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STATES MINUTES 11t h S ept ember 1996 P ri c e : £ 1.00
T HE STATES assembled on Wednesday, 11th September 1996 at 9.30 a.m. under the Presidency of the Greffier of the States,
Geoffrey Henry Charles Coppock, Esquire __ _______ ___
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor,
General Sir Michael Wilkes, K.C.B., C.B.E, w as pr e sent.
__ _______ ___
All members were present with the exception of -
S enator Terence John Le Main - absent
S enator Stuart Syvret - suspended
L eonard René Hamel, Connétable of St.
C lement - out of the Island
K enneth Priaulx Vibert , Connétable of St. O uen - ill
T erence Augustine Le Sueur , Deputy of St. H elier - out of the Island
S hirley Margaret Baudains, Deputy of St. H elier - ill.
__ _______ ___
P r aye rs
__ _______ ___
Harbours and Airport Committee - vacancy in Presidency
In accordance with Article 28(3) of the States
of Jersey Law 1966, the President gave notice that there was a vacancy in the office of
President of the Harbours and Airport Committee.
Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1996 - P.129/96, amendments and second amendments - resumption of debate
THE STATES resumed consideration of the Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1996.
Sub-paragraph (e) of paragraph 2 was adopted, as amended.
Deputy Gary Matthews of St. Brelade withdrew his amendment that at the end of clause (i) of the sub-paragraph there be inserted the words
, but without recourse to compulsory redundancies''. Clause (i) was then adopted.
Clause (ii) was withdrawn by the President of
the Establishment Committee. Clause (iii) was adopted.
The debate was then adjourned. Change in Presidency
During consideration of sub-paragraph (e) of paragraph 2 of the Strategic Policy Review and Action Plan 1996 the Greffier retired from the Chair and the debate continued under the presidency of the Bailiff , Sir Philip Bailhache .
Committees of the States: reorganization - P.107/96 and P.134/96
THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of the Policy and Resources Committee on the reorganization of the Committees of the States. The States, referring
to their Act, dated 28th September 1995,
recording their acceptance of the policy for the public sector as set out on page 57 of the
Strategic Policy Review 1995 - Part I ( 2000 & Beyond''), and their agreement of the objectives
for the public sector set out in paragraph 11.12
of that Review, adopted sub-paragraph (a) as amended, the States having accepted an amendment of Deputy Robert Charles Duhamel of St. Saviour that the words the proposals for reducing the number of Committees of the States as set out in the report of the Policy and Resources
Committee, dated 1st July 1996, and to approve'' be deleted.
Sub-paragraph (b) was adopted.
Sub-paragraph (c) was adopted as amended, the States having accepted an amendment of Deputy Duhamel that after the words Task Force'' there should be substituted the following -
to investigate, and to report to the S tates on -
( i) the proposed terms of reference of
the ne w Committees and those given ad di t ion al responsibilities,
incl udi ng an identification and
an al y s is of the future discharge
of t he r esponsibilities of the C om m ittees that will cease to ex i s t;
( ii ) t he proposed constitution of each
ne w C ommittee and each Committee gi ven a dditional responsibilities
an d any m ajor sub-Committee or
si m i l ar body that is proposed to
su ppor t a given Committee and the
pol i ti cal accountability of the
su bor di nate body;
( ii i) t he proposed lines of
com m un i cation between
C om m i tt ees, identifying areas for i nt er - Committee co-
o per a t ion;
( iv ) the financial and manpower im pl i cat ions of the new
ar r a ngem ents;
( v ) the legislative changes necessary
to i m pl ement the new arrangements, w i th an estimate of the consequent
de m a nd on l aw drafting services;
( vi ) the operational and organizational ef f ici enci es that will accrue from
the ne w arrangements;
( vi i ) the target timetable for im pl e m ent ing the new
ar r ange m ents.''
THE STATES thereupon - ( a) agreed in principle -
( i) the creation of a new Finance and M anpow er Committee;
( ii ) t he creation of a new Law and O r de r C ommittee;
( ii i) t he creation of a new Civil A f fai rs C ommittee;
( iv ) the creation of a new Industry C om m ittee;
( v ) the transfer to the Employment and S oc ial Security Committee of the
funct ion s of the Industrial
R el at ion s Committee;
( vi ) the transfer to the Housing
C om m ittee of the functions of the C ot t ag e Homes Committee;
( vi i ) the disbanding of the
O cc upat ion and Liberation C om m i tt ee;
( vi i i) the transfer of the functions
o f t he O ver seas Aid Committee
to a T r us t formally
es t abl i s hed f or that purpose;
( b) confirmed the responsibilities of the
P ol icy and Resources Committee set out i n p aragraphs 13 to 15 of the report;
( c) charged the Policy and Resources
C om mittee to set up a Task Force to i nv estigate, and to report to the
S t a tes on -
( i) the proposed terms of reference of
the ne w Committees and those given ad di t ion al responsibilities,
incl udi ng an identification and
an al y s is of the future discharge
of t he r esponsibilities of the
C om m ittees that will cease to
ex i s t;
( ii ) t he proposed constitution of each
ne w C ommittee and each Committee gi ven a dditional responsibilities
an d any m ajor sub-Committee or
si m i l ar body that is proposed to
su ppor t a given Committee and the
pol i ti cal accountability of the
su bor di nate body;
( ii i) t he proposed lines of
com m un i cation between
C om m i tt ees, identifying areas for i nt er - Committee co-
o per a t ion;
( iv ) the financial and manpower im pl i cat ions of the new
ar ra ngem ents;
( v ) the legislative changes necessary
to i m pl ement the new arrangements, w i th an estimate of the consequent
de m a nd on l aw drafting services;
( vi ) the operational and organizational ef f ici enci es that will accrue from
the ne w arrangements;
( vi i ) the target timetable for im pl e m ent ing the new
ar r ange m ents.
THE STATES rose at 4.50 p.m.
C .M . N E W C OMBE D eput y Greffier of the States.