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STATES MINUTES 27t h S ept ember 1994 P ri c e : £ 3.00
T HE STATES assembled on Tuesday, 27th September 1994 at 9.30 a.m. under the Presidency of the Deputy Bailiff ,
P hi lip Martin Bailhache , Esq.
__ _______ ___
All Members were present with the exception of -
S enator John Stephen Rothwell - ill.
S enator Patricia Ann Bailhache - out of the I sland.
R obert Lester Le Brocq, Connétable of St. H elier - out of the Island.
T erence Augustine Le Sueur , Deputy of St. H elier - out of the Island.
E velyn Mabel Pullin, Deputy of St. Saviour
- out of the Island.
D ereck André Carter, Deputy of St. Helier -
o ut of the Island.
G ary Matthews, Deputy of St. Brelade - out
o f the Island.
__ _______ ___
P r aye rs
__ _______ ___
Subordinate legislation tabled
The following enactments were laid before the States, namely -
1 . Road Racing (Motor Vehicle R al ly) (Jersey) Order 1994.
R & O 8723.
2 . Health Insurance (Pharmaceutical B enef it List) (Jersey) Order 1994. R & O 8724.
3 . Post Office (Postal Orders)
( A m endment No. 18) (Jersey) Order 1994. R & O 8725.
Establishment Committee - appointment of member
THE STATES appointed Deputy Robin Ernest Richard Rumboll of St. Helier , as a member of the Establishment Committee.
Matters presented
The following matters were presented to the States -
1 . Equity in the income tax system. P r es ented by the Finance and
E conom ics Committee.
2 . Regulation of Undertakings and
D e vel opment: six-monthly manpower
r et ur ns. R.C.24/94.
F i na nce and Economics Committee.
T H E STATES ordered that the said report be pr inted and distributed.
Presented on 13th September 1994 -
3 . Welfare benefits: revised rates
f rom 1st October 1994. R.C.23/94.
F i na nce and Economics
C om mittee. THE STATES ordered that the s ai d r eport be printed and distributed.
Matters noted - land transactions
THE STATES noted Acts of the Finance and Economics Committees dated 5th and 19th September 1994 showing that in pursuance of Standing Orders relating to certain transactions in land, the Committee had approved -
( a) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the lease to TNT
O f f shore Island Express Limited of
w a r ehouse accommodation on the New N o r th Quay (Letting No. N8) measuring 3,160 s quare feet, for a period of
t hr ee years from 1st February 1994 at
an a nnual rent of £12,924.40
( repr esenting a rate of £4.09 a square
f oot ), subject to annual review and
paya ble six monthly in advance. (The
C om mittee rescinded its Act No. 2(a) of 21s t March 1994 as notified to the
S t a tes on 12th April 1994);
( b) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the renewal of the l eas e to Olivetti United Kingdom
L i m ited of 204 square feet of storage
acc ommodation on the first floor of the A i r port Freight Terminal (Letting
N o . B 146) for a period of three years
f rom 1st January 1994 at an annual rent of £ 1,364.22 (representing a rate of
£ 6.69 a square foot), subject to annual r ev iew. (The Committee rescinded its A c t No. 2(c) of 21st March 1994 as not ified to the States on 12th April 1994 );
( c) as recommended by the Harbours
and A irport Committee, the lease to
N o . 7 O verseas (Jersey) Squadron Air
T r ai ning Corps of 1.20.0 vergées of
l a nd at Field No. 46, Mont à la Brune, S t . B relade, for aperiod of nine years
f rom 1st January 1994 at an annual rent of £ 200. (The Committee rescinded its A c t No. 2(c) of 7th March 1994 as
not ified to the States on 15th March
1994 ).
( d) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the renewal of the
l eas e to Lynx Express Delivery Network L i m ited of Freight Bays Nos. 7 and 8
( L et tings Nos. B117 and B118), for a
per iod of three years from 1st January
1994 a t a rent of £12,014
( repr esenting a rate of £4.17 a square
f oot ), subject to annual review. (The
C om mittee rescinded its Act No. 2(d) of 7t h March 1994 as notified to the
S t a tes on 15th March 1994);
( e) as recommended by the Harbours
and A irport Committee, the lease to
S ecur icor Jersey Limited of 171 square f ee t of office accommodation in the
A i r port Terminal Building (Letting
N o . B 201), for a period of three years one m onth and three weeks from 1st
F ebr uary 1994 at an annual rent of
£ 2,052 (representing a rate of £12.00 a
s qua re foot), subject to annual review. ( T he Committee rescinded its Act
N o . 2 (e) of 7th March 1994 as notified t o t he States on 15th March 1994);
( f) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the extension of the
l eas e to G.P. Express (C.I.) Limited of
270 s quare feet of office accommodation i n t he Airport Terminal Building
( L et ting No. B133) at an annual rent of
£ 1,938 .60, and an area of 265.5 square
f ee t (Letting No. B134) at an annual
r en t of £1,838.08(representing a rate
of £ 7.18 a square foot),subjectto
annua l review. (The Committee rescinded i ts A ct No. 2(f) of 7th March 1994 as
not ified to the States on 15th March 1994 );
( g) as recommended by the Harbours
and A irport Committee, the lease to the
I sl and Wine Company Limited of a bunker on A lbert Pier (Letting No. A26) for a
per iod of three years from 1st February
1994 a t an annual rent of £2,430.44
( repr esenting a rate of £3.32 a square
f oot ), subject to annual review. (The
C om mittee rescinded its Act No. 2(h) of
7t h March 1994 as notified to the
S t a tes on 15th March 1994);
( h) as recommended by the Defence
C om mittee, the lease to Major Bernard
R al ph Baldwin of Crabbé Farm, St. Mary , f or a pe riod of nine years from 1st
O c t ober 1990 at an annual rent of
£ 5,500 less a deduction of £1,000 in
or de r to take account of the duties to
be pe rformed by him as Range Ward en and S af ety Officer, with rent reviews every
t hr ee years. (The Committee rescinded
i ts A ct No. 2(c) of 21st February
1994 a s notified to the States on 15th
Mar ch 1994);
( i) as recommended by the Public Services C om mittee, the lease to L'Etacq
E ngi neering Limited of an area of land at l 'Etacq Car Park, St. Ouen , for a
per iod of three years from 1st January
1994 a t an annual rent of £210, subject t o a nnual review. (The Committee
r es ci nded its Act No. 2(e) of 21st
F ebr uary 1994 as notified to the
S t a tes on 15th March 1994);
( j) as recommended by the Public Services C om mittee, the lease to Mr. Arthur Le
P enne c of Field No. 871, St. Ouen for a per iod of three years from 1st January
1994 a t an annual rent of £48, subject
t o a nnual review. (The Committee
r es ci nded its Act No. 2(f) of 21st
F ebr uary 1994 as notified to the States
on 15t h March 1994);
( k) as recommended by the Island
D e vel opment Committee, the lease to Mr. P et er Lamy of Field No. 87, Les
Q u enne vais, St. Brelade , for a period
of t hree years from 1st January 1994,
at an an nual rent of £350 (representing
a r at e of £70 a vergée) payable half-
year ly in advance on 1st January and
1s t J uly each year. (The Committee
r es ci nded its Act No. 3(b) of 7th F ebr uary 1994 as notified to the States on 15t h February 1994);
( l) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to Huelin- R enouf Shipping Limited of 280 square f ee t of office accommodation on first
f loor of the Airport Freight Building
( L et ting No. B132) for a period of
t hr ee years from 1st January 1994 at an annua l rent of £2,000 (representing a
r at e o f £7.14 a square foot), subject
t o a nnual review. (The Committee
r es ci nded its Act No. 1(d) of 24th
J anu ary 1994 as notified to the States
on 1s t February 1994);
( m) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to Channel I sl and Handling Limited of offices on
t he A lbert Pier (Letting No. A18 and
A 1 9 ) for a period of three years from
1s t N ovember 1993 at an annual rent of
£ 4,338 .04, subject to annual review.
( T he Committee rescinded its Act
N o . 1 (e) of 24th January 1994 as
not ified to the States on 1st February
1994 );
( n) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the lease to George T r oy and Sons Limited of office
acc ommodation on the New North Quay ( L et ting No. N20) for a period of three
year s from 1st January 1994 at an
annua l rent of £10,502.76 payable six-
m o nthly in advance, subject to annual
r ev iew. (The Committee rescinded its
A c t No. 1(f) of 24th January 1994 as
not ified to the States on 1st February
1994 );
( o) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the lease to Huelin- R enouf Shipping Limited of office
acc ommodation on the New North Quay ( L et ting Nos. N19 and N19A) for a
per iod of three years from 1st January
1994 a t an annual rent of £10,926.58
f or L etting No. N19 and £1,336.59 for
l et t ing No. N19A payable six-monthly in adva nce, subject to annual review. (The C om mittee rescinded its Act No. 1(g) of 24t h January 1994 as notified to the
S t a tes on 1st February 1994);
( p) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the lease to British Mi dl and Airways Limited of 593 square f ee t of ticket desk and office
acc ommodation at Jersey Airport
( let tings Nos. B10 and B10A) for a per iod of 18 months from 1st October 1993 a t an annual rent of £4,390.24.
( T he Committee rescinded its Act
N o . 2 (c) of 11th January 1994 as
not ified to the States on 18th January 1994 );
( q) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the lease to St.
H e l ier Port Services Limited of
241 s quare feet of office accommodation
on t he New North Quay (Letting No. N17) f or a pe riod of three years from 1st
O c t ober 1993 at an annual rent of
£ 2,731 .60, subject to annual review.
( T he Committee rescinded its Act
N o . 2 (d) of 11th January 1994 as
not ified to the States on 18th January
1994 );
( r) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the assignment of
t he l ease from P.J.N. Fishing Tackle to
Mr s . Deanna Catherine Burton, née
B ar ker, re. 158 square feet of premises
know n as The Alcove, St. Catherine's
B r ea kwater, St. Martin , from 1st
O c t ober 1993 to 12th April 1995 at an
annua l rent of £920.80, subject to
annua l review. (The Committee rescinded i ts A ct No. 2(e) of 11th January 1994
as n otified to the States on 18th
J anu ary 1994);
( s) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the renewal of the
l eas e to Channel Island Handling
L i m ited of 529 square feet of offices
on t he Albert Pier (Letting Nos. A11 to
A 1 9 ) for a further period of three
year s from 1st November 1993 at an
annua l rent of 4,338.04, subject to
annua l review. (The Committee rescinded i ts A ct No. 2(f) of 11th January 1994
as n otified to the States on 18th
J anu ary 1994);
( t) as recommended by the Harbours and
A i r port Committee, the renewal of the
l eas e to Mr. Gary Smith of 100 square
f ee t of premises at the Elizabeth
T er minal Kiosk (Letting No. E13) for a per iod of nine years from 1st January
1994 a t an annual rent of £1,260,
s ubj ect to annual review. (The
C om mittee rescinded its Act No. 2(g) of 11t h January 1994 as notified to the
S t a tes on 18th January 1994);
( u) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the extension of
t he l ease to the Jersey Sea Cadet Corps of t he German Bunker at St. Aubin's
F or t until 30th November 2000 at an
annua l rent of five pence. (The
C om mittee rescinded its Act No. 2(k) of 11t h January 1994 as notified to the
S t a tes on 18th January 1994);
( v) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the renewal of the
l eas e to Mr. Anthony George Benest of
S t on emasons Yard, Mont Mado, St. John , f or a pe riod of three years from 1st
N o vem ber 1993 at an annual rent of
£ 500, p ayable in advance and subject to
annua l review. (The Committee rescinded i ts A ct No. 2(l) of 11th January 1994
as n otified to the States on 18th
J anu ary 1994);
( w) as recommended by the Harbours and A i r port Committee, the renewal of the
l eas e to Mr. Graham Philip Holley of
l and m easuring 3.10.0 vergées at Field N o . 270, M ont à la Brune, St. Peter
( L et ting No. 68) for a period of one
year from 1st January 1994 at an annual r en t of £185. (The Committee rescinded i ts A ct No. 2(m) of 11th January 1994
as n otified to the States on 18th
J anu ary 1994);
( x) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the lease to Mr.
J us tin Lloyd-Jones of the site
m eas uring 4,200 square feet on which
t he bunga low Ramadi'' stood adjacent t o t he Beaumont Pumping Station, St.
P et er, for a period of three years from
1s t J anuary 1993 at an annual rent of
£ 683.8 0 payable half-yearly in advance
on 1s t January and 1st July. (The
C om mittee rescinded its Act No. 2(n) of 11t h January 1994 as notified to the
S t a tes on 18th January 1994);
( y) as recommended by the Island
D e vel opment Committee, the lease from t he N ational Trust for Jersey of the
N o r th Barrack Room, Grève de Lecq, St. O u en, f or a period of nine years from
13t h August 1993 at an annual rent of
£ 400 p ayable annually in advance. (The
C om mittee rescinded its Act No. 2(o) of 11t h January 1994 as notified to the
S t a tes on 18th January 1994);
( z) as recommended by the Public
S er vices Committee, the lease to the
J er s ey Race Club of an area of land at
L es Landes for a period of 21 years
f rom 30th September 1993 at an annual r en t of £1,000, subject to triennial
r ev iew. (The Committee rescinded Act N o . 2 (d) of 15th November 1993, of the C om mittee as previously constituted as not ified to the States on 30th November 1993 );
( aa) a s recommended by the Public
S er vi ces Committee, the lease to
M r . C hr istopher Hugh Taylor of
25 v er gées of land at Mont Mado,
S t. J ohn , for a period of nine
ye ar s f rom 24th June 1993 at an
an nual rent of £625, subject to
tr ienni al review. (The Committee
res ci nde d Act No. 2(d) of 1st
N ovem ber 1993, of the Committee as pr evi ous ly constituted as notified
to t h e S tates on 9th November
199 3 );
( ab) as recommended by the Defence C om m ittee, the lease to Mr.
M aur ice Francis Gotel of
14 v er gées of land at Fields
N os . 1 16 and 117, Crabbé, St.
M ar y, f or a period of six years
fr om 25t h December 1993 at an
an nual rent of £586, subject to a
rent r ev iew after three years.
(T he C ommittee rescinded Act
N o. 2 ( h) of 1st November 1993, of the C om mittee as previously
co ns tituted as notified to the
S tat e s on 9th November 1993);
( ac) a s recommended by the Harbours and A i rpor t Committee, the lease to
S tar T r avel Limited of 514 square
feet of office accommodation on
the f i rs t floor of the Freight
T er m ina l Building at Jersey
A i rpor t (Lettings Nos. B130 and
B 131 ) for a period of three years
fr om 1s t September 1993 at an
an nual rent of £4,626, subject to
an nual review. (The Committee
res ci nde d Act No. 2(a) of 20th
S ep tem ber 1993, of the Committee
as pr e vi ously constituted as
not i fi e d to the States on 28th
S ep tem ber 1993);
( ad) as recommended by the Public
S er vi ces Committee, the lease from M r . A nl ey John Dorey Richardson of a s tor age /packing shed at Les
T ihel les , St. Ouen , for a period
of t hr ee years from 1st April 1993
at an annua l rent of £3,100,
£ 3,2 00 and £3,300 for each
su cces sive year of the agreement,
to be p aid yearly in advance. (The
C om m ittee rescinded Act No. 1(b) of 27t h A ugust 1993, of the
C om m ittee as previously
co ns t it uted as notified to the
S tat e s on 28th September 1993);
( ae) a s recommended by the Harbours and A i rpor t Committee, the renewal of
the l eas e to Aurigny Air Services
L im it e d of 181 square yards of
land a t Jersey Airport (Letting
N o. L 14 ) for a period of three
ye ar s f rom 18th April 1993 at an
an nual rent of £1,693.36, subject
to annu al reviews up to a maximum
incr eas e of three per cent). (The
C om m ittee rescinded Act No. 2 of
2nd A u gust 1993, of the Committee
as pr e vi ously constituted as
not i fi e d to the States on 10th
A ugus t 1993);
( af) a s recommended by the Harbours and A i rpor t Committee, the lease to
C han nel Islands Handling Limited
of 341 s quare feet of office
ac com modation within the Elizabeth
T er m ina l from 1st June 1993 to
31s t O ctober 1998 at an annual
rent of £4,296.60, subject to
an nual review. (The Committee
res ci nde d Act No. 2(c) of 19th
Ju l y 19 93, of the Committee as
pr evi ous ly constituted as notified
to t h e S tates on 27th July 1993);
( ag) as recommended by the Harbours and A i rpor t Committee, the lease to
C ondo r (Jersey) Limited of
372 s qua re feet of office
ac com modation within the Elizabeth
T er m ina l for a period of three
ye ar s f rom 1st June 1993 at an
an nual rent of 4,713.24, subject
to annu al review on 1st November.
(T he C ommittee rescinded Act
N o. 2 ( d) of 19th July 1993 as
not i fi e d to the States on 27th
Ju l y 19 93);
( ah) as recommended by the Harbours and A i rpor t Committee, the lease to
F is hpor t Limited of Les Viviers de S te. C at herine (Letting No. STC5) for a per iod of three years from
1s t April 1993 at an annual rent
of £ 2,467 .50, payable six-monthly in adva nce and subject to annual revi ew . (The Committee rescinded A ct N o. 1 (c) of 28th May 1993, of the C om mittee as previously
co ns t it uted as notified to the
S tat e s on 8th June 1993);
( ai) as recommended by the Harbours and A i rpor t Committee, the lease to
M es s rs . Denis Clarence and Martin
L 'E nf an t of 500 square feet of
ac com modation at the Victoria Pier
V i v ier (Letting No. V32) for a
pe r i od of three years at an annual
rent of £1,405, subject to annual
revi ew . (The Committee rescinded
A ct N o. 2 (f) of 30th April 1993,
of t he C ommittee as previously
co ns t it uted as notified to the
S tat e s on 11th May 1993);
( aj) as recommended by the Harbours and A i rpor t Committee, the lease to
M r s . M arjory Janet May Brooker,
né e D avi s, of land occupied by the
H ungr y Man Café, Rozel, for a
pe r i od of three years from 1st May
199 3 at an annual rent of £433.10,
su bj e ct to annual review. (The
C om m ittee rescinded Act No. 2(g)
of 11t h Ma y 1993, of the Committee
as pr e vi ously constituted as
not i fi e d to the States on 2nd
M ar c h 1994 );
( ak) as recommended by the Harbours and A i rpor t Committee, the lease to
C han nel Island Tourist Services
L im it e d of 433 square feet of
ac com modation in the Airport
A r ri va ls Hall for a period of
thr e e yea rs from 1st April 1993 at
an annua l rent of £4,546.50,
su bj e ct to annual review. (The
C om m ittee rescinded Act No. 2(d)
of 22nd F ebruary 1993, of the
C om m ittee as previously
co ns t it uted as notified to the
S tat e s on 2nd March 1994);
( al) as recommended by the Harbours and A i rpor t Committee, the lease to
the C as ters Sea Angling Social
C lu b of Alcove 1, St. Catherine's
B r eakw ater, St. Martin , for a
pe r i od of three years from 1st
N ovem ber 1993 at an annual rent of
£ 10 .80. (The Committee rescinded A ct N o. 2 (a) of 11th January 1993 of t he C ommittee as previously
co ns t it uted as notified to the
S tat e s on 2nd February 1993);
( am) as recommended by the Island
D eve lopm ent Committee, to agree to the r eaf firmation of the subject
bou ndar y and to agree to the
P ubl i c entering into a Deed of
A r range ment as owners of the Old
M i ll P ond/Reservoir dependent to
the f or mer Town Mill' belonging
to t h e publ ic, with Mr. Ronald
K ei t h N icholls and Mrs. Maureen
O l g a N icholls, née Bisson, as
ow ner s of The Cottage', Grands
V aux, S t. Helier, with both
pa r t ies meeting their own legal
co s t s;
( an) as recommended by the Island
D eve lopm ent Committee, the renewal of t he l ease from Mr. Martin Ralph
C hi nner y, of the three-bedroom
co t t age, 1 Clos de Douet, St.
Jo hn, f or the period 1st September
199 4 t o 31st August 1995, at an
an nual rental of £11,136.65;
( ao) as recommended by the Public
H eal t h C ommittee, the lease from M i s s J osephine Dorothy Hamon of the t w o -bedroom house known as N ew l ands'', Mont es Croix, St.
B r el a de, f or a period of three
ye ar s f rom 12th October 1994, at
an annua l rent of £9,360.00;
( ap) as recommended by the Public
S er vi ces Committee, the entering
int o of a Deed of Arrangement with M r . R ona ld Keith Nicholls and Mrs. M aur e en Olga Nicholls, née Bisson, ow ner s of The Cottage'', Grands
V aux, S t. Helier, in respect of
the M i ll Pond/Reservoir dependent to t h e f ormer Town Mill''
be l ong ing to the public, on the
ba s i s t hat each party would meet
it s ow n legal costs in relation to
the t r an saction;
( aq) as recommended by the Agriculture an d F i sheries Committee, the
renew al of the lease to Mr. Arthur
W al ter Le Marquand of Warr en Farm,
N oi rm ont, St. Brelade , for a
pe r i od of nine years from 24th
D ece m ber 1994, at an annual rent of £ 3,500 subject to triennial
revi ew . (The Committee rescinded it s A c t No. 2(c) of 15th August 199 4 as notified to the States on 6t h S ept ember 1994);
( ar) a s recommended by the Island
D eve lopm ent Committee, the
en t er i n g into a Contrat de
B or nem ent with Mr. Alan James
S hi pt o n and Mrs. Patricia Kathleen S hi pt o n, née Le Beuvant, in order to -
( i) declare the wall between Le Clos de s F onds and the property Ker
B r iac ', L a Rue de la Pasture,
G r ou vi lle a party wall;
( ii ) t ransfer the ownership of a strip of l a nd m easuring approximately 200 s qua re feet to Mr. and Mrs. S hi pt o n; and
( ii i) gr ant a right to connect Ker B r iac ' t o the mains water supply w i thi n L e Clos des Fonds;
f or a t otal consideration of £1,500, al l r easonable fees and the cost of all acc ommodation works;
( as) a s recommended by the Island
D eve lopm ent Committee, the lease fr om V ictor Hugo Management
L im it e d of the Victor Hugo site,
G r è ve d' Azette, St. Clement , for a
pe r i od of nine years rent free,
co m m encing from the date of
si gni ng t he agreement, subject to
a b r ea k cl ause at any time should
the C om pany undertake to
recom mence its development
pr ogr amme or sell the site to a
thi rd par ty who would recommence the de vel opment programme.
Matters lodged
The following subjects were lodged au Greffe'' -
1 . Draft Social Security
( R ec iprocal Agreement with Great
B r i tain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of
Man and Guernsey) (Jersey) Act 199 -
P .116/ 94.
P r es ented by the Social Security C om mittee.
2 . Field 1489, Bellozanne Valley, S t . H elier: purchase - P.117/94. P r es ented by the Island
D e vel opment Committee.
3 . Berry House, 16 Val Plaisant,
S t . H elier: sale to Les Vaux Housing T r us t - P.118/94.
P r es ented by the Housing
C om mittee.
4 . Jersey Field Squadron Royal
E ngi neers (Royal Militia of the Island of J ersey) and the Princess of Wales' R oyal Regiment: authority to march
w i th Colours flying, drums beating
and b ayonets fixed'' in Jersey -
P .119/ 94.
P r es ented by the Defence
C om mittee.
5 . West of Albert Pier reclamation
ar ea, S t. Helier - Phases II and III:
pur chase from the Crown of foreshore - P .120/ 94.
P r es ented by the Island
D e vel opment Committee.
6 . Draft Franchise (Amendment
N o . 5 ) (Jersey) Law 199 (P.104/94): am endm ent - P.121/94.
P r es ented by Deputy J.L. Dorey
of S t. Helier.
7 . Appel nominal - revised
pr oc edure (P.79/94): amendment - P .122/ 94.
P r es ented by Deputy J.L. Dorey
of S t. Helier.
8 . Jersey Transport Authority: r es pons ibilities - P.123/94. P r es ented by Deputy D. R. Mal twood of St. Mary .
L odged on 13th September 1994 -
1 . Draft Double Taxation Relief
( A r rangement with the United Kingdom) ( Je r sey) Act 199 - P.112/94.
P r es ented by the Finance and
E conom ics Committee.
2 . La Collette factory units: l eas ing - P.113/94.
P r es ented by the Island D e vel opment Committee.
3 . Draft Island Development
C om mittee (Change of Name) (Jersey) Act 199 - P.114/94.
P r es ented by the Island
D e vel opment Committee.
4 . Draft Licensing (Licence Fees)
( Je r sey) Regulations 199 - P.115/94. P r es ented by the Tourism
C om mittee.
Arrangement of public business for the present meeting
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the present meeting -
D raft Cheques (Amendment) (Jersey) L aw 199 - P.102/94. Revised.
L odged: 9th August 1994.
F inance and Economics Committee.
D raft Diseases of Animals (Amendment N o. 4) (Jersey) Law 199 - P.110/94.
L odged: 6th September 1994.
A griculture and Fisheries Committee.
D raft Amendment (No. 15) of
t he Standing Orders of the States of J ersey - P.111/94 Revised.
L odged: 6th September 1994.
H ouse Committee.
D raft Double Taxation Relief
( Arrangement with the United Kingdom) ( Jersey) Act 199 - P.112/94.
L odged: 13th September 1994.
F inance and Economics Committee.
D raft Island Development Committee ( Change of Name) (Jersey) Act 199 - P .114/94.
L odged: 13th September 1994.
I sland Development Committee.
D raft Licensing (Licence
F ees) (Jersey) Regulations 199 - P.115/94. Lodged: 13th September 1994.
T ourism Committee.
Arrangement of public business for the next meeting on 11th October 1994
THE STATES confirmed that the following subjects lodged au Greffe'' should be considered at the
next meeting on 11th October 1994 -
A ppel nominal: revised procedure - P.79/94. L odged: 7th June 1994.
D eputy J.L. Dorey of St. Helier .
A ppel nominal - revised procedure ( P.79/94): amendment - P.122/94. D eputy J.L. Dorey of St. Helier .
P rojet de Loi (199 ) (Amendement N o. 5) sur l'Instruction Primaire - P .88/94.
L odged: 5th July 1994.
C omité de l'Education.
D raft Judicial Fees (Amendment No. 4) ( Jersey) Regulations 199 - P.103/94
L odged: 9th August 1994
F inance and Economics Committee.
D raft Franchise (Amendment No. 5) ( Jersey) Law 199 - P.104/94 .
L odged: 9th August 1994.
L egislation Committee.
D raft Franchise (Amendment No. 5)
( Jersey) Law 199 (P.104/94): amendment - P.121/94.
D eputy J.L. Dorey of St. Helier .
L a Collette factory units: leasing - P .113/94 - P.113/94.
L odged: 13th September 1994.
I sland Development Committee.
D raft Social Security (Reciprocal Agreement with Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and Guernsey) (Jersey) Act
199 - P.116/94.
S ocial Security Committee.
F ield 1489, Bellozanne Valley, St. H elier: purchase - P.117/94.
I sland Development Committee.
B erry House, 16 Val Plaisant,
S t. Helier: sale to Les Vaux Housing P ..118/94.
H ousing Committee.
J ersey Field Squadron Royal Engineers
( Royal Militia of the Island of Jersey) and t he Princess of Wales Royal Regiment:
a uthority to march with Colours flying, d rums beating and bayonets fixed'' in
J ersey - P.119/94.
D efence Committee.
J ersey Transport Authority:
r esponsibilities - P.123/94.
D eputy D.R. Maltwood of St. Mary .
International Conventions - questions and answers (Tape No. 251)
Deputy Imogen Stephanie Nicholls of Grouville asked Senator Reginald Robert Jeune , President of the Policy and Resources Committee the following questions -
1. A t the last meeting of the States
on 6 t h S eptember 1994, the
P res i dent of the Policy and
R es our ces Committee confirmed that the de ci sion to derogate from
A r ti c le 7 of the United Nations
C ove nant on Economic, Social and
C ul t ur al Rights had been taken by
the t hen L egislation Committee.
W oul d the President advise Members w het her any other reservations
ha ve be en entered for Jersey under
thi s C ovena nt?
2 . At the last meeting of the States, the
P r es ident of Policy and Resources
C om mittee confirmed that the United
N a t ions Convention on the Elimination of A ll Forms of Discrimination Against Wom en was not ratified for Jersey on
t he gr ounds of cost. Would the
P r es ident advise Members whether any r es ear ch was undertaken either at that
t im e, or since, into the cost of
r at i fying this Convention?
3 . Would the President advise whether -
( a ) any research has been undertaken to det er mine if racial
di s cr i m ination' exists in Jersey?
( b ) any costs have been incurred in Je r s e y as a result of the
ap pl i cat ion of the International
C onve ntion on the Elimination of A l l F or ms of Racial
D i scr im ination? and
( c ) the States of Jersey makes
an y f inanc ial contribution to the
w or k of the United Nations in
pr om ot ing Human Rights throughout the w or ld?
4 . Would the President clarify whether r ep orts that have been prepared by the S t a tes of Jersey in compliance with
i nt er national conventions over the year s are available for study in Jersey by m embers of the public?''
The President of the Policy and Resources Committee replied as follows -
1. A part from Article 7, the only
ot her r eservation requested in
197 6 by t he then Legislation
C om m ittee to the United Nations
C ove nant on Economic, Social and C ul t ur al Rights, was in respect of
A r ti c le 6(i) which
re qui red parties to recognise
the r i ght to work which includes the r i ght of everyone to the
opp or t unity to gain his living by w or k w hich he freely chooses or ac cept s' and requires the taking
of appr opriate steps to safeguard thi s r ight .''
I n a letter dated 24th February, 1976
t o t he then Bailiff informing him of
t he dec ision of the Legislation
C om mittee, the Greffier of the States expl ained that the United Kingdom G o ver nment proposed to reserve the
r ight to interpret Article 6 as not
pr e cluding the imposition of
r es t rictions, based on place of birth
or r esidence qualifications, on the
t aki ng of employment in any particular r eg ion or territory for the purpose of
s af egua rding the employment
oppor tunities of workers in that region or t erritory.'' The Committee was of
t he opi nion that this reservation would be s ufficient also to cover the needs
of t he Island.
2 . When answering the question to which t he D eputy refers, I quoted from an Act of t he Legislation Committee as
f ol l ows -
H avi ng not ed that acceptance of
the C onve ntion would require the
en act m ent of legislation and the
es t a bl i shment of tribunals, etc.,
the C om mittee decided it would not w i sh t o commit the Island to
en act ing lengthy complex
legi sl a tion on the lines of the
U ni ted Kingdom Sex Discrimination
an d E qual Pay Acts, with the res ul t a nt administrative costs to the I s la nd.''
F r om this, one can surmise that the
ques tion of administrative cost was one of t he factors taken into account by
t he t hen Legislation Committee when it deci ded the Convention should not be ext ende d. Presumably the costs to which t he L egislation Committee of the day
r ef er red were not only financial, but
al s o i ncluded the costs in time and
m anpow er of drafting and enacting
l engt hy and complex legislation along
t he l ines of the United Kingdom's Sex D i s crimination and Equal Pay Acts, and t he r esultant administrative costs to
t he I sland of implementing the
l egi slation, for example by the setting up of and staffing of tribunals and so on.
T her e is an important point to be made her e about the extension of Conventions s uch as this to the Island. Having
exam ined the correspondence relating to t hi s matter going back to 1973, it is
cl ear that all those involved at a
pol itical level have agreed
w h ol eheartedly that all forms of
di scr imination in this Island should be
r em oved. Indeed, the States endorsed
t hi s view in January, 1991 when
deba ting Senator Stein's proposition on equa l opportunities. The point that
m u st be made, and must be made strongly i n o rder to remove any doubt from any per son's mind is that a failure to
acc ept the extension of a convention to
t he I sland does not mean that the
I sl and is not totally committed to
adopt ing similar, but less complex and
l oc al , measures to achieve the same
obj ectives.
J er s ey frequently is able to endorse
t he pr inciples and objectives of a
C onvent ion but, quite rightly, demands t he f reedom to give effect to those
pr inci ples and objectives in the manner bes t suited to local circumstances. Man y Conventions, including the one r ef er red to in the Deputy 's question, have a requirement that legislation
m u st be enacted to give effect to the
C onvent ion. If Jersey takes the view, as i t has in this case, that
l egi slation is not the appropriate way of g iving effect to the Convention
l oc al ly then, ipso facto, it cannot acc ede to the Convention.
T he vi ew taken in the past, and which
i s s till relevant today, is that Jersey
does not necessarily have to slavishly enac t the complex legislation that
m ight be required in a big country such as t he United Kingdom. A lesser amount of s pecifically focused local
l egi slation, or even appropriate and
acc epted codes of practice, might well pr ov ide the answer at a significantly
l es s er cost. Indeed, Senator Stein has
s uppo rted this view. The report
acc ompanying her proposition in 1991
s tat ed that the most important issues
t o a ddress were (a) equal pay and (b)
m at ernity leave, and it went on to
s ay -
I do not believe it is necessary
for J er sey to enact the endless
legi sl a tion as stipulated in the
U ni ted Nations Convention on the
E li m i n ation of all Forms of
D i scr im ination Against Women, and I hope t o find a way of dealing
w i th t hes e matters which is
ap pr opr iate to a community of our
si ze .''
O n l y recently, in December 1993, the G u er nsey States of Deliberation decided not to extend the Convention because of i ts at tendant legislative requirements.
T hey a greed however to condemn
di scr imination against women in all its f or m s, and also to actively work
t ow ards eradicating discrimination in
al l i ts forms.
G i ven the recent questions in the
S t a tes, the Policy and Resources
C om mittee has decided to undertake a
f ul l review of the Island's position
w i t h regard to the International
C ovena nt on Economic, Social and
C ul tural Rights and the United Nations
C onvent ion on the Elimination of all
F or ms of Discrimination Against Women.
I n r eaching this decision, my Committee r ec al led that in January 1991, the
S t a tes, in agreeing to the setting up
of t he Special Committee on Sex
D i s crimination, endorsed the principle
t ha t all forms of discrimination
w h et her against women or men should be r em oved.
T he C ommittee also is aware that the
r ol e of the Special Committee, which
i nc l uded bringing forward
r ec om mendations to ensure that men and w o m en receive equal pay for work of equa l value, that female employees are ent i tled to a reasonable minimum of
m at ernity leave, and that any other
f or m s of discrimination between men and w o m en are removed as soon as
pr a cticable, has now been taken over by
t he I ndustrial Relations Committee.
T he P olicy and Resources Committee
t he r efore has decided to meet with the
I ndu strial Relations and Social
S ecur ity Committees to discuss how each s ee the way ahead in carrying out their
r es pec tive roles in ensuring that
w o m en, and also men, are not
di scr iminated against. My Committee
al s o ha s confirmed that a review of the
I sl and 's position on the elimination of
al l f orms of discrimination will be
i nc or porated as part of its overall
r ev iew of social policies which it is
cur rently undertaking in response to
S enat or Shenton's Social Charter
pr op osals (and Deputy Matthews'
am endm ents to those proposals) and as par t of the overall review of the
S t a tes strategic policies to which the
S t rat egic Policy Review and Action Plan f or 1994 r eferred.
3 . (a) Jersey has recently reviewed the
ap pl i cat ion of the International
C onve ntion on the Elimination of
A l l F or ms of Racial Discrimination an d has submitted a report to the
U ni ted Nations. This report,
en t i tl ed Human Rights
C onve ntions: Reports for Jersey'
w as t ab led before the House on 7th Ju ne 199 4 and is available at the
S tat e s G reffe Bookshop under the
ref e ren ce R.C.14/94.
( b) The only costs incurred to date
ha ve be en those relating to the
ti m e a nd m anpower associated with the r evi ew, to which I have just
ref e rr ed, an d in the production of
the r epor t submitted to this House
an d al s o the United Nations.
( c ) The Insular Authorities as a
de pende nt territory of the United
K i n gdom have not been requested to
m ake a con tribution towards the
U ni t ed Kingdom's financial
co nt r ibu tions to the work of the
U ni ted Nations in promoting human ri ght s , o r indeed towards any
ot her f inancial contribution by
the U ni ted Kingdom to the work of the U ni ted Nations.
4 . Hitherto, it has not been States policy t o p ublish the reports of the Insular
aut hor ities on International
C onvent ions. Reports are held on file i n t he States Greffe and could be made avai lable for inspection by States
Mem bers on request to the Greffier of t he S tates.
H o w ever, the Policy and Resources C om mittee's more recent policy
r eg arding publication of reports is cl ear ly stated in R.C. 14 on Human R i ght s Conventions as follows -
B eca us e of the interest
ge ner a ted by these particular
co nvent ions, and the widespread m i si nf ormation that existed about the I s la nd's response to them, the C om m ittee has decided to present the r epor ts formally to the States for t hei r information. Thus their
co nt e nt s will be available to
S tat e s M embers and the general
pub li c al ike.''
T he P olicy and Resources Committee will gi v e early consideration to the matter
of p ublic access to previous reports. I
w o ul d just like to add that when
deal ing with International Conventions and A greements etc., my Committee is com mitted to be as open as possible.
O n e exa mple of this is the inclusion of
s pec ific information on these matters
w i t hin the annual strategic policy
r ep orts.''
International conventions on planning policy - question and answer (Tape No. 251)
Deputy Imogen Stephanie Nicholls of Grouville asked the Connétable of St. John , President of the Island Development Committee the following question -
Would the President advise Members which I nternational Convention obligations, if
a ny, the Island Development Committee
c onsiders when formulating policies and
m aking decisions under the Island Planning ( Jersey) Law 1964, as amended?''
The President of the Island Development Committee replied as follows -
The majority of planning policies which
m y Committee apply were approved by the S tates in the Island Plan in 1987.The Plan
i s still an excellent basis for the future
a nd was produced after wide consultation
a nd discussion. Since my Committee took
o ffice we have identified the need for an
u pdate of certain sections, particularly
t rade and industry, and will bring forward
a mendments as our resources allow.
C ircumstances change, in the Island as well a s internationally, and these policies need
t o reflect both local and international
a spects as far as possible. In a small
I sland with limited land availability,
t here are bound to be land use issues in
w hich local circumstances have to override.
U nder the present procedures, the Policy
a nd Resources Committee co-ordinates all
m atters concerning International
C onventions. My Committee receives from the G reffier copies of only those external
d ocuments relevant to my Committee, which
i nclude United Nations Conventions,
E conomic Community directives, United
K ingdom regulations and various
c onsultation and discussion documents. My
o fficers have the responsibility for
i dentifying matters of importance and
b ringing them to the attention of the
C ommittee. Increasingly such documentation i s of very high volume and complexity and
c onsumes large amounts of time in their
s crutiny. This will be one of the tasks of
m y Committee's new Director of the
E nvironment when appointed. This difficulty h as also been recognised by the Greffier
w ho is currently employing a graduate to
a ssist in their analysis and co-ordination.
I can provide the following list of
C onventions which I recall my Committee h as considered in principle, and their
d etailed applications. In some cases this
h as resulted in legislative changes and
o ther policy changes -
B er ne Convention on the Conservation of E uropean Wildlife and Natural
H a bi tats
B onn C onvention on the Conservation of Mi gr atory Species of Wild Animals
U n i ted Nations Convention on
E nvi ronmental Impact Assessment in a T r an sboundary Context
R A MSAR Convention on Conservation of W etlands of International Importance
U n i ted Nations Convention concerning t he P rotection of World Cultural and N a t ural Heritage
U n i ted Nations Convention on B i odi versity (Rio)
C ounci l of Europe - Convention on t he P rotection of Archaeological
H e r itage
C ounci l of Europe - Convention for t he P rotection of Architectural
H e r itage of Europe.
T his provides a good example where we have n ow completed our proposals for grants and
l oans to assist the owners of listed
b uildings - an obligation of this Economic
C ommunity directive which we have decided t o adopt.
A s far as planning decisions are
c oncerned, these have to be made within the p arameters of the law and existing
p olicies, and guidelines issued in support
o f those policies as all are open to legal
c hallenge.''
Human rights conventions on housing policy - question and answer (Tape No. 251)
Deputy Imogen Stephanie Nicholls of Grouville asked Deputy Leonard Norman, President of the Housing Committee the following question -
Would the President advise Members which, i f any, of the provisions of Human Rights
C onventions are considered by the Housing
C ommittee when formulating policies and
m aking decisions under the Housing (Jersey) L aw 1949, as amended?''
The President of the Housing Committee replied as follows -
Jersey is subject to the provisions of
t he European Convention for the Protection
o f Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
A mong the rights and freedoms protected by t he Convention is the individual's right to
r espect for his private and family life and
h is home, subject to interference by a
p ublic authority to the extent that it is
j ustifiable in accordance with the
p rovisions of the Convention.
I can advise the States that the
l egislation presently in force, that is,
t he Housing (Jersey) Law 1949, and the
H ousing (General Provisions) (Jersey)
R egulations 1970, were challenged in 1984 a s being in breach of the Convention.
T he challenge was rejected by the
E uropean Commission of Human Rights. Among
o ther things, the Commission said at page
1 1 of its judgment -
I n t he present case the purpose of
t he H ousing (Jersey) Law 1949, as
am ende d, together with the measures
t aken by the Housing Committee to
ens ure the Law was, as previously
s tat ed, to avoid uncontrolled
i m m igration and to ensure that existing acc ommodation would be available to per sons with a recognised connection
w i t h Jersey, either by birth or by the
per iod of continuous residence on the
I sl and . The Commission considers this ai m to be both objective and
r ea s onable.''
S ince that judgment was given on the 16th M ay 1985, the Committee has been confident t hat the legislation to which I have
r eferred is in accordance with the
r equirement of the Convention. It has
f ramed its policies in accordance with the
t hinking approved by the European
C ommission as being objective and
r easonable.''
Engineering project in West's Centre, St. Helier - questions and answers (Tape No. 251)
Deputy Jeremy Laurence Dorey of St. Helier asked Senator Vernon Amy Tomes, Vice-President of the Public Services Committee the following questions -
1. D oes the Vice-President agree that
the en gi neering project planned in the ar ea of West's Centre, while of undoub ted benefit to the people of t he I sland as a whole, is of
ve r y l i ttle direct benefit to the
W es t 's Centre traders, and may
w el l ha ve the effect of driving
so m e of them out of business, ther eby i ncreasing unemployment level s i n the Island?
2 . Does the Vice-President agree that the m o st effective way for the Public
S er vices Committee to carry out the
pr oj ect, requires the active co-
oper ation of the traders in the area?
3 . If the answer to question 2 above is in t he af firmative, does the Vice-
P r esident agree that such co-operation coul d and should be taken into account by t he Public Services Committee in
t he i r plans for the project?
4 . Would the Vice-President lend his
s uppo rt to any request by the traders
of t he area for ex gratia compensation paym ents to offset their trading
l os s es, and in particular, would the
P ubl ic Services Committee consider
chan nelling any contractual penalty
paym ents for overrun on the project, to t he peop le who would be directly
af fec ted by any such overrun - the
l oc al traders?''
The Vice-President of the Public Services Committee replied as follows -
1 . The project is of benefit to the
t rader s as, in extreme cases, West's
C ent re could be flooded. The
s ur char ging of old sewers is a cause of t he col lapse of brick sewers. Overflow w i l l help reduce risk.
I c annot accept that the engineering pr oj ect will, of itself, have the
ef fec t of driving some traders out of bus iness. To say more than that would be m ere speculation as I do not have acc ess to the accounts of individual
t rader s.
2 . Yes.
3 . The traders have been consulted at
ever y step over the last 12 months - by l et t ers and meetings. The consent of
ever y one of those who has an interest i n t he land is necessary before the
pr oj ect can proceed on their land.
4 . It is States' policy not to compensate
f or di sturbance caused during the
cons truction of essential works. There
ar e no s ectional liquidated damages in
t hi s contract - only the simple
l iqui dated damages at the completion of t he w orks.
T o di vert those, if any, which arise in
t hi s case, to the local traders would
be t o create an unacceptable precedent and w ould be contrary to States policy. T he t raders have sought compensation
f or t he disruption in the form of a 50 per cent contribution towards their
r at es . The Committee cannot accede to t ha t request. However, the Committee w i l l require access to the privately
ow ned s quare in order to carry out the w o r k and has offered to lease the land
r eq uired from the traders. The rent
t hu s paid would indirectly provide some com pensation. Negotiations are
cont inuing.''
Engineering project in Gorey Village - questions and answers (Tape No. 251)
The Connétable of Grouville asked Senator Vernon Amy Tomes, Vice-President of the Public Services Committee, the following questions -
1. Wo uld the Vice-President explain
the r eas ons for carrying out the
su r f a ce w ater drainage project in
G or e y V illage between October 1994
- May 1995?
2 . Would the Vice-President not agree that t he w ork is likely to cause major
econ omic problems to traders in Gorey
V i l lage and the possibility of
unem ployment?
3 . Would the Vice-President explain why det ai ls of this project were not
br ou ght to the States well in advance
f or cl earance and debate?''
The Vice-President of the Public Services Committee replied as follows -
1. T he old brick sewer system in
G or e y V illage operates on a
co m bi ned flow system, that is, it takes bot h foul and surface water fl ow s , a nd therefore it has to be
co nnect ed to the foul sewer
sy s t e m . As a result, large
qua nt i ties of surface water
ove r l oad t he foul sewage pumping st at i on , at Le Rivage, and puts
unn eces sary loading on the foul
se w e rs downstream. Additionally,
in t i m es of storm, combined flow
co nt a ini ng foul sewage has to be
sp i ll ed to sea. The overloading of the pum ping station has also
res ul t e d in localised flooding,
an d t hi s risk is ever present.
D eve lopm ents in Gorey Village have ad ded t o the problem. This project
w i ll al low separation of the
su r f a ce w ater, which will relieve
the pr obl ems.
I t i s not a major engineering project, i n t he sense that works of this nature and m agnitude are being carried out r eg ularly in other parts of the Island.
2 . No. Access will be provided to
bus inesses and hotels, and road
cl os ures will be minimised by
cons tructing most of the underground
w o r k by tunnelling. When road closures
ar e nec essary, alternative routes for
acc ess will be arranged. The work has
been planned between October and May to m ini mise the effects on hotels and
bus inesses in the area.
3 . The existing States procedures do not
r eq uire such projects (sewerage schemes w h i ch are underground) to have the
appr oval of the States.
P r opo sals to change the procedures to cove r such schemes have been suggested, but these are not yet agreed. The
pr oj ect was, however, described in the capi tal estimates, which were approved
by t he Public Services Committee, the
F i na nce and Economics Committee and the P ol icy and Resources Committee, and even tually by the States.''
Elizabeth Harbour Terminal, St. Helier - lease of office accommodation
THE STATES, adopting a proposition of the Harbours and Airport Committee Committee -
( a) approved the lease to Condor (Jersey) L i m ited of 1,626 square feet of offices
( L et ting Nos. E1 to E7) and a storeroom m eas uring 277.50 square feet (Letting N o . E 23) in the Elizabeth Harbour
T er minal, St. Helier , for a period of
ni n e years from 1st April 1994, at an annua l rent of £21,085.20 for the
of fi ces (representing a rate of £12.96
a s q uare foot) and £2,866.50 for the
s tor eroom (representing a rate of
£ 10.33 a square foot), subject to an annua l review on 1st November and paya ble quarterly in advance;
( b) authorised the Attorney General and the G r ef fier of the States to sign the
nece ssary contract;
( c) authorised the Treasurer of the States t o r eceive the amounts involved in the t rans actions as they become due.
Cheques (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1994 - P.102/94 (Revised)
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a
Law entitled the Cheques (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 1994.
Diseases of Animals (Amendment No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1994 - P.110/94
THE STATES, subject to the sanction of Her Most Excellent Majesty in Council, adopted a Law entitled the Diseases of Animals (Amendment
No. 4) (Jersey) Law 1994.
Amendment (No. 15) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey - P.111/94 Revised
THE STATES commenced consideration of amendments of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey
and -
Paragraphs 1. and 4. were adopted. Paragraph 2.(a) was adopted. Paragraphs 2.(b) and 3. were adopted.
Members present voted on paragraphs 2.(b) and 3. as follows -
P our ' ' (36) Senators
J eune, Horsfall, Le Main, Le Maistre, S tein, Quérée, Chinn.
Connétable s
S t. Clement, St. Lawrence , St. Mary , St. B relade, St. Peter , Grouville , St. Saviour , T rinity, St. Martin , St. Ouen , St. John .
W avell(S), St. Peter , H. Baudains(C), St.
O uen, Coutanche(L), Huelin(B), St. Mary , S . Baudains(H), Le Fondré(L), Le Geyt(S), C respel(H), Trinity , Johns(H), Duhamel(S), D orey(H), Layzell(B), Breckon(S),
G rouville.
C ont r e'' (7)
S henton, Syvret, Tomes.
W alker(H), Routier(H), Huet(H), St. Martin . Paragraphs 5. and 6. were adopted.
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 27 of the States of Jersey Law 1966, made amendments of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey.
Double Taxation Relief (Arrangement with the United Kingdom) (Jersey) Act 1994 - P.112/94
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 111 of the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961 as amended, and of all other powers enabling them in that behalf, made an Act entitled the Double Taxation Relief (Arrangement with the United Kingdom) (Jersey) Act 1994.
Island Development Committee (Change of Name) (Jersey) Act 1994 - P.114/94
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 29 of the States of Jersey Law 1966, as amended, made an Act entitled the Island Development Committee (Change of Name) (Jersey) Act 1994.
Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 1994 - P.115/94
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 11 of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974, as amended, made Regulations entitled the Licensing (Licence Fees) (Jersey) Regulations 1994.
THE STATES rose at 11.23 a.m.
C .M . N E WC O MB E D eput y Greffier of the States.