease to Mr. B e r nard Anthony Copple for a period of

t h re e years from 1st March 1992 of -

( i) the open land at La Mielle de

M o r v i lle and land to the north of

L e s L a veurs slipway for the sum of

£2 0 a y ear;

( ii ) Plot 102, St. Ouen for the sum of

£7 0 a y ear, representing a rate of

£5 a v e rgée;

( ii i)  Plot 121, St. Ouen for the sum

o f £ 9 0 a year, representing a

ra t e o f £ 1 2 a vergée.

Matters lodged

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -

 1 .  Draft Judicial Fees (Amendment N  o . 2) (Jersey) Regulations 199  . P . 8 0/92

P r e sented by the Finance and

E c o nomics Committee

 2 .  Strategic Policy Report 1992

( P .7 0/92): amendment. P.81/92 P r e sented by the Housing

C o m mittee

 3 .  Draft Family Allowances and

S o c ial Security (Reciprocal Agreement w  it h Australia) (Jersey) Act

1 9 9 . P.83/92

P r e sented by the Social Security

C o m mittee

 4 .  Draft Unlawful Public

E n t ertainments (Jersey) Regulations 1 9 9 . P.84/92

P r e sented by the Social Security

C o m mittee

 5 .  La Hougue Grange Farm

d e v elopment, Grouville : Committee of I n q uiry. P.85/92

P r e sented by  Senator R. J.

S h e nton

 6 .  Strategic Policy Report for 1992

( P .7 0/92): second amendment . P.86/92 P r e sented by Senator N.L. Quérée

 7 .  Strategic Policy Report for 1992

( P .7 0/92): third amendment . P.87/92 P r e sented by the Housing

C o m mittee

 8 .  Strategic Policy Report for 1992

( P .7 0/92): fourth amendment . P.89/92 P r e sented by the Island

D  ev elopment Committee

The following subjects were lodged au Greffe''on 2nd June 1992 -

 1 .  Water resources in Jersey.

P . 7 8/92

P r e sented by the Public Services C o m mittee

2 . Jersey Arts Trust. P.79/92 P resented by the Education C o m mittee

Projet de Loi (199 ) (Amendement No. 2) sur les teneures en fidéicommis et l'incorporation d'associations. P.73/92

THE STATES acceded to the request of the Vice-President of the Legislation Committee that consideration of the projet de Loi (199 ) (Amendement No. 2) sur les teneures en fidéicommis et l'incorporation d'associations (lodged au Greffe'' on 26th May 1992) be deferred from the present Sitting to a later


Draft Separation and Maintenance Orders (Maintenance Payments) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 199 . P.74/92

THE STATES acceded to the request of the Vice-President of the Legislation Committee that consideration of the draft Separation and Maintenance Orders (Maintenance Payments) (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations

199 (lodged au Greffe'' on 26th May 1992) be deferred from the present Sitting to a later


Arrangement of Public Business for the next Sitting on 23rd/24th June 1992

THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the

next Sitting on 23rd/24th June 1992 -

S trategic policy report for 1992 . P.  L odged: 19th May 1992 P olicy and Resources Committee.

S trategic policy report 1992

( P.70/92): amendment . P  H ousing Committee.

S trategic policy report 1992

( P.70/92): second amendment . P  S enator N.L. Quérée.

S trategic policy report 1992

( P.70/92): third amendment . P  H ousing Committee.

S trategic policy report 1992

( P.70/92): fourth amendment . P  I sland Development Committee.

P ublic entertainment: responsibility

f or content . P  L odged: 12th May 1992 D eputy S. Syvret.

D raft Judicial Fees (Amendment No. 2)

( Jersey) Regulations 199  . P  F inance and Economics Committee.

D raft Family Allowances and Social

S ecurity (Reciprocal Agreement with

A ustralia) (Jersey) Act 199 . P  S ocial Security Committee.

D raft Unlawful Public Entertainments

(Jersey) Regulations 199 . P  D efence Committee.

Jersey Electricity Company Limited: power station contract. Questions and answers. (Tape No. 137)

Senator John Stephen Rothwell asked Senator Pierre François Horsfall, President of the

Finance and Economics Committee, the following questions -

1.  W ould the President confirm that

th e J. E .C. Power Station contract

h as b e en awarded to the United

K i n g d om Company, Tilbury Douglas?

 2 .  Would the President confirm that

T i lb ury Douglas has been granted a l ic e nce under the Regulation of

U  n dertakings and Development Law even t h o ugh the price differential compared

t o o ther tenders is less than 10 per

c e n t and therefore does not conform to

y o u r Committee's accepted policy on

e m p loying outside contractors?

 3 .  Would the President confirm that

T i lb ury Douglas, currently engaged on

t h e Underpass Contract, employ no local l a bo ur and are housing workers in

P o r takabins on the West of Albert site?

 4 .  Is it also correct that Tilbury

D  o uglas priced to supply and

m  an ufacture their own concrete, using t h ei r work station at the reclamation

s it e - in short, using a States

c o n tract site to manufacture for

a n o ther job?

 5 .  Is is true that the concrete lorries to

b e u sed by this company are too large f o r Island roads and would therefore n e e d special dispensation?

I s i s true that the concrete lorries to

b e u sed by this Company are too large f o r Island roads and would therefore n e e d special dispensation?

 6 .  The difference between the Tilbury

D  o uglas tender price and local tenders

i s a round £200,000 which almost

c e rt ainly can be accounted for by the

s a v ing in concreting. Is this fair and

r e as onable when local companies buy on a r e gular basis from Normans, Ronez and G  ra nite Products and cannot afford nor

i n d eed want to set up their own

c o n crete producing plant as it would

a d v ersely affect their trading

r e la tionships?

 7 .  Is it fair to award this Contract to

a n o utside group when the Construction i n d ustry is in recession and yet

e m p loyers are still expected to send

y o u ngsters to Highlands College for

t ra i ning in quantity surveying,

b l ocklaying, carpentry and so on?''

The President of the Finance and Economics Committee replied as follows -

1.  I am informed that the Jersey E le c t ri city Company has not yet fo r m a l ly awarded the contract to T il b u r y Douglas for the extension to th e J.E.C. power station.

 2 .  My Committee at its meeting on 1st

J u n e considered a licence application

f ro m Tilbury Douglas, under Part II of

t h e Regulation of Undertakings and

D  ev elopment (Jersey) Law 1973, as

a m e nded, and decided that the licence

c o u ld be granted if certain conditions

w  er e met. My Committee continues to

g i v e preference to the local

c o n struction industry when considering

a p p lications for a licence under the

R e g ulation of Undertakings and

D  ev elopment Law. The general policy of m  y Committee is that, unless the work

i s s pecialist and is unable to be

    u n d ertaken by local firms, licences

s h o uld be granted to non-local

c o n tractors and sub-contractors only

w  h ere there is a significant price

a d v antage. The lowest tender submitted

b y a local company in partnership with

a l a rge mainland contractor, after

a r it hmetical and compliance checks and

i n co rporating an amount for an addendum b i ll of quantities relating to

a d d itional items of work required by

t h e employer, was in excess of the

t e nd er submitted by Tilbury Douglas by

o v e r 10 per cent.

 3 .  I understand that certain workers on

t h e underpass contract are housed in

p o r takabins with the express approval

o f P ublic Services, Public Health and

I s la nd Development Committees. I am i n fo rmed that the majority of those

c u r rently employed by Tilbury Douglas w  er e recruited locally, but it is not

k n o wn what proportion have residential q u a lifications.

 4 .  The Economic Adviser's Office has

b e e n informed by the Public Services

D  ep artment that the present facilities

o n the West of Albert roadworks

c o n tract site, including staff

a c c ommodation, batching plant and site p o s session in general, are dedicated to

t h e purposes of the contract works in

t h e contract with the Public Services

C o m mittee and for no other purpose. I

u n d erstand therefore that it will not

b e p ossible for Tilbury Douglas to

m  an ufacture their own concrete for the J e rs ey Electricity Company contract

u s in g their work station at the

r e cl amation site.

T h e proposal by Tilbury Douglas to

m  an ufacture concrete (using aggregate

s u p plied locally) was designed to

a c h ieve the relatively high rate of

c o n crete production required by the

d e m anding time programme for this

c o n tract. I understand that the

J e rs ey Electricity Company is currently r e v iewing with its consulting engineers a n d Tilbury Douglas modifications to

t h e methods of construction to reduce

t h e requirement for high rates of

c o n crete pouring. It is now considered

t h at a substantial proportion of

c o n crete requirements can be purchased l o ca lly but the Jersey Electricity

C o m pany requires that Tilbury Douglas h a v e the capability to supplement local

p r o duction where necessary to maintain t h e work programme and such a concrete p r o duction facility could be

a c c ommodated on the La Collette power s ta t ion site.

 5 .  This is not really a matter for

m  y Committee. However, I understand t h at the need of the company for any

s p e cial dispensation is currently being c o n sidered by the Motor Traffic Office a n d the Defence Committee.

 6 .  The information on the tenders

s u p plied by the Jersey Electricity

C o m pany shows that the difference

b e tw een the tender received from

T i lb ury Douglas and the lowest tender i n v olving a local company is £291,000. I a m advised that the inability of

T i lb ury Douglas to supply and

m  an ufacture their own concrete using

t h ei r work station at the reclamation

s it e will not have any significant

e f fe ct on the tender price

d i fferential. What is of greater

i m p ortance for the Jersey Electricity

C o m pany is that the rate of concrete

p r o duction is such as to achieve the

c o n tract programme so that the new

e l ec tricity generating plant can be a v a ilable for winter 1993/94 when it is n e e ded for electricity capacity

p u r poses.

 7 .  Tenders were invited for the main civil

w  o rks in connection with the Power

S t a tion extension from seven civil

e n g ineering contractors based in Jersey

a n d the United Kingdom with a number of c o n ditions imposed by the Jersey

E l e ctricity Company to reflect -

 ( a) that the specialist nature of power

s ta t ion construction work and the

e x c eptionally onerous programme

r e q uirements demand the project

m  an agement and planning skills of an e x p erienced power station civil

e n g ineering contractor;

 ( b) that the Jersey Electricity Company was t o ta lly committed to a policy that all

n o n -specialist civil engineering and

b u i lding work should be undertaken

u s in g Jersey based resources wherever

p o s sible.

T he principle conditions imposed on t enderers were that -

 ( a) each of the three local contractors

i n v ited were required to form an

a s s ociation with an experienced United K  in gdom power station construction

c o n tractor to submit a tender in which t h e allocation of work was acceptable

t o t he two parties involved and to the

J e rs ey Electricity Company and the

J e rs ey authorities;

 ( b) each of the United Kingdom contractors s h o uld seek an association with a local

c o n tractor with the same agreement on

w  o rk allocation as in (a) above;

 ( c) tenderers were required to demonstrate h o w they intended to comply with the

J e rs ey Electricity Company's

r e q uirement to maximise the use of

s u it ably skilled local labour.

M y Committee has reinforced this last

r equirement placed upon the tenderers by

t he Jersey Electricity Company. The licence

t o be issued to Tilbury Douglas under the

R egulation of Undertakings and Development

L aw will contain the following conditions -

 ( i) that all persons to whom part of this

c o n tract is let or sub-let shall be

r e si dentially qualified, or firms long

e s ta blished in the Island, unless the

a g r eement of the Finance and Economics C o m mittee has otherwise been obtained;

 ( ii)  t hat the labour to be employed by th e ap p licant or by persons to

w h o m any part of the contract is

le t o r s ub-let shall be

es t a b li shed residents of the

Is l an d unless the agreement of the F in a n c e and Economics Committee h as o th erwise been obtained.''

Les Quennevais community swimming pool. Questions and answers. (Tape No. 137)

The Connétable of St. Brelade asked Senator Terence John Le Main, President of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee the following questions -

1.  I n view of the States' decisions

o f 3 0 th May 1989 and 26th June

1 9 9 0 r egarding the proposed

d ev e l o pment of a swimming pool at L e s Q u ennevais, would the

P re s i d ent inform the House of the

p ro g r e ss made?

 2 .  As a generation of children who attend

L e s Quennevais School from the west and c e n tre of the Island will have passed

t h ro ugh their education without

s w i mming facilities, will the President

e x p lain why this provision, which will

b e n efit local residents, has not been

i n cl uded in his Committee's capital

e s ti mates for 1993?''

The President of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee replied as follows -

1.  I n June 1990 the States approved

in p ri n ciple, capital for the

co n s t ru ction of a six lane, 25

m e t re pool, learner pool and

an c i ll a ry facilities adjacent to

th e S p orts Hall at Les Quennevais. T h e i n dicative cost of the

p ro p o s ed development was

£4 .2 m   (P.50/89 and P.57/90).

 2 .  The Education Committee included a sum

o f £ 4.2m in its capital request for

1 9 9 1 but this was subsequently deleted

b y the Finance and Economics Committee. T h i s was due to the extreme level of

c a p ital demands and the priorities that

h a d to be applied by the Finance and

E c o nomics Committee.

I n M ay 1991 the Sport, Leisure and

R e c reation Committee was formed. A

p r o visional assessment of the new

C o m mittee's capital requirements of £8m w as allotted for future projects. From

t h e outset my Committee decided its

p r io rities and inscribed £4.2m for the

s w i mming pool at Les Quennevais and

£1 . 5m for the development of a golf

c o u rse at Les Creux in 1993.

F o l lowing a meeting of Committee

p r e sidents and chief officers, Finance

a n d Economics on 19th February this

y e a r published its proposed capital

p r o gramme for 1993 - 1996. Under Table C L es Quennevais swimming pool was

r e co mmended for a planning vote. At its m  ee ting of 20th March my Committee

r e co rded its concern that whilst it was

p o s sible a planning vote would be

a p p roved in 1992, no clear indication

h a d been received as to when the

f u n ding for the development would be

m  ad e available. Under the new treasury g u i delines, it was assumed that a

p r e liminary planning vote for 1992

w  o uld be made available, a detailed

p l an ning vote in 1993 with the

d e v elopment proceeding in 1994.

H  o wever, much will depend on the

S t ra tegic Policy Report and capital

p r o gramme to be debated in the House on 2 3 r d/24th June.

T h e Sport, Leisure and

R e c reation Committee, anxious to

a d v ance the project, authorised Deputy d u Feu, together with officers to visit

t h e United Kingdom this month to view n e w facilities and investigate low cost d e v elopments such as one in Colne,

L a n cashire, which was completed for

l e ss than £2m. Once a specification has

b e e n developed, a brief will be

p r e pared and application made for the

p r e liminary planning vote. This planing

v o t e was promised to the Sport, Leisure

a n d Recreation Committee on 19th

F e b ruary 1992 at a meeting of Committee p r e sidents, chief officers, Policy and

R e s ources and the Finance and Economics C o m mittees after I had explained that

t h er e was a possibility of

i n v estigating a much cheaper option

t h an the £4.2m envisaged.

 2 .  My Committee is fully aware of

t h e desperate need of improved and new s w i mming pools in the Island. We share t h e Connétable of St. Brelade's concern t h at the pool at Les Quennevais is

n e e ded now.

W e are also aware that it is of paramount

i mportance that swimming lessons form part

o f every school's curriculum and that the

j ourney time to and from Fort Regent

v irtually precludes this activity for those

i n the west of the Island.

T he Pickering and Torkilsden Report in 1989 c oncluded that there was a need for two

a dditional pools to meet the demand for

i ndoor swimming provision by Education and t he Island's swimming clubs and supported a l eisure pool for the tourist and local

c ommunity at Fort Regent. It also concluded t hat Les Quennevais should have priority, a

v iew that was strongly expressed and

o verwhelming endorsed at a packed meeting t hey chaired at the Town Hall .

Y et nearly four years later, I am ashamed

t o say that as a government we are still at

t he planning stage. My Committee would be

o nly too pleased to proceed with the

c apital project in 1993 if the House added

i ts support when the 1993 - 1996 capital

p rogramme is debated. Whilst, like all

P residents, I accept the system of

c ollating capital projects is the only way

t o meet excess demand, there are times when p ublic need and opinion has persuaded the H ouse to alter its priorities and I would

l end support in this case.''

Bailiff 's Consultative Panel. P.90/92 THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton regarding the establishment of a Consultative Panel with whom the Bailiff would be able to meet in order to consult on a confidential basis on matters where the views of the Insular Authorities are customarily sought, including the appointment of Crown Officers. After discussion, and on the proposition of Deputy Stuart Syvret of St. Helier , the proposition was lodged au Greffe''.

Acte (1992) mettant en vigueur la Loi (1991) sur la copropriété des immeubles bâtis

THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 17 of the Loi (1991) sur la copropriété des immeubles bâtis made an Act entitled the Acte (1992) mettant en vigueur la Loi (1991) sur la copropriété des immeubles bâtis.

Bagot Villa, Plat Douet Road, St. Saviour: approval of Drawings

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Housing Committee -

 1 .  approved Drawings Nos. 013/13A, 14A,

1 5 A , 16A, 17A, 18A, 19A and 20, showing t h e development of Bagot Villa, Plat

D  o uet Road, St. Saviour and

n e ig hbouring property to provide 21

t w o -bedroom flats and four one-bedroom

f la t s;

 2 .  authorised the Greffier of the States

t o s ign the said Drawings on behalf of t h e States.

Jersey Gas Company Limited: purchase. P.69/92

THE STATES rejected a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee -

 1 .  to agree in principle to the purchase b y the States of all of the shares of

t h e Jersey Gas Company Limited;

 2 .  to agree to suspend the provisions of A  rt icle 18(8) of the Public Finances ( A d ministration) (Jersey) 1967, as

a m e nded, so that the necessary vote of c r ed it could be granted other than on a S u p ply Day.

Members present voted as follows - P o u r' ' (12)


 S henton, Rothwell, Le Maistre, Stein,  Q uérée


 S t. Lawrence


 L e Gallais(S), St. Peter , Le Sueur(H),

 B ailhache(H), Baudains(H), Le Fondré(L)

C o n t r e'' (25)


 B innington, Horsfall, Baal, Le Main, Chinn

Connétable s

 S t. John, St. Helier , St. Mary, St. Martin,  S t. Peter, Grouville


 R oche(S), Blampied(H), Norman(C), St. John,  B audains(C), Buesnel(H), Huelin(B),

 J ordan(B), Clarke-Halifax(H), St. Martin ,

 L e Geyt(S), Walker (H), Syvret(H),

 C respel(H).

Senator Reginald Robert Jeune ; Arthur Philip Quérée, Connétable of St. Ouen, Enid Clare Quénault, Connétable of St. Brelade; Leonard Picot, Connétable of Trinity ; Robin Ernest Richard Rumboll, Deputy of St. Helier; Percy John Le Masurier, Deputy of St. Ouen; Henry George Coutanche, Deputy of St. Lawrence and Derek Ryder Maltwood, Deputy of St. Mary each declared a direct pecuniary interest in the

subject matter of the proposition and withdrew from the Chamber prior to consideration of the proposition.

Changes in Presidency

During consideration of the proposition

regarding the purchase of the Jersey Gas Company Limited, the Bailiff retired from the Chamber. The debate continued under the Presidency of Geoffrey Henry Charles Coppock, Esquire, Greffier of the States.

THE STATES re-assembled after lunch under the Presidency of Senator Reginald Robert Jeune .

Field 951, St. Brelade: temporary accommodation. P.66/92

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator John Stephen Rothwell, requested the Island Development Committee to reconsider an application by Charles William Binet for permission to use temporary structures (portakabins) on Field 951, La Rue des Fosses à Mortier, St. Brelade, for seasonal staff accommodation.

Loi (1992) (Amendement) sur la location de biens-fonds. P.3/92

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Loi (1992) (Amendement) sur la location de biens-fonds.

Agricultural Land (Control of Sales and Leases) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1992. P.64/92

THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Agricultural Land (Control of Sales

and Leases) (Amendment No. 3) (Jersey) Law 1992.

St. Thomas' Roman Catholic Church: loan. P.71/92

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton, granted a loan to St. Thomas' Roman Catholic Church for the purpose of restoring stained-glass windows and replacing transoms, in an amount of £155,000 at an annual rate of interest of four per cent, to be

repayable at the end of five years.

Suspension of Standing Order No. 18(1)

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton, suspended Standing Order No. 18(1) in order to allow the proposition

concerning the appointment of a Committee of Inquiry to investigate the events that had affected the development at La Hougue Grange Farm, La Route de Catillon, Grouville , (P.85/92) to be considered at the present Sitting.

La Hougue Grange Farm development, Grouville : Committee of Inquiry. P.85/92

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton, decided to appoint a Committee of Inquiry to investigate the events that have affected the development at La Hougue Grange Farm, La Route de Catillon, Grouville .

Suspension of Standing Order No. 18(2)

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton, suspended Standing Order No. 18(2) in order to allow for the appointment

of the President of the Committee of Inquiry to investigate the events that have affected the development at La Hougue Grange Farm, La Route de Catillon, Grouville .

La Hougue Grange Farm development, Grouville - Committee of Inquiry: appointment of President

THE STATES on the proposition of Senator Richard Joseph Shenton, appointed Senator Jean Amy Le Maistre as President of the Committee of

Inquiry to investigate the events that have

affected the development at La Hougue Grange Farm, La Route de Catillon, Grouville .

Golf course, Les Creux, St. Brelade : purchase and lease of land. P.75/92

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Sport, Leisure and Recreation Committee, referred to their Act dated 28th October 1986, rezoning 262 vergées of land at Les Creux as a site for a municipal golf course and -

 ( a) approved the purchase from Mr. Nicholas A  lb ert Le Gallais of Fields 533 and

5 7 3 , St. Brelade , measuring 3.5 vergées

a n d 8.8 vergées respectively, shown

o u t lined in blue on Drawing

N o . 24/B/44, for the sum of £73,800;

( b) approved the lease from Mr. Nicholas A  lb ert Le Gallais of approximately 87.5 v e r gées of land at Fields Nos. 195,

1 9 6 , 197, 198, 198A, 200, 201, 202,

2 0 4 , 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 5 1 3 , 514, 515, 519, 520, 521, 522 and 5 2 3 , St. Brelade , shown outlined in

o r a nge on Drawing No. 24/B/44, for a p e r iod of 99 years with effect from 1st J u n e 1992, with an option to renew for a f u rther 99 years, at an annual rent

o f £ 1 with a single payment of

£5 0 8,750;

 ( c) approved the lease from Mr. Nicholas

A  lb ert Le Gallais of approximately 3.2

v e r gées of land, forming part of Field

1 9 8 A, St. Brelade, shown coloured in

g r e en on Drawing No. 24/B/44, being the s it e of various commercial premises,

f o r a period of 99 years with effect

f ro m 1st June 1992, with an option to

r e n ew for a further 99 years, at an

a n n ual rent of £1 with a single payment

o f £ 517,450 in respect of the

e x ti nguishment of all commercial

a c ti vities from the land;

 ( d) agreed to pay the vendor's legal fees i n c onnexion with paragraphs (a), (b) a n d (c) above;

 ( e) authorised the Sport, Leisure and

R e c reation Committee to purchase, lease a n d exchange additional areas of land

w  it h individual landowners as rezoned

b y the States on 28th October 1986

( s h own on Drawing No. 12.182.1) at

f a ir and proper prices to be agreed

w  it h the Finance and Economics

C o m mittee;

 ( f) authorised the Attorney General and the G  re ffier of the States to pass the

n e c essary contracts;

 ( g) authorised the Treasurer of the States

t o p ay the amounts specified in (a),

( b ) and (c) from the Island Development C o m mittee's capital vote of credit

C 0 9 04 - Acquisition of Land (Major

R e s erve);

 ( h) authorised the Treasurer of the States t o p ay the rents specified in (b) and

( c ) as they become due;

 ( i) authorised the Treasurer of the States t o p ay or discharge any expenses to be i n cu rred in connexion with the

a c q uisition, lease or exchange of the

a r ea s of land specified in paragraph

( e ) and all interest therein and the

p a y ment of any legal expenses.

Members present voted as follows - P o u r' ' (36)


 S henton, Binnington, Horsfall, Baal,  R othwell, Le Main, Le Maistre, Stein.

Connétable s

 S t. John, St. Mary, St. Ouen , St. Brelade,  T rinity, St. Martin, St. Peter , Grouville .


 L e Gallais(S), Roche(S), Rumboll(H), St.  J ohn, St. Peter , Baudains(C), Buesnel(H),  S t. Ouen, Coutanche(L), Huelin(B),

 J ordan(B), St. Mary, Bailhache (H),

 B audains(H), Clarke-Halifax(H), Le

 F ondré(L), St. Martin, Le Geyt(S),

W alker(H), Crespel(H).

C o n t r e'' (4)


 Q uérée

Connétable s

 S t. Clement, St. Lawrence


 S yvret(H)

Golf course, Les Creux, St. Brelade . P.101/91

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Finance and Economics Committee, agreed that responsibility for the establishment, management and (subject to the approval of the Finance and Economics Committee) the financing of the proposed 18 hole golf course at Les Creux, St. Brelade should now be assumed by the Committee for Sport, Leisure and Recreation.

Suspension of Standing Order No. 18(2)

THE STATES, adopting a proposition of Senator Jean Amy Le Maistre, suspended Standing Order No. 18(2) in order to allow for the appointment

of the members of the Committee of Inquiry to investigate the events that have affected the development at La Hougue Grange Farm, La Route de Catillon, Grouville .

La Hougue Grange Farm development, Grouville - Committee of Inquiry: appointment of members

THE STATES, on the proposition of Senator Jean Amy Le Maistre, President of the Committee of Inquiry, appointed Senator Bernard Thomas Binnington and John Nicolle Le Fondré, Deputy of St. Lawrence, as members of the Committee.

THE STATES rose at 5.25 p.m.

G .H .C . C O P P O CK G re f fi e r o f the States.